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Obama will Prosecute Medical Marijuana Providers

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Active member
Obama is a hypocrite, and a coward.
He supports laws which put people in cages and ruin their lives for breaking the same laws that he broke.
It doesn't get much lower than that.

Blue Dot

The letter from Deputy AG Jarrett begs the question: in what way did Lynch's dispensary violate state law? No evidence of profiteering by Lynch had been introduced during his trial.

This is not true.

On the tv Charlie said he doesn't deny making 2.5 million.
Even the stupidest business man in the history of the earth doesn't have cost totaling 2.5 million only to break even by grossing 2.5 million.

I'm sure this was introduced in court. If not, it should have been.


The revolution will not be televised.....
Actual evidence that he was breaking the law as it stood and is actually being prosecuted for that illegal business. Now that is a weird concept!


:yeahthats:yeahthats:yeahthats I agree,,,,,,,,,,,,

Obama didnot sound so to promising in the you tube video, on decriminalizing med users:mad:


Active member
pessimism with you guys, everyday all day.

Cannabis will only be liberated when we demand it. Don't beg for taxation as a last resort. Demand your government admit that it might not understand everything :yoinks:

never will happen if we allow others to make law over you

Jeff Lebowski

Obama is a hypocrite, and a coward.
He supports laws which put people in cages and ruin their lives for breaking the same laws that he broke.
It doesn't get much lower than that.

Best statement I've read all day. No two ways about it, the guy is a dick. Why be president if you have no power? What is this, our british monarchy? Our puppet isn't nearly as prestigious though.


New member
Thomas Kikuchi and Stephanie Landa are getting out soon, And anyone who knows them knows there great people and deserve alot of respect. Thomas gets out in the next 2-3 months and Stephanie should be out beginning of next year. If im not mistaken there's gonna be a party for Stephanie not sure when or where tho.


Active member
Good to hear about them getting out. How unfortunate is it that they have to sit in a cell for complying with state law. Makes me sick to my stomach.


New member
Yea its a sad thing that we send 60 year olds to prison for multiple years and threaten them with 10-life.

I know Stephanie appreciates letters if anyone wants to write her.


Well they didn't give the judge what the judge asked for.

The judge asked for a letter asking exactly what the current US policy is.

Instead of doing that, the judge got a letter saying use existing guidelines.

No new information was provided to the judge at all.

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
To think Obama was going to do anything about MJ is wishful thinking.

I am not that naive.

OBAMA IS A FIRST TERM PREZ... FIGURE IT OUT... HE WANTS A SECOND.... Let's hope that doesn't happen... The last thing we need is more of his teleprompter speeches...


I'm moving to Amsterdam...enough of this shit

I hope you read the news about our Taliban government.No more mushrooms
and even the marijuana policy is getting worse because like they said earlier during the Cannabis Tribunal Cannabis use is not normal, but you're always welcome.

Namaste :canabis:


To think Obama was going to do anything about MJ is wishful thinking.

I am not that naive.

OBAMA IS A FIRST TERM PREZ... FIGURE IT OUT... HE WANTS A SECOND.... Let's hope that doesn't happen... The last thing we need is more of his teleprompter speeches...
1500 dead innocent people per day. Times .. how many days now? ..

Do the math.

I will work hard against Obama if he waits that long. All of those dead Americans are far to much "coin" to pay for his reelection.

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
Obama does not care about 1500 pepole a day.

Obama does not care about any of you.

Obama cares about Obama in 2012.
This is not true.

On the tv Charlie said he doesn't deny making 2.5 million.
Even the stupidest business man in the history of the earth doesn't have cost totaling 2.5 million only to break even by grossing 2.5 million.

I'm sure this was introduced in court. If not, it should have been.

Some business owners don't so much as break even, usually a restaurant biz or something that just started without being the only one needed.

Anyhow, as always politics are not in existence for those that are a minority in believe systems and never have. Fankly I don't see why this issue is up to powerful people anyhow, such as the President or Federal Prosecutors. God knows that Federal Prosecutors can't prosecute their own Government, but they sure know how to forget about a Government by the people for the people. Any federal agency could go in and kill a whole town/city and nobody would get prosecuted. Mostly, this kind of pseudo legal business is probably hurting their black budget far to much (like a tiny % and that pisses them off). Then again, the mob finds ways to make money off lot's of things; so who can really say how much they are hurting but surely some.:yeahthats


haha goverment is for the elites not the people..the democrats and the republicans are the same as far as neocons are concerned.
stepping back from the political process one can see that money and power corrupt,aig, bank of america,iraq ,and iran in the neocons gunsights wake up america stop fighting proxy wars for israel.


Registered Non-Conformist
If a person invests - takes chances - does business - gives up their time/energy - he/she DESERVES to get paid.

I just don;t "Get" this point that it all should be non-profit. Nothing on this planet is any different. Everything is an exchange.....

Would anyone consider that a person should not receive renumeration for growing top-notch organic heirloom tomatoes....? No, of course not, they would charge top-notch organic heirloom prices for "Said" tomatoes.....

Why should Ganja be any different....? As anyone with any real experience is aware, it is difficult and expensive to grow quality organic pot. Many of the best strains/varieties are not good yielders..... Are we here to support the Electric Company...? Who definitely makes profits..

VERY disappointed with Obama's handling of this issue. Also local laws are becoming VERY stringent. The best time for growing may be over....

All this at a time when the Economy is screwing the pooch.... No work in many places, will drive people to become more desperate...Not a good scenario for the good ol' You Ess Ay.

Not that I would have any real experience myself, lol.....


The revolution will not be televised.....
The fact is the Feds have not gone after a single legal disp. since Holder came out and said they wouldnt! You cats can talk doomsday politics all you want and bash Obama but nothing shown here or in any thread has proven he has gone back on any promise or is going back on any. The usual suspects spouting off about the end of our freedoms and its not Dem and Rep but us against them. It is funny how the conservatives/new independents/seperatist now are screaming about its big gov. and its the rich/elites pulling the strings since we just spent 8 years with the biggest crook doing just that. Why do you think you lost the election?? Wake up folks! You make no sense and your arguements are childish. We should throw up our arms and fight! Fight!! Fight!! Really? You can believe that trailor park logic if you want but, he was elected by the vast majority of the PEOPLE!! One of the largest victories in history, I might add!!! Some of you just happened to be voting for the other person and now everybody who voted for him are considered sheep, mindless, teens who fell in love with a rock star personna!!?? Same sad song and dance by the same sad lonely wall flowers at the party. Pathetic and tired. And we have MPD trying to make us believe we need another Bush in office to make any real change!!! You guys are so sad and tragic.

Obama responsible for 1500 deaths a day?? How are you doing Peanut Butter? Havent seen you or that tired phrase for a few months!

Again, he never said he was for legalization and actually said he was against it so what has he deviated from?? Nada!! I see a bunch of whiners but no proof! Wheres the proof???


Rainman, you are defending big government because you work for them stealing other peoples kids away. How can you sleep at night man?
You don't understand the point people are making here, you are defending somebody who is against US. Why? I know, because they paid for your job and you are feeling obligated to defend your master. Right?
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