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Occupy Wall Street: Not on major media but worth watching!

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"fairly standard police procedure." well, maybe we need to change standard procedure of the police.

it's fucking obvious that the vast majority of the general public does not condone this kind of behavior from our police force.

FUCK YOU to all the testosterone enraged police officers who would try to defend this kind of action, you will be the first to get eaten. pepper spraying an 80 year old woman? have you no shame? i would love to get on a plane and knock on your fucking door and pepper spray ur face, along with your disgusting wife and the mother that brought you into this world.

how is it that police officers do a job they dont believe in or have the slightest clue what their objective is? have they no morals, values or sense of right and wrong? isnt there a psych profile for this shit?


Yeah they have a IQ standard anything over 30 and you do not qualify.

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
I think the chancellor is going to be out of a job soon. Yesterday Katehi was in a campus building addressing police and "community" representatives. Students gathered outside demanding to have a voice. When the meeting was over Katehi refused to leave the building because she felt intimidated by the presence of the students outside. One of the students who had been sprayed the day before, organized all the students to sit down on either side of the walkway, lock arms (as they'd been doing when sprayed), and remain silent. Katehi finally agreed to come out, and had to do a long long walk like the ending of Hitchcock's "The Birds". Toast. She's toast.


The video showing students hounding the police with cameras after the spraying is incredibly powerful.


Courts decided two years ago that doing this to students is torture.



Bent Member

An Infograpich chart on MONEY



Andinismo Hierbatero
Why do the occupiers want to end private land ownership and end home schooling? What they dont want to own land? they want the Government to own everything? And what they want their children indoctrinated by the government as well? I don't get these 2 requests. And wealthy people should pay up to 90% income tax? wtf? thats does not seem fair.

you're right. this is the problem with the "movement".

the idea that the current system needs to change is pretty valid; however, the change must go 'foward' into true freedom; not go 'backwards' and become soviet union, cuba or venezuela.


Active member
Why do the occupiers want to end private land ownership and end home schooling?

This is what you get when people who don't understand a single thing about society start demanding things.

Sounds to me like an NSA/CIA op... wouldn't take much and they've certainly had a lot of practice setting things like this up in other countries the last few decades.

They're pissed and they should be. The problem is they're don't understand enough to be pissed at the right things. End home-schooling? Bwahahahahahaha! So the next generation absolutely, without question, will NOT stand up to the govt? That's all they teach in public school is "Gub'ment is goooood.... Gub'ment takes caaaare of you." "here's a reward for having your name picked out of the hat this month. Enjoy your ice-cream."


Stay Safe! :D :blowbubbles:


i said it already but egypt was just a test run and it's already backfiring on them. they have a pulse on the masses they analyze every search term, every facebook post, every post on media sites(also adding their own to try and steer people). they knew people were getting to the point where they were to pissed off to just keep taking it without saying anything so they went proactive and made a movement so that hopefullly they could steer it in the direction they want(they have released a few supposed demands through ows and every single one is definitely in THEIR handwriting). analyze everything you hear, take it with a bag of salt. so much disinformation and half truths.


weed fiend
Yes... there's a profile for it. If you don't fit it, they don't hire you. Around here they've hired a lot of ex gang members and there are a few really sadistic bastards in the bunch.

Don't tell me where you live. Just tell me which gang doesn't snuff it's ex-members - even when they work for leo?


weed fiend
This is what you get when people who don't understand a single thing about society start demanding things.

It's not uncommon for opponents of OWS to mis characterize OWS objectives, as if protesters all over the world have some kind of guiding manifesto. The top has bought away so many aspects of the global economy, we don't all have to be on the same page to be relevant. Everybody, including you is getting screwed - in many ways.

I've read opinions of protesters, journalists and bloggers. I've yet to see anybody wanting government giveaways and the home school part is just funny.

Anytime you see a manifesto floating around declaring objectives, try being a little more objective about it's origin. This protest is global mang, there ain't no (twin) bullet-point mission statement
that encompasses what the top has done to the global economy.

Sounds to me like an NSA/CIA op... wouldn't take much and they've certainly had a lot of practice setting things like this up in other countries the last few decades.

Particularly Chile. The ultimate capitalist... nightmare. It was an (attempted) Friedman wet dream, however conjoined with Chilean death squads to murder opponents and terrorize potential dissent.

They're pissed and they should be. The problem is they're don't understand enough to be pissed at the right things. End home-schooling? Bwahahahahahaha! So the next generation absolutely, without question, will NOT stand up to the govt? That's all they teach in public school is "Gub'ment is goooood.... Gub'ment takes caaaare of you." "here's a reward for having your name picked out of the hat this month. Enjoy your ice-cream."


Stay Safe! :D :blowbubbles:

Where do you get this? I mean, Sean Hannity comes up with some bizarre assertions but I'm way past any assumptions he's anything close to intellectual honesty. Do folks who manufacture arguments actually feel relevant or are they just attempting to distract?


