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Official 420 Growers & Breeders Cup 2008 Info



Ganja Pasha said:
Also a big thanks to Soma for that hash sample, but thankfully this year it didn't give me a whitey like last year,

touch and go though wasnt it lol :bashhead:


It sure was touch and go. I was already needing to go outside for some freash and air a good cough when I bumped into Soma on the way out and he had a lovely long glass pipe and a big grin (maybe he remembered me from previous years and thought 'this guy always falls for it!) and I took a couple of hits of that pipe then went outside and had to take a stroll down the leafy side street opposite, I remember standing in a corner, coughing like mad then hacking a big glob into a flowerbed only to look up and see this small child holding a football staring at me like I was a crackhead or something so I sat on one of the benches opposite the GH for a few mins until I recovered.

So gl'ad my hash stash made it home with me tho, the Nepalese is truly sublime but I have to say, the Caramello is THE best hash I've smoked in as long as I can remember.

Hey, EM, save some of those new Thai sticks and I'll bring my hash stash and we can have our own little 'Cup' lol.


I'm going to a poker game tonight, I never win, buit tonight I have a secret weapon! I shall dole out some big rips of Caramello to the other players and that should ensure my easy victory! My tolerance is able to cope with this stuff but they will be dribbling and drooling! lol

This Caramello is soooo beautifully scented I have to keep smelling it, just holing the lump under my nose and inhaling the sweet scent mmmmmmmm


Active member
Yea ive just had a huge bowl of it after a shitty first day back at work!!

ahhhhhhhh, now thats better!!


Caramello, you need to try this one for yourself, words can't do it justice:

Nepalese, earthy and amazing:

The full line up of what I managed to bring home with me, about 15g.

Capt. Crip's amazing joint - 3 kinds of super tasty buds from Bear plus a load of fabntastic hash. This sucker dribbled oil once lit, mrhaze420 and I enjoyed sampling this 'log' very much!



Arrived home late last night just getting back to normal now. Thanks to the IC crew & all the hosts for a great time as a new 1st time judge.

Excellent meeting a whole bunch of IC mag folk so many my head will be spinning with names for days but all geat folk & look forward to meeting any & all again.

Your almost making me jealous with that carmello Ganja_P(Hempire) as it was special but just happy I got home with a wee taste of a few things myself.

Hope all those still in the dam are having a great time & look forward to the next smoke out.



High and thanks to everyone I met for making the ICMag Cup 2008 a very memorable one :)

It was very cool to chill with the peeps I already knew, and to meet new people too of course! :D

I'm going to send some PMs tomorrow to the people I met, but for today, this is my public post, lol

And thanks Ganja Pasha/BH for posting pics of the Caramello and Nepalese........damn I think you're right..........those 2 *do* go beyond words!!

I can honestly say that they were simply awesome!! There ya go - words can do these two hashes no justice at all!

The dealer at GHU was also beyond words when I gave him a piece of the Nepalese to smoke in a pipe for later......shame he couldn't find any balloons for the Volcano, otherwise it would've been great to vape up the Nep :)

And in case anyone's wondering, at the Cup we also had a look at these two hashes under the 100x microscope.....and both were as pure as driven snow :D

The dealer tried showing me his 65 Euro a gram water hash first.......then when he saw what I had, also including some Royal Moroccan from Tilburg, he stopped talking about his hash......and slowly proceeded in picking his jaw up off the floor, lol :D

The Royal Moroccan from Tilburg was actually an absolutely top notch smoke, but that Caramello and Nepalese took the biscuit......seriously, I don't think it's possible to get a better light and dark hash!! They're that damn good.......so believe the hype!!



Lifetime Member
ICMag Donor
Made it home no problems..Turns out, some guy found my passport.Ain't that a bitch!!Glad to see people making it home in one piece and with goodies!! mitsu


Good news on the passport Mitsu1, how does that play out with the temporary one you got. Do you still have to go through all the hassle you mentioned or can you just go back to using the one reported lost.

The hash you brought from Tilburg was also well worth the trip B_Bulldog.


The Conundrum said:
So I missed a great time and some great smoke? Should I begin making arrangements for Next years IC Cup?

i think 2009 u can pencil in ic420 :headbange ..lots of noses pushed outta place this year and they'll be wanting revenge :bashhead:

Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
Let's see,,,after cutoms molestation what did the capt. arrive home with.......

Caremello!,,,,Nepali!!,,,Whack!stani,Of course the eggs!!!!
Red Leb!!
and a few small pieces!!!!!Oh the Polm is here as well!!!!!!

Yipeeeee!!! :jump:

Will post more later................................CC

Bend over and spread em'....................


You ROCK Capt! Good to hear you made it back safely!! And with goodies!! :canabis:

We made it back with some goodies too, Twinkies, Ding Dongs, Fiddle Faddle, Welches Grape Jelly, and Kraft Blue Cheese salad dressing....lol Thank you again!!!



woah.. mitsu man. so glad things worked out for you!!!

ha ha crip.. u got balls man. i never take anything and dammit i didnt even get my passport looked at this time..

hempire, was nice talking about icewater with you.. not uncommon to return from adam with some flu.. were you kissing strange girls or something?

thanks DG and all for the healthy dose of cannibinoids. im good for a while now.
and i think it was a good idea to just have the ind/sat catagories. sure some looked misplaced but having a bunch of catagories makes things more complex than necessary cus really theres [almost]no pure of each so best to just pick a side and commit

oh, and you should have all come to the SNOB[biterzoet] afterparty... ill post a pic of the monster doobs sometime.. monster!


Active member
TimewarP said:
oh, and you should have all come to the SNOB afterparty... ill post a pic of the monster doobs sometime.. monster!

Yea cheers for lettin me know about that mate!! :wave:

hope you made it to paris the next morning!!

hope to see ya next year :headbange
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yea.. i was stoked when i had to leave b4 you[thought maybe you wouldnt like the musics]. sorry i couldnt find you but said bye to your friends...

yeah, making the train was no problem as once we were done [*ahem]finishing off the caseyjones the sun was up and barneys was open for breakfast!!

here for one more day then headed to the uk for a concert series this weekend. europes fun cuz everything is so close


Active member
Have a blast while your in the UK bud!,
its hard to believe but the sun has been out today in the UK!! i hope we get a summer this year!