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"Official" KICC Thread v1.0



Yo guys, not as impressive as the stuff ya'll are posting, but I made my first honey oil last night. I used a couple zips of Top44 Bud. I followed the Denatured Honey Oil thread kilacaLIbud has here and it turned out damn good.

Gotta start somewhere...

I'm hooked already. I guess this means a seperate grow cab, just for making concentrates?? :joint:
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nice, stretchpuppy!

a cab for concentrates? i thought your whole harvest was 'sposed go to it? :D


heya bonecarver, hashstar! :wave:

nice 2 c u salvaged most yer pic's, hashstar! :D

BTW, KICC'er's/Concentrate Hed's in General:
Bee Ready In Case A Migration Becomes Necessary.
It Looks Like a New Home May Bee Shaping Up!

STay POsted...


Well-known member
good work everyone. keep on concentrating.

I see the honeypot was mentioned, lemme ask gypsie if its cool and if so Ill put up the directions here. Ive made some changes that simplify and improve things, so I might wait till after my upcoming harvest, so I can demostrate the improved version. :joint:

now where is t3, I hope all his 3rd party talk is comforting to him right now. :smile:
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:confused: i miss t3 2

reappear o reverend of the bho :wave:
I also miss the bit that went "you must take another hit before posting again"
and "smoke a bowl while you wait...." :chin:

Hi foaf. just wow is all i have to say about that honeypot. incredible! :yoinks:


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The Helpful One
Chat Moderator
Ok guys i had some fun to night got high and enjoyed my self took some pics as well.Hope you enjoy i used 2 oz of some buds to play with...

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Slap-A-Ho tribe
Great shots as usual guys.
I just thought i would pop in and give ya'll the low down on my situation. I for one don't play well with the political BS and censorship i've seen going on lately so i'm going to remain at my first home.http://www.growkind.com/forum/index.php
That site has been around just a wee bit longer than OG and it was the first cultivation site i visited when i became proactive for the cause on the internet ,although i've been in the game over 10 years. I've been a mod over there for about 2 years and personally know the webmaster who is not involved in seed sales which i believe was the demise of OG.
We're in the process of getting a Hash and oil forum started and we'll do a pic of the month and have okief sponsor it with a tumbler ,tube, or set of bags to the winner.
I would like to see that forum evolve to something like OG's was and honestly if OG came up tomorrow i wouldn't feel safe posting there.
When we get the forum started i would like to graciously ask you guys in creating some how-to's which will be stickied at the top of the forum so we can spread the knowlege.

Anyway, good luck to guys in anything you do, don't let the opression hold you down, and keep that oil burning -chief


Active member
Hi chief :)

I ran a who-is on that site and it comes back to a San Diego business/server....

Does that bother you that its in the US??? Im spooked about internet sites now, I might just stay here. I dunno.

How active is growkind.com sir?

Take it easy!



growkind.com has cencorship policy against certain words - check it :

"Why have some of the words in my post been blanked
Certain words may have been censored by the administrator. If your posts contain any censored words, they will be blanked-out like this: *****.

The same words are censored for all users, and censoring is done by a computer simply searching and replacing words. It is in no way 'intelligent'."

also one BIG drawback with that site is the size of the atachments - pics can be max 90 Kb and have 620 x 280 in size....

so sorry chief :( this far this place seems the best for posting pics etc - and thats what we like. maybe if that site would change their image policy they would get more users/members?

all the best - bone

peace all