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Growing WITH spidermites and assorted grievances


Active member
I remember doing alot of reasearch on the net on eradicating those bastards and found out everything is crap .The only product that will kill spidermites and their eggs are Floramite AND Avid but I would go with floramite since Ive heard only good news about this product. the only drawback is the price, its kinda pricy but you cannot go wrong with it


Neem and No Pest Strips never worked for me. The only thing that did work was to clear everything out of my garden between grows and set off commercial bug bombs 4 or 5 times over a two week period, followed by a thorough bleach cleaning. Since then I haven't had mites.

I have gnats now that came in with a bag of cheap soil I used for non-cannabis seedlings, I'll take care of those the same way after harvest. Sticky traps keep the population down in the mean time. Lesson learned, NEVER buy cheap soil, even for tomatoes.


Active member
spray your plants with a oil based pesticide, kills them on contact. then just keep a close eye on them, you should not have to worry about pests! also get a ladybug or two from your garden, they love running round your plants and eating mites, thrips and whatever else they can find :) oh but dont spray the ladybug accidently, i felt so sorry for killing one lmfao
I used a foliar spray of Neem mixed with penetrator along with a NO-Pest Strip. and it has worked in my case.

People report that NO- Pest Strips don't work, but they never explain how they used them and under what conditions etc. These have to be used with all intake and exhaust fans off. You should not be around the Vapor that these things give off for long periods of time. When you have to do work in the room with a NO-Pest Strip use a Zip-lock bag to put your No- Pest strip in and exhaust the room for a couple of minutes before going to work. I also re-sprayed seven days later with the Neem and penetrator.

NO-Pest Strips are available at LOWES for about 6$ and they last for about three Months, but if there's recirculating fan-s, your use will vary.


Ok..Ill try to get the no pset strips asap...cuz I def have a case of spdiermites..all my leavs have tons oif yellow spots..with webs here and there...Iv sprayed water to try to wash them off..and then the next day,seaweed..as thats suposed to be effective againt them...Im 5 weeks into flowering..how late can I use the no pest strips..will the fumes have any effect on my buds? Is it safe to use on buds? How much can spidermites lower the yield??? Should I just let nature take its course./.and leave the mites there??

Guest 88950

im using 50/50 iso/h20 with a drop of liquid soap. they are 13 days in flowering so alot of options or off the table. i know iso will strip the leaves of any trich's butits early.

if your room is air tight could you raise the CO2 levels to kill all bugs?

would it be too late to clone when @ 13 days flowering? its either this or i start a few more beans and wait for them to show their sex. it might be just a personal prefrence but just wanted some input.

Co2 will not Kill your spidermites if you google spidermites and Co2. Studies will come up saying that it does not work. Neem and Penetrator or your favorite wetting agent sprayed on to and under the leaves especially will do, if seaweed works try using it with a wetting agent.

The thing is the spiders eggs get in the tiniest of spaces. Water with its tension does not get in there to kill the eggs. the wetting agent allows the mix that you are using to work in tiny crevices.

I would and do use NO-Pest Strips for up to 30-35 days into flowering. Take note that if you do the above it should take care of the problem before going into flowering. and you should not see any signs after, some people will give you different duration of times you can use No-Pest Strips in flowering, but as with all growing, your judgement will have to be used also.

Lowes or Home Depot have 3-1 miticide-instecticide, and fungicide this is basically Dilluted Neem and will work.The thing is to kill the eggs and break the breeding cycle which, i think both these products used together do. Other things will work, some are more harsh on YOUR health and that of the Plants so be aware of what you are using.

If your going to Clone, type in Flowering Clones Google and follow the green brick road.


