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OFFICIAL ENTRY REQUIREMENTS - 2006 IC Mag Grower & Breeder Cup

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haha thats funny headman, i love that comparison. maybe they will half the bud entries into mostly...ie some sativa and same with indica. that way they can be made into 2 equal groups maybe? but what ever, i'm sure that Dutchgrown and Gypsy have a fair solution in mind. i actualy like soup as a starter in this cold weather, lol.


i hope gn and dg realize this situation could become a reality. soup rules!!!!!!!!!!!!


LMAO! Ok headman, you got a deal...you bring the Neville's (IMO excellent substitute for the 12 course dinner) and I'll bring the soup :D

hehehehehehe you're a great guy :smile:


cool, you'll have a hot bowl of the soup of your choice,just a waitin' for you come 420 :yes: :biglaugh: :joint:


Active member
Damn... it is hard to please all... I hope Gypsy will make some good money on this event... now and/or in the future... with all discussions on pricing, people forget that next to financial risk the man is taking some more risks in collecting, stashing and redistributing... he must be really motivated building the 420 cup... and with a growing audience, I hope more costs can be carried by the sponsors in the future...

On a side note... for those who don't know, you're only allowed to carry 5 grams around for personal use... authorities are sharpening the rules, now it is forbidden to smoke joints outside at certain places... like Mercatorplein in Amsterdam!... and coffeeshops face a terrible treath when the new tabacolaw won't allow any smoking in public places... ahhrggg, politics...

So hurry up and join this year... enjoy freedom while it lasts!


yes SB, and that law has passed in almost all European countries to date...
No way to get around it, unless the public places have separate smoking/non-smoking areas, with adequate ventilation, which translates into thousands of Euros to meet the government standards of "adequate" :rolleyes:


Active member
Good deal I quit smoking... tabacco... so that tobacco law don't imply on me... when I'm smoking my sativas pure... everybody has right on self-medication... even junkies are respected in their own drug of choice... but with this stinky weed of ours, we can now get busted for annoyance... now try that in a town like amsterdam where every corner of the city center smells like pot?...


Hello Gypsy Nirvana / Dutchgrown: i have a quick question. I live out of the area the event is being held.. How would i get my 30+g over there.?. I have not traveled out of the U.S. ever, but have been wanting to go and attend one of these cannabis cup events for some time now. Could you give me a guestamazation on the cost of attending this 5 day event please? I know the 500 bucks for strain entry, and another 175 for the event pass entry. I'm looking for hotel and food costs for the 5 days. Also do you have to be some famous breeder or alike to enter your strain to compete? 'cause I'm not famous:) but i am a breeder (in my own opinion i guess) of 28 years; give or take a few years off.... I would also like to Thank you Gypsy for having the spunk to set up and organize this type of community gathering.. mucho K+ bro... hope i see you there.. peace all.


If you are a grower (and not a breeder who sells seeds) then the entry is FREE...there
is no entry fee for independent growers. :D

Entrants will be provided shipping instruction, via pm or email, upon request.

As far as travelling, you will need a passport (mandatory for international travel)
and simply sort out your airfare and hotel/meal expenditure.

The only ticket you will need for the event itself is a Guest Pass which is obtainable
from Seedbay.

A read through all the threads in this forum will give you alot of info on places to stay.... or
try www.bookings.nl and be sure to choose the British flag at the top of the
homepage to place the website in English (unless you understand Dutch). :D



Supa Sweet!. thanks a ton for the info DG.. hope to see you there! i'm all giggles..


ruckase, don't miss the party, it'll be the trip of a lifetime! Welcome to ICMag :D


Could you give me a guestamazation on the cost of attending this 5 day event please?

Hi Ruckase.
I think that you will need a min of 100 Euros/per day for 5 days in Amsterdam. This is what I am budgeting for. and it also includes my hotel.

The hotel that I found (Hotel Quentin) 5 nights cost 210 euros, If you booked your hotel now. The price of hotels start at about from 50 euros,
Best not to wait for the hotel booking because the closer to the event the prices go up.

( The event costs 150 euros, (guest pass) but I am not including it into my budget because I will be sending in my payment this week. )

Spending money. Transport in Amsterdam itself is quite cheap, trams and busses, but it is possible to walk all over, from the event at the sugar factory to the Seed boutique. to the museums. to all over in the vacinity of the city centre.

museums and Heineken and such ...At least 1 museum i plan on attending.

Kuikenkoff the flower exibition is a must. They plant over 7million tulip bulbs and is so beautiful.

Food it quite expensive. And will probably take up most of your daily budget, in resturants and fast food and what not. It all adds up. Also the local Dutch foods like Herring and poffijkies, stroopwaffles etc. 2 euros here and 3 euros there as you eat your way around town all adds up...

I usually get myself a loaf of fresh bread and cheese and tomato, at the local super market and get a few things from there to last me a couple of days.
I have a hot heating fork (for boiling water) and so I can make me a cup of coffee or tea in my room. This helps a lot and is an excellent tip for all travlers, - I NEVER go on any trip with out it.

Looking forward to meeting you Ruckase.


If you enter the growers category or hash i would assume you cannot get a judges pass in that category? Just as you stated last year that would not be allowed.


i'm planning on entering the hash-category, but do i sense that it is a bit understated in some way by some people? how many entries there were last year?


this year there is sure to be more hash entries as the entry amount has been halfed to 7.5 g.

according to the entry poll, there are already over 10 planned hash entries and its early days yet. with the relatively small amount needed to enter, things could become very interesting for the hash judges.

edit:things have changed lol, now we are talking about 13 proposed hash entries.
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Plant Manager
Bex Bissell said:
If you enter the growers category or hash i would assume you cannot get a judges pass in that category? Just as you stated last year that would not be allowed.

I know you saw the other thread...You posted 2 posts below this one, replying to it. Do you expect cheaters Bex? I don't. I would hope that any scorecards that look 'fishy' would be looked at a little closer. I also know that personally if I see someone 'cheating' I would be more than happy to say something. I think we are all adults here...if this is not the case then maybe I should keep my but at home...

Gypsy Nirvana said:
...well the way I look at it is.....in a true democracy you can actually vote for yourself..........as long as one entity is not trying to buy up many of the judges passes to influence the outcome un-fairly......I guess that we can let entrants judge.....as long as they only have just one vote and that they do not go around recognizing their own entry and informing others to vote for it........this is grounds for disqualifiaction because this is a blind test and we will not tolerate entrants working the judges and identifying their weed to try and influence the outcome....

I think this is fair...I am going to try to enter something...but it would have to be something in the same category that I have already purchased a pass to judge. Obviously...thats the kind of buds I like to smoke :)
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