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Obama says legalization is "not part of my job strategy"


2000lbs? you drive a smart car or something?

Haha :p

If you increase the weight to a realistic weight though, it's only more of a valid point.

I also underscored the weight of a car. I think the average is between 3k and 4k, but I mean honestly, even a motorcycle which is 500+++ pounds is extremely deadly at even intermediate speeds. Driving drunk is certainly not a victimless crime. Unless conspiracy to commit murder is also. People might not be dead yet, but it's only a matter of time...


Active member
What's your guys' problem with non-violent crimes?

If it doesn't hurt anyone, how is it even a crime in the first place?

Have people given it any thought? Victimless crime is an oxymoron. Prostitution is legal in Las Vegas, do you guys think that Las Vegas is some demonic city? Harder drugs are legal in certain areas in the world (as most of us know, Amsterdam and now Prague), are they some fucked up government system?

If whatever I do doesn't affect you, why would you care? And what gives you the RIGHT to care about what I do, so long as it does not impinge upon any of your basic human rights?

I think things like DUI should be crimes because it's putting yourself in a situation where you are a potential threat to every single person that you drive near on the way home. A person's ability to drive is definitively known to be impaired when drunk. There's no arguing that. Then, take into account the physics of momentum. A 3000 lb car at 40 mph vs a 200 lb man. If even 5% of the momentum is transferred to that dude, you're immediately accelerating him to a speed of 30 mph. Of course, he'd probably die from too fast an acceleration (I don't remember the numbers, but at so many gs of force, either the heart tears or the neck breaks). So yeah, that's like walking down the street with a live bomb or something to me. I don't consider that victimless.

However, if someone wants to do H in their spare time, fine. I never will, but who am I to judge someone that does? It's his/her life. I don't have the right to have an opinion.

I think Obama really pissed all over the kid. Of course, I think that if Obama gave it any merit, he'd start to resemble Mike Gravel. It just seemed like he didn't respect the kid...kinda irked me.

most people false sense of self-priority.
in otherwords, these peeps want everyone to live by there own standards. kind of a powermongering via voting.


most people false sense of self-priority.
in otherwords, these peeps want everyone to live by there own standards. kind of a powermongering via voting.

Exactly. Those are the seeds of an intolerant society.

"Fuck what you want" is what I'd have to say to them.

This is one of the few things that angers me.


Is marijuana really that illegal in the states if your not trafficing? Like if you get caught for under an OZ will you get locked up?

There are a few states that still have mandatory minimum sentences for possessions of under an ounce. People think because in Cali you get a ticket for under 28.5grams that all the sudden the rest of the US is the same way..

it isn't.

States with mandatory jail time associated with possession under an ounce include:


All taken from NORML.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
prostitution and growing cannabis are both non violent crimes. Both should be legal. So, why is he an idiot? I agree with him, people rotting in jail for a non violent crime is ridiculous, guess I'm an idiot.

I agree he is not an idiot just because of that. He is just young and doesnt really know how to talk to the president yet.

If prostitution, gambling, and weed were legal violent crimes in this country would drop dramatically. just think about it is like legalizing fun, relaxation, and love. You could also say it is like legalizing stress releases that the whole public could enjoy. Every one would chill out, I promise that.

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