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Obama: Don't bother me anymore.


Active member
just another neoconservative fascist scum politician. i'm not getting excited for a president until he is truly "one of the people." ex: not rich. what do rich people know about struggle?

Mt Toaker

I agree with your statement about eating cannabis peanutbutter, there are many chemical compounds that are simply destroyed when burnt. When eating cannabis you receive 100% of the chemical compounds in the herb. I've seen videos of people claiming to be cured of cancer along with many other diseases Heres a video. There was like a 7 part video with many testimonials. I don't know if its propaganda by the cannabis community or not, I do know that there are chemicals in the cannabis plant that do not exist any where else in the world and its not limited to THC. With it being a schedule 1 drug there is no way any one can do legitimate research to prove whether or not this plant does have the medicinal properties that are claimed. I would love the medical community to be encouraged to research such a plant, not discouraged.


Mt Toaker.

The documentation I presented earlier in the thread listed valuable information from two directions:

1. Medical studies
2. The marijuana community

In the section from the marijuana community I included links to the THC-ministries in HI. I also listed Rick Simpson in Canada and his wonderful video Run From the Cure.

Medical studies have been consistently showing, since 1974, that the active compounds found in marijuana kills cancer.

The news today, or I should say since 2006, is that marijuana is an astounding powerful medicine for treating diabetes.

I think that I've been presenting to much information all at the same time. It seems to overload people and a lack of understanding is the result.

More likely is our minds refusal to accept that our own government has forced the deaths of millions of innocent Americans. I think it must be like those living in Germany in the 1930's. "Where did all of those Jews go? Forget it, I have better things to worry about."

The scale of the crime causes the mind to go blank.


ICMag Donor
First of all, many people with cancer aren't going to use marijuana because of their beliefs. It's just the way it is. I also think it's unfair to the people who have lost loved ones to cancer to tell them marijuana would have saved them. It's just not true. Could it have saved some? Maybe. But there is nothing that cures cancer all the time. I know many people that have died of all types of cancers that smoked and ate marijuana right up to the time of their deaths.

Secondly, even though it's illegal, almost everyone has access to marijuana if they want it. Almost everybody knows someone that can get them pot. And you all know that's true.

Thirdly, if I were Obama and I read what was being said about me even before I took office, I would be wondering what kind of people smokers were. What do you think the world would think of Obama if his first priority was legalizing marijuana? I bet they'd think his priorities were pretty warped. Let's let him put some time into ending the war and straightening out the economy and give him a chance. If within the first year he stopped the feds from raiding dispensories I'd be tickled pink....
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There are better things to do than to stop our government from mindlessly killing 1500 innocent Americans per day?

How many people per day are dying in Iraq?

How many people per day are are dying in Gitmo? Why was that more important?

As long as Obama is not aware of the potential of marijuana saving lives the longer this will go on. I do think well enough of him that I don't think he is doing this intentionally. I believe he is allowing it to continue because of his lack of awareness.

As far as telling people that lost loved ones could have been saved:

How about those about to die? Those who could still be saved if we act now?

Each day that passes adds about 1500 human lives to that total. Is it unkind to try to save their lives?

And as for "it's just not true." Are you a medical researcher?
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Indica Jones

Active member
You have to agree that 90% of the present politicians are mindless puppets...........having said that, you now throw in a President that actually thinks, articulates, and has the best interest of the people in general. I can see he is up against great odds.
Money drives everything in our world, and the only way to get peoples' interest is either one; take away some of their money. Or two; show them ways to make more.


There is another way.

Which is why we have a second amendment.

And why our founding fathers said "Whenever any government becomes destructive of these, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it." The number one thing on the list of rights is life.

I don't want open warfare. But as Ron Paul and Jessy Ventura said in November, we are very close to it.
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And as for "it's just not true." Are you a medical researcher?

are you?

This works two ways. Ive lost two family members to Cancer, one ate and smoked cannabis, one didn't. You are passing off rhetoric with a spin toward cannabis to try and get a point across, and the truth, the real truth is you are wrong. Cannabis does NOT work for everyone, and lying (or embellishing the numbers of how many it would save) is not going to push anyone closer to legalization.

