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Obama Declares All-Out War on Medical Marijuana

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Active member
i wounder if breeders a group of growers,could possabley step up and make their bizz a corporation,then you could possabley sue the govt for pattenting your product? yes i beleive corpratizing is a huge mistake(you know how i feel about herb and money),but if it comes down to it and its all we have left then theirs nothing to lose,then you could possibly sue the govt for keeping your profits from you throught the CSA similar in fasion to what monsanto does to farmers. it wouldnt be horrible as long as we keep GMO out of it and breeders dont get incredably greedy if they do just boycott the breeder as long as they dont receive subsidies andget propped up by govt they should see a decline in sales/profit.
also if the govt has a patent and decides to let pharma dabble in the market they are going to have to change those federal money laundering laws that they seem intent on applying to dispenseries

just a idea if we should have to beat them at their own game,i havnt thought of all implications yet so its open to critique.


Monsanto doesn't get patents for breeding plants, they get patents for inserting genetic markers into genetically modified plants and animals. So unless you expect breeders to invest in some multi million dollar equipment this is really a non starter.


Active member
JJScorpio;454029 If you hate Obama because he's black or whatever reason said:
I don't hate the Obamacrite because he's mulatto (remember, he is half white), I hate him because he's a lying hypocrite, and it's not only on the cannabis issue, although that is the topic, so I will try to stick with it.
This man used cannabis and still got elected President because he was lucky enough not to get caught.
Otherwise he might be working in Mickey Ds with his criminal conviction.
He promised not to mess with dispensaries, but guess what?
He lied!
As other posters have already pointed out, raids have increased under the Obamacrite, so how are things getting better?
His lying ways were apparent before the election, but people chose to ignore them, because they were "under his spell".
Remember, for 20 years he went to a church who's pastor is an anti-white, anti-American, toxic individual.
But that didn't bother the Obamacrite, as the pastor became his guru, even writing the forward in the Obamacrite's book.
Yet, once his pastor/guru was outed for what he really is, the Obamcrite dropped him like a hot potato. Now that's politics. One lie after another, and this guy is a master of the lying game. But how could he disassociate himself from his guru after 20 years of friendship? Was he oblivious for 20 years? Did he finally "see the light" after his guru was outed?
How convenient!
Many of us believed that he might help us, being that he is an admitted user (I wasn't one of them, but still hoped), but the only one's he is interested in helping is himself and his supporters, ie, donators. He is worse than GW because he is such a hypocrite. And now his true colors are showing.
Shame on those who voted for him, not that the other choices were desirable, and shame on him for being the worst President in recent history.
He should be helping us, but he most definitely isn't.

Ron Paul for President!


Active member
Monsanto doesn't get patents for breeding plants, they get patents for inserting genetic markers into genetically modified plants and animals. So unless you expect breeders to invest in some multi million dollar equipment this is really a non starter.

i think you misunderstood,what i was saying i not sure but ill give it another shot what i was saying that corperations ,i think may have more freedom than individuals,so forming a corperation may give you more leagle standing in court,then as a breeder you would have a product un modified as is,the second a big pharma company comes into the picture ,and tries to sell their product modified or not, they are infringing on your products sales,i think if you where to just patent a name/strain as a intilectual pattent or somthing it would be just as good as modifying it,then the govt either has to change their laundering laws to let pharma in or govt to change their stance or be rid of the patent they have or face a lawsuit for encorcing the CSA.
this may not be in the correct order of events that should take place but let me know if you think it holds water.
In some ways I do think we are giving Obama too much "credit" here. I don't think he personally has it out for us. I don't think the pharma lobby, or the prison industrial complex got to him personally.

The aforementioned lobbies got to the under secretaries/various mid-level scrubs who wrote the various memo's that have emboldened LEO. I suspect they felt comfortable writing these memo's because Obama clearly doesn't give a snails kunt either way. He literally laughed at us. I seriously doubt Obama was even consulted about which direction to take this. I think they know he just doesn't really care either way.

So I think Obama is guilty of mere apathy here; not that this necessarily minimizes his douchiness.


In some ways I do think we are giving Obama too much "credit" here. I don't think he personally has it out for us. I don't think the pharma lobby, or the prison industrial complex got to him personally.

