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Obama will Prosecute Medical Marijuana Providers

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Romdog- Man that is some serious hate for this man and his family, and your a little delusional about who is running the place anyway. We are controlled by the people that run the federal reserve, that's who prints our money for us, well at this place and time they just create digits on a computer. Then they charge the US a fixed interest for doing us the favor. So don't be so angry at this guy he is not different than the any before him. He does what they want to keep us busy and paying back our debt. You do pay taxes right? Well thats how they get paid back. So it could have been McCain, Clinton, Obama. All memebrs of the CFR and all working for the same folks. The first night of debates Ron Paul got 35% of the vote as the winner of the debates, Obama ,Clinton, and Mcain got like 15% combined. Funny how RP wasn't invited anymore after that. actually TV made him out to be a loon they said how crazy he is yada, yada yada. Anyway it doesn't matter as this is the life we are living, currently MJ is Illegal and a lot of jobs are centered around it, Obama would look like a fool to cut jobs so that we can enjoy MJ. So look forward to more taxes, and helping out in your community.

Watch "Money masters"


Please read the threads you are talking about and get some 'facts'!! No arrests since the anouncement of anyone following the state laws has occurred. Period!

Bobby - (aka Peanut Butter) Why should I calm down? I am not the one spreading bad/wrong info. on the boards about half truths and straight BS. That would be you and your 1500 deaths a day! Why dont you tell us where that # comes from by the way?? Big Gov.? As far as I can tell you and I have had a big gov. since the 30's! You guys are all the same. Fight the system, big gov. is bad, your are a sheep if you dont listen to me, fall in line, etc..... have you seperatists ever thought that maybe you are not worth following? Maybe the reason you cannot get on the same team is you cant offer anything of value to the real cause except lips service paraphrased from Rush and GlennB. and people with any sense just dont want to be lead by the trailor park American freedoms brigade. You make accusations and cast aspusions but for what? Big gov is evil!!! Really? None of us that voted for Obama or would give his policies time to work ,would have thought that of course, being the sheep we are. The choice is big gov. for the people or big gov for the companies. Now that is your reality.

Quote:Like it or not.Rainman, you are defending big government because you work for them stealing other peoples kids away. How can you sleep at night man?
You don't understand the point people are making here, you are defending somebody who is against US. Why? I know, because they paid for your job and you are feeling obligated to defend your master. Right?

Anarchist - Rarely do I come across anyone as childish and small as you so I hope this doesnt come across as harsh. You dont know me and you dont know what motivates me. I work for CPS proudly because people like you think it is ok to beat and maim children and I think my understanding of what we are talking about is a bit more than you would give me credit for. As far as my sleep, its best when I have gone into a home and told the parents you will no longer be beating the shit out of your kids, molesting them, or allowing your boyfriend to sleep with them. People like you think it is ok to put out cigs on their backs, sale them for meth and sex, probe their parts with objects like broom handles and hammers. You see I live in the real world were I hope to put people like you in jail for very long periods of time. If you think its stealing you are a fool since I place most with their extended family anyways. My testimony/investigations have sent people like you to jail for life and I enjoyed every second of it. You see, you can say its about money (65k a yr with overtime is nada in Cali.!!) or protecting my master but really its just about kids. When you hit puberty and start making babies with your sister you will see how important they are. Until then you are just in the way here.

rainman your god complex is trite.you are a public servent and if 65 k is not enough 4 you quit I don't think anyone here will miss you.
of course people don't want to talk to you if had kids,I 'd probably want to wax that look of smug all knowing condemnation you feel so glib to tell the world about.
that you would defend the goverment actions against c.l. is just another example of how you shill for the goverment,and your smug observations are indicitive of the fact that you are just another peestain bureaucrat who's wages are off the backs of other taxpayers
and oh yea if there wasn't incentives for people to have children,maybe your job wouldn't be in such demand.I only can say try not to perpetuate your misery by having kids yourself.and maybe if you were jailed for trying to help others you opine might change.
your just an employee you have no more right to degrade others because of your job,in fact it tells me you need therapy for the emotional issues you can't leave at work.
yea theres horrible things every day,but it does not define who we are what the world is:unless you let it.I have seen people blown up,corpsicled,drowned,heart attacks,gun shot wounds ,and I even watched my roomate freak after impeding the crosswalk of a man with no legs walking with his arms and cut up 2 by 4's for shoes for his hands.
i have met charlie,and have to say I would rather have you in jail as you represent a bigger threat to society.


Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death !!
Dangerous lunatic fringe right wing POSSE reporting for duty !!

Give him some time people.............We'll know where he stands within........Oh I say...........8 years !!