What non smokers think, like when I let both of my parents who are in their 60's now, read this type of over the top information? Oh just another misinformed stoner trying to lie to make sure his "stash" is safe. My wife, who does work in the medical field, just gave me this look like :rolleyes: even though she A) supports that I smoke, and B) thinks it should be legal.

I respect the intent, but in the end the more over the top you try to make it, the more "high numbers" you throw in the faces of non smokers just pushes them further away. Even if it were true that legalizing Cannabis would save all the dying diabetes and cancer patients who die each year.. Smokers medicinal and recreational need to stop.

The government doesn't care if it would save those lives, even though it wouldn't. I agree even saving ONE life is worth it, but like Ive said multiple times, we have to go at this in the way the government will listen.

We need to start talking in the only language they know, Money.
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The revolution will not be televised.....
Man!! I tried to ignore this thread but shit! It got the best of me. Where to begin??
First of all Obama being responsible for 3,00 deaths since Tues is not only ridiculous but plain stupid! Explain how him not signing something to bar DEA raids has killed 3k folks. Those same folks who under your own explanation would have died anyway, sought other treatments, conventional meds, etc.. When did MMJ become a cure for Diabetes?? Why not encourage the obese to lose weight and begin learning healthy eating/exercise habits. And of all the diseases to pick - this one is the most controllable and preventable! Most people dont even get it until they are adults and it is usually brought on by poor diet and exercise! It kills alot of people yes but is completely controllable and 99% of those with it lead normal lives well into old age if they even keep the disease that long. Your explanation is no better than what I have heard from drug companies for years - Take this and it will all be better!!! What happened to self control and personal responsibility?? If I am 500 pounds and sucking down soda and junk food how is weed gonna help me?? While all the numerous so-called tests were put up as evidence none actually prove to stop a dying person from actually dying, cured anything, or even gave conclusive proof that they did what the study intended. Basically those people who were gonna die on Mon, Tues, Weds would have died regardless if the bill was signed off on!! Alot of promising findings is all I read.. If mj was the cure all I am pretty confident that somewhere along the lines someone would(even Bush) would have approved MMJ. So that whole killing thousands of people makes you look like a zealot not a passionate activists. I wont even attempt to tackle the Nazi comment since they killed around 6 million folks and Obama has been in office 3 days! That was just stupid and disrespectful.
To say that this is more important than the wars abroad again makes you look astoundingly lost and confused. The wars we are fighting and I fought in are not for your freedom to have medicine free of prosecution but to ensure you have freedom! PERIOD!! 3k people died in the towers is it Obama's fault that we haven't caught those responsible too? And dont ever assume you know the horror and pain of war unless you have gone through it and seen what it does to both sides. And as a person who has, I have to say to you and anyone else here that feels that way that you are not just wrong but plain STUPID!! You people want to tear down Obama for not signing into law something to stop the raids as his first act in office and others just blatantly dont want/believe a black man can run the country in any capacity and many posts make it seem like he should be the help instead. I always assumed potheads were the most open-minded people on the planet but I guess I was way off in that assumption. All I know is I see a man who inspires hope, brings all colors together, is articulate, a community activist, world traveler, former pot user, and already the most popular figure in world politics!!! He hasn't made any real changes in policy but what he has done is enough to give me more confidence than the village idiot(who many of you voted for) who just left office ever could!! When was the last time other countries celebrated our incoming President with us with celebrations of their own or inspired a nation the way he does?? Ill tell you it was in the 60's and the guys name was Kennedy! OK!! Begin the trolling from the right!!


are you?

This works two ways. Ive lost two family members to Cancer, one ate and smoked cannabis, one didn't. You are passing off rhetoric with a spin toward cannabis to try and get a point across, and the truth, the real truth is you are wrong. Cannabis does NOT work for everyone, and lying (or embellishing the numbers of how many it would save) is not going to push anyone closer to legalization.
Then what number do you think is safe to put on it?
How many people are dead now and will die because of this federal policy?

