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Old Growers becoming obsolete


Active member
Why do people think that the "mass produced" stuff won't be as good?

Well it does not help that much of what I have tried from dispensary sources was incredibly unimpressive to put it mildly. Huge bag appeal; huge price tag; boring & short-lived high.

Honestly I think a huge part of the problem is that so many retired cops and other non-smoker types got some of the first licenses to do large-scale grows and in some places are trying to keep it that way.

If it was truly a business dominated by long-time growers who are long time tokers and who put the same love into a warehouse as they do into their closet grows I would feel differently about it. Investors will never grow the quality of weed that enthusiasts do. That is generally true of any type of plant though.


I don’t think old growers are getting obsolete except those that make themselves obsolete with their own attitude. I think there’s a lot of respect and admiration by many of us for all the work that they’ve done to get us here. I started growing in the 2nd half of the ‘80’s and I had a ton of respect for what the guys before me had figured out and I think most serious growers today respect the history and treasure the knowledge about old strains. Especially the ones kept alive all this time by older growers! There will always be a market for high quality hand grown flower that uses the best genetics and is lovingly tended by an expert grower with a solid and established technique. @CrushnYuba - it’s a very rare thing for anyone to be able to mass produce an Ag product in large quantity that matches the quality of a smaller operation. I have no doubt that you could grow some dank bud in a large scale operation but I’ll bet you that the flower coming out of your own, personal, garden would be BETTER than even your commercial stuff. It’s not that commercial is “bad” it’s that it’s just not AS good. Some of it is just a perception thing, too. No matter how good a commercial product is, you will NEVER convince some people. Their perception/opinion/bias will convince them that the micro brew is better EVERY time. If nothing else, it’s this viewpoint that assures their will always be a market for the non-commercial scale grower.

I gotta kind of laugh about the premise here. Lol! I mean, in Humboldt in the ‘80’s and in Boulder in the ‘90’s all you heard was, “God, I wish for the day that ganja is legal and we don’t have to deal with CAMP!” and, “Do you think it’ll ever be legal?” Then, when it finally does become legal, I hear complaints about THAT! Lol! Just can’t win!

Man, those of you that miss the days of hiding from helicopters, boobytrapping your grows, sneaking around at night with a pit in your stomach every time a dog barks and tapping into other people’s electricity are that disgusted with legalization, come move to a state that’s still anti-cannabis! There’s plenty of them out here with high pricing for your quality flower and plenty of consequences for producing it! Lol!

Things aren’t going away....they’re just changing. As things always do. Just like life, you’ve got to learn to adapt to the changing times. This should be an exciting and rewarding time for all cannabis growers. It’s all in how you look at things.

St. Phatty

Active member
Well it does not help that much of what I have tried from dispensary sources was incredibly unimpressive to put it mildly. Huge bag appeal; huge price tag; boring & short-lived high.

Sounds like Diamond Cannabis in Grants Pass Oregon.

Had one experience with their 'cannabis' and decided to grow in Winter 2018 - simply so that I had adequate meds in September October 2018, just before harvest.

Fortunately other dispensaries have opened up.


Señor Member
I don't understand why people keep saying things like "people will get tired of the mass produced boring stuff"
If i had 10 unskilled, reliable full time employees and a whole bunch of capital, i could easily crank out 10,000lbs of the best weed you have ever seen. Why do people think that the "mass produced" stuff won't be as good?

Because mass-produced stuff has been in full swing since 2012 and it's already a fact. I'm sure you could produce the best weed in the world, but if you want to compete in the industry, it's going to be 8 to 10 week, one-dimensional indica dominant, have that OG chem smell that seems to be the only thing people want in their weed.

Even when dispensaries sell "sativa" offerings, it's almost always outdoor haze genetics, or some bullshit masquerading non-sativas like c99 or something. Basically, anytime I've tried smoking a sativa from a dispensary, it ends up being, at best, a sativa-leaning pheno of an indica-dom plant.