Mites can be gotten rid of. The only "secret" is consistency. As far as No Pest Strips are concerned, they must be used in a sealed environment. You cannot be moving 1000CFM in and out of a room and expect them to work. I use a 4x8 tent for vegging clones and moms that I stick a few No Pest Strips in and when the lights go off so does the inline fan so my vegging plants get 8hours of Sealed No Pest strip goodness.
Also, one cannot rely on one method for ridding their crop from mites. I've gotten mites 3 times and gotten rid of them twice (working on the third), and a combo of Eienstien cold pressed neem oil, Dont bug me pyrethrum, smc, azatrol, and bug bombs in veg.
Keep in mind you dont HAVE to use all this shit, but switching it up has given me good results. Rinsing leaves with plain water is advised, on a regular basis. Now if I can only stop getting infested clones...


Ok..so I want to buy the no pest strips..the only thing is im at day 30 of flowering..so if I order it..Ill need to add antioher week for it to get here..so I need to buy it locally..does home depot or walmart have it?? if so..in what section? garden section..home??etc..thanks


Well-known member
A sure way to get mites and other bugs, is to take in stray plants, from friends, family or the local Big box. Be sure to quarantine any new additions, spray the snot out of them with pesticide/insecticide and check them over with a magnifier before you introduce to your grow room. Always assume plants have freeloaders unless you have taken the necessary measures to get rid of them. Being insect is a top priority, they definitely don't do anything for you(sucking your plants dry, is not a good thing), so why have them around. Found new product Spray Safe that works really well.


Next Stop: Outer Space!
Walmart sells No Pest Strips. They're in the grocery section oddly enough....

Anyway, Growshopfrank has a good point too. Always assuming new additions have pests could have saved my first grow.....


Ok guys I will go to war with the lil bastards AGAIN tommorow..I will spray every inch of my plants with

palmolive dish detergent

cooking oil


1. what effects will the soap and the cooking oil have on my buds,since i plan on spraying them down completely..

please help before i mess up my entire grow..:1help::1help::1help::1help:


Next Stop: Outer Space!
Safer brand 3-in-1 spray would really be a better choice. It's OMRI listed as organic, and it is gentle in my experience. I have used it on sprouts even and never burned them up or otherwise harmed them. I'm not sure I'd ever be brave enough to spray cooking oil or dish soap on my babies....


Active member
they said, goto home depot.
ive just looked at your grow thread and your plants are being fucked over.. to the point that some are gonna die! you need to spray them with the correct pesticide. youve let this carry on for FAR too long.

buy no pest strips, but also buy (stop trying to make your own!) an oil based pesticide... seriously 1 fucking spray will wipe nearly everyone of them out!! it kills on contact!


just got back from home depot...and bought a no pset strip..can i use it even if im in the 1 days of week 5 of flower??

and yes,my plants are not so great..but theyll make it..this is my 1 grow..and my first and last learning experience with spier mites..

should i immeditaly start using on my day cycle..with the closet door open,exhaust fan,and room fan in there..or should i just wait for my dark cycle..when the closet is sealed off and all fans OFF???


Active member
i don't know about no pest strips , but it isnt a good idea to seal ur cabinet and shut off ventilation when lights are off


i don't know about no pest strips , but it isnt a good idea to seal ur cabinet and shut off ventilation when lights are off

True..Im afarid I have no other option...the way my connection and timers is..every plug is being used..and theres no way to have the fans stay on..so everything gets turned off..you mean due to budrot and other thongs of the sort right? Humidty and stale air..?:noway:

So in a couple minutes I will seal the closet..and stick the pest strip in ther.e.most likely all the mites wil be dead by tommorow mroning..any way to check if the mites are dead??

I was thinkin shaking a leaf..put a white peice of paper..and if the fallen mites dont move around theyr DEAD lol...:laughing:

Am I right?.....Also since the closet is in my room..I will have the sc on full blast.,.,to replace the poison with fresh air..will this be good..what effect will the vapor have..my closet is pretty much sealed..not AIRTIGHT ..so what id the vapor leaks..Itll be in there for the entire dark cycle..then once the light goes on again..I will remove and rebag..and maybe repeat of the mites arent all dead..:wallbash::nanana::nanana::nanana::nanana: