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Off the grid, self-sustainable living


New member
I'm a male in my twenties and I grew up like most others I knew, programmed to want a "normal" life:
-Go to university and get a job
-Get a nice house and car
-Get a wife and have kids
-Work as I become old to support that lifestyle

However, something never sat well with me.
My basic instincts was rejecting something.

I humbly admit that I grew up ignorant, but who didn't?
Something was always nagging at me when I was growing up.
As an emerging teen, I began to see the POINTLESSNESS of it all.
The useless classes that were supposed to educate, the propgandized history lessons.
But what could I do about it. I was a young teen, confused, and therefore I just followed what everybody else was doing.
Even then, I was still different from most other kids.
I didn't, and still don't have much of an interest to go party or particpate in other social events much like most others my age group (though I still kept up appearances).

I guess I just don't work well with the system.

Over the last 6 months or so, I've become somewhat of a hermit, moreso than I already was. I did not socialize outside my core group of the few real friends I have.
During that time, I've read endlessly, learning what interested me and not what my "guidance counseler" recommended me to learn.
And like many others I've come to a realization that I cannot find true happiness in this shallow, engineered cultre.

What I began to learn disgusted me. The origin of our monetary system, our healthcare system which promotes bad health for profit, among other subjects many of which was about how the system worked and how it kept people in.
However, I dismissed much of it at first, much like one would dismiss anything a "conspiracy theorist" had to say.
But I kept on reading through the months, exposing myself to information which may have damaged my ego and the way of life I have been living.
The rabbit hole went much deeper.
The questions kept coming, and little answers found.
After a little more enlightening, the psyop and programming, the bullshit culture is all too painfully easy to see.

What I want to do is leave it all with a few like minded people.

I want to look for:

A location which due to geography one is fairly isolated from the onset of the NWO (I hope I don't lose too many readers at this point).

A location where the climate is well enough so one can support himself with his own crop without developing deficiencies.

A place where one can be close to 100% self sustainable, perhaps obtaining exotic materials, objects and other items you can't acquire/make yourself (or would not be worth the time to produce) through some other means which I haven't thought about yet.

A place where I can spend my time not tending to my sustenance I can actually ENJOY life and develop myself spiritually.

Although I did say off the grid, I realize how vital the internet may be as an information resrouce for helping me with the kind of lifestyle I want, and it is required for me to stay current with wordly affairs.
And as I understand so far, satellite would be the best bet for isolated areas.

I am only in the infantile stages of this plan.
But I want to begin on a journey to find such a place and make preparations to move to such a place before its too late.
I'd certainly appreciate help as well.
I realize and fully understand I cannot do this alone.
If possible I would like to be out within 10 years.

Please understand I am open minded and fully open to any criticisms anyone might have.

To other like minded people who may already have a head start on this subject, I'd appreciate your advice.

Thanks for your time.
Every place nice has been developed and sold off to the rich or destroyed. The future is entropy. Tennessee is nice though.

Rollin Face

Hey man, ive been gauging this for some time as well, and the poster above is correct, that all the land is vouched for, but the yellowstone natl park and other heavy terrain places in the n USA and canada, are so dense that you probably could disappear so far deep that they wouldent be able to find you....

and if your truley living off the grid then the internet isnt really an option, maybe a few handheld radios but no power outlets out there..
are you my long lost twin brother???? Its almost as if I wrote that myself. Bro, I am looking fro the same thing, it isnt easy. Start learning the little survival techniques now, how to grow veggies, composting, getting fresh water, carpentry, minor electrical troubleshooting, medical issues and when to get attention, natural cures, home remedies, wild edibles including flowers and fungus, how to skin and cut your own meat, use of weapons..

those are just a few things you want to get started on if your wanting to be OTG in 10 years....I too want the same thing....I have been studying wind and solar power and how to get it and store it....little things like that will be the difference in you surviving when a snow storm hits, or a global catastrophe....start saving money....a generator is a must even if you have solar and wind power.....I will start saving links to everywhere I read and start posting them on this site for you. Good luck in your efforts bro, maybe we will meet out in the mountains sometime for a smoke and see if my dad knows your mom or vise versa cause I think we are related....LOL...
Just buy yourself some remote acreage and wait for the inflatable solar powered insta-houses to get invented. If you can't afford land...well...then you're fucked. Those solar powered instahouses aren't going to be cheap either...


Active member
you just need to buy or rent some property in the bush with hardly any neighbors, work from there and become sustainable. Don't give up on living with technology its very useful and even the hermits who live off the grid get computers and internet these days. Check out Earthships for sustainable housing.


Active member
most ppl here know that as soon as my bush property in Alaska is paid off im outta here.

ive lived off the grid in Alaska w/ no running water and no electric, no phone or cell svc. but on a river...it's an ass kicker for sure....but loved it.

i gotta make sure this time tho that the property is paid off, and that i'm debt free, i dont wanna deal w/ alaska's seasonal employment....so if im debt free and own the land i wont have to.
most ppl here know that as soon as my bush property in Alaska is paid off im outta here.

ive lived off the grid in Alaska w/ no running water and no electric, no phone or cell svc. but on a river...it's an ass kicker for sure....but loved it.

i gotta make sure this time tho that the property is paid off, and that i'm debt free, i dont wanna deal w/ alaska's seasonal employment....so if im debt free and own the land i wont have to.

how was the winters up there? I have been looking into alaska but I am not even sure where to start...Tell us more about your time up there...how did youo survive?


Active member
yah there is, but there is no state tax.

property tax isnt much tho because its based on the 'value' of the property, and realestate in Ak is pretty cheap


Active member
how was the winters up there? I have been looking into alaska but I am not even sure where to start...Tell us more about your time up there...how did youo survive?

alaska is to big to really 'generalize' as to how the winters are....south is a ton different than the north....and there is alot in between

where we were it wasnt bad at all...i actually would have preffered more snow...we were on kodiak island in a cabin my buddy owned.

we hauled fresh water from town, we had a genny but never used it, used a woodstove for heat...the place was easy to heat it was just 12 x 20.

we cooked on the woodstove, heated water on it too.

had an outhouse, but only used it to dump the 'honey bucket'.

we could drive in and out....it wont be like that next time tho.

there were places in town we could shower when we needed.

we stayed there about 9 months and worked about 6 of those months (me on a boat and GF worked for fish&game)

we left because we still had bills...and tho the rent was free we both have car payments and shit like that, and it was the time of year when work was scarce.....thats why i gotta get everything paid off first and own the land so i can do whatever i want.

check out this website for some good land deals and pics of different areas



I cough up honey oil
mtnmama- thats too funny. my dads a tax man too. LOL

NOKUY- That documentary looks bad ass. That guys my hero. High adventure.


Active member
you should also watch Les Strouds show called 'off the grid'

u can watch the whole thing on youtube in several segments...its a documentary about him buying bush property and him and the family making the move from the city to live there...really cool show...and les will give u lots to think about, and get u really excited to say fuck it.

heres the first part...u can jump to part 2, 3, 4....from the sidebar once there

I seen that Les stroud on discovery....only problem is, Les has Tons of money..LOL

Great story NOKUY, I wish I had an experience like that....I will get there some day but until then its living in the country, working in the city, and playing in the mountains on weekends...Someday!!!!!!!!