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Obama Declares All-Out War on Medical Marijuana

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Somin can't print verbatim quotes because a third grader would recognize the context of Obama's statements.

I agree with you that President Obama's stated position before he was elected was less than ideal for us. In fact, it was pretty poor. He was consistent in saying that he didn't think that people should be able to grow their own. But, he also consistently said that the Justice Department wouldn't "waste their resources" with medical marijuana prosecutions. Of course this is pretty weak assurance, basically saying "Well, I'd be busting you, but I've got better things to do.", I still believed him. It seemed like he thought the issue was a bothersome inconvenience, and that he would direct the Justice Department to let the states deal with it.

The first Holder memo that everyone thought was so great seemed to reinforce this "I've got better things to do" attitude. At that time, Professor Somin pointed out the shortcomings of this memo in this post. If you read the memo, it does seem to be long on "The Department of Justice is committed to the enforcement of the Controlled Substances Act in all States." and short on "As a general matter, pursuit of these priorities should not focus federal resources in your States on individuals whose actions are in clear and unambiguous compliance with existing state laws providing for the medical use of marijuana." I still thought it was a signal that he would basically defer to the states. The new memo showed that this was not the case:

The Ogden Memorandum was never intended to shield such activities from federal enforcement action and prosecution, even where those activities purport to comply with state law. Persons who are in the business of cultivating, selling or distributing marijuana, and those who knowingly facilitate such activities, are in violation of the Controlled Substances Act, regardless of state law.

I guess if your point was that President Obama's position on Medical Marijuana always sucked, and that it sucks now, you are right. What stupid, whiny fucks Somin and I are for thinking otherwise.

YouTube Video, Barack Obama, 2008: "not wanting to let people grow their own, or start setting up mom and pop shops" but
"what I'm not going to be doing is using Department of Justice resources to circumvent state laws on this issue"

YouTube video, Barack Obama, 2007: "I would not have the Justice Department prosecuting and raiding medical marijuana, its not a good use of our resources"

Question from an Oregon newspaper, and Mr. Obama's answer:
Q:Would you stop the DEA's raids on Oregon medical marijuana growers?
A:I would because I think our federal agents have better things to do, like catching criminals and preventing terrorism.

Attorney General Eric Holder, March 2009:
"The policy is to go after those people who violate both federal and state law, ...Given the limited resources that we have, our focus will be on people, organizations that are growing, cultivating substantial amounts of marijuana and doing so in a way that's inconsistent with federal and state law," -

The Washington Times, 2009:
Drug Enforcement Administration agents this week raided four medical marijuana shops in California, contrary to President Obama’s campaign promises to stop the raids.

The White House said it expects those kinds of raids to end once Mr. Obama nominates someone to take charge of DEA, which is still run by Bush administration holdovers.

“The president believes that federal resources should not be used to circumvent state laws, and as he continues to appoint senior leadership to fill out the ranks of the federal government, he expects them to review their policies with that in mind,” White House spokesman Nick Shapiro said.


let's put it this way ...

you have a 99 plant grow dialed in ... and gather trimmers come harvest time. the last trimmer hired who's a friend of a friend of a friend is equal to what the potus is in the heirarchy of our reality.

the potus is hired just like a trimmer, and has just as much say in the business.

follow the printed paper


Active member
did anyone actually bother to read the letter, it says they will go after large commercial growers disguising themselves as MMJ outfits, and should leave cancer patients and small time caregivers alone.

where's the problem?

don't blame the feds, blame the greedy fucks using a medical card as an excuse to bring their commercial op out of hiding and into plain sight. fuckin it up for everyone. instead of letting it slowly get to the point where everyone sees marijuana is harmless and no one's going around raping and kids aren't jumping out of windows and selling babies in alleys for a hit. noooo not these commercial guys, they need their money and they need it now, so lets get a medical card and now we can grow all the weed we want as long as we sell some to a dispensary every now and then.


Active member
For now..

Just to make it clear.. It seems like a lot of people here are under the impression that CA's (I can't speak for other states) medical marijuana scene is even remotely legit. Weed should be completely legal yes, but the state of CA's "medical" scene is embarrassing. Most clubs aren't even putting up a front of being for truly sick people. It is mostly run by shady people and gangs in it for a profit. No way around it. That just is the way it is. And those people are what I really think they are after.

I believe that people should be able to make a large profit growing marijuana. People don't realize the amount of time and knowledge that goes into producing truly top shelf weed. However, the laws do not allow for this right now, and that is what is being cracked down on.


Enjoying the ride
ICMag Donor
Obama is nothing more than a puppet...He does what he is told, by the same powers who control the debt/monetary system, as well as invading sovereign nations to exploit their people & resources. We are soooooo fucked!



The only thing I find shocking is that people are actually shocked by this news...

The only entity that has your best interest at heart is you.


Active member
Obama is nothing more than a puppet...He does what he is told, by the same powers who control the debt/monetary system, as well as invading sovereign nations to exploit their people & resources. We are soooooo fucked!

Lol, way to be positive bro!!!!

Look at the middle eastern countries revolting like crazy, could happen here if things get bad enough, but then who will bail US out when/if our government opens fire upon us?


war at home states,fuckem lets get it on and get over with goverment pussys.shit like this is why its a waste to even vote,they gonna do what ever they can .like bust growers send to prison and state get$ 30,000 tax credit for that ind.prisoner. yaw see how this works. been there done that, i will fight this crap to my death bed.no respect for no one in law.fuk em all

Stay Puft

Well I hope the DEA is going after the IRS first!
IE- I believe dispensaries pay federal taxes to the IRS!
Wouldn't that make the IRS one of the targets of this "memo" and subject to the RICO act?

