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Registered Med User
No offense to ron paul supporters, but by voting for him you are throwing your vote away. ron paul has no chance in winning this race, if you are looking at it in the longe run than yes, you show that ron paul has support, and by so may gain more for future elections, but if mcain wins this terms presidentcy then there may not be any future elections. Just an opinion.......
...... Really I believe they are all puppets put forth to give American citizens the false impression that they have a say and can make a differance, and the ones running the country are behind the curtains, controling the media and propaganda in order to lead the mass in the desired direction...


Active member
GET MO said:
No offense to ron paul supporters, but by voting for him you are throwing your vote away. ron paul has no chance in winning this race, if you are looking at it in the longe run than yes, you show that ron paul has support, and by so may gain more for future elections, but if mcain wins this terms presidentcy then there may not be any future elections. Just an opinion.......
...... Really I believe they are all puppets put forth to give American citizens the false impression that they have a say and can make a differance, and the ones running the country are behind the curtains, controling the media and propaganda in order to lead the mass in the desired direction...

I believe that there are too many contrary interests for someone to predictably take hold of all the power, like a puppetmaster behind the strings. While it is very possible that the president doesn't have as much power as we may believe, I don't think he's a puppet, in the truest sense, that he is controlled by a controller. Maybe the government's just too disorganized to ever change anything, with everyone pitching in their own ideas and dogma and beliefs. That is the definition of a democracy, isn't it? Everything has to go through the motions and the politics -- as "fair" as it may be, very ineffective for getting things done.

With that said, yes, you are right about throwing votes away. It's always a dilemma: In the ideal world, you would vote for who you think is the best candidate. Unfortunately, in the real world, we just have to settle for the "lesser of two evils".

If I'm voting, I'm voting Obama. I fear if Hilary Clinton or McCain takes hold, we might go bomb Iran, and drive oil prices so high it would destroy the American economy. Then, weed would be the last thing on our minds.... or the first :kos: :laughing:


texsativa said:
Heroin is illegal, yet medically controlled morphine is most certainly not.

Cocaine and methamphetamine is illegal, but ritalin is not.

It doesn't make sense.
Ummm .. actually both Cocaine and Methamphetamine are legal to prescribe. Tightly controlled, yes.
This country is bought and paid for. Look at private bankers. How our tax money goes to the FED which is privately owned and the money is not apportioned back to the states MEANING it's unconstitutional and a fraud. They just have IRS agents doing their dirty work. There is no law that says you have to pay income tax. I support Ron Paul because he would eliminate it. Limit government and let the states decide what to do about marijuana. What else can you ask for? Do you really enjoy paying taxes that much? Why would you be throwing your vote away if you voted for him? Your vote is just going to be changed by a diebold machine anyways. How has Clinton come back so many times from down in early statistics to win by a narrow 51 to 49%. Whoever sells their soul the most and is willing to give this country over to the hands of big business is the winner. Look up The Clintons and the Mena scandal. Or Prescott Bush being Hitler's Angel. Obama's wife is in the council on foreign relations.

"They want more for themselves and less for everybody else. I'll tell you what they don't want. They don't want a population of well-informed citizens capable of critical thinking. That doesn't help them. That's against their interests. They don't want people who are smart sitting around the kitchen table talking about a system that threw them overboard 30 f***ing years ago. What do they want? They want obedient workers. People who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paper work and just dumb enough to accept jobs with lower pay, longer hours, reduced benefits, and the vanishing pension that disappears the minute you collect it. Now they're coming for your Social Security money. They want your f***ing retirement money. The want it back so they can give it to their criminal friends on Wall Street. And you know that they'll get it. Cause they own this f***in' place. It's a big club. It's the same big club they beat you over the head all day when they tell you what to believe, what to think, and what to buy. The table is tilted, folks. The game is rigged. Nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care. Good, honest, hard-working people continue to elect these rich c*ck s**kers who don't give a f*ck about you at all. At all. At all. At all."~George Carlin

Stay informed,


I'm not voting. I'm pretty straight up for Ron Paul, he's the first politician I've noticed that I agree with on pretty much every issue. And he isn't going to win, and I don't like the other politicians enough to vote for them. I would however like for Obama to win, more so than McCain or Clinton. If nothing else, stop the raids. At the least.


texsativa said:
I'm not voting. I'm pretty straight up for Ron Paul, he's the first politician I've noticed that I agree with on pretty much every issue. And he isn't going to win, and I don't like the other politicians enough to vote for them. I would however like for Obama to win, more so than McCain or Clinton. If nothing else, stop the raids. At the least.