And then there's the whole thing about strains having names that are familiar, but certainly don't reflect the actual version thereof. I'm thinking about "blueberry" that doesn't smell like blueberry (if anything at all), "haze" that has little to none of that identifiable haze smell and flavor, "Durban" that looks like round golf ball shaped Kush nugs.

I'm not saying that there isn't quality, well-grown cannabis in the industry. I'm saying that it's, for the most part, exclusive to the shorter-flowering varieties and whatever reincarnation of OG is the current trend of the week. That works out very well for people who like the narcotic or mild stuff, and there's clearly a market for it, so that's great. I'm just saying that I suspect people will eventually realize, much like they did in the world of beer, that they've been missing out on the good doppelbocks and IPAs all that time they were drinking Coors.

There are still tons of people who drink Budweiser and Coors, so clearly that commercial segment of the industry is where it's at for profits, but it's just that those people don't represent the entirety of beer consumers.

Same thing will happen with cannabis.


I don't understand why people keep saying things like "people will get tired of the mass produced boring stuff"
If i had 10 unskilled, reliable full time employees and a whole bunch of capital, i could easily crank out 10,000lbs of the best weed you have ever seen. Why do people think that the "mass produced" stuff won't be as good?

I feel the same way. I hear people with 8-1000watt lights, coco, and ___ nutes saying "mass produced stuff sucks.." What the difference between 8-1000watt lights and 80-1000watt lights ? or 800-1000watt lights ?

Same conditions, same nutes. In realty probably better conditions and more stable and consistent dry and cure in a commercial grow vs residential basement.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Because whenever something is produced at that scale there are interests in cutting quality for profit, and at such a scale it's not one person's decision.

Convince anyone else.

I've seen it happen to every commodity in my time.

You'll hear cries of quality always surviving but the fact is it's lost in a sea of what will be recognized as the new norm.

Prices will remain inflated growers will get paid less and more profit will be generated for the investors by dropping costs thusly fucking quality up the butt.


Well-known member
renewed interests to keep your mind young. reflect, take steps to prevent the mundane.

watch others for some insight but dont base your life off their sugar coated posts.

become efficient as possible at what you do without sacrificing quality.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
If you grow for a while or breed for a bit you'll recognize that yield and quality are diametrically opposed.

It's just a sad fact that Americans generally prefer more for less.

I haven't seen a real tomato in the store in decades.

There are plenty of great ones at the farmers market though.

Ask those sellers how much they rake in.


Active member
If you grow for a while or breed for a bit you'll recognize that yield and quality are diametrically opposed.

It's just a sad fact that Americans generally prefer more for less.

I haven't seen a real tomato in the store in decades.

There are plenty of great ones at the farmers market though.

Ask those sellers how much they rake in.

Yield and quality are not diametrically opposed. It's very rare, though, to find a high quality, high terpene, high vigor, high yield plant. Just like it's rare to see people who are 10/10 on the attraction scale. It's just really hard to get all of those traits to line up in one geno/phenotype.

For example, Santa Cruz Blue Dream and GMO are both very very high yielding plants, and both produce very high quality flower. Some of the best in the world, if you ask me. Unfortunately, they both need 10 weeks minimum to mature, so they aren't likely to be used in large scale production.

St. Phatty

Active member
I think it's possible this is one area where using your personal name on the dispensary (or dispensary chain) would help get the sales, if you have a reputation for being completely quality obsessed.


John Sugg's dispensary, I can not recommend highly enough.

Man is obsessed with quality, and had so many submissions when it was a medical dispensary that even good Cannabis was not good enough.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
As soon as somebody finds that plant I want to know!

PS I find Blue Dream disappointing but haven't grown it myself so I'm not well informed in my opinion.


Active member
As soon as somebody finds that plant I want to know!

PS I find Blue Dream disappointing but haven't grown it myself so I'm not well informed in my opinion.

