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Official tell putin to f*** off thread.


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News reports come from many sources, each intending to outdo the other. It’s check and balance over and over. I have many channels on my tv. Then there’s print as well as the World Wide Web. I suggest you get out more.


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Cool story bro. Thats why you assume you aren’t getting any propaganda?
There’s propaganda coming from all sides. Assume that there is propaganda, then use some of the intelligence. It’s pretty simple really. Give it a try.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
That map is from 4 days ago. Just crimea in 2014. The purple is the area Russia held that Ukraine has retaken. Not very impressive. Why do you assume you are getting real info and not propaganda from our side?
No back in 2014 there was also the separatists controlled areas in the Donbas Region of Donetsk and Luhansk. It was the constant fighting against the Russian back Separatists since 2014 (mostly by the Azov Battalion) that formed the basis of Russia's initial claim of going into Ukraine to get rid of Nazi's trying to commit Genocide against Russians, which was the first of many goals Russia has failed to achieve. AS for your map everything I stated map wise was based on your map, I never once said it wasn't a current map or at least as current as can be of a country at war. Again the way you evaluate terms like impressive or embarrassing is pretty whacky. Shal I tell you why that purple area is impressive? It took Russia close to two months to take control of that Region if not longer, they started working on it around the same time they were still bombing the steel works in Mariupol trying to get the Azov soldiers out of there (that's to give time context). Ukraine took back that area since they started their counteroffensive in the region about 2-3 weeks ago. Oh and something else that makes what's going on up by the Donbas so impressive is that's not the only area the much smaller Ukraine Forces are active at. They've also been busy over around Crimea as well as other places.

"Huge queues of traffic were spotted on the road to the Crimean Bridge yesterday (Tuesday), with as many as 30,000 people attempting “chaotically” to leave, according to Ukrainian media. Local outlets said Russian officials had closed the bridge – which connects the peninsula annexed in 2014 with the Russian mainland – overnight amid fears of an attack."

As for info, first off I don't consider NPR our side I picked them because most sane rational people consider them to be fairly neutral and unbiased in their reporting. Second that's not the only source I go by I just picked that one because it had all the data I wanted to represent in one link rather then posting multiple links that people probably won't read anyway. I figured NPR had the best chance but I see I was wrong, you saw that it was different then what you want to believe and have deemed it propaganda probably without reading much if anything that was at the posted link. Why do you distrust "OUR" side so much and assume the information you're getting from the Russian's is real rather then Propaganda?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
You site one known piece of Propaganda which at the time was clearly meant as a morale booster (this was bank when miles long caravans of Tanks were making their way to Kyiv to taken down the government and take control (another war objective Putin failed at). Yet you ignore the countless false claims Russia has made only to be instantly proven false on social media with photographic evidence and video evidence. I mean when it comes to straight up making shit up Russia seems to be far more guilty of that then Ukraine.



Active member
No back in 2014 there was also the separatists controlled areas in the Donbas Region of Donetsk and Luhansk. It was the constant fighting against the Russian back Separatists since 2014 (mostly by the Azov Battalion) that formed the basis of Russia's initial claim of going into Ukraine to get rid of Nazi's trying to commit Genocide against Russians, which was the first of many goals Russia has failed to achieve. AS for your map everything I stated map wise was based on your map, I never once said it wasn't a current map or at least as current as can be of a country at war. Again the way you evaluate terms like impressive or embarrassing is pretty whacky. Shal I tell you why that purple area is impressive? It took Russia close to two months to take control of that Region if not longer, they started working on it around the same time they were still bombing the steel works in Mariupol trying to get the Azov soldiers out of there (that's to give time context). Ukraine took back that area since they started their counteroffensive in the region about 2-3 weeks ago. Oh and something else that makes what's going on up by the Donbas so impressive is that's not the only area the much smaller Ukraine Forces are active at. They've also been busy over around Crimea as well as other places.

"Huge queues of traffic were spotted on the road to the Crimean Bridge yesterday (Tuesday), with as many as 30,000 people attempting “chaotically” to leave, according to Ukrainian media. Local outlets said Russian officials had closed the bridge – which connects the peninsula annexed in 2014 with the Russian mainland – overnight amid fears of an attack."

