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ok i owned up to everything


Active member
told and showed my mom about all the weed i grew, dont know what she told my stepdad...prolly not much.

told her how much i drank and quit drinkin....s4l and mom helped me understand some of it....

almost lost my wife, almost lost my life

there are no more lies and no more worries....took me 37 yrs to figure it out...sober here on out and will move to a med state.

s4l thanks bro:thank you:


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
Moderation is key my man

If you can't do the here and there then that makes perfect sense to STOP whatever it is that is taking over. Anything can be that crutch and not simply drinking. I find that with my own life and those around me, those with addictive personalities tend to "all or nothing" everything they do.

I used to do the AA thing, went dry for a few years then realized that I was addicted to the AA meetings and was STILL living in my past, what terrible shit I USED to do and the meetings themselves were not productive AT ALL.

Once I realized that I was able to have a drink here and there BUT if and when I found myself buying a 12'r everyday or cracking a brew at 8am I gave myself some time off BUT also in that same thought made sure not to get addicited to something else because that in itself is just as bad for the day to day living.

Moderate everything you do. For instance, you give up drinking but instead find yourself smoking a bowl every hour on the hour. That can be bad for you as well, not health wise but just in general for an addictive personality trait.

Stay up and glad you are doing what you feel is best for you.


Trying to have a good day
told and showed my mom about all the weed i grew, dont know what she told my stepdad...prolly not much.

told her how much i drank and quit drinkin....s4l and mom helped me understand some of it....

almost lost my wife, almost lost my life

there are no more lies and no more worries....took me 37 yrs to figure it out...sober here on out and will move to a med state.

s4l thanks bro:thank you:

Move to Michigan Bro...You will like it.Its cold here...lols


A foot without a sock...
Good for you man...admitting there are some "issues" is half the battle.

The next "big step" in life is always a scary one, taking a wife and expecting a child is a big deal.

I always thought those corny sayings were just shit old people said.

Man, was I wrong.

Enjoy the moments, Yuk...smell the roses and all that. It passes by quickly and can't be had again.

Be brave about new things and you'll always be OK :joint:


It takes courage to take your life back when it's out of balance/out of control. I respect you for that. You may not have an easy or comfortable journey but it will be worth it when you make it through and are happier, healthier and stronger because of it. Much luck and love to you! Peace!


Active member
Welcome to the club Nokuy :) Drinkin is for suckas

I'd say drinking is for those who can handle it. If you can't handle it and still drink, you then qualify as a sucker.

I think it is just fine for most people and don't want anyone policing my body with alcohol or herbs.

Drinking responsibly, even if you get piss drunk, is okay. It is the people who get shit faced and fight, drive, or do things to hurt or potentially hurt people are the suckers.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Good on you bro! It's a great feeling not having to hide anything from your parents anymore. It can really eat you alive.

Stay safe and stay sober if that's what you know you need to do.


Hell Yukon you never came across as a drinker to me in all the posts I've read...Good luck with it, it's an uphill battle for lots of people. My old man was a world record drunk and by the time he hit 65 he'd had enough and killed himself, did a hell of a job of it too...Now at least you won't end up like that, his life was one long story of jail time, fights, losing millions of dollars and his family. You're on the right road, I reckon that, even though I don't know ya' that you have many interests you can focus on to hold it together. Good luck to ya' , no shit, I hope you do real well.Crazy great things can still happen!!!:)


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Its nice when yer sober, you always wake up feeling good.. I love it.. I hope you stay sober and all goes well for you brother.. I am sending ya my best vibes.. stay strong and push ahead without the crutch of Alcohol.. as for parents knowing what can they do but be mad or disappointed.. As long as you always honor your parents no matter what you are or do.. Your golden imho.. Good Luck and good vibes yukoN. peace n pufs..



Active member
good lookin out...im not goin to no hospital, and im not loosin my wife...ive f-d up enuf...nvr again.


East Coast Grower
Good to hear man, drinking and women (wife/gf) are rarely a good mix, learned that one the hard way... got some drinking issues to deal with myself, I guess... but won't sully your thread with that haha.