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ok i owned up to everything


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
All apologies for going along with it. I forget that a lot of people are tight around here.

Just because i wouldnt post my personal life here doesnt mean that others dont use it as a sounding board. My comment was in bad taste.

I was wrong. :ying:

Get better Yukon. :comfort:

sweet, someone who is big enough to apologize when they mess up. that IS something we need around here. Most of us just rant our point of view and beat it into the ground and argue just to do it.

I would prefer those who see a bad comment or something said in bad taste and fix the problem. I respect people like that more than those who won't.

Many people toss very personal stuff on here, sometimes it is all they have. Sometimes it helps destress or hear outside opinions versus hearing the same bullshit that they might hear from local friends and families.

I have stopped my smart ass remarks plenty of times on here. I like bustin balls as well but sometimes you can spot if someone is sincere in their statements and thoughts on here.

any addiction is hard and admitting your mistakes is damn hard because that self realization can be fucking difficult to take. I know it was hard for me to apologize and speak with those in my life that I fucked over when I was addicted to certain things. Thankfully I have herb and have never been so at peace with myself as well as how I live and treat others.

I still am considered an asshole with my friends and love bustin balls day in and day out. I guess you just have to pick your punches and cheap shots sometimes.


Active member
I have been married for a while. If i have learned one thing its how to admit when im acting like a dumbass. lol

the Rock

Active member
I quit getting drunk 15 years ago my secret is I drink two beers instead of coffee in the morning sets the day off good and I dont drink anymore the rest of the day

GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production
Best of luck to you NOKUY. quitting isn't easy, but once you make up your mind to do it there's nothing left to do but to do it. I had a nasty substance abuse problem that nearly killed me years ago. I recognized the problem and got help. You can too. Much respect man, and if you need some support I'm always here. :comfort:

GreatLakes THC :joint:


Active member
Hey yukon :wave: sometimes you gotta quit drinking if you want a relationship to work, i'm sure you're already aware of this, anyway take it easy.




Active member
Good beer is the sweet sweet nectar of the Gods. I feel sorry for those who can't drink it. It must really, really, really suck to not be able to sit down and have a "just this side of freezing" Sierra Nevada Pale Ale on a hot day... or a cold day for that matter.

Well, I'll drink yours. I am always here to help.

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