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OFFICIAL ENTRY REQUIREMENTS - 2006 IC Mag Grower & Breeder Cup

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Well, in a democracy the majority rules.
An' I think the majority has spoken!


Yeh but last year it was not allowed. And since there is still a high demand for the judges passes i don't understand why this year it is allowed. Last year it was a SET RULE to discourage ppl from cheating. But for some reason this year it is allowed. Go figure.


Enough is enough...I've got the flu, worse flu I've had in many many years, feel
like shitola so forgive my bluntness!

Bex, the rule you mention is, as Gypsy has already pointed out, impossible to control.
So rather than penalize anyone from being able to judge, Gypsy decided to allow the
modification this year. However, you can rest assured, if I see anyone touting their
entry to other judges, that will be grounds for disqualification. Also, when the ballots are
collected for tabulation, should there be a ballot giving a 10 to themself and all other entries a
0 and that ballot belongs to someone who entered & judged, the ballot will be disqualified.
I believe everything and everyone will be on a level playing field, unless demonstrated
otherwise, then we have no tolerance and will enforce immediate disqualification.

Bex, you have been to the cup before, you have seen how we do and don't do things,
have a bit of trust in us to keep things fair, as we always have. I do not like cheaters,
and will have no problem, irregardless of who it might be, in disqualifying someone who
doesn't play fair.

Now, can we please get away from this negativity and back to our cup preparations?

Thanks! dg


Hi Dutchgrown

i read that there will be a haze party, can you give me an idea what a haze party is or consists of? its deffinetly a good event name, lol. who would want to miss the Haze Party while at the 420 cup? this year sounds special, i can't wait.

gaius :wave:


Ok thats fine but i don't understand why it would change from one year to the next. Anyways i ain't staying home Tim-Tim so you fuk off. I already spent 2500 euros for the trip so far. Ain't no turning back now.


Haze party...We'll have to wait and see what develops.

no spoiling the suprise eh? thats one i don't want to miss, lol....even if i don't know what it is, i'll bet its gonna be fun...only 3 more months to go...


The idea of a haze party was, I believe, first brought up by Headman420. It would be nice
to organize this, but not sure if it will wind up being an included event or just an impromptu
gathering of haze aficionados...perhaps we can get a coffee shop to sponsor this. :chin:



Haze Party

yes! maybe some coffee shops will give their best Hazes for a mini cup at the Haze party. only a few gs of each Haze would be needed if people pass spliffs and all look at the same bud by passing it around? this way the coffee shops have their own litle haze cattegory cup?


Hey outkastt

yeah Dutchgrown posted the thread with the entry pdf today. you'll get all further info from there.

i'm pleased you'll be entering something to further spoil the judges lol. i am also doing my best in this regard, hahaha.

i can't wait to finaly meet you outkastt, we have to get more ladys into growing and cup entering. its cool we'll get to meet your other half too. all the best with prepareing and sending the entry.

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