The aforementioned lobbies got to the under secretaries/various mid-level scrubs who wrote the various memo's that have emboldened LEO. I suspect they felt comfortable writing these memo's because Obama clearly doesn't give a snails kunt either way. He literally laughed at us. I seriously doubt Obama was even consulted about which direction to take this. I think they know he just doesn't really care either way.

So I think Obama is guilty of mere apathy here; not that this necessarily minimizes his douchiness.

So you are sayin he is just an empty suit who can only read a telepromter! :tiphat::tiphat: I agree


Active member
California voters legalized medical marijuana in 1996 when they passed Proposition 215.

"We want to enforce federal guidelines and regulations," Moore said. "But we're kind of caught in the middle. As soon as we get some support and backing from the Feds, we will enforce their wishes."
What about those people (THE VOTERS) who approved this? When will the STATE START BACKING THEM?!

Looks like the VOTERS are on their own again.


weed fiend
I am a single-issue voter, so maybe I shall vote for this Mr. Robertson person:moon:

He ran for pres... once. I think he had multiple issues but they were all moral judgements. We might get weed but we'd have to be saved every time we used it.:)

So you are sayin he is just an empty suit who can only read a telepromter! :tiphat::tiphat: I agree

At least he doesn't stare mindlessly away from it.


New member
I,m democrat to the core, but damn you Obama......i have stood beside you for three years and took up for you....well fuck you...hope the tea party gets in and robs the country the rest of the way.....fuck it all....there is NO political voice that can or will ever help working Americans.....there is no way they can prosper as greatly if they did....


Blah blah blah, context? Blah, blah, bah context. Blah, blah blah, blah! Context! CONTEXT! Blah blah blah? Context, third grade- Blah blah? Verbatim context!

I used numerous VERBATIM quotes, in CONTEXT, and video of the President with the words actually coming out of his mouth.
Man, all I am saying is something that you said upthread:

All Obama ever said was he wouldn't spend JD money going after state-legal operations.

He lied! Oh, wait, no he made a campaign hedge , yeah thats it!

DEA looks like congressional act.

So what? Your clips from Wikipedia about the creation of the DEA are completely irrelevant. Tony Aroma's point was that the DEA's mandate is to enforce the CSA, and that Mr. Holder could reschedule marijuana today, with the stroke of pen. By the way, DEA was not created by the legislature. It was created by an executive order (see your own irrelevant pastings), the only reason he needed any legislation was to fund the agency at a level that would make it effective.

In a blazing, incandescent display of cognitive dissonance, you then restate Mr. Aroma's point, while seeming to not understand it:

Obviously they follow orders, not make them.

DING DING DING!!! That is correct! Do you want to take a guess at who's orders? I'll give you a hint: Its not congress.

Cannabis should be rescheduled yesterday.

My position is in complete harmony with yours on this point. Too bad Mr. Obama's AG doesn't feel the same way.


did anyone actually bother to read the letter, it says they will go after large commercial growers disguising themselves as MMJ outfits, and should leave cancer patients and small time caregivers alone.

where's the problem?

don't blame the feds, blame the greedy fucks using a medical card as an excuse to bring their commercial op out of hiding and into plain sight. fuckin it up for everyone. instead of letting it slowly get to the point where everyone sees marijuana is harmless and no one's going around raping and kids aren't jumping out of windows and selling babies in alleys for a hit. noooo not these commercial guys, they need their money and they need it now, so lets get a medical card and now we can grow all the weed we want as long as we sell some to a dispensary every now and then.

The problem is that they threaten to prosecute those that are in accordance with state law. I feel that hose that are taking advantage of state law to grow for illegal distribution are fair game as always. But the federal government has no right to interfere with the will of citizens of the states. Second those that either the State, Federal and Local governments feel are violating State and local codes should be dealt with in a civil court not criminal. If you build a house larger than permitted they don't haul you to jail. They haul you to Civil Court.


weed fiend
I used numerous VERBATIM quotes, in CONTEXT, and video of the President with the words actually coming out of his mouth.
Man, all I am saying is something that you said upthread:

He lied! Oh, wait, no he made a campaign hedge , yeah thats it!

So what? Your clips from Wikipedia about the creation of the DEA are completely irrelevant. Tony Aroma's point was that the DEA's mandate is to enforce the CSA, and that Mr. Holder could reschedule marijuana today, with the stroke of pen. By the way, DEA was not created by the legislature. It was created by an executive order (see your own irrelevant pastings), the only reason he needed any legislation was to fund the agency at a level that would make it effective.

