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Of Disciplining Children


Active member
ICMag Donor
Let's have a discussion about disciplining children.
To spank or not to spank? That is the question.


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor

I was raised by hippies.

"Man, we've tried nothin' and we're all outa ideas."

And look at the prick that produced.


I think it's definitely debatable!!

Does make you wonder!!

In the UK it's illegal to slap your child but this same government is quick to send the same children of that law off to war to fight and die for them?!

I think the lunatics have clearly taken over the asylum here though

Hmmm might take a back seat for this one tbh!

Debate on


Oh forgot to give an answer

Yes possibly if the child is yours!!



Active member
ICMag Donor
Got my eleven year old was playin his game, mom said clen the room ,he says i aint cleanin all this, she yells , EXCUSE ME, he says whatever...

Now i was raised mostly southern, if i ever back-talked my mom id be getting popped with the closest thing in sight, if it was grandma id be cutting a switch off her peach tree!

I try tellin her boys test their limits when they hit puberty... catch it now or we'll have our hands full when hes 15!


Active member
ICMag Donor
yo bigganja I hear ya!

2 kids are biological mine 2 hers, we been together for years and they call me dad and i pay all the bills and support them but discipline has been a problem!

My other 9 year olds you tell em to do something they say GOT IT! My daughter says better listen to dad he's serious!

Now im tellin the missus we need to be consistant parenting, she yells all she wants it don't get results. If you threaten a kid with consequences and never follow through its just a game to them,,,

I have had to spank my other children only a handful of times, and even though i got whooped good with anything handy when i was a kid I just stick with a swat or two, gets the point across i find. She yells and yells and nothing gets done until i get up and speak, then they jump,

Now the 11 year old, he's only been popped twice in his life, the other day they were down by family and he was acting up and she sent him to bed and he said what are you gonna do if i dont child abuse me! Im tellin her hes testin his limits hittin puberty!

Ida never had the nerve to tell my mom that!


Active member
I was spanked with wooden spoons, plastic spoons, switches, hands and I turned out just fine, insert the most sarcastic smiley here). I have a 2yr old. I give him a super gently slap on his hand if he is throwing his toys in a fit, but that's about it for now. I do believe in spanking your own kids. its how I was raised, and something that's been instilled when I was very young will be very hard not to do as an adult to my kid. ill try the time out thing when he turns 3 next year.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Whats up demon, long time no see, hope yer good, you ever get to pop them beans?

I think it depends on the kids but a swat here and there to go along with the talking to gets the point across, and back talking your mom is like the first grounds for a pop!

Who used to get the shoe? Didnt hurt usually but it would hurt your feelings to get the point across! Now my grandmas flip flop somehow shed paddle your ass with it good!


Well-known member
high fambz!

imho slapping them little buggers from time to time (if nothing else works and they deserved it), does wonders to their concept of respect and self awareness...

i used to get slapped by the teachers if misbahaving, as well as neighbours n parents if necessery, in hindsight im glad i did, else id became a worse mofo than eric cartman :)



i swatted their diapered ass n nipped it in the bud. when i put my foot down, they do as they're told, but it rarely comes to that...very rare.


Active member
TG, not bad bro. working on this last test run of Snake Venom (viper cookies x gorilla glue 4). then yours are next on the list. just got done reformatting my flower room and harvest all the same time, then Christmas, kids bday, new years day, ect. lol


Well-known member
Hmmmm... Interesting thread.
I was slapped here and there as a kid , didn't do me any harm ( rocks back and forth in chair, biting finger nails)- no ,seriously I think I needed it from time to time.
However, these days you will teach a kid better by removing phone, computer, console etc. Or just switching off the wifi.
When I were a lad there wasn't much to take away , so a little slap was probably what was needed.
If you slap em too much , you just make them hard to the world- then you got no chance of getting through to them, imo.


Shit I reference the UK because I allways lived here but ffs the beatings I've had in my time "testing my boundrys"

Your in a difficult situation mate tbh your biggest battle is communication!! With him and the other half!!

Id express my feelings of wanting to clap the little shit to your mrs, that way you can word it like "hun you know if someone spoke to you like that, in a bar what would you think I would do?"

Let her deal with it mate you really don't want to come across as the bad guy right now!!

Failing that take him hunting and explain how easy someone could go missing if they keep disrespecting your mrs!!(not my best suggestion I might add)

Worse ways worse ask him what he's problem is?

Put him on the spot and see what he says

Last resort option

Take your shirt off and say right you little shit I ain't having this no more you and me outside now!!

One way or another get your other half's view before you make any action!!

Had a little drink now sorry bout the mean suggestions but sometimes tough love can be the only option

Ps if you do say you me outside
Watch he's face as he realises he fucked up! Be careful tho Ive had many a bust up with my step dad's over the years!!


Well-known member
I smoke weed to forget issues in my childhood

the thought of me having my own kids is actually "TERRIFYING"

I can can see me getting neutered first

and should I desire to reproduce, I'd adopt or sponsor a kid

rather than push the little bugger outta my own sorry soul

not to mention what this stuff does to your body and mind

I like to raise plants, at least to adolescence

then harvest to my own satisfaction,

not have the lil fucker double cross me over a hormone issue

screw that! imo


So where do you draw the line? a slap for being naughty ,get the strap out for being really naughty , beat them with a stick the day the cops bring them home for doing stupid shit that kids do? their children not pets ! most have a great capacity for learning ,what do you teach a kid by hitting them ? fear ! if you think that it teaches them respect from my own personal experience It just made me hate the pair of them ...angry teenage boy full of hate and resentment Hmmm didn't I do so shit to square to tab Rf


Obviously I'd say picking anything up to use is borderline gbh mate

A slap is a slap an all out beating is waaaaaaaaay too much


The government don't want you to spank your kids so they can lock them up, look at immunizations and the school system you can tell how much they really care about the kids well being.

mojave green

rockin in the free world
I regret every single time I laid my hands on my children, which I rarely did. I was abused as a child.

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