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Official 4/20 Growers and Breeders Cup 2009 Info..


Joint Date: Today.
I guess the point of getting the judge passes aint about buyng pot from a dealer. ITs all the event itself and the pleasure of tasting some of the worldwide elites and being an a very underground elite happening with some of the coolest people around. Meet frends and VIP.
And I speak as a grower who cant afford the whole thing for another year.. but if I was able to, and I buy the tickets you can bet i wouldnt care about my cash limit. I wouldnt even buy the passes. Its just about the event man. You can buy weed leagally around holland if youre sweating for a spliff before getting there. The point for me would be the meet. Thats it


Hi gypsy, I dont want a free pass, i wanted to pay a FAIR PRICE for a judge's pass which was promised, i seen a post from you gypsy saying the tickets wont be that much more than last year, as i say, i dont expect anything for free, dont want to be hanging about hopeing there is maybe a pack or 2 spare at the end, all i wanted was to pay a fair price for a pass which was promised, a fair price man, thats all, their is nothing fair whatsoever with they prices, as i say it makes me so sad that £££ seems to have taking over this event, as thats what it seems like to me with they ticket prices, im not going to say anymore about it as there is shit i can do now, dont want to be sounding like a fucking bitch as well, going for a bong and a joint and maybe that will make me feel a little better for a bit, until i start thinking about they prices again, then i will need another 1.

WAMEN some people like me are a bit anti social, dont like meeting up with loads of people, maybe thats your thing but its not mine, and im sure you know loads of people from here so it would be worth your while meeting up with old friends and new, im 1 anti social m/f, its just the way i am and im sure im not the only 1 who feels like this.


Fizzbomb since you use '£'s I can tell your one of us UK folk with ot much luck this year. As someone else has said most of the extremeness of the rise is down to the exchange rate. The tickets have been priced before in dollars but last year they were in euro's guess because you only got to pick them up. But at 200 euro that worked out around the £160 mark and the $280 mark. Tickets have previously been $300 as last year DG said they would be cheaper than that as it was a smaller event (was a bit surprised at the time as the exchange rate then meant it was higher than previous dollar price), but this year its meant to be going back to a larger affair. So in dollars its not that big a leap to go from $300 pre down sizing to $399 taking account inflation etc...

And if we were still on a similar exchange rate as last year it would only work out around £200 not that bad a price. However the old snouts in the trough politicians have basically F****D UP our currency so the exchange rate now means the price has almost doubled.

IMHO is a bit hmmmmmmmmmmmmm that IC as a UK biz prices in dollars all the time but then they must have also lost out in the past through exchange rates. As Capt Cript say's its about the meeting there is at least a cheaper way to participate through the guest pass and IMO its a then down to spend what your willing to or can afford.


H8ters gonna h8
ICMag Donor
I attended the Cup for the 1st time last year, and since then it's a fixed day in my agenda every year! :rasta:

Like CC says, it's all about getting together, talking ganja, tips, trips, wips and tricks, and there's also of course, the sampling! :joint:

I knew nothing about judge passes, and sure enough, I meet a kind gentleman who offered more than a toke of the little samples being pulled outside. Then again, there were the other fellows, and I had also gotten a gram of Molokai Frost in a shop close by, just to make sure I would have something to smoke :laughing:

This year, I wanted to go for a pass. More than wanting to get vegetable wasted :yeahthats I want to try as many strains and hashes as possible, and have a little chat with those around you before writing down the numbers. I'm a canna-afficionado, lover of quality, not quantity... and a bit high right now :smoke:

What I'm affraid, is that the price will limit the market, from "independent enthusiast" to "wealthy independent enthusiast". And no offence to those that can afford them passes, good for you! :D

Having said that, I reckon that these kind of events have a cost to be covered, but c'on, Willie Nelson cannot be THAT expensive to book :yoinks:

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
If you can get Willie Nelson to perform for less than $100,000 let me know.......

Yes.....the pound sterling has literally plummeted against the dollar and the euro in the past year......everything outside the UK is now much more expensive for the British.....

Capt. Crip

Strain Seeker/Mirage Reading Master
If we were to compare to say something like the HT cannabis cup the prices would not even come into the conversation as you pay out the ass for their pass and then HAVE to PURCHASE ALL your WARES!!!OUCH!
No judges pack unless you are a celebrity.....LOL...At least we have a chance to be a celebrity judge with our smaller yet supperior cup...And you do not have to worry about the finishing places(1st,2nd,3rd..) being purchased...
I can understand some of the gripes but come on people,,,you do not have to spend a bunch of money to participate...Amsterdam is a wonderful city with millions of things to do...Do not let it get ya down....
Go have phun and enjoy what the city has to offer....We may not be able to have coffeeshops forever so we should damn sure take advantage of being able to sit in public and smoke till our hearts content...

See you all there..........................CC


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
I guess the point of getting the judge passes aint about buyng pot from a dealer. ITs all the event itself and the pleasure of tasting some of the worldwide elites and being an a very underground elite happening with some of the coolest people around. Meet frends and VIP.
And I speak as a grower who cant afford the whole thing for another year.. but if I was able to, and I buy the tickets you can bet i wouldnt care about my cash limit. I wouldnt even buy the passes. Its just about the event man. You can buy weed leagally around holland if youre sweating for a spliff before getting there. The point for me would be the meet. Thats it


200 or 270 is not a lot of difference when you add up flights and hotels, most of which are more than E70/night anyway.

I am sure the whole show will be fine and everybody will be happy, but I can't help noticing that nobody has answered the Hookers question......

