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OFFICIAL ENTRY REQUIREMENTS - 2006 IC Mag Grower & Breeder Cup

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International Cannagraphic 420 Grower & Breeder Cup
April 18, 19 and 20, 2006
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Venue Location: The Sugar Factory


Here you will find the entry requirements for both independent growers and breeders/seed co's.

An entry form in downloadable PDF format will soon be available here.


Entries will be accepted from independent growers worldwide in the categories of:
mostly indica, mostly sativa, and hashish.
(Note: Absolutely no oils, or oil added hashish eligible.)

The amounts required to enter are:

Cannabis: 30g per entry
Hashish: 7.5g per entry

There is no entry fee required from independent growers.

Entry deadline: All entries must be received not later than April 10, 2006.

Independent growers entering do so without an entry fee, so if planning to
attend, you must purchase a Guest Pass, available on Seedbay:





Entries will be accepted from breeders/seed companies worldwide in the categories of:
mostly indica, mostly sativa, and hashish.
(Note: Absolutely no oils, or oil added hashish eligible.)

The amounts required to enter are:

Cannabis: 30g per entry
Hashish: 7.5g per entry

Entry Fee (Breeders/Seed Co's only)
The entry fee is $500 / £300 / 425 euros and will include up to 3 entries,
with a fee of $200 / £115 / 175 euros per additional entry.

Entry deadline: All entries must be received not later than April 10, 2006.

All breeder/seed co's entering will receive 2 Competitor Passes which will have
all the inclusions of a guest pass but without voting rights.

There will be no cannabis or hashish entries accepted from coffee shops.

Instructions for obtaining the information necessary to mail your entry will
be included on the official entry form.


Active member
Sounds great Dg now to get a proper cure on everything.

Can someone please fmi on the indica catagory & does it have to be a full on 90-100%indy bush or are we talkn 60/40 will do. 'Will do' meaning am i immediatly in a lower bracket for not entering a full on indica. I just read a few posts hinting of this & would like to narrow down what im' gona send ;).

I realize anything over 50% should be considered indi or sati dom, but seems the indica catagory is more demanding of this ?

Thanks for any tips :wave:


Active member
ICMag Donor
Hi Dutchgrown,

Allow me one question please: If I entered a variety into the competition this year (grower category), do I really have to pay extra for access to the Sugar Factory and all the events?

Because I mean, without our (free!) entries, you couldn`t make this kind of competition... and we give it away for free, doing without a lot of money and smoke that we otherwise could have gained from it. So we independent growers should receive free entry to the event in return, to my mind.

Green Regards Cloudz



Cloudz i really do understand you point, however i feal lucky just to have my fine cannabis to be judged by an independant non-affilaiated group of people. The reward in this is well worth the cost of entrie to the event. Plrase do not let the money hold you back from entering or attending im sure you will find this to be high point in your life. Hope to meet you soon! :joint:



TrueCanna Genetics - Selection is art
ICMag Donor
baccas125 said:
Cloudz i really do understand you point, however i feal lucky just to have my fine cannabis to be judged by an independant non-affilaiated group of people. The reward in this is well worth the cost of entrie to the event. Plrase do not let the money hold you back from entering or attending im sure you will find this to be high point in your life. Hope to meet you soon! :joint:


So very well put, the enjoyment you will experience will far outweigh the cost.
It really is hard to put into words the vibe that is felt among everyone and i am sure that would be even greater to know you had contributed to so many people good folk toking on your weed/hash......i truely hope you do attend and enter as it will be a great testament to the quality of the event when you return singing its praises..........plus the more people i meet the more excuses to build another joint.


cloudz said:
Hi Dutchgrown,

Allow me one question please: If I entered a variety into the competition this year (grower category), do I really have to pay extra for access to the Sugar Factory and all the events?

Because I mean, without our (free!) entries, you couldn`t make this kind of competition... and we give it away for free, doing without a lot of money and smoke that we otherwise could have gained from it. So we independent growers should receive free entry to the event in return, to my mind.

Green Regards Cloudz






TrueCanna Genetics - Selection is art
ICMag Donor
Ease him up Rez, lets try and make him understand the other non money related benefits of his weed being smoked by others.

Marco Renda

Active member
cloudz said:
Hi Dutchgrown,

Allow me one question please: If I entered a variety into the competition this year (grower category), do I really have to pay extra for access to the Sugar Factory and all the events?

Because I mean, without our (free!) entries, you couldn`t make this kind of competition... and we give it away for free, doing without a lot of money and smoke that we otherwise could have gained from it. So we independent growers should receive free entry to the event in return, to my mind.

