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Occupy Wall Street: Not on major media but worth watching!

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weed fiend
Ron Paul never took into count the possibilities of Electronic Currency where everything is divisible. It brings alot of ease to a gold standard. Money can, must, and will be treated as a commodity.

That's a substitute for gold. That's not unlike what we have with GDP based fractional reserve. Bitcoin would fractionalize the gold reserve.

If you want capital reserve to be treated as a commodity, you'll have to regulate it.

DB if theres anything anyone should pick from sience when applying history to economics it's 2 facts:
-History repeats itself
-Market always wins

Depends where you're standing when the music stops. Survival of the fittest sounds rather Darwinian from the crowd that eschews evolution. But stranger things happen.

who cares about that? Why does it even concern you???

You mean you don't care what would amount to revaluation of your net worth?

DB I cant make it. Are you a Sociolist or a Bureaucrat?

I think the answer that most assists your curiosity is I'm no libertarian, I don't subscribe to Milton Friedman nor the Austrian school of economics.

This isn't some new debate that somehow escaped modern contemporaries. The debate is nearly as old as civilization. You benefit from civilization and part of what you make goes back in to keep it running for the next guy.

You're a socialist too, Dudesome. You benefit from the same affordable goods and services that everybody else does. Name one industrialized country that doesn't recognize the benefit of numbers and provide at least the most basic goods and or services free from privatized profit. Bet you can't find one.


weed fiend
I just can't laugh enough about this.... If only 50% of what you say was true I would be a VERY happy man. Right now I am just Happy on this blue widow. Man whata treat.

How else you maintain the same living standard with substantially less monetary reserve? If the country's wealth depends on a gold standard, the limited amount of gold limits the bottom line. Diminished national wealth means diminished wealth for you and me, at least on domestic investments.

The only reason big gold players aren't selling is this idea the economic world will end and that gold (and bullets) are our lone salvation. Better yet, gold bullets for the win.:) What little bit that's available is quickly scooped up by the market or the manipulators, keeping supply low. Demand is generated by warnings of gloom and doom and even historical references don't parallel when you look at the respective aspects. Sure civilizations rise and fall but comparisons to the Roman empire aren't as relevant to today's conditions as the gold trade wants you to think.

I'm not big on predictions but I'll make one here. When the economy starts to improve, the available gold supply will slowly but steadily increase and the value will decline. Those who plan primarily on gold will wish they'd put eggs in other baskets.

The most recent trend in gold is what gets all the attention but a broader view shows the ups and downs.


Game Bred
Name one industrialized country that doesn't recognize the benefit of numbers and provide at least the most basic goods and or services free from privatized profit. Bet you can't find one.

you can find the exact same amount of countries not looking to eliminate all the free lunches (think austerity).

can you show me an example of how a government is good with money?

you are right though. to continue kicking the inevitable can down the road we are going to need another falsely inflated bubble.

you know like in the '90s when companies with losses on the books watched stock values soar and millionaires were created on the backs of wild "tech" speculation.

giving clinton credit for the surpluses of the tech bubble only works if you believe al gore invented the internet.

remember it was a bipartisan effort that removed the walls?
it was bi partisan effort that passed nfta,cafta,gatt et al

followed by shrubbya and unfunded wars the largest increases in spending in history and a double down on clinton era "free trade"

here we have bushIII who economically and politically has continued to carry the water for BushI and II but somehow we expect the result to be different.

and the cheerleaders wont even acknowledge the government backing sub prime based mortgage bundles for the first time in history directly followed by a huge spike in the usage of the instrument had any effect...

some folks allow ideology to overrule critical thinking.

cant wait for QE7

did you know the 700BB line of credit known as t.a.r.p. is still open?


Active member
How else you maintain the same living standard with substantially less monetary reserve? If the country's wealth depends on a gold standard, the limited amount of gold limits the bottom line. Diminished national wealth means diminished wealth for you and me, at least on domestic investments.

The only reason big gold players aren't selling is this idea the economic world will end and that gold (and bullets) are our lone salvation. Better yet, gold bullets for the win.:) What little bit that's available is quickly scooped up by the market or the manipulators, keeping supply low. Demand is generated by warnings of gloom and doom and even historical references don't parallel when you look at the respective aspects. Sure civilizations rise and fall but comparisons to the Roman empire aren't as relevant to today's conditions as the gold trade wants you to think.

I'm not big on predictions but I'll make one here. When the economy starts to improve, the available gold supply will slowly but steadily increase and the value will decline. Those who plan primarily on gold will wish they'd put eggs in other baskets.

The most recent trend in gold is what gets all the attention but a broader view shows the ups and downs.

man I am glad that you think that way! Your words fill my heart with hope!! thank you!


Sorcerer's Apprentice
It's obvious to me that you are not a capitalist.

I know this wasn't directed at me, but I am not a capitalist, nor a socialist, nor Marxist, communist, autocrat, plutocrat or bureaucrat.

I am a living human being, constantly immersed in a sea of information and I am simply making choices based on my perceptions of the ever-changing mosaic assembled in my mind from incoming data.


Active member
I know this wasn't directed at me, but I am not a capitalist, nor a socialist, nor Marxist, communist, autocrat, plutocrat or bureaucrat.

I am a living human being, constantly immersed in a sea of information and I am simply making choices based on my perceptions of the ever-changing mosaic assembled in my mind from incoming data.

well said. Yet being a capitalist should be everyones choice in this society in order to survive...


The guys that were doing a lot of the commercial stuff(hedge funds) got spooked back in Q407 and stopped investing/lending...I had a couple deals on the table that got whacked.

Smart play on their part...Bio-Tech is about as good a guess as you're going to get at this point.


Andinismo Hierbatero
To my thinking you are saying something like: Hey lets use the whole facism system and just change some things so we can have the jews to be our friends.

hey, for a second there, you had me fooled that you were an educated person; but as pointed out by another poster already, afterall, you're just regurgitating conspiracy theorists' fantasy.

plain lies have never been a powerful weapon, but when you mix truth with lies, you can mind-fuck a lot of folk.


Active member
hey, for a second there, you had me fooled that you were an educated person; but as pointed out by another poster already, afterall, you're just regurgitating conspiracy theorists' fantasy.

plain lies have never been a powerful weapon, but when you mix truth with lies, you can mind-fuck a lot of folk.

hmmmmm yeah well not sure what you are talking about. I am talking about the monetary system and the way it's designed.
I call facism the way the banking system works today. And I am saying that it's nearly impossible to change it by reforms.
Do you not agree? If not - speak up.

As for conspiracy theorist... yeah I kind of am. Why, you believe that Obama's our king today? If not, then you're a conspiracy theorist yourself...


Andinismo Hierbatero
hmmmmm yeah well not sure what you are talking about. I am talking about the monetary system and the way it's designed.
I call facism the way the banking system works today. And I am saying that it's nearly impossible to change it by reforms.
Do you not agree? If not - speak up.

there's really nothing to agree or disagree with when the premises you present us with have no basis on reality.

first, your premise that the monetary system was designed is ludicrous; the monetary system has been "shaping itself" since our first conception of 'economy' a long ass time ago.

there is no definite point in history where some dudes said: "yeah man, with this system we have designed and are completly and efficciently able to implement right now, we'll dominate and conquer the world by next week". where's this thinking comming from? Pinky and The Brain?

then, the cherry on the cake, you mention "the jews" as the designers of what you call 'facist system'.

but it does not stop there; you claim such system cannot be changed by any means, because somehow it is inherently all-too-powerful and "uncorruptable" even. why is this? because the "evil jews" have a deal with the devil? :biglaugh:
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