Give the poor man a chance to settle in and get comfy before he tackles the big issues. Let him get use to bowing before Islamic Kings and hob knobing with 3rd world dictators before he actually does anything for America.

Give the poor man a break.


oh yea and their is a protest tommorow in l.a. for the sentancing hearing for charlie,Ill be there. I would encourage all others after reading the entitlement,and arrogance of bureaucrats to attend and show poeple how you feel . supporting a person who provided safe access for patients in need, whom now are faced with long drives,and no local access.

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
Damn Romdog. I am a fiscal conservative, but I am not racist. That was really uncalled for, and it gets the moderators in more of a tizzy than they already are.

It is really pathetic, when two sides of a issue, can't be discussed. You either have Rainman preaching about whatever, didn't really read his posts. JJscorpio calling out the "Obama Haters". And now racist ramblings from an obvious bigot.

What a great thread.
I'd really like to know what people expected if McCain won, do you really think MJ would have a chance? LOL!!! Get real folks...


all praises are due to the Most High
fuck the goverment, whether right or left, it is all the same. wake up, stop voting. to vote is to perpetuate the lie of the system. a person who votes is insane because time after time it has been proven that voting does not change the system for the better, and to insist in that voting will change it when evidence has shown countless times that it does not, shows that people who vote are crazy.

give me my nobel award on social sciences some other day.

Jeff Lebowski

Stop voting, hahah! You first okay and when all of your rights are gone you can keep standing still with your hands in your pocket looking at the ground...
Yeah voting is dumb, fuck 58% of voters in Alaska, 56% of voters in California, 54% of Colorado voters, the Senate of Hawaii, 62% of voters in the State of Maine, the legislature of Maryland, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington :wallbash: Idiots no?
Tell the gay movement that voting is pointless in CA, but be careful you might get owned by some guy with a "limp" wrist. I am not going to debate your idea of voting, just don't vote but don't tell others what to do with their participatory actions. What social science degree do you hold?

If he is going to prosecute these mmj providers, I would expect prosecution of the CIA torturers.


all praises are due to the Most High
no modern country nor modern democracy was established through voting to begin with...

how does that song go? oh yes: and so castles made of sand, fall in the sea eventually...



I just don't think it's government job to interfere into family matters. We did just fine without big government before, all drugs were legal and we did just fine. We did just fine without some fucking bureaucrat protecting my child from me. What a bunch of bullshit, wake up people we are being overly controlled and some people are making money by doing all this crap to us. They want to control every aspect of our lives, don't you get it. This country was funded by free people who fought against oppressive British government.

I didn't say I support any human abuse, be it child or adult. In fact rainman first started putting words into my mouth when I never said such thing.
Rainman just went to Iraq to kill children, then when he came back home he started to work for government to now protect children. It's all just a big hypocrites I am referring to because he said he's putting bad people in jail "LIKE ME."

Why is he accusing me as a child abuser when actually it's me who is protecting children from government hypocrites who are taking our kids because some of us grow a few plants. Those children aren't stupid, they love their parents and they don't want to be separated from their moms and dads. It's big trauma for kids. That's WHAT I WAS TALKING ABOUT IN FIRST PLACE. I just don't know why he's twisting my arguments and talking about something I never said in first place.

I know there are some bad people who abuse kids but I never talked about them since this is marijuana forum. Because of few bad apples all our freedoms are being taken away by our beloved government. I was talking about our kids who rainman is taking away from us because of marijuana plant. He works for government and is against us because he's taking our kids. That's just a simple straight neutral fact, but he wants to keep on twisting the truth and my arguments.
Let me say again I don't support any abuse.

Rainman you are ignoring other peoples argument and all you are saying is accusations that we are pro bush, that we never gave you any proof against Obama when countless people submitted bunch of valid arguments against Obama policies.

Jeff Lebowski

no modern country nor modern democracy was established through voting to begin with...

how does that song go? oh yes: and so castles made of sand, fall in the sea eventually...


Thank god we're a republic then huh. It would be very scary if only a majority was needed to do anything and we didn't have balances put in place to stop such actions, ie three brances of government in addition to local offices.\

But semantics and reality aside, you have yet to prove your statement that voting is pointless.


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Give him some time people.............We'll know where he stands within........Oh I say...........8 years !!

Give the poor man a chance to settle in and get comfy before he tackles the big issues. Let him get use to bowing before Islamic Kings and hob knobing with 3rd world dictators before he actually does anything for America.

Give the poor man a break.

I myself agree with the above. It's been 93 days as of today.

