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twisted treez said:
a man like obama comes along and everyone hates but has no reason , then you look at mccain and you can be contempt with what ever he says just because he is white and that is a safe bet ,

hahaaa wait... A man like Obama comes along and everyone hates but has no reason? If he made sense and had good policy's I would vote for him. Ask yourself this.... A man like Obama comes along and everyone loves him but has no reason why! That is the real question. McCain sucks too, he is no different than Obama and Clinton.


obama is a stupit monkey if he gets democratic nom .he sostupid just becues oprah put it in his mind his head has grown to jig size .some on will take him out

twisted treez

im a facist wow thats rich, then judge me because i guess in the end we all just judge each other , because in the end self preservation is built into our genetics. and we all think we are the best so just write your own name on the ballot. but if you wanna stop riding around burning dirty ass gas then vote, obama , does any one on here know that before jfk anounced the space program people said that would never happen.

john maccain is a cyborg, he is like a spider mite on your dick, he wants to kill people in war ,, do you want our sons on tour... is their faith no more


tenfeetofganja said:
im ready to go live in the bush in australia.. never listen to no politics. never let them politricksters rule my life///

A little misguided there! Australia is a bitchmaid to the new world order. Anyone remember how they set up the Port Arthur turkey shoot and used that to enforce gun confiscation? I think they ended up killing at least 50 Australians, including the man who inspired the character of Crocodile Dundee. The only good news in all of it was that he took down three or four of the jacks before they got him!
Try living in the bush in montana, that's where it's at. Cold winters though.


Active member
Bottom line on Obama, the hypocrite, and cannabis.
Here's a man who supports the laws that put people in cages for doing the same thing he has done.
If he had an ounce of integrity or any balls at all, he would come out for legalization.
But since he is an actor, orator, poser, and tireless self promoter, he's not going to do that, just like he has done absolutely nothing to deserve even being considered for President. He has done nothing in the senate, except use it as a platform to propel himself "higher". He truly redefines the concept of style over substance. And, the dumbed down, Oprah watching populace will probably elect him.


twisted treez said:
im a facist wow thats rich, then judge me because i guess in the end we all just judge each other , because in the end self preservation is built into our genetics. and we all think we are the best so just write your own name on the ballot. but if you wanna stop riding around burning dirty ass gas then vote, obama , does any one on here know that before jfk anounced the space program people said that would never happen.

john maccain is a cyborg, he is like a spider mite on your dick, he wants to kill people in war ,, do you want our sons on tour... is their faith no more

I guess I wanna drive around and burn dirty gas

the whole jfk thing with the man on the moon is complete bullshit lol just like obama and his stop to "dirty gas"

twisted treez

well mccain says he will lead the soldiers of god in iraq
and bush did this

obama ovoids the drama , and yall just wanna say idiotic things well im sure there is 1 or 2 people that agree with me

from yahoo buzz
Though President Bush makes no secret of the influence his faith has on his agenda, rarely has the president mixed the language of faith and God so closely with talk of war and terrorism as he did yesterday in an address to the National Religious Broadcasters convention in Tennessee. Bush defended his actions in Iraq and Afghanistan with a 42-minute address attributing his faith to his foreign policy.

Coming just one day after spritual leaders protested President Bush's veto of limits to US interrogation techniques, his speech tying the war to a spiritual quest could raise eyebrows. In his speech Bush said,
The effects of a free Iraq and a free Afghanistan will reach beyond the borders of those two countries. . . . It will show others what’s possible. And we undertake this work because we believe that every human being bears the image of our maker. That’s why we’re doing this. No one is fit to be a master, and no one deserves to be a slave.
To see how tied "freedom" to God, read more. Bush went on to call freedom a “precious gift,” and said, “The liberty we value is not ours alone. Freedom is not America’s gift to the world; it is God’s gift to all humanity.”
he dedicated the war on terror to jesus ,From the audience came shouts of, “Amen!”
Do you find it difficult to reconcile the two missions? On the one hand Bush has set out to deliver the divine gift of freedom, while on the other refusing to outlaw inhumane treatment of those who might stand in his way. Is it a case of "do as I say, not as I do?" Or, "damned if you do, damned if you don't?"
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ah looks like a dynasty forming...

ah yes and dont forget about Little Bush from Florida,,,
he'll be running four years from now.

if you care at all about your future in Amerika...
Do Not Elect these assholes again...we cannot afford them...

USA gasoline at $3.50 a gallon and climbing
Argentina gasoline at .80 cents a gallon and steady...
Saudi Arabia gasoline at 75 cents a gallon and steady...
wtf up with that?

all you democrats that vote party lines just remember these words

Bill Clinton NAFTA...

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
Scorpion said:

ah looks like a dynasty forming...

Well, yes why not, and call it Rotation Monarchy? You vote Hillary this time, and then you vote Jenna & Barbara Bush next time, as twin-Presidents, and they could swap between President and vice-President.


But don't forget, you didn't vote for G.W because his old man was President before him, you voted on him because he was the guy the average American wanted to "grab a beer with".

So who's the next likely toothpaste smile President? Well, Obama's real slick, he's got the touch, he's got the rythm, and his suits actually fit. He can charm any crowd, and that's what counts.

Hillary's got a double cheek, and her smile's all wrong. She can't be trusted...


Scorpion said:

ah looks like a dynasty forming...

Google the CFR, its a secret government group bent on globalization. They want 1 world nation. It has already begun and is under the radar, they plan on having US/mexico/canada as a north american state by 2010. Plans are underway for a superhighway connecting mexico with canada.