You are not alone, Blue Dream is one of the most 'faked' flowers on the planet, has been for over a decade. There are probably more fake cuts than real, and even when someone has a real cut they never ever take it to 10+ weeks because most people who grow Blue Dream are cash croppers.

I hold GMO, Triangle Kush, Underdog, and a bunch of other elites and Santa Cruz Blue Dream is never ever leaving my stable. Without a doubt my favorite morning / early afternoon herb. I'd be smoking it right now if it weren't one of the first jars to run out every damn time....


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Morning all. My .02. The commercial growers I know are all excellent and know their way around the block. The problem with them is over time they become a slave to $$. I have 4 friends that have been turning and burning most of their lives. Three of them have done time but come back and start right up again because it is the only way they know how to make a living.

They grow great but $$ makes them start taking short cuts. Pesticides are used when needed no matter what stage the plant is in. I have seen Eagle 20 and Azamax used late into flower....They can't afford to loose a crop. They force feed the crap out of them for better yield, never flush if using chem ferts. But most of all the dry cure process doesn't exist. Hang em, bag em and ship em. Cash is king and will ruin a good master grower.....


As soon as somebody finds that plant I want to know!

PS I find Blue Dream disappointing but haven't grown it myself so I'm not well informed in my opinion.

I have had some great Santa Cruz Blue Dream.. Nice uplifting, clean come down, spectacular daytime smoke. I have also had stuff people called "Blue Dream" that was junk.

The real cut grows like a beast with forearm sized colas.


Well-known member
Had a shop a block away for years that closed recently.

Saw the owner a few weeks back and he told me that he was seeing the cartridges become 40 % of his sales.


Active member
Just had a patient ask why my medicine didn't burn the back of his throat like the dispensary stuff does. "Is yours not that strong?" "No, I give it a 7-10 day flush to get the Nutes out of it." "Can you not flush as long so I get that burning"

*Facepalm dopeslap*


Active member
I have had some great Santa Cruz Blue Dream.. Nice uplifting, clean come down, spectacular daytime smoke. I have also had stuff people called "Blue Dream" that was junk.

The real cut grows like a beast with forearm sized colas.

Yup, that's the one - One of the most vigorous plants I've ever grown with maybe the exception of GMO. Massive yielder, even when things aren't dialed 100%. You can only get the fire BD nailing it for 10 weeks, though...

St. Phatty

Active member
I have had some great Santa Cruz Blue Dream.. Nice uplifting, clean come down, spectacular daytime smoke. I have also had stuff people called "Blue Dream" that was junk.

The real cut grows like a beast with forearm sized colas.

Had a customer who bought some tools from me about 4 years ago bring his Blue Dream oil and his Nail and his blowtorch for the work session.

I would have liked to have seen the original plant, but the Oil education was still pretty interesting.

I smoked about 4 lung-fulls during the day. Decent buzz, obviously very potent.

Was hung-over the next day.

I had a Fem Blue Dream once grown indoors, she was a good plant, made good meds.


Active member
Just had a patient ask why my medicine didn't burn the back of his throat like the dispensary stuff does. "Is yours not that strong?" "No, I give it a 7-10 day flush to get the Nutes out of it." "Can you not flush as long so I get that burning"

*Facepalm dopeslap*

Wow! I guess they've trained themselves to expect certain qualities from it and anything outside of that just doesn't feel right.

Personally, once I switched to a truly organic grow I ended up with bud that smoked smoother than anything I had ever smoked to that point. I even knew some guys who grew outdoors but they all used chem salts. One guy even used dog shit on his plants one year. None of that ever smoked as smooth as my organic soil bud.


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
Just had a patient ask why my medicine didn't burn the back of his throat like the dispensary stuff does. "Is yours not that strong?" "No, I give it a 7-10 day flush to get the Nutes out of it." "Can you not flush as long so I get that burning"

*Facepalm dopeslap*

Cutting the Cal/Mag 30 days before harvest helps a lot as well.