What non smokers think, like when I let both of my parents who are in their 60's now, read this type of over the top information?

Then you put the information in a format that people will understand. I'm doing the best that I can to bring the life saving properties of marijuana to the attention of the public and Obama. At this moment you seem to be trying to stop me.

Oh just another misinformed stoner trying to lie to make sure his "stash" is safe. My wife, who does work in the medical field, just gave me this look like :rolleyes: even though she A) supports that I smoke, and B) thinks it should be legal.

I respect the intent, but in the end the more over the top you try to make it, the more "high numbers" you throw in the faces of non smokers just pushes them further away. Even if it were true that legalizing Cannabis would save all the dying diabetes and cancer patients who die each year.. Smokers medicinal and recreational need to stop.
So then everyone should stay quiet and just let these people die.

The government doesn't care if it would save those lives, even though it wouldn't. I agree even saving ONE life is worth it, but like Ive said multiple times, we have to go at this in the way the government will listen.

We need to start talking in the only language they know, Money.
And that is the point. They don't care. Even if people are indeed dying every day because of their lack of action.

The only time they care is when it's themselves about to die.

What do you think the odds are that Ted Kennedy is trying to use the Rick Simpson method?

But I've become sidetracked by including cancer in this discussion.

The fact is that cannabis works against diabetes much better than it does with cancer. A major problem is that this information has only begun to come to light. The additude (sp?) of most people has been formed because of our government policy. The instant response is this is ludecress(sp). This weed can't possibily do these things.

And they turn their minds off and as a result more people die.

We are now at about 4500 dead innocent Americans.


Man!! I tried to ignore this thread but shit! It got the best of me. Where to begin??
First of all Obama being responsible for 3,00 deaths since Tues is not only ridiculous but plain stupid! Explain how him not signing something to bar DEA raids has killed 3k folks. Those same folks who under your own explanation would have died anyway, sought other treatments, conventional meds, etc.. When did MMJ become a cure for Diabetes?? Why not encourage the obese to lose weight and begin learning healthy eating/exercise habits. And of all the diseases to pick - this one is the most controllable and preventable! Most people dont even get it until they are adults and it is usually brought on by poor diet and exercise! It kills alot of people yes but is completely controllable and 99% of those with it lead normal lives well into old age if they even keep the disease that long. Your explanation is no better than what I have heard from drug companies for years - Take this and it will all be better!!! What happened to self control and personal responsibility?? If I am 500 pounds and sucking down soda and junk food how is weed gonna help me?? While all the numerous so-called tests were put up as evidence none actually prove to stop a dying person from actually dying, cured anything, or even gave conclusive proof that they did what the study intended. Basically those people who were gonna die on Mon, Tues, Weds would have died regardless if the bill was signed off on!! Alot of promising findings is all I read.. If mj was the cure all I am pretty confident that somewhere along the lines someone would(even Bush) would have approved MMJ. So that whole killing thousands of people makes you look like a zealot not a passionate activists. I wont even attempt to tackle the Nazi comment since they killed around 6 million folks and Obama has been in office 3 days! That was just stupid and disrespectful.
To say that this is more important than the wars abroad again makes you look astoundingly lost and confused. The wars we are fighting and I fought in are not for your freedom to have medicine free of prosecution but to ensure you have freedom! PERIOD!! 3k people died in the towers is it Obama's fault that we haven't caught those responsible too? And dont ever assume you know the horror and pain of war unless you have gone through it and seen what it does to both sides. And as a person who has, I have to say to you and anyone else here that feels that way that you are not just wrong but plain STUPID!! You people want to tear down Obama for not signing into law something to stop the raids as his first act in office and others just blatantly dont want/believe a black man can run the country in any capacity and many posts make it seem like he should be the help instead. I always assumed potheads were the most open-minded people on the planet but I guess I was way off in that assumption. All I know is I see a man who inspires hope, brings all colors together, is articulate, a community activist, world traveler, former pot user, and already the most popular figure in world politics!!! He hasn't made any real changes in policy but what he has done is enough to give me more confidence than the village idiot(who many of you voted for) who just left office ever could!! When was the last time other countries celebrated our incoming President with us with celebrations of their own or inspired a nation the way he does?? Ill tell you it was in the 60's and the guys name was Kennedy! OK!! Begin the trolling from the right!!
First of all thank you for your service.