Maybe that is what the 420 Seed auctions were all about. I just hope I dont get a fat one ;-)

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Karma Genetics is organizing a 'Coffee-shop Crawl' for sunday 19th April......details to come!


Isn't going to be changing what I'm smoking and the college will still be getting a donation. Just explaining how badly the pound has plummeted, can see exactly why some flying in wouldn't see it as much and also if you earn in dollars it isn't a big price rise. Unfortunately though we have this buffoon, twat or complete idiot whichever you want or all three called Gawrd the brown trotting around the world playing superman by making the currency in our pockets worthless.:yoinks: They should have let a few bankers go bust then at least we wouldn't be paying extra to keep their mansions heated and maids employed.:woohoo:

Won't affect my holiday though, I rant about this all the time. vote SNP its time to stop rule by virtue of an ancient crown based system:dueling:. LOL guess I might get a mod slap for the political comentary.:abduct:


New member
Dear Gypsy
I tried to email old pink and get the address of where to send my entry but dident get a reply, probably cause he's too busy,

Can someeone pm me the shipping address and info how.



Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
If you can get Willie Nelson to perform for less than $100,000 let me know.......

why on earth would anyone want to book willie nelson..lmao :wink:

you coulda had Plaid for 3k :wink:

just messing feller, the truth is I for one appreciate the time and hard work that goes into putting on something like this (I used to organise and promote a small festival myself, and this is 100 times the logistics of my little bash)

best of luck
j :smile:


So if I buy on seedbay can I use a cc or paypal because otherwise I don't see getting money to england by the 16th. I do want a pass, don't care what it cost...just want to be sure I get one.....when on the 17th are they available? and what if you aren't in that early? I figured I'm going to Amsterdam....of course I'm going to be in financial shock....always am....try to ignore those numbers.


Un - Retired,
you can't use CC or paypal on Sbay
there will be passes available on the 17th from myself, more info on times and places to get them coming soon



I agree with some of the sentiments above really... I personally won't be able to afford judging, but I shan't let it stop me enjoying meeting new people, attending the events, etc. It will be my first 420 cup, my first 4/20 in Amsterdam period actually, and I have every faith it's gonna be sick.:yeahthats

I will be bringing some good weed with me to share with you guys, and hopefully karma will dictate some comes back my way too. :joint:


New member
Old pink,

did you recieve my email, is it too late to enter ?


sorry for being a pest but i have checked most posts.


Active member
How in the hell does anybody even get anything to Amsterdam. Don't answer that. However, a simple package with a birthday present has been sitting at customs for days. Is this irony? I sweat getting seed to me in the states every time but they always make it. The one thing I try to send into Amsterdam is hung up a Netherlands Customs.

Anybody have any experience with them. Are they just slow?

I know I am just in worried mode right now.
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H8ters gonna h8
ICMag Donor
If you can get Willie Nelson to perform for less than $100,000 let me know.......

Ok, how would you define perform? :chin:

Coz I recently read that Willie is not taking any more bookings, he's touring with Elvis right now.

In fact, all the name reminded me of was a strain by the same name :woohoo: Yes, the beauty of internet forums, people from all ages and cultural backgrounds can get together. :yeahthats

It was not my intention to diss, this is the only cup that I'm interested to attend, because of the many things that have been said, and because I know for a fact that it's about the green talk and the smokes, not the hype or the name.

I was shocked by the price, because I have been looking forward to this event for so long, and I will need to be a CEO before being able to afford a judge pass, but I know that it won't stop me from smoking good 'erb and chillin with some knowlegeable people.

Next w.end it is! :abduct:


Active member
I think all travel is expensive and it always has been. It is a luxury. Now things are bad with the world economies and high gas prices and bad exchange rates make it even worse. Hell yeah it's expensive. Travel and lodging costs are out of the cup organizers hands and they have no control.

That brings us to the judges passes. I don't think $400 is that much to pay. You probably end up with an ounce of smoke. It's not just any smoke either. It might be 20 different samples. However many there are each one is something that somebody thinks is good enough to win a world tournament of weed. How many people would love a chance to smoke something actually grown by Soma or any other famous or semi-famous breeder.

Then you are going to get to smoke some weed that some independent grower sends in. You know it has to be something special if they think it will be able to compete. I didn't send in some crap weed just to say I entered. I sent in the freakiest, most potent and awesome specimen of ganja I had and I grew out at least 40 different strains the last couple years outdoors.

So you are paying to tell your friends about your trip... You get to smoke Soma grown weed, you got to smoke exotic specimens and you get to be a judge.

As someone trying to enter a weed I want the judges to be people that really want to judge and paid good money to do it. They are going to be more serious than someone who gets handed an ounce of primo weed or hash for $50. More people would buy it just to smoke it than judge it. Make it a steep price. It has to cost more to smoke the judges kit than to smoke around in the coffee shops. I think this is very important. You have to make sure the only reason people buy a judges pass is to judge the weed. Not to get a good deal on weed. I hope people understand what I just said. LOL! It is very important to the integrity of the contest.

If you were a baseball fan and wanted to have the same level story you would have to have gone to the deciding World Series game, caught a home run ball, played catch with Babe Ruth and got to be an umpire. If they offered such a thing on the Price is Right it would cost $50,000 dollars.

My friend went to the Super Bowl a couple years ago and it cost him and his wife $8000 and they only lived a couple states away.

I know times are tough. If you can't go you can't go. But just because you can go doesn't mean the judge's pass should be cheap. Hell no. They are at least behind home plate World Series tickets. Pay up!!


Active member
IMHO the IC 420 Cup is the World Series of cannabis. Anybody anywhere can enter and have a fair chance of winning if they enter. The format is perfect. Independent non-involved judges.

It's the World Cup of weed.