I have not read this entire thread, sorry if someone mentioned this already.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Wow what serious pricks these guys are no matter how you look at it. The only real trafficers out there are the DEA and the US/Can Gov. and they have some fucking nerve telling everyone else how it's supposed to go down and what we are all supposed to do according to the US rules . What pieces of shit these assholes are !!!!!!! War on drugs is more like war on truth, greed and power.When they see these drunken riots in the streets do they really think it's about hockey? I think it's what they call a soft kill and they are using alcohol their legal drug of choice.. what true tools these assholes are. I heard 91% of American's drink and 88% I think it was for Canadian's that is way to high ffs. In one of the clubs here they have one of Obama's quotes saying "there is nothing wrong with cannabis" .. He turned out to be a slimmy liar too . Someone needs to do a side by side film of the crowds with the" legal alcohol "that the Gov allows then . The crowds where ppl come to smoke bud and lets see the difference there shall we!!!peace out Headband707
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mad librettist

Active member
I only got through 3 pages but... this thread is based on ignorance of how the federal government works, and blurring the line between politics and the law. The point the OP makes is political, but the "evidence" is a legal memo.

DOJ is part of the executive branch, in charge of executing the laws enacted by congress. The judicial branch, which interprets the law, is separate, as is the legislative branch.

DOJ serves as both the legal representation of the executive branch in court, and also serves an oversight role. This second role is very important, since it sets policy (interpretation of the law, resource allocation, etc..) for law enforcement at the federal level.

The chief executive and his political appointees are supposed to have a "hands off" relationship with the oversight role of DOJ. Remember the Bush-era scandal involving the firing of career attorneys for political reasons? The firings were totally improper, because they gave the appearance that DOJ priorities were set for political reasons. "Political reasons" is usually defined by most people as a synonym for "stuff I don't like". But if we are honest. "legalizing cannabis", "medical MJ", etc... are political causes. I support ending the war on drugs. That is my political position.

The "hands off" rule is a good one. Otherwise, the president could use the DOJ to manipulate elections, and worse. One side effect though, is that the president can sometimes find himself at odds with the DOJ. The president may even find himself defending a given executive action in court when that action is not desired by the president. That's because legal reasoning drives the process, whereas the president's priorities are political in nature. Career lawyers think in legal terms, and most are passionate about not letting politics interfere. So you have to be really careful about how you write the laws, because they are like machines. WHen they get out of hand, the judicial branch can help.

The most common misconception Americans have in politics is believing in the limitless power of the presidency. Bush got blamed and praised for things out of his hands, so does Obama, and so have the rest, and so will the rest as long as the American people stay ignorant about their own political system.
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Active member
No marijuana for the sheeple....

You said it right there, Your VOTE and your Voice are the only hope you have in this country. Use them both wisely. Want to see some change, organize, proselytize, and VOTE. Bitching about the current president and political affairs on a cannabis specific website will do very little, every one on here, VOTE! organize, and mainly get off yer ass and make yourself heard, To the many that already are working for change Thank you keep it up! let's end this fucking prohibition, and all the damage to lives and liberty it causes.


Remmeber all of you stupid Sheeple voted for the asshat Obama,
you all got suckered by his lies, and look at the US now, fucked in the ass worse
than with the RepCons.
LMAO at all you fools, Medical Marijuana is a sham and a fucking joke.

Legalize or go back Underground
Fuck the Med Movement!!!


Active member
This is a battle between states and the Federal Government(FG). The FG is responsible for allowing our money to depreciate via inflationary policy, they are responsible for all of our debt and wars. What else do we need to know?

wow. i don't like this but - am i missing something? why are you claiming Obama's "declaring war" on us when the "guidance" is coming from the attorney general, and most of us are not in the business this memo talks about? if i understand correctly the attorney general is targeting "persons who are in the business of cultivating, selling, or distributing marijuana and those who knowingly facilitate such activities."
The AG is an Obama appointee. What matters here is that IF the FG was successful at shutting down all persons cultivating, selling or distributing, we would not have any supply. It's barbaric.

This is also the same Federal Government that allows all kinds of dangerous drugs to be approved; drugs that need 15 seconds of air time per commercial to list all the dangerous, even deadly, side effects.

Quite simply, The Federal Government IS the cause of most of the problems in this country.


Active member
The AG is an Obama appointee. What matters here is that IF the FG was successful at shutting down all persons cultivating, selling or distributing, we would not have any supply. It's barbaric.
those are not separate points. people in medical states should not be cultivating, selling and distributing. you're supposed to be giving care not turning a profit. you all fuck it up for yourselves with your greed.


Active member
Remmeber all of you stupid Sheeple voted for the asshat Obama,
you all got suckered by his lies, and look at the US now, fucked in the ass worse
than with the RepCons.
LMAO at all you fools, Medical Marijuana is a sham and a fucking joke.

Legalize or go back Underground
Fuck the Med Movement!!!

i agree there shouldnt be mmj,but to outright insult it would be wrong because it has brought us to a national debate probabley the only benifit we'll see from it though.

i know there are going to be people that aregoing to say they treat somone who really cant help themselves,but giving it away is a better idea. do it without expecting anything in return ,thats compasion.

im not a leagle geneious but i think the govt has closed all the possible loop holes for MMJ without completley corpratizing it.

the only thing we can do is protest and vote till we carve out a huge chunk of the federal govt. we have a chance with 1 vote for ron,even though i know most of the people doubt him and think hes nuts,but hes crazy like a fox,and honest to the bone.
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