I am the same way.. but instead of not voting and having my voice lost, I will vote for Obama, because as you said if nothing else, I really think he would stop the raids.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
The crickets in the swamp have more say than any of us in the presedential elections...


South Park once again hit this issue right on the head with the "Turd Sandwich/ Giant Douche" episode where they have to vote for the mascot but are torn between choosing from a douche and a turd. Its only douches and turds that make it that far in politics anyway.

Sadly, it will always be between a douche and a turd.


gets some
Koroz said:
I am the same way.. but instead of not voting and having my voice lost, I will vote for Obama, because as you said if nothing else, I really think he would stop the raids.

Obama is not pro-mj. Obama is not pro-state's rights. Obama is not pro-anything that matters to you. Did you not see the article posted earlier in this thread where he said he was anti-mj even before the primaries started? Throwing away your vote is when you vote for somebody that you think is the least likely to fuck you over.


ItsGrowTime said:
Obama is not pro-mj. Obama is not pro-state's rights. Obama is not pro-anything that matters to you. Did you not see the article posted earlier in this thread where he said he was anti-mj even before the primaries started? Throwing away your vote is when you vote for somebody that you think is the least likely to fuck you over.

You just changed my mind. I'll be voting for Obama. He has said repeatedly this campaign he will end federal raids on medical marijuana patients.


gets some
texsativa said:
You just changed my mind. I'll be voting for Obama. He has said repeatedly this campaign he will end federal raids on medical marijuana patients.

Can somebody PLEASE show me WHERE he said this? Ive seen it repeated over and over but have never once seen a video clip or a news article where he said that he promised to end DEA raids on medical users. Saying it over and over doesnt make it true. Not that I believe him anyway since he's clearly no friend of the mj community but still...

EDIT: This was the closest I could find and notice that not ONCE does Obama himself say he will end raids. Notice it's a campaign spokesman saying it, giving Obama an out later as another "misinterpretation". Yall dont get it do you? http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/artic....DTL&hw=medical+marijuana+obama&sn=002&sc=904
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Check out Granite Staters and also search "Obama medical marijuana" on youtube. He said he is against decriminalization but will stop the raids on medical marijuana patients, it's not a good use of resources to go after sick patients when there is terrorism and other narcotics to worry about.
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heres a couple of videos where obama states his semi mj friendly stances




not voting is just dumb. vote for the best canidate even if theyre not they greatest possible canidate. obama is the most mj friendly of the canidates other than ron paul who will NEVER be president or even have a good chance to be. this is not a douche-turd thing (lol) that episode was in reference to the kerry bush race. which was defiantly a douche turd situation


If you are voting for anybody simply based on their perceived MMJ stance then you should have your voting rights suspended. No attention to any other issues wtf? Your right to use herb is a natural right and NO POLITICIAN CAN GIVE IT OR TAKE IT. It makes me sick to hear you groveling at the feet of gov't., do what works for you if it is ethical and forget man's law.

What the hell is up with black osama? I thought he was dead in the water, when it came out that he is a closet black supremacist. I thought most of america would be freaking out now and doing anything to avoid having this compromised, white-hating jerk from gaining office. And nobody has heard apparently the claims of the man who says Obama smoked crack while the guy gave him a blowjob in 1999. He took a polygraph which was setup to smear him and still it turned out inconclusive.

I think there is a good chance the bush never leaves office, though. The whole election is such a scam and why has it gone on so long? To really imprint the false reality that we have the ability to change things. If that were the case then ron paul would be winning right now. You just wait something is going to go down and there will be suspended elections and martial lawwwwwww!!! Thats why im making seeds while the sun shines.


ItsGrowTime said:
Can somebody PLEASE show me WHERE he said this? Ive seen it repeated over and over but have never once seen a video clip or a news article where he said that he promised to end DEA raids on medical users. Saying it over and over doesnt make it true. Not that I believe him anyway since he's clearly no friend of the mj community but still...