However waiting and seeing what will happen doesn't work. We must all keep up the pressure on the administration, the many-headed beast, and continuously let them know what the will of the people is.

Just yesterday our local county government (Lake County, CA) tried to pull a fast one, and without notice to the public sent out closure notices to all six dispensaries located in the county. The same day they had scheduled a hearing before the board of supervisors to discuss said issue and ask for more teeth to impose fines to violators.

However, a local managed to put two and two together and realized what was happening. Jack Herer and a large portion of the concerned community swamped the council chambers yesterday and also many operators of cooperatives, collectives and dispensaries not only showed up, but spoke eloquently before the board. The result was that the lone code enforcement bureaucrat who took it upon herself to mail out these closure letters was told to immediately mail out certified letters rescinding the order until such time the board of supervisors can hold public hearings and make a decision on other options. The code enforcement division was told to investigate OTHER OPTIONS rather than closing the dispensaries and collectives, and two borad members reminded everyone of California State law and how they must follow it.

So we stood up, went to the supervisors and got what we asked for.

It does work. If we had not shown up, do you think they would have let this happen or not?

But did the local news report any of this?


We sat right behind the reporters who took extensive notes, and read both pubs this morning with dismay as they talked about everything ELSE BUT what happened during that hour and a half in council chambers...they reported on every thing else but the dispensary issue.

The media needs a wake up call also.


all praises are due to the Most High
Thank god we're a republic then huh. It would be very scary if only a majority was needed to do anything and we didn't have balances put in place to stop such actions, ie three brances of government in addition to local offices.\

But semantics and reality aside, you have yet to prove your statement that voting is pointless.

actually, you are a democratic republic by definition. seems contradictory in the light of your opinion though... hehehehehe...

also, I do not need to prove what is evident i.e: that the current system does more harm than good and that to support it is to support the damage the system does daily.

peace out


ICMag Donor
I myself agree with the above. It's been 93 days as of today.

However waiting and seeing what will happen doesn't work. We must all keep up the pressure on the administration, the many-headed beast, and continuously let them know what the will of the people is.

Just yesterday our local county government (Lake County, CA) tried to pull a fast one, and without notice to the public sent out closure notices to all six dispensaries located in the county. The same day they had scheduled a hearing before the board of supervisors to discuss said issue and ask for more teeth to impose fines to violators.

However, a local managed to put two and two together and realized what was happening. Jack Herer and a large portion of the concerned community swamped the council chambers yesterday and also many operators of cooperatives, collectives and dispensaries not only showed up, but spoke eloquently before the board. The result was that the lone code enforcement bureaucrat who took it upon herself to mail out these closure letters was told to immediately mail out certified letters rescinding the order until such time the board of supervisors can hold public hearings and make a decision on other options. The code enforcement division was told to investigate OTHER OPTIONS rather than closing the dispensaries and collectives, and two borad members reminded everyone of California State law and how they must follow it.

So we stood up, went to the supervisors and got what we asked for.

It does work. If we had not shown up, do you think they would have let this happen or not?

But did the local news report any of this?


We sat right behind the reporters who took extensive notes, and read both pubs this morning with dismay as they talked about everything ELSE BUT what happened during that hour and a half in council chambers...they reported on every thing else but the dispensary issue.

The media needs a wake up call also.

I spoke with the Assemblman today that introduced the medical marijuana bill in New York. He feels that it will pass this year because of the Obama "regime" stating they will back off the States in this issue. He also stated it would be political suicide if NY passes and then the Feds don't back off and they raid med patients in NY and Ca, his chances of re-election would take a serious blow.


The revolution will not be televised.....
This will be long guys so forgive the inconvience. I am not gonna say anything about the serious hatred and racism here but man what a dissapointment. Thank you JJ for cleaning it up and keeping it open.

Danut - Obama was running against other people in his election. Who did the MMJ bill run against? You see he didnt have as many votes but the votes he did have made his victory that much more impressive. How many votes would the bill have gotten if on the same ballot iniatives to legalize cocain, streaking, and polygamy?? The confidence I have comes from my history. Its not arrogance but confidence in what I know and beleive, thats all. Obama's stance on this issue isnt behind the people its just not what "you" want it to be at this point. The question about Lynch's kids is complicated. They would not have seen him pulled out in cuffs. They would have been removed or sheltered from that if possible. The Social Workers would have come in before or during the arrest to remove. They would have been placed with close family if any were availible and wanted to take them in. The longterm effects are real and I wont comment on them here cause I am not a therapist or Psych professional. To say they would feel responsible or guilty for the arrest is a stretch tho.