It's difficult for me to follow all of the trains of thought you present here. But I'm very glad that you spoke up.

There are many people here that think I'm over the edge. I've had threads deleted and locked. I don't think that the people doing it are being mean or anything like that. I just think they believe weed can't do anything except get you high.

We have a government policy of repression about marijuana. Medical investigation into it's beneficial properties were stopped for decades because of this war. If this war had not been in place the advances in medicine would have been astounding. Instead we now have to try and catch up. All of this while people die.

And we still have this federal policy that prevents modern medicine from saving lives.

The 500 pound person you mention. Are you saying that any diabetic deserves to die? That since they ate their way there, they got it coming?

So why bother with medicine for diabetes at all? Why waste the time and space in hospitals?


Obama is wildly popular. He is the one person that can fix this situation in five seconds. Any five seconds that he would chose. Those five seconds can take place today or in eight years. The difference between those two is the body count.


are you? My wife, who does work in the medical field, just gave me this look like :rolleyes: even though she A) supports that I smoke, and B) thinks it should be legal.
How much formal education has she received in cannabis treatment?

I would guess zero.

How could she be expected to know about it?


I want to expound on this one item.

The idea that weed is only good for getting high, is what our governments have taught us to believe. This false impression is helping to keep it against the law.

We know it's more than that. Much more.

And as long as this idea exists and is promoted, the more people will die.


How much formal education has she received in cannabis treatment?

I would guess zero.

How could she be expected to know about it?

and you?

You keep saying that people don't know what they are talking about because they have had 0 training, or aren't a medical researcher, but neither are you.

you are missing my point. Claims that are not 100% true, on either side of the fence hurt us as a whole. I WANT CANNABIS LEGAL. I do not agree that saying when its legal every cancer patient, and every person with diabetes would be saved. BECAUSE THEY WOULDN'T. (BTW not yelling, Putting in caps so you understand the focus of the statement).

By embellishing the truth, you are only giving firepower to those who say that most cannabis related medical studies are only done by stoners who are pushing for legalization so they can get high.

The same way we as smokers say that people who pass on propaganda about how Cannabis ruins peoples lives do it because of their agenda. I respect the intent, like I said before but the way you are going about it will push non believers further away because its not true. Sure it may save one, ten, 100 people but passing it off like Obama is killing more then 600 Americans a day because he won't make Cannabis legal is a joke. I would be insulted and as soon as I saw a message like that from you, any other thing you sent me would go to the trash bin if I were him.


I am not trying to "stop" you, I think what you are doing in principle is great. I applaud the intent of your message, but I think making up numbers is the wrong way to go about it. I just think that you should instead of using dramatics to try and get your point across, you get it across in a way that is very honest and upfront. Its the wording you use:

Things like "Obama has let 1600 people die because Cannabis isn't legal" doesn't do anything but make those who are against it in the first place, instantly turn you off. Those of us who are smokers, and understand what you are trying to say already understand and agree that it would save lots of lives, but preaching to the choir on that. The subject needs to be presented in a way that doesn't give off the impression of a half crazy lune making up numbers out of thin air to try and make drugs legal. Thats how it comes off.

Please read this part carefully, I would never want you to STOP passing on the word. I only ask you to really think about the words you are using to do it.
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I'm not trying to knock your wife.

It's just that the medical profession has ignored the curative properties of marijuana because, just like everyone else, they have been taught to prejudge such ideas. Taught by our own governments.

Taught to laugh off such ideas.

BTW I think you missed the prior post. That last one was just a single item that I hadn't included before.


I'm not trying to knock your wife.

It's just that the medical profession has ignored the curative properties of marijuana because, just like everyone else, they have been taught to prejudge such ideas. Taught by our own governments.

Taught to laugh off such ideas.

BTW I think you missed the prior post. That last one was just a single item that I hadn't included before.

