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Microbial Repositories
Premium user
We should have evaporated those fucking towlheads not sent in troops. Hillary is a joke, she probably held the mirror for Bill while he screwed all those chicks in the white house. If she had any integrity she would have left along time ago. Screw who's in office, grow your pot . smoke your pot. Don't be greedy. The greedy farmers are alot of the problem with pot anyway. Don't sale the shit to anybody, if your going to do anything give it to someone who needs it. Misquito's don't ask for permission to suck your blood! why the hell are we so concerned about permission to grow pot. Diplomacy only works with soccer moms. When diplomacy fails you have war. Might equals right. Bottom line. Like it or not, defend your beliefs with your life. :cuss:


This whole conversation can be summed-up pretty simply.
Your gonna get fucked no matter who sit's in the chair. White man, Black man, old man, women..whoever.
The USA has been heading down hill for a long time. Even before bush.
If ya realy think about it, who the hell wants the responsibilty of running a country...for what, might i ask?


breeder said:
If ya realy think about it, who the hell wants the responsibilty of running a country...for what, might i ask?

All about the power.


There is one reason ill vote for Obama and one reason only. He will never get anything done as President. Sure he won't fix anything, but at least he won't break much like the current jackass.

As for other thoughts:

#1 he doesn't push a mandatory health care system like Hillary's. Her Mandatory health care program will require you to have health care or get fined, regardless of your financial situation or need. Doesn't matter if you make 50k and have have large amounts of debt due to real life situations arising. In her plan your gross worth is taken from your gross pay, not what you actually have at the end of the month.

You will go to jail if you do not have health care in her plan, after she fines you into bankruptcy first.

#2 Cain is a warmongering old timer. He isn't as right wing as the rest of the right wingers, but he is still a right winger. I am a middle of the road type guy, I believe in some right wing beliefs, and some liberal beliefs.

#3 No one is for Marijuana legalization in this election, nor are they going to stop the DEA raids. You think Hillary will keep her word? Do you realize what her husband have done to enact anti marijuana bills? How they are the ones that tried to push to have Medicinal Use in California shot down? How the prisons have filled with almost double the non violent drug offenders in prison during Bills term?

Unfortunate, but the fact is we have no real choice this election. What we have to do is vote for the least damaging person, and for me that person is Obama. But I also don't think he will beat the Cain this year, as I doubt the majority of the US is ready for a black (who is more white then black) president.

And for you people claiming Obama is muslim, eh, quit listening to Fox news... seriously. Do some reading. The guy has been Christian for the majority of his life... If I could talk my wife into it, I would be in Canada right now. I have had multiple job offers from the industry I am in up there, but her fears of finding a job and being looked down upon because we are American stop her from taking the plunge.

twisted treez

thats a good point,
but i think we can handle a black president remmember the first the first black man to play pro sports, the first black to win a super bowl as a coach, it is the time and the time is now. your right he is more white than black, and lets remmember it was never said that a black man cant be persident even before one was aload to vote.

you say that mj wont be legel but this is not 1994 or 1998 this is 2008, it can and will become legal , we need a national vote wear every one in the us gets to vote,


twisted treez said:
thats a good point,
but i think we can handle a black president remmember the first the first black man to play pro sports, the first black to win a super bowl as a coach, it is the time and the time is now. your right he is more white than black, and lets remmember it was never said that a black man cant be persident even before one was aload to vote.

you say that mj wont be legel but this is not 1994 or 1998 this is 2008, it can and will become legal , we need a national vote wear every one in the us gets to vote,

you misunderstood me. I could careless if our president was black or white, mexican or japanese. I do not think the populace as a whole will allow a black president. Meaning, when the votes go down to those midwest states, southern states will he have enough to win against a Right winger like Cain? Doubt it. I hope so.. because I don't want another warmonger, but I don't have much faith in the US populace at this point.

They still spit on soldiers coming home from doing their duties. We still whine and moan as a nation about whats broken, but are unwilling to change it. Democrats have had control in the senate for a while and nothing is getting done there either. Everyone is too stuck on the whole party system and not looking at the fact that the system itself is broken. Doesn't matter if they are democrat or republican.

Look at the clintons, make what 109Million over the last 6 years yet still accept the 200k a president gets for the rest of his life? If I was president, and making 50million just off speaches, you can bet that 200k would not be accepted.

We have old white men, with old white money and until the people stand up and realize that WE are the government nothing will change.

As for MJ being legal, man I wish I could agree with you. As someone who was a Medicinal Use patient in Cali, and living in NY now with no access to medicine, trust me, I WISH that were true. But it isn't. If I were to take a slice of the people I know all in high paying, some government, some private sector of those who smoke weed and try to broaden that % to the US populace I would say 60-70% of people in the US smoke, or don't mind people who do.. but a very small minority want to vocalize it. Until that changes, the laws wont.

Maybe in 10 years, 20 years it will be more acceptable, but don't kid yourself if you ever think this will be the next Amsterdamn, because it won't. The private jail sector and government make way to much money off imprisoning non violent drug offenders to ever take away the war on drugs, and no clinton, obama, are going to change that.


Why vote for someone if you think he's less evil than someone else? He's still evil. Either don't vote or vote third party, don't vote for the guy cause you see him on every channel you turn to and the news reporters talk about him like hes god. The news is controlled, they are the reason why we have 3 of the very same candidates left policy wise... and then there is Ron Paul.

twisted treez

what ever then im not scared to say that you are an idiot , someone i would laugh at in the real world , go watch gleen beck you suck


Smokes, lets go
ItsGrowTime said:
Naaa, I didnt need to elaborate because as I expected, a few follow up posts about Ron Paul and Mike Gravel would show up.

not only ron paul and mike gravel but dennis kucinich is in favor of ending the federal raids on mmj users.

now when it comes to all this mc cain crap.... i will not vote for mccain i would drown in my own vomit before i voted for him, also mccain is not allowed to run for presidency as he was not born in the united states. also mc cain has gone over the federal legal limit for campaign expenditures, he has commited multiple felonies by breaking these election laws. There is a 50 million dollar limit on primary bid, mc cain surpassed this limit. He broke 11 other laws as well... Visit


to read about all the laws he has broken and, sign the petition the keep mccain out of office

twisted treez

and who can even confirm mccain was in veitnam POW for 7 years , yea right, and his claim that when castro came to vietnam durring the war he helped the vets torcher him and mccain claims the worst punishment was from a young officer named fidel, yea right, and maybe its like when gwb was in the airforce he went awol with afighter jet for 3 days , what the fux , i mean if we want stuff to be fair we should elect Obama yea his name sucks, but his mom was white and here name is like some boy name like chester, i mean a bad name is a bad name you only have your parents to blame, me personally i think that it has been predicted that obama will be president and the gov came up with 9- 11 and a guy named osama, and this muslim crap, to stop obama from saving us, from this era witch i officially call and invite you to call , The Great OPPRESION, in case you guys dont remmember wasnt that the pilgrims whole purpose to get rid of the republic i mean even on star wars and yall sit here and say that your republicans, wewll be a republican, support the 20% of americans that have 80% of the money , or run with the 80 % that have 20% of the money , and be true to yourself, for all you people that have your own garden and lots of left over fruits and veggies, next time you have left overs , why dont you go to the poorer side of town and give them away for free, and instead of letting the veggies go bad and throw them away, you will see people eat them , just like if thees rich fuckers took the money they dont use and gave it they would see someone spend it.

but thats what the great oppresion is about , fear hate, and sides ,,, a line drwn in the dirt ....what side do YOU stand on ....?
well, unfortunately mccain has been gaining popularity due to all the drama with the democrats, we may be getting hunted down for the next 4-8 years.


Smokes, lets go
la resistance said:
well, unfortunately mccain has been gaining popularity due to all the drama with the democrats, we may be getting hunted down for the next 4-8 years.

if mc cain gets elected i am moving to canada possibly alaska


twisted treez said:
i mean if we want stuff to be fair we should elect Obama yea his name sucks, but his mom was white and here name is like some boy name like chester, i mean a bad name is a bad name you only have your parents to blame, me personally i think that it has been predicted that obama will be president and the gov came up with 9- 11 and a guy named osama, and this muslim crap, to stop obama from saving us, from this era witch i officially call and invite you to call , The Great OPPRESION,

No way the government came up with 9/11. I believe they caused it to happen due to our intervention foreign policy (something Obama is for). Osama was never made up... he released a video after 9/11 saying he was behind the attack and he did it because our government is bombing and occupying their land. That was the motive for them to attack us... we tried telling them how to live and they basically said fuk you, I dun blame them. But Osama is dead now so no worry about him. Obama aint saving shit get over it.
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