Green Regards Cloudz


Please tell me you are NOT SERIOUS! Do you know how much $ it takes to put on a event such as this? I have NEVER heard of a competitor bitching because they have to pay for a pass into the venue HELL I have entered and have to pay just because I sell seeds and my entry isn't even anything that I sell. Just be happy that you can enter the competition and know that your herb is being judged by those in the know

Take Care and Peace
Marco Renda
Federal Exemptee
[email protected]


cloudz said:
Hi Dutchgrown,

Because I mean, without our (free!) entries, you couldn`t make this kind of competition... and we give it away for free

Cloudz, how about we take a look at the flip side of the coin:

Point 1: This is to my knowledge the ONLY Cannabis Cup competition (at least in Europe) where Growers have the chance to enter, and not only just enter, but enter anything they choose. You should be thankful you're even given the opportunity.

Point 2: You are wrong, Dutch and Gypsy could hold a Cannabis Cup even without your weed, they'd just have to do it like the other Cup Organizers and hold it without the Growers Category, which leaves Best Coffeeshop, Best Product, Best Glass, etc....not to mention the Breeders and SeedBank Categories.

Point 3: Many people are submitting Entries and buying Guest Passes, but you're the only one complaining about it :chin:

Maybe some thanks are due to Dutch and Gypsy for even having this opportunity....or not?


give up 30 gr. of weed and still have to pay to go to the cup. i don't think so. breeders and seed co. have alot to gain and should pay entry fee's. they will make $ and the private grower gets what? i have done the math and gn will be taking in a load of $ just in judges passes. if all are sold that is over 22,000 euros, plus the 500 euro per strain from the breeders,plus the $ from vendor booths. a guest pass for growers who enter and attend is a small price to pay for participating. here in a-dam the herb is as common as shoarma, in the the rest of the world it is precious and i for one would not be giving it up.


headman420 said:
give up 30 gr. of weed and still have to pay to go to the cup. i don't think so. breeders and seed co. have alot to gain and should pay entry fee's. they will make $ and the private grower gets what? i have done the math and gn will be taking in a load of $ just in judges passes. if all are sold that is over 22,000 euros, plus the 500 euro per strain from the breeders,plus the $ from vendor booths. a guest pass for growers who enter and attend is a small price to pay for participating. here in a-dam the herb is as common as shoarma, in the the rest of the world it is precious and i for one would not be giving it up.

Nobody is asking you for anything... This is a competition which is free to enter... GN may be taking in money from the passes, But you aren't even considering the money he has had to lay out for this event... If three or four hundred dollars worth of smoke are this important to you, maybe you shouldn't enter. Just hold on to your precious oz of bud, Don't give it up if it means so much to you. A guest pass is a small price to pay for being allowed to participate. I am sure there will be plenty of entries from growers who are good enough at what they do that an ounce of herb is no big deal, if it is a big deal to you, then maybe this is not a contest you should enter...


headman420 said:
give up 30 gr. of weed and still have to pay to go to the cup. i don't think so. breeders and seed co. have alot to gain and should pay entry fee's. they will make $ and the private grower gets what? i have done the math and gn will be taking in a load of $ just in judges passes. if all are sold that is over 22,000 euros, plus the 500 euro per strain from the breeders,plus the $ from vendor booths. a guest pass for growers who enter and attend is a small price to pay for participating. here in a-dam the herb is as common as shoarma, in the the rest of the world it is precious and i for one would not be giving it up.

Save some of that NH of yours & that not so local hash - for me! :yummy: (think BBQ)


weed here a-dam is plentiful, ask someone who is growing in his closet in amerika if he is wiiling to give up an oz.. before i send an oz. that might make it the dam, i am smoking it. and to no where man, still got the goods.


hey mr. grateful deadhead, be happy you are in the position to not care about an oz. most people in the world are smoking schwag and would love to have some kind bud, even a lowly oz.


any serious competition should be judged by professionals with no agenda, anyone with the $ can buy these passes and that does not make them qualified. this is a fun event and should not be taken that seriously.


i'm a professional cheefer so keep your dutch oz to yourself and smoke it. I on the other hand will send over mine. Safely and securely with no worries as i always have shipping weed. Vacuum Sealer. Anyways yeh get some professional stoners like the dumb fukn celeberty judges HTCC has. Fuk that they sux and don't know shit bout weed compared to most GROWERS.


Active member
Headman u cry like a lil' B*&%$. Gypsy has the best prices on the net. I've collected many of strains off his sites & I got weed all over the place. An ounce ain't shit if ur constantly growin maybe u aren't doing something right.If u don't want to enter why even post in this thread :confused: why stir shit? :2cents:.LAter & peace Big :joint:
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