I did miss it, sorry about that. I thought my post was the last one on the page. Again, I really don't want you to stop. And my wife doesn't ignore the facts of how Cannabis cures and helps, because she insists that I smoke because of how it helps me. She is for legalization, fully, not just medicinally. She doesn't smoke, but to her the numbers you were using were just kinda... out there. She and I both agree that there is no real way to put a number on how many it can save, but in the end we just think the way the message is presented will make more non smokers ignore the message then it will captivate them into doing something about it.

from my heart, I hope we are both wrong and your message and idea's work and the foundation of prohibition falls around us, I really do.


and you?

You keep saying that people don't know what they are talking about because they have had 0 training, or aren't a medical researcher, but neither are you.
I could go to jail if I said yes.
I'm trying to have a stage 4 cancer patient move into my home, at this time, to document what takes place.

you are missing my point. Claims that are not 100% true, on either side of the fence hurt us as a whole. I WANT CANNABIS LEGAL. I do not agree that saying when its legal every cancer patient, and every person with diabetes would be saved. BECAUSE THEY WOULDN'T. (BTW not yelling, Putting in caps so you understand the focus of the statement).
I agree that not every single person will be saved. I think that I said that before here.

So exactly what is the number of dead Americans? When I use the number 4500 I include the number of people that could have been saved but it is now to late. They hit a tipping point and they are going to die now no matter what.

By embellishing the truth, you are only giving firepower to those who say that most cannabis related medical studies are only done by stoners who are pushing for legalization so they can get high.

The same way we as smokers say that people who pass on propaganda about how Cannabis ruins peoples lives do it because of their agenda. I respect the intent, like I said before but the way you are going about it will push non believers further away because its not true. Sure it may save one, ten, 100 people but passing it off like Obama is killing more then 600 Americans a day because he won't make Cannabis legal is a joke. I would be insulted and as soon as I saw a message like that from you, any other thing you sent me would go to the trash bin if I were him.


I am not trying to "stop" you, I think what you are doing in principle is great. I applaud the intent of your message, but I think making up numbers is the wrong way to go about it. I just think that you should instead of using dramatics to try and get your point across, you get it across in a way that is very honest and upfront. Its the wording you use:

Things like "Obama has let 1600 people die because Cannabis isn't legal" doesn't do anything but make those who are against it in the first place, instantly turn you off. Those of us who are smokers, and understand what you are trying to say already understand and agree that it would save lots of lives, but preaching to the choir on that. The subject needs to be presented in a way that doesn't give off the impression of a half crazy lune making up numbers out of thin air to try and make drugs legal. Thats how it comes off.

Please read this part carefully, I would never want you to STOP passing on the word. I only ask you to really think about the words you are using to do it.
Then this is the case that needs to be presented.

I understand that the "how" of presenting the message will have direct impact on the effectiveness of the message.

But this message only needs to get to one single person now.

President Obama.


I did miss it, sorry about that. I thought my post was the last one on the page. Again, I really don't want you to stop. And my wife doesn't ignore the facts of how Cannabis cures and helps, because she insists that I smoke because of how it helps me. She is for legalization, fully, not just medicinally. She doesn't smoke, but to her the numbers you were using were just kinda... out there. She and I both agree that there is no real way to put a number on how many it can save, but in the end we just think the way the message is presented will make more non smokers ignore the message then it will captivate them into doing something about it.

from my heart, I hope we are both wrong and your message and idea's work and the foundation of prohibition falls around us, I really do.
And I just missed this one of yours.

How can we get the message across that people are dying because of being denied medicine that could have saved their lives?

From what you have said, I can see that you also believe what I'm saying.

As for the numbers .. without them the scale of this massive error from the government isn't clear.

We are talking about millions of dead Americans.


BTW Hello Barrak

They didn't take away that blackberry, did they?

This is real.

Order the DEA to obey the existing law and begin the reschedule process.
Order them to stop all marijuana arrests and ask the legal system to halt all proceedings until it is determined exactly what charges existing mmj cases should be applied.

Then it's done.

edit: doesn't God work in strange ways?
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