In a blazing, incandescent display of cognitive dissonance, you then restate Mr. Aroma's point, while seeming to not understand it:

DING DING DING!!! That is correct! Do you want to take a guess at who's orders? I'll give you a hint: Its not congress.

My position is in complete harmony with yours on this point. Too bad Mr. Obama's AG doesn't feel the same way.

You're just trying to oversimplify, based on mischaracterized campaign statements and mischaracterized memos. I don't have to look at videos and memos I've already seen to humor your reasoning. I can identify the context you appear to ignore. I can't force you to acknowledge what you refuse to consider.

I used the word hedge because it applies. The messaging you oversimplify indeed supported existing state law. The next comment hedged, acknowledging mj is still a federally controlled substance. What did you do at that point? Stick your fingers in your ears and mumble out loud?

And when Obama laughed off a question, on might assume that others grasp the guy isn't taking federal reform too seriously. Instead, it hurt your personal feelings. Give me a friggin' break.


What Goes Around Comes Around. But Am I Comming Or
Im making 6 figures off this "compassion" how dare Obama,DEA,FDA or rec users threatin that. Im for the sick the one's who are not healthy enough to grow their own, and if they cant pay up screw them, free loading hippie's who always want something for free.

PS... And to all you rec users who voted to legalize, screw you too. that would put a dent in my 6 figures also. Hell I got bills.

There i said it for you guys, and if this bothers you then Im probably talkin about you.

If you hustlin then hell hustle, do you. Thats a hustlers dream, to be able to hustle without being worried about fed time.

But dont bring down sick people while trying to have your cake and ice cream.

There are honest helpful compassionate growers out there, and to you ladies and gents lay low and karma will take care of the rest.
And Goodluck!!!!!!!
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And when Obama laughed off a question, on might assume that others grasp the guy isn't taking federal reform too seriously.

DB, I get that. His attitude was always dismissive (and in the case of the laughter you reference, actually derisive) when it came to marijuana rights. I didn't expect him to go to great lengths to remedy the tragic trampling of our rights that is marijuana prohibition. It was obvious that he really didn't care about the issue.

I did, however, expect him to do what he said he would do. What he said he would do was unequivocal, no matter how much nuanced "messaging" he embedded it in. It was this:

Originally Posted by DiscoBiscuit
All Obama ever said was he wouldn't spend JD money going after state-legal operations.

The first memo was unclear, wishy-washy doubletalk, but what coherence it had seemed to point in the right direction, and was not inconsistent with his campaign rhetoric.

This new memo on the other hand, and the skyrocketing rate of prosecutions, makes clear that that isn't the case:

The Ogden Memorandum was never intended to shield such activities from federal enforcement action and prosecution, even where those activities purport to comply with state law.

^^^ direct, verbatim quote from new Justice Dept. memo

HE LIED. This is not a "oversimplification" or "mischaracterization", it is clarity, the irrefutable truth. No matter how much doublespeaking, ass covering, nuanced messaging he employed, HE LIED.

Instead, it hurt your personal feelings. Give me a friggin' break.

You couldn't be farther from the truth. I did not vote for Mr. Obama. My feelings are not hurt, I am angry, and disgusted. Although I did not support Mr. Obama in his bid for president, I gave him the benefit of the doubt, and considered him to be an honest man.


What Goes Around Comes Around. But Am I Comming Or
Call me the elephant in the room. lol

I dont know if it was witty, but the 1st 2 sentences, were my humble attempt at being sarcastic.
Lol, way to be positive bro!!!!

Look at the middle eastern countries revolting like crazy, could happen here if things get bad enough, but then who will bail US out when/if our government opens fire upon us?

You think they are revolting against their own governments for real legitimate reasons? NO SIR! It's the CIA that's behind all this crap, spies stirring deceit & insurrection, in order to make them look bad so we can create excuses to bomb & invade them. It's all just a small part of the master plan that retired General Wesley Clark uncovered. Don't believe me?...Look it up on the tube, & prepare yourself to be shocked!
What we've got here is... failure to communicate. Some men you just can't reach. So you get what we had here last week, which is the way he wants it... well, he gets it. I don't like it any more than you men.
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