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Oaxaca 79


ACE Seeds Breeder
I had the privilege to receive in 2008 a batch of Oaxaca '79 seeds from kaiki CBG, (thank you very much friend!).

The seeds are a S1 fem line coming from a single Oaxacan 79 female that germinated from old seeds from that era. Kaiki produced the S1 seeds from this female and he shared some seeds with me.
He will be able to comment more details about the origins of the line.

I usually don't like to work with S1 lines (especially S1 landrace seeds) as it's the highest degree of endogamy.
It's always preferable to start with healthy, more open pollinated landrace populations to have higher chances to find more vigorous and healthy genes and to have more variability to choose from.
But i knew this mexican line was very special and this was the unique genepool we had available to work with the line.

Lately i'm exploring new landraces, and i thought it was also time to germinate the old oaxacan seeds before they lost their viability.

I germinated a few dozens of Oaxaca 79 S1 seeds, and surprisingly most of them germinated correctly despite they were 7 years old. Seeds germinated quite fast, but had no much vigor since the start.

Around 40 seedlings born, we discarded 20 seedlings in the first 2 weeks of life due completely lack of vigour (seedlings don't grow from the initial stage of first leaves), undesirable mutations (runts), etc ....
Classic consequences of excessive inbreeding.

We discarded around 10 plants more after moving the rest of the plants to 12/12 flowering photoperiod (unhealthy, not well developed, lack of desirable response to flowering stage, etc ....) so we end up with 11 healthy females in early flowering stage.

The oaxacan 79 grows quite columnar and compact for a pure sativa (although there are no evident signs of indica influence). The node lenght is short/medium, with quite weak and thin stems (again, because excessive inbreeding).
Plants didn't branch too much, producing branches quite close of the main stem in early flowering. Initially, the plants grew with wide, dark big leaves and big leaflets for a pure sativa, but with the progress of the flowering the plants showed 100 % sativa traits in the last part of the flowering.

It was a S1 line (obviously feminized), so we only had the chance to work with females.

The flowering starts slowly (the plants were also flowered at a young stage) but after 1 month of 12/12 they start to define budsites, and interesting aromas and flowering traits.

After 7 weeks of 12/12 it's when the strain starts to show her excellent potential: the aromas are incredible: creamy, floral, incensey, musky, very deep, rich and complex terpene profile.
I haven't found such interesting aromas in a landrace line in years! The resin production is quite abundant at this stage of flowering, buds are very sticky and yummy.

Around half of the plants stretch significantly in the second half of flowering, with a more lanky branching and flowering structure (with reflowerings and foxtails), while the other half remains quite compact, producing dense flowers that develop surprisingly fast for a pure sativa.

In the 7th-8th week of 12/12, the most interesting females start to really stand out. 2 females seem to be less interesting in terpene quality and resin production, but the other 9 females are very very interesting.

5 females are very early flowering, finishing in 9 weeks plus of 12/12, while the others (mainly the more lanky ones with reflowerings) need 11 weeks of 12/12 to finish.

All the oaxacans have been harvested recently, so i'm waiting to dry them and cure them properly to evaluate them. I guess in early 2016 i will have an overall idea of the best parental plants, all have been cloned and preserved in the mother room, and i will send the best ones to analyze for cannabinoid and terpene profiles.

Only then i will be able to decide what to do with them.
Being a S1 fem line unfortunately we have no males to reproduce the line in the traditional way in pure form, without modify its original genepool. The only way to keep its original genepool unaltered would be to reverse all the best females and open pollinate them to make a next S2 open pollinated generation.
Of course, there will be a high degree of inbreeding in this next type of generation, but there are also good chances to fix the healthier and more vigorous genes, and the more desirable flowering traits.

Other option would be to pollinate the oaxaca 79 with other oaxacan lines, although this also means some kind of outcrossing. A friend visited Oaxaca past year and brought me back seeds of different oaxacan sativas, he told me some were very good, but i haven't had the chance to explore them yet.

Another option would be to outcross Oaxaca with other interesting and highly worked central american lines like Guatemala, Panama, Tikal or Honduras, test the F1s and check which ones perform better, then maybe backcross the oaxacan F1s back to the pure oaxacan 79 females and then select for the best and most representative traits of the Oaxaca line in the backcrosses.

Anyway, don't expect any Oaxacan official release from ACE in short term, guess we will have some seeds tested around 2017, but not before.

Meanwhile enjoy Mextiza, which seems to be a great oaxacan hybrid from Cannabiogen ;)


ACE Seeds Breeder
Oaxaca female 8

Oaxaca female 8

Unfortunately i couldn't take pictures of the fast flowering Oaxacan phenos (9-9.5 weeks of flowering) due familiar issues those days.