A little more in depth, nobody knows who runs the federal reserve, aka the cashflow of the united states. If you youtube Bush and Federal Reserve, there is a guy ina press confrence that asks bush, and is ARRESTED. The political leaders all dodge the questions involving CFR. Check out research with Lou Dobb's opinions.

Almost all the candidates are involved with the CFR somehow, and you wonder if its a dynasty, it SURE IS. Ron Paul spoke out about not being a CFR member, go ron!

Get this, JFK was aware of this secret society when he was president, he spoke to the american people about it(it is recorded and you can even listen to it!), he was later assassinated. Reason? He didnt want to conform to the Rothschild controlled, zionist federal reserve/government. JFK was a man for the people.... a man for the people exactly, and they killed him. Look that up also.

The Rothschild bloodline dates back to England(?), it lies in Jewish heritage. John D Rockefeller, one of the first and richest men of america is also said to have a say (his bloodline) in american politics, and that he is a part of the CFR. As for dynasty, its found that Rockefellers bloodline leads to the Clintons, im not 100% sure on Bush's bloodline but i do know that it dates back to something RELATED. ITS ALL RELATED... this shit is fucked up, but the facts are there. Our loss of the USA as the american people ended with woodrow wilsons passed bill in 1919? 1920? Around that time, where he FULLY protected the fed.

This is why average joe can and wont ever be president, and if he makes it, he will be assassinated unless he conforms into a puppet.
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twisted treez

yo rosy cheeks, slohemein, those post were great good to hear others know whats going , but for real george bush is related to a real member of the first ship the mayflower i know that for a fact , it was on the history channel history of boston, so that may be the case the difference is that we have to change obama is right because if everything at this moment is way fucked up , then change is exactly what you need i mean we the people are the boss, so if you hire someone and they are screwing crap up then you need to change that if you want a possitive change, the fact that he has not campained direct negative un moral claims at hillary , with the national inquire trying to get into old voters by saying hes gay with some white old guy and with louis faricon, i mean you cant be serious. no one is saying shit on mccain,so im ready to hear his dirt come out i think if obama gets the nom he will go with al gore for vp ,i hope he gets it its like a roller coaster ride


gets some
twisted treez said:
yo rosy cheeks, slohemein, those post were great good to hear others know whats going , but for real george bush is related to a real member of the first ship the mayflower i know that for a fact , it was on the history channel history of boston, so that may be the case the difference is that we have to change obama is right because if everything at this moment is way fucked up , then change is exactly what you need i mean we the people are the boss, so if you hire someone and they are screwing crap up then you need to change that if you want a possitive change, the fact that he has not campained direct negative un moral claims at hillary , with the national inquire trying to get into old voters by saying hes gay with some white old guy and with louis faricon, i mean you cant be serious. no one is saying shit on mccain,so im ready to hear his dirt come out i think if obama gets the nom he will go with al gore for vp ,i hope he gets it its like a roller coaster ride

Umm...you do realize that Obama is Dick Cheney's cousin right? Don't be fooled! Obama is definitely part of the "club". What other way would a 3 year Senator be "approved" to run for President? The only change he offers is what you will have left in your bank account after his $250 billion a year spending increase takes effect.


sheep sheep sheep. Keep kissing Obamas ass and you will realize once and if he's president that you have no job, your money is slowly disappearing, all of your rights are gone and then bammmmm North American Union


twisted treez said:
the difference is that we have to change obama is right because if everything at this moment is way fucked up , then change is exactly what you need i mean we the people are the boss, so if you hire someone and they are screwing crap up then you need to change that if you want a possitive change

PLEASE explain what positive changes this scum would make. No shit yeah we need some serious changes. But the guy who stands on a stage and screams change 99999999 times doesn't mean he is going to change shit. What the fuk is he saying he is going to change? I haven't heard jack shit. So please explain what changes this sheep master is trying to make and don't say some bullshit like get rid of dirty gas because it is expensive. That is complete bullshit, there are reasons why gas is expensive and it is the value of the dollar being the reason.

Mt Toaker

ItsGrowTime said:
Umm...you do realize that Obama is Dick Cheney's cousin right? Don't be fooled! Obama is definitely part of the "club". What other way would a 3 year Senator be "approved" to run for President? The only change he offers is what you will have left in your bank account after his $250 billion a year spending increase takes effect.

Eighth Cousin's. . . let me know when you find out who your eighth cousin is and get back with me. . . I doubt they even knew until some conspirasits did the digging.


gets some
Mt Toaker said:
Eighth Cousin's. . . let me know when you find out who your eighth cousin is and get back with me. . . I doubt they even knew until some conspirasits did the digging.

Eighth cousin or not, what are the odds of them being related and having no clue and both being in high positions of power? Especially when there's no denying that many presidents and current candidates (except Paul) are still related in some form. They wouldn't let Obama into their "club" unless he is one of them by blood. He was handpicked to run against Hillary as the lesser of two evils from the start. They are both the SAME! The only change is the color of the dick that's fucking you.


all of the candidates are for the CFR, the north american union. except our man ron paul. I bet if ron gets presidency hed be assassinated surely. Just as JFK was and JFK's son, whos plane "magically crashed in the water" and there is "no evidence". Some think jfk jr is in hiding and still alive, in fear of being assassinated by our corrupt govt. just as his father was.

Bud Meister

Always keep in mind that regardless of party the #1 goal of all elected officials is to get elected. The second goal of all elected officials is to be re-elected. It does not matter what they have to promis or what it will do to our country and our economy. I dont trust anyof them.

The Right is wrong and the Left is stupid.
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