Aroma - I feel your pain and having repressive laws is one of the reasons I left the South and moved to Cali years ago. I will say that I would not wish that kinda situation on anyone.

Moldy - CPS is a two headed beast. It is the only agency specifically created to protect children. Thats all noting else. It gets a bad rap ofr several reasons but major ones have to do with kids being lost, abuse by Social Workers, and breaking up families(always tough). Most people who work here are good people and only want to keep kids safe.

Nep. and Anarchist - I work for CPS! Get over it! I take children who are in 'danger'. Thats is the only time I do it!! Its not a game and we dont play them when it comes to families. If you think we do it to keep jobs or boss people around you are way off the mark. It isnt for kids not getin a bath last night or not eating breakfast this mornin. I remove children who have been beaten like you wouldnt beat a dog. Kids whose mother's sale them to boyfriends for Crank/coke. Kids whose dad's make them pose for nude pics and touch other children while in ther basements. I see this abuse and horrific things people do to their kids all day evryday. Its not a game or something funny to joke about. If I am on your doorstep you have done something 'really' bad and I will make sure you dont continue or im making sure its true or not(alot of false accusations in the field). I dont have a GOD complex! I am not in it to tell citezens how to live. I have never killed a baby either. I did go to war but you cant make me feel bad about that either. I served my country with pride and distinction kid and thats how I get down. If you dont get it then there is nothing wrong with me, but something wrong with you. You get mad about me pokin fun at you and complain but in the next breathe refer to me as a baby killer. You need thicker skin to be in a thread with me. If you did what I did you would feel pretty freakin good when you can help a kid get out of some hell they have been born into. It is a great feeling and I have been doin it too long to let a couple of non-debaters make me feel bad about that. Some people just arent made to have kids. Most people can reproduce but being a parent is the hardest job on the planet. What are you 2 doing that is even close to that kind of importance?? I love it when internet gangsters start talking about busting heads and all that. Makes you seem tougher as you post from Mom's house.

Now with all this said I still want to see where Obama has lied to you or gone back on any of his promises. Its not drinking the Kool-aid or being amazed by his persona. It is a rational and well thought decision to give him a chance to succeed and not carry a defeatist attitude. Clinton was a ego maniac who thought she had already one the election. Someone forgot to tell her we voted/liked for her husband and not her. McCain's stance was the same as Bush''s so we would still have raids daily, no discussion on the issue, continued war on drugs, 3 strikes laws for weed, and a guy with a Bucket list in the Oval office!!! No thanks!


Freedom Fighter
I know this is off topic, and I will try to refrain from doing it again...but even tho I do not agree with everything Rainman is saying...I want to explain to some of you how CPS works in conjunction to 215--
I'll keep it short--
Last year, my daughter (10) said something to her friend about me smoking pot, who told her mom, who called the school Principle, who called CPS--
CPS went and interviewed my daughter at school, and then came to the house-- I was at work, and they came in and asked my wife if I smoke Marijuana in the house-- She told them yes, I smoke in my room...and provided them with my Rec-- They walked around the house...(full of food, clean) then looked at my garden-- In the end, they put a copy of mine and my son's Recs in my file..."So we do not need to bother doing this again."
They called the school, and the Principal called my daughter back out, and explained to her, "I know we teach that Marijuana is a drug, and drugs are bad...your dad has papers from his Dr...and it is OK if he uses it."

So just letting some of you who think CPS will take your kids no matter what, for weed....it just isn't so-- They go by the Law...and they are very stuck to that!! If it is a non-med State...you will have probs...it is not their fault though....they can only operate within the parameters of the Law--
But on the real...CPS does more good, than prolly any other Gov Agency--
K++ for Rainman!!


This will be long guys so forgive the inconvience. I am not gonna say anything about the serious hatred and racism here but man what a dissapointment. Thank you JJ for cleaning it up and keeping it open.

Danut - Obama was running against other people in his election. Who did the MMJ bill run against? You see he didnt have as many votes but the votes he did have made his victory that much more impressive. How many votes would the bill have gotten if on the same ballot iniatives to legalize cocain, streaking, and polygamy?? The confidence I have comes from my history. Its not arrogance but confidence in what I know and beleive, thats all. Obama's stance on this issue isnt behind the people its just not what "you" want it to be at this point. The question about Lynch's kids is complicated. They would not have seen him pulled out in cuffs. They would have been removed or sheltered from that if possible. The Social Workers would have come in before or during the arrest to remove. They would have been placed with close family if any were availible and wanted to take them in. The longterm effects are real and I wont comment on them here cause I am not a therapist or Psych professional. To say they would feel responsible or guilty for the arrest is a stretch tho.