But had the chance to make some fast pics of the longer flowering phenos (around 11 weeks of flowering). You can appreciate the reflowerings and foxtaling of this long flowering pheno, that resemble the flowering structure of the old school pure sativa landraces.

Despite there are 2 phenos regarding flowering times and flower structure, it's important to highlight that all the females share more or less the same kind of aromas and overall vibe. Very stable in this regard.


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Thanks for sharing, Dubi!

I've always wanted to try Oaxacan

That #12 is quite a beauty!
Love that top cola


ACE Seeds Breeder
Oaxaca female 18

Oaxaca female 18

Oaxaca female 18, this one was a mutant but had vigor so it was not discarded. She produced naturally 2 main stems around 3-4 weeks of life. She also likes to foxtail.


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Active member
Nice work… man… can't wait for a smoke report… a true legendary strain… What kind of terps do these put off? I like that you want to work it… perhaps a backcrossing project? Ace/CBG have the Old Timer Haze (O haze) that might be a good starting point for a backcross, or any of the lines you mentioned above.

I have some 2009 Old Timer Haze from their breeding stock I assume… it's labeled purple haze female 3 x green haze #? I forget.. anyways I'm excited to see that yours popped gives me hope for mine. Pure breeding stock when I run the OTH, but man that will be a long lengthy ordeal.


Well-known member
Looks great, I look forward to the day I can grow and smoke Oaxacan, hopefully you can find something good in the seeds your friend brought you.
Good work Dubi.


ACE Seeds Breeder
Oaxaca female 24

Oaxaca female 24

And finally Oaxaca female 24, this one was the more extreme sativa phenotype, with the craziest foxtailing and slower flowering.

Plants posted in previous posts are more or less a fast representation of the longer flowering Oaxacan 79 phenos.


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I'd love to see these '79s crossed to some of the better males your friend brought back (female #12 in particular) - I'd be highly interested in those, as well as a next step of back-crossing those to back to the '79 females.

Oaxaca x Oaxaca :dance013:

Just 2 cents, from a highly appreciative customer


ACE Seeds Breeder
Nice work… man… can't wait for a smoke report… a true legendary strain… What kind of terps do these put off? I like that you want to work it… perhaps a backcrossing project? Ace/CBG have the Old Timer Haze (O haze) that might be a good starting point for a backcross, or any of the lines you mentioned above.

I have some 2009 Old Timer Haze from their breeding stock I assume… it's labeled purple haze female 3 x green haze #? I forget.. anyways I'm excited to see that yours popped gives me hope for mine. Pure breeding stock when I run the OTH, but man that will be a long lengthy ordeal.

Hi Grojak,

I haven't analyzed the oaxacans for cannabinoid or terpene profiles yet, but i will do it when the samples are in their best moment of curing. As i described in the first post of the thread, the aromas in late flowering are sweet/creamy, floral, incensey, musky, perfume, .... the oaxacans from the same line i tried years ago had also a lemony taste, a bit earthy too.

A cross between Haze and Oaxacan sounds good, but i think a super long flowering tropical sativa like Haze would change to much the overall behaviour and vibe of the oaxacan, i most likely use other more tamed central american sativas as commented previously, but it's still too early to comment anything, these things take time.

Thanks for your interest and good luck with your Oldtimer's haze seeds, the Oldtimer's Haze seeds you bought are now quite old so i would recommend you not to delay too much its germination.

Best wishes!


ACE Seeds Breeder
Dubi can you comment on a comparison between this and Mextiza?

Hi MJtheIndicator,

I haven't had the pleasure to grow or smoke Mextiza yet,
but coming from kaiki and based on growers reports i'm sure is a great Oaxacan hybrid.

A friend did a selection from the same pure Oaxaca S1 line 4 years ago, and i loved the finished product, the high was super stimulating, all in the brain.
I will have a better and more accurate overall opinion about the strain when i test the oaxacans we have harvested recently from latest selection.


ACE Seeds Breeder
#24 looks like the pure G13 I used to grow back in 80-83
could be it's twin

Hi Obsidian,

I thought G13 was an indica dominant strain, but i have never grown or smoked real G13 (if it really exists), so i cannot comment much about your comparison.


Well-known member
hi dubi!

great news, to be honest i hope you will cross the most desirable keepers with another mexican male (jarilla de sinaloa, or any mostly pure mexican), then backross the "f1" males to the mother, would love to put my hands on some of that :)

worst case, s2 the keepers and see if they produce anything similar to the moms and release as a limited s2 edition, would take those too (im a sucker for mexican genetics)...


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