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ok i owned up to everything


stone fool
Good luck man. Eight years ago this month I died of alcohol poisoning, was just lucky my bro new I was in trouble and got me to the er first. That was it for me. You be strong enough.
<Problem drinker

Chucked the bottle out of my life 5 years ago and I never looked back. Fuck booze. Herb is a blessing.

I sure wish I could talk to my parents about my cannabis use. Imagine.. I'm in my 50's and I still hide it from them :( really really depressing.

best of luck bro



I'm very happy to hear that, NOKUY - you are normally such a smart, funny, articulate guy, I'm glad you've decided to make the change.

I too have a booze problem - so I rarely drink anymore. I'd never drink if I could have a steady supply of herb, but that's life.

Find the strength in your lady, and your child.

Keep that happiness in your heart - and never look back.

We love you man - you have many, many people here that care, don't forget that.

Thanks to your Mom, and to S4L for helping you.

(S4L - you rock, buddy. You know how I feel).

Much love to you all.


i quit drinking just before my son was born. as randude said everything bad in my life was connected to alcohol.
lost 2 great friends and my uncle to booze.
wish you and your family much love




Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

I'm glad you came out and admitted your troubles bro, pls
any of you considered to be Yukons friend should know he
could use your support right now. He quit toking to keep a
job that UA's randomly but took up drinking for I guess his
own reasons but now has to quit cold turkey. I'm sure most
of us recall his acknowledging finding out he has diabetes
when he posted his "Always Thirsty" thread, drinking booze
is a BIG no-no for us diabetics; add in his other issues and
there's zero room for liquor. Yukon's posted about all of his
problems here recently and obviously liquor can play a bad
roll in each and every one of them.

all of you skeptics/haters need to focus that energy elsewhere
although you're certainly entitled to your opinion(s).......



Active member
Glad to hear that your getting things straightened out bro....

I quit drinkin' a little over 9 years ago....best thing that I've ever done for myself.

Handle your business and take care of you and yours....

If you ever need anything just holla.... me and uncle ted got ya back.



yeah this (^^^^^) is pretty stupid.

but for me bruh, ive always seen you as a real cat so nuff respect for you realizing that you need to chill out and put things in their proper perspective.

these days and times require that sort of thing, as i myself find im in a postition where i dont want to be the type pf person that i need to be , but i have no choice. atleast yours is for the betterment of you and your family, mine is just bullshit (IMO) but its what has to be done.

one love cuz and you'll get right, first step is always the hardest for some, but you took yours strong so, far as i see, you'll be fine


It's nice when users help other users so if S4L helped you mate then i say good luck to both of you. Seeing people work together here restores my faith a little.


Sending good vibes your way even at 21 I had a period where I was an alcoholic quitting cold turkey is the best, I now can enjoy a beer or two once every two weeks but other than that I don't drink anything really fucking hard at 21.


Yukon,I am also an alcoholic. Been on the wagon for 7 years now. Still feel like having a drink even now. Keep moving in the right direction.:comfort: MW


I used to do coke and heroin and it stole everything from me...destroyed my life, etc....now I smoke pot like cigarettes but everyone is pretty much ok with it, especially since it is way safer and healthier for you than going on a drinking bender....plus I got Hep C from sharing needles so I would die a miserable death if I liked drinking...luckily the strain I have is easily killable with interfuron so I need to get on that but don't want to go through the biopsy again...but you did the right thing, it is much easier being open and honest...


Active member
All apologies for going along with it. I forget that a lot of people are tight around here.

Just because i wouldnt post my personal life here doesnt mean that others dont use it as a sounding board. My comment was in bad taste.

I was wrong. :ying:

Get better Yukon. :comfort: