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Doj said:
that's some serious tinfoilhat stuff.

A tinfoilhat is not required in order to see that Obama's pastor and good friend is a lunatic, scumbag, evil, racist, anti-American pastor.

They say that people are what they eat ? Well, a person can also be judged by the types of friends that they keep, and based on that, Obama definitely does not have the character to be the President of the US. Obama lacks terrible judgement in choosing friends. I wouldn't trust him with making any decisions on behalf of the USA. I believe that Obama is an opportunistic moron. I simply do not trust his motives.

:joint: :laughing:


I seriously doubt that anyone whom would make any radical changes on current system would be allowed to be a presidet.
It's a one party system we have here..

That's why I doubt very much about Obama, and if he would do anything really..
what's left to see.. I really hope he's honest man.

The no.1 issue for choosing a pres. for me would be energy politics.
roughly there is two ways to go

A) use the money on renewable energy sources and changin infrastructure instead of military purposes.

B) use the money on military to fight (read robb,kill, and fuck the planet up) for the last, very valuable drops of oil

Like we know our current gov. sees the B. as obvious plan.
It is purely horrible if all the new candidates are on that side.
Are they? we just don'y know yet, and I hope for a very lively conversation about that issue between the candidates. None of them have yet said the term peak oil.
will they? they for sure do know what's the deal with it.

Now these new fighter jets again.. F-35's

1 trillion $ ??????

In case anyone missed that, that's $3000 per American Citizen. Sure makes me happy to be filling out my tax forms. How about you?

$400 billion could buy one hell of a mass transit system for every major city in the U.S.

$400 billion could get installed roughly 250 GW installed peak capacity worth of wind generators.

with $400 Billion we could build 150, 2 GWe fission power plants and take all the Coal plants offline permanently.

..well we could afford to do almost anything. we are so rich and all is wasted becourse we are being leaded by minors. devils advocates.

these bombing planes for sure are not for defence.
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"A tinfoilhat is not required in order to see that Obama's pastor and good friend is a lunatic, scumbag, evil, racist, anti-American pastor."

lol what did the pastor say that was racist towards another race? he didnt say anything that wasnt true... and EVIL? LOL..wow man thats all i have to say...that language was kinda sheepish, watch alot of fox news?


Obama said:
As for medical marijuana ... I'm not familiar with all the details of the initiative that was passed, but I think the basic concept of using medical marijuana for the same purposes and with the same controls as other drugs prescribed by doctors, I think that's entirely appropriate. ...

I'm not going to be using Justice Department resources to try to circumvent state laws on this issue.

Finally .. a solid answer. I hope it doesn't change in the morning.
dated 3/23/08 http://www.mailtribune.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080323/NEWS/803230336

Bud Meister

They all have 3 heads and they scare me. I don't see a lesser evil of a evil. They all have evil intentions and have the same goal.

LOL I had to look real hard, even then it took me a while.


In the US constitution, the people are supposed to have a right to petition the government for change.

Every state has this ability of the people to gather petition signatures to force an issue to the ballot.

With the federl government, we are left with the very poor substitute of electing someone that may or may not choose to fufill a campain promise.

The right we are supposed to have clearly doesn't exist.

"There's something happin' here. What it is ain't exactly clear."
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peanutbutter said:
Obama said:
As for medical marijuana ... I'm not familiar with all the details of the initiative that was passed, but I think the basic concept of using medical marijuana for the same purposes and with the same controls as other drugs prescribed by doctors, I think that's entirely appropriate. ...

I'm not going to be using Justice Department resources to try to circumvent state laws on this issue.
Finally .. a solid answer. I hope it doesn't change in the morning.
dated 3/23/08 http://www.mailtribune.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080323/NEWS/803230336
http://www.usdoj.gov/dea/index.htm said:
This is the Home Page of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), a component of the US Department of Justice.

Let's see if his statement holds true.
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bounty29 said:
Wow that's great news... right?

I want it to be a clear campain issue. Every politician that has simply hinted has failed us.

We need support much more than acceptance. Obamas statement was a small step in that direction.
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twisted treez

this is funny how yall , piff , green , you guys are trippin obama is on your side

he is about phylosophy, not killing like your man mccain
HONOLULU - In 1971, a 10-year-old boy named Barry Obama enrolled at the private Punahou School and entered an unfamiliar world of privilege where he initially felt out of place. But he kept those feelings to himself and eventually prospered at the school Obama came from a modest background; suddenly his peers were the island's richest and most accomplished students. Around that time, America Online founder Steve Case, actress Kelly Preston and former Dallas Cowboys lineman Mark Tuinei attended the school, which offers kindergarten through 12th grade on a lush hillside campus overlooking the Waikiki skyline and Pacific Ocean.
Arriving after living four years in Indonesia, Obama felt like a misfit in his Indonesian sandals and old-fashioned clothes, the Democratic presidential contender recalled in his 1995 memoir, "Dreams From My Father."
Most of his classmates lived in "split-level homes with swimming pools," he wrote. Obama lived in an apartment near school and worked at a burger chain and Baskin-Robbins before graduating.
"Rarely did I meet kids whose families had less than mine and might remind me of good fortune," he wrote.
But former classmates and teachers say Barack Obama — known then as Barry — never revealed such feelings. They describe him as upbeat and friendly, able to move between traditional high school cliques.
"He seemed to negotiate through school very well," said Eric Kusunoki, Obama's homeroom teacher for four years.
Obama also has spoken fondly of the school. He has said Punahou's emphasis on instilling values taught him to create a foundation for his life. And he has called for every child in the nation to have the type of education he enjoyed there.
Obama's half-sister, Maya Soetoro-Ng, said the school allowed her brother to see the vast inequities in the nation's education system and push for a public school curriculum that balances "practical" with "poetic and philosophical education."
Soetoro-Ng also attended Punahou and remembered taking classes in photography and Russian literature while also learning how to write a resume.
"It was a kind of education ... where classes were small enough that each individual child got nurtured, where tests weren't as high stakes, where there were projects and papers, and the whole child was attended to," she said.
When Obama was there, the islands' most prestigious school offered a class in glass blowing, exchange trips to Japan and the opportunity to work on a literary magazine.
But Soetoro-Ng said the school also had drawbacks: It could be insular; few students came from economically underprivileged backgrounds.
In 1979, the year Obama graduated, tuition for high school students at Punahou was $1,990, a sizable expense compared with Hawaii's median family income of $22,750 that year.
Some of Obama's former classmates say they, too, felt out of place when they started at the school.
Bart Burford, who graduated with Obama, came to Punahou in sixth grade from public school and said he had a tough time adjusting to his monied peers.
"I didn't understand how people could be so snobby," the Honolulu resident said in a recent interview.
Tom Boyle, another classmate of Obama's, also came to Punahou from public school and recalled another student pointing out that his clothes didn't match.
In a state that defines people by the high school they attended, Hawaii's public school students often view Punahou graduates as elitist and scoff at them even into adulthood.
Sen. Daniel Inouye, D-Hawaii, reminded voters before Hawaii's recent Democratic caucus that Obama went to Punahou, which he said "was not a school for the impoverished."
Inouye, 37 years older than Obama and a graduate of public McKinley High School down the hill from Punahou, is supporting Obama's rival, Hillary Rodham Clinton, in the Democratic presidential race.
Obama shot back that he attended the school on a scholarship and was raised by a single mom and grandmother.
"Shame on Danny for trying to pull that stunt," he said.
Obama's feelings of not fitting in were heightened by his race. As one of the few black students at Punahou — and among a small group of blacks on the island — he remembered in his memoir someone wanting to touch his hair and being asked whether his father ate people on his first day of school.
He wrote about struggling with his racial identity and turning to marijuana to block out the questions.
But classmates and teachers say Obama blended in well. He served on the editorial board of the school's literary magazine, played varsity basketball and sang in the choir. He went on the occasional date.
A self-described "goof off" who didn't focus on work and spent much of his time thinking about girls, Obama did well enough.
"He was just a normal boy," said Bob Torrey, who taught Obama U.S. history and described him as a B-student. "He was very popular with his classmates."
In his memoir, Obama said his status improved over time, his prowess as a basketball player helping him make some of his closest friends. And in a December 2004 visit to campus, he spoke positively about his experience.
"There was something about this school that embraced me," he told students and faculty, "gave me support and encouragement and allowed me to grow and prosper."

Mt Toaker

The man claims that he wants to get rid of lobbyists. . . thats good enough for me, if all he does in the first 4 years of his presidency is get rid of lobbyists think of how much better our country will be. The government will be forced to listen to people instead of business's and their money.


lol get rid of lobbyist? he has lobbyist in his campaign.

"Obama, the son of a white woman from Kansas and a black man from Kenya, can call six U.S. presidents, including George W. Bush, his cousins."

"Obama often jokes about his cousin Cheney at campaign appearances."

Its all 1 big family business.


lol get rid of lobbyist? he has lobbyist in his campaign.

"Obama, the son of a white woman from Kansas and a black man from Kenya, can call six U.S. presidents, including George W. Bush, his cousins."

"Obama often jokes about his cousin Cheney at campaign appearances."

Its all 1 big family business.

Looks like someone needs a new tinfoil hat.


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ICMag Donor
re Washington Dc deciding,,sure,,but indeed everybody can decide and abuse of power,,,re the Irak war saying Washington decide,,it will be like saying they totally agree.,and I am sure...I always thought it was due to retired investing in oil myself,,,that is what is said in mendo anyway...
Obama seems to be the best for people who smoke.....

lot of skepticism just like with Evo Morales when he was elected in Bolivia..,,,...

re wars ,just like this smart guy from the marines was saying,it only profits to minority.....
anyway I always try to understand everybody,poor economic pushing honest guys going in the army,other people not in the army suffering of this war so much,who have nothing to deal with it etc... ...... sometimes I even think are we really doing something ourselves to stop it....can we? not so much anyway,....
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twisted treez

george nush has donenothing but devide the country, oil is bullshit. people should drive for free, not a fee,
as far as the pastor talking about race the way it is is not a bad thing it sounds lie the truth the whole aids theory , has dated back to 1990, get a old luke sky walker cd (a k,, uncle luke,
im white and i agree with what was said , and i think it inspires people to become better, yea it could spark a race split, but going on living this way acting like nothing ever happened will and is spliting races as we speak,
im a very open obama supporter and i love to talk to anti obama heads, and i love to challenge there wits, some people have 99.9 percent reason they are right and i have the gift to tell them the .1 reason they are wrong.
i actually think that george bush relly only wants a holy war and he got it.
have you ever noticed in theese wars that we have , another country bombs us on our turf then we go to there land and kill them for years and years, well if the shoe was on the other foot how long would it take them to have vengence on us if they were us,, my main point you cant go to someones house with a gun and tell them to put there gun down that makes no sence,

Edgar cayce was a profit from the early 1900's, i think that he already predicted this before, he said in a reading that the world as we new it would begin it biggest change and actually refered to it as the period of change, now i know that presidents and others are very familiar with edgar cayce and his readings, and edgar cayce also predicted what was going to happen, only the best thing about knowing the future is knowing that you can change the future , and just because it is predicted doesnt mean that it is going to happen, so at this point anything can happen, but i will tell you , hat he was the first one to bring up atlantis , he is were the story orginated from. and he told of atlantis the greatest empire in history, a city that ran itself on product and by product , a great city , out were the bermuda triangle is now located, and a huge crystal the size of 10 football fields, witch has un fathemed power, that is the reason that planes etc. go haywire is because of this crystals power, this atlantis was seperated by the sons of man ,, and the sons of god....he told storys of crystals power, how people could look into crystals that had been inputted and get a education that would take years to get in weeks, ( reminds me of a t.v. , as i have learned more from my computer and tv (history channel) then i could going to college), well in the end of atlantis the used this crystal as a death ray and basically started the 50 million year earth cycle over. destroyed all there advancments, edgar cayce says that under the spinx left paw facing there is the history of atlantis, and i believe this also, because of this theory of mine, is that under these pyramids there is something that is ment to be hidden for ever, as the perimid is actually with its unemaginable wight holding down the secrets of all time and maybee evan a nohs arch type spaceship,, life make me wonder if when you die you know the truth of the world all time or will you know the secrets or the universe, or is life just like horton hears a hoo, and are we all just on a dust ball living advanced organisms, any way if live is erelivent then souldnt we all love each other , since this is or one and only chance to be on this earth, why dont we all get along, and as far as the race thing it s just proof that when you talk about the gov in a negetive way you are unpatrioic, but when you lead a whole country into a war to die and kill, you are patriotic?


twisted treez said:
i actually think that george bush relly only wants a holy war and he got it.
have you ever noticed in theese wars that we have , another country bombs us on our turf then we go to there land and kill them for years and years, ?

You do know Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 right? You do know we have been bombing Iraq before George Bush was president right? Do you know why they attacked us on 9/11? Its because we are over there telling them what to do, how to live, and we were bombing them.... for no reason! well there is a reason. A reason that is in the interest of elite groups and they make huge profits off of these bullshit wars. Our country starts these wars and then tells the public some bullshit and makes us believe that these small 3rd world countries with no army navy or air force started this war. Obama wants to transfer all troops from Iraq to Afganistan and Pakistan. Why? I have no fuken clue, they cant even fight us lol they have no military.

twisted treez

yea well king piff at least your admitting that its not fair and it sucks, im bout just stop thinking about it , really its so drawn out and long that i am tired of it all, its honestly depesing
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