As for info, first off I don't consider NPR our side I picked them because most sane rational people consider them to be fairly neutral and unbiased in their reporting. Second that's not the only source I go by I just picked that one because it had all the data I wanted to represent in one link rather then posting multiple links that people probably won't read anyway. I figured NPR had the best chance but I see I was wrong, you saw that it was different then what you want to believe and have deemed it propaganda probably without reading much if anything that was at the posted link. Why do you distrust "OUR" side so much and assume the information you're getting from the Russian's is real rather then Propaganda?
There’s many other examples of blatant “morale boosting” lies. Snake island off the top of the head. NPR is hilariously biased Btw. I just know 3 things that aren’t propaganda. We’ve spent 47B, Russia controls 1/6 of Ukraine, no end in sight.


The Tri Guy
Anyone know if the money going to Ukraine, is classed as overseas aid ( non repayable) or in the form of loans (to be repaid)? Or to confuse and make it harder to track, a mix of the two?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
There’s many other examples of blatant “morale boosting” lies. Snake island off the top of the head. NPR is hilariously biased Btw. I just know 3 things that aren’t propaganda. We’ve spent 47B, Russia controls 1/6 of Ukraine, no end in sight.
What lies about snake island? Also what proof do you have that NPR is hilariously biased? BTW you missed an important distinction I didn't link to the NPR story because it was the only site making such claims I found dozens of sites that made similar claims but the all focus on different aspects of how badly Russia is losing. I only went with the PR link because it had all the points I was referencing contained in one article. It's unfortunate that people like you have the attention span of a wet sponge and so I have to try to limit the evidence I post to have any hope someone like you might actually read it and begin to question the "other" sources they base their beliefs upon. If I could count on you goobers actually reading stuff and trying to learn something I would be more then happy to post a greater variety of sources all pointing in the same direction. Alas I know that's not how people like you work, you have your sources that you've decide to trust for god only knows what reason and you'll never accept anything that contradicts those sources no matter what site it comes from. You would just blithely claim that "Oh, they're hilariously biased believing that your words/opinion are all the proof needed. As for 2 of the 3 things you claim to know aren't propaganda, you're wrong on both of them and so likely wrong on the third. As of May of this year the US had spent 54 Billion so even if they hadn't spent more since then (which they have) you would be wrong on that thing you claim to know isn't propaganda. As for how much of Ukraine Russia controls they control 20% but since fractions are apparently difficult for you that's 1/5th not one 1/6th. The third thing is unknowable and nobody is making any solid predictions on when the fighting will end because it depends on too many variables. So that's a relatively safe claim to make, it's kind of like predicting the sun will rise tomorrow or that water will remain wet with no end in sight.

I do find it odd that of the 2 things you claim to know isn't propaganda you decided to go with alternative facts that are actually better then the reality for the case you are trying to make (and failing at much like Putin with his objectives for the war).


Active member
I follow YouTube. It’s not bullshit like what you listen to. That makes me smart. Not.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Well. One of us knew about snake island propaganda and one of us didn’t.
Oh I knew about the "Go F Yourself" story, I also know several other stories related to Snake Island that have come out since then, your comment was, "There’s many other examples of blatant “morale boosting” lies. Snake island off the top of the head." I had no way of knowing which Snake Island story you were saying was propaganda, so I asked for clarification. The only hint you gave was "morale boosting" I don't know about you but I don't consider a story claiming all your countrymen on the Island were killed to be particularly "morale boosting" even if at least one was defiant up to the end. Also has it been confirmed these men that according to Jimmy Dore by his acceptance of what Russia claims, were taken back to the mainland alive and unharmed. All that was given to back that up was that allegedly the Ukrainian Government and the press said that the story was LIKELY true. You know, likely as in they really don't know but feel it probably is true. I got to say I do find it fascinating though that here when the press or the Ukrainian Government says anything that supports your opinion you're ready to take it as gospel truth but any other time you seem to feel all the press and Ukrainian Government can give out is lies and propaganda. That's a rather conveniently inconsistent position for you to take.

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