Aroma - I feel your pain and having repressive laws is one of the reasons I left the South and moved to Cali years ago. I will say that I would not wish that kinda situation on anyone.

Moldy - CPS is a two headed beast. It is the only agency specifically created to protect children. Thats all noting else. It gets a bad rap ofr several reasons but major ones have to do with kids being lost, abuse by Social Workers, and breaking up families(always tough). Most people who work here are good people and only want to keep kids safe.

Nep. and Anarchist - I work for CPS! Get over it! I take children who are in 'danger'. Thats is the only time I do it!! Its not a game and we dont play them when it comes to families. If you think we do it to keep jobs or boss people around you are way off the mark. It isnt for kids not getin a bath last night or not eating breakfast this mornin. I remove children who have been beaten like you wouldnt beat a dog. Kids whose mother's sale them to boyfriends for Crank/coke. Kids whose dad's make them pose for nude pics and touch other children while in ther basements. I see this abuse and horrific things people do to their kids all day evryday. Its not a game or something funny to joke about. If I am on your doorstep you have done something 'really' bad and I will make sure you dont continue or im making sure its true or not(alot of false accusations in the field). I dont have a GOD complex! I am not in it to tell citezens how to live. I have never killed a baby either. I did go to war but you cant make me feel bad about that either. I served my country with pride and distinction kid and thats how I get down. If you dont get it then there is nothing wrong with me, but something wrong with you. You get mad about me pokin fun at you and complain but in the next breathe refer to me as a baby killer. You need thicker skin to be in a thread with me. If you did what I did you would feel pretty freakin good when you can help a kid get out of some hell they have been born into. It is a great feeling and I have been doin it too long to let a couple of non-debaters make me feel bad about that. Some people just arent made to have kids. Most people can reproduce but being a parent is the hardest job on the planet. What are you 2 doing that is even close to that kind of importance?? I love it when internet gangsters start talking about busting heads and all that. Makes you seem tougher as you post from Mom's house.

Now with all this said I still want to see where Obama has lied to you or gone back on any of his promises. Its not drinking the Kool-aid or being amazed by his persona. It is a rational and well thought decision to give him a chance to succeed and not carry a defeatist attitude. Clinton was a ego maniac who thought she had already one the election. Someone forgot to tell her we voted/liked for her husband and not her. McCain's stance was the same as Bush''s so we would still have raids daily, no discussion on the issue, continued war on drugs, 3 strikes laws for weed, and a guy with a Bucket list in the Oval office!!! No thanks!

yea denial is not a river in egypt u miss the point because your a bureaucratic tool..so what you like to trumpet your own horn but your job is self perpetuating because the goverment gives incentives to the very people you villify to have kids.and the last time I checked the so called weapons of mass destruction have led to 1.2 million iraqis dead*.great if you think the world needs less people and defense companies need to test their toys and the oil that runs them..thats what it's really about strategic and economic intererst right rain? yea what more obvious indicator of your god complex than define what is IMPORTANT? casting dispersions on the x factors of our
livelyhoods,socially redeeming value?so you can judge those 2 like evryone else in the kangaroo court that represents your mind?yea you scare me more than charlie.
rain you posit positions assume facts not in evidence, thats why you have a god complex.those assumption lack the objectivity and subjectivity for someone in your position.
*information clearing house


The revolution will not be televised.....
Nep if you have a problem with me or my job....Cool! I could care less about your comments but out of respect for the thread starter why dont you pm me and leave it alone in this thread. Do you have anything to offer other than Rainman has a GOD complex and is basically the devil in your eyes? Boo!

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
fuck the goverment, whether right or left, it is all the same. wake up, stop voting. to vote is to perpetuate the lie of the system. a person who votes is insane because time after time it has been proven that voting does not change the system for the better, and to insist in that voting will change it when evidence has shown countless times that it does not, shows that people who vote are crazy.
While I don't agree that voting is insane, it sometimes seems that way. In my many years on this earth I've come to the conclusion that political parties and party platforms are secondary. First and foremost, they are all politicians. Although there are occasional exceptions, almost all politicians' main goal is to get elected and re-elected. They'll say whatever it takes. And as a result, the people who might actually be best at running the country never appear on a ballot. Although they may be smart and capable, they don't have what it takes to survive in politics.

So yes, it does sometimes seem pointless to vote when you don't like any of the choices. Or know that in the long run it really won't make much of a difference. But such is our system. Short of a revolution, there's nothing we can do to change it. And even then, after the revolution, we'd still have politicians running the country. So all we can do is make our opinions known, in the ballot box and elsewhere, and hope for the best.
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