EDIT: This was the closest I could find and notice that not ONCE does Obama himself say he will end raids. Notice it's a campaign spokesman saying it, giving Obama an out later as another "misinterpretation". Yall dont get it do you? http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/artic....DTL&hw=medical+marijuana+obama&sn=002&sc=904
Here is what the Republican National Committee said a few days ago about Obama and medical marijuana:

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twisted treez

peanut you are a hater mcshitstain lover, marijuana being illegal is against the Bill of rights(just ask your boy Ron Paul) so marijuana became illegal after they made machine guns legal after the mafia got them because they were so abundant and cheep after world war 1, when the movie refer madness came out and made it appear mmj was killing people, then politicians slothenger and others tied the refer madness to the same law that went against right to bear arms , as they took that away because of massive deaths associated with machine guns and they tied them together, and made it the law to show your weed in order to get stamps for mmj, then when you would come in to get your stamps they would arrest you, accross town in harvard their was a teacher Mr timothy leary who said that it was against the 5th ammendment to bring weed in to get a stamp and get busted , he went to the supreme court and won ,, mmj was legal in the early 60' s its true, until the hippies wanted more , and the politicians were pissed, they faught back and took mmj illegel again , locked up leary got him fired , and that was it, mmj was once again illegal , and the reson why it goes against the bill of rights, is because life , liberty and persuit of hapiness, ,, well persuit of hapiness is supossed to be self interprited by your self and as long as what you do dosnt affect other s, then that is your business,
well penut butter , learn your drug history,,,, aka study for that drug test


gets some
twisted treez said:
peanut you are a hater mcshitstain lover, marijuana being illegal is against the Bill of rights(just ask your boy Ron Paul) so marijuana became illegal after they made machine guns legal after the mafia got them because they were so abundant and cheep after world war 1, when the movie refer madness came out and made it appear mmj was killing people, then politicians slothenger and others tied the refer madness to the same law that went against right to bear arms , as they took that away because of massive deaths associated with machine guns and they tied them together, and made it the law to show your weed in order to get stamps for mmj, then when you would come in to get your stamps they would arrest you, accross town in harvard their was a teacher Mr timothy leary who said that it was against the 5th ammendment to bring weed in to get a stamp and get busted , he went to the supreme court and won ,, mmj was legal in the early 60' s its true, until the hippies wanted more , and the politicians were pissed, they faught back and took mmj illegel again , locked up leary got him fired , and that was it, mmj was once again illegal , and the reson why it goes against the bill of rights, is because life , liberty and persuit of hapiness, ,, well persuit of hapiness is supossed to be self interprited by your self and as long as what you do dosnt affect other s, then that is your business,
well penut butter , learn your drug history,,,, aka study for that drug test

:spank: :bashhead: :spank: :bashhead:
Did you actually read the link he posted? Im sure you didn't since it actually backed up Obama himself saying he would stop DEA raids on Oregon MMJ patients. And they say that us Ron Paul people attack others too much. Sheesh. Obama's people are surprisingly becoming more attack oriented than anyone. Is the guy the modern incarnation of black Jesus or somethin? :nono:

My thing is this, ok so yes he says he will do this, that, and the other but as demonstrated earlier in this thread, his promises are empty and he obviously doesnt mind using the ol "misinterpration" speil. Just like every other status quo candidate.
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Barak Hussien Obama is the greatest threat to this Constitutional Based Federal Republic. He offers Socialism in the Vain of Karl Marx which contravenes our Constitution and its attendant Bills of Right.

Just my .02 cents worth. It is not the color of his skin that I find repugnant, but rather his leftist-socialist position, redistribution of wealth and Government as the God of a Nation.

To Mr.Obama, (expletives deleted)


The flag he envisions doesn't blend with the stars and stripes. It will be a cold f*****g day in hell before that happens.

I've been around for 65 years and I think know where the Bear shits in the woods, and the last thing we need is some slick tongued Son-of-a Bitch telling us a God Damned thing about freedom, and the price handsomely paid with the blood and tears of so many families, and the wealth of a free nation.

If what I said pisses you off, good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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texsativa said:
I'm not voting. I'm pretty straight up for Ron Paul, he's the first politician I've noticed that I agree with on pretty much every issue. And he isn't going to win, and I don't like the other politicians enough to vote for them. I would however like for Obama to win, more so than McCain or Clinton. If nothing else, stop the raids. At the least.

Texsativa, your opinion carries as much weight as a wheel borrow full of horse s hitl. You don't VOTE??? Screw your arrogant hippy ass, what you have to say isn't worth a "bucket of warm spit". You don't count DUDE, your are a "non-participant".

Hard Core,

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