Sorcerer's Apprentice
It's not uncommon for opponents of OWS to mis characterize OWS objectives, as if protesters all over the world have some kind of guiding manifesto. The top has bought away so many aspects of the global economy, we don't all have to be on the same page to be relevant. Everybody, including you is getting screwed - in many ways.

Anytime you see a manifesto floating around declaring objectives, try being a little more objective about it's origin.
This protest is global mang, there ain't no (twin) bullet-point mission statement
that encompasses what the top has done to the global economy.



I am beyond angry at the way peaceful
demonstrators being treated in this country.
How many times have we seen foreign governments
condemned for squashing protests with the police/military?
Yet here in the good ole USA the same people that would
be raising hell if this occurred in some other country
are the strongest voices supporting police crackdowns.
Damn hypocrites:mad:

You don't have to agree with OWS's positions
to support their right to peaceful assembly and protest.

Major respect to those who have endured the violence
while remaining peaceful.I am afraid I could not
have done the same.


. Do folks who manufacture arguments actually feel relevant or are they just attempting to distract?

they are making a living - a name for themselves. bullshit. all of it - has NOTHING to do with relevance or truth. it's a product to the ignorant who alarmingly comprise too much of this country. and oh does it sell.

i encourage everyone to think for themselves and learn to read subtext.

the fear mongers can all go to hell. we need to learn to recognize them.


Active member
DiscoBisquit said:
Hydro-Soil said:
They're pissed and they should be. The problem is they're don't understand enough to be pissed at the right things. End home-schooling? Bwahahahahahaha! So the next generation absolutely, without question, will NOT stand up to the govt? That's all they teach in public school is "Gub'ment is goooood.... Gub'ment takes caaaare of you." "here's a reward for having your name picked out of the hat this month. Enjoy your ice-cream."


Where do you get this?

I can tell you it isn't made up in the slightest. I had a kid in the public school system. Straight from experience. Where do you get your stuff?

Stay Safe!


Active member
Anyone else read the list of "Demands" and suddenly recall "Die Hard"?

You know... where the bank robbers tell the cops they're some terrorist front and give these whacked demands to have known terrorists let out of prison....... Just so the feds will cut the power to the vault door?

Yeah. Fucking retarded that people are buying this crap. 'Course, if people really knew what was going on and had a good grip on reality.... we wouldn't be in this mess, now would we. ROTFLMAO!

Damn Sheep!

Stay Safe! :D


I'm with babyhuey. I might not agree with some of the stuff they're saying but highly disagree with using such force on protestors. Those cops better watch their backs because it might not be long before we have Egypt like uprisings


Active member
DB said:
Don't tell me where you live. Just tell me which gang doesn't snuff it's ex-members - even when they work for leo?
Are you serious? ROTFL

You obviously haven't been around many gangs. You know... un-educated groups of people who have a misplaced sense of "tribe" and a seriously over-amped 'Macho' index?

Kill their members that leave... LOL. You've been watching too many movies. LOL

Stay Safe! :D

edit: p.s. In the last 20 years I've worked with, partied with and hung out with "ex" gang members (in multiple states) that were disgusted they ever got wrapped up in such stupid crap. Hell... I MARRIED one! LOL


weed fiend
I can tell you it isn't made up in the slightest. I had a kid in the public school system. Straight from experience. Where do you get your stuff?

Sounds like your kid was drinking the koolaid per-kindergarten.

Seriously, we love your kid. But even your kid is no barometer of your collective swipes.

Anyone else read the list of "Demands" and suddenly recall "Die Hard"?

You know... where the bank robbers tell the cops they're some terrorist front and give these whacked demands to have known terrorists let out of prison....... Just so the feds will cut the power to the vault door?

Yeah. Fucking retarded that people are buying this crap. 'Course, if people really knew what was going on and had a good grip on reality.... we wouldn't be in this mess, now would we. ROTFLMAO!

Damn Sheep!

Stay Safe! :D

Good grip? Even your fictional reference is baloney and the comparison is right wing imagination.

Are you serious? ROTFL

You obviously haven't been around many gangs. You know... un-educated groups of people who have a misplaced sense of "tribe" and a seriously over-amped 'Macho' index?

Oh, you mean people that don't share your political beliefs. Why didn't you say so? Because 'gang' has such a nice pejorative ring to it.

Kill their members that leave... LOL. You've been watching too many movies. LOL
And your reality redefines gang as harmless folks you disagree with, exercising their legal right to peacefully protest.

edit: p.s. In the last 20 years I've worked with, partied with and hung out with "ex" gang members (in multiple states) that were disgusted they ever got wrapped up in such stupid crap. Hell... I MARRIED one! LOL
Poor girl.

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
Are you serious? ROTFL

You obviously haven't been around many gangs. You know... un-educated groups of people who have a misplaced sense of "tribe" and a seriously over-amped 'Macho' index?

Kill their members that leave... LOL. You've been watching too many movies. LOL

I taught a student who's brother was taken out and executed because he tried to leave the local gang.
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