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Oaksterdam University yay or nay?



But those that have a few hundred grand and want to open up their own shop can learn a great deal from those classes.

LOL thats funny you mention that because the faculty there have literally written the book on marijuana from both growing (yeah ed has written the book, several of them in fact) and laws about legally providing cannabis as medicine (yes we can blame Dennis Peron for MMJ) and the lawyers who actually argued at the ummm I forget ... it was the court in bumm fuck no where doesn't matter Washington DC not that it matters but its called the US Supreme Court.

If there was anybody that you would want to network with it would be those guys. Yeah I will agree that Richard Lee is a greedy pig fucker. But still you're just being a hater, cause he came up with the idea first to blatently rip off Amsterdam.

It's not the people that are valuable, it's the knowledge. And Ed and the rest of them have been sharing their knowledge with the world for so long that it's all over the internet now...for free...except for that damn cable bill at the end of the month.

No sense in sitting there listening to someone talk somethin at ya when you can just as easily research it online. If you just like to hear it spoken, read it out loud to yourself. :rolleyes:

Plus, whether or not you're going to be able to open up a pot shop depends mostly on local officials. If they don't want you there you can have all the schoolin in the world and it won't do a bit of good. If they do want you there, then your initial investment, lawyer, and personal research will get you there just fine.

I have a lot of respect for Ed and the rest of those guys...but if you don't have money to burn on meeting canna-celebs, you're not missing out on anything spectacular. Save your money for grow supplies and a legal retainer and you'll be much better off. Or if you just want to go to school, go to a real accredited university and get an MBA. It'll do you a hell of a lot more good in the real world.


I just want to say that my opinion of Oaksterdam has changed. Fuck Richard Lee and his money grubbing politician manipulating so he can have a monopoly ass. Your money is best saved on equipment or advertising depending upon what you want to do. Most of everythign you can learn from Oaksterdam can be learned from buying a few books and reading a lot of ICMAG

Wow, what caused your sudden change of perspective? Did he come over to your house and take a crap in your cereal bowl or what? :dueling:
I've never been to Oaksterdam. My question is....

What happens to all these MMJ non-profit orgs and affiliated businesses if marijuana gets rescheduled?

My guess is the guys at the top of these oufits are starting to see that the MMJ aspect has almost run it's course with "national acceptance" (for the most part). Now they are in the best position to spread thier financial wings and dominate the private marijuana business sector (they have the rep and the connections).

I don't mind some of these guys getting thier just rewards for thier efforts...others just seem a bit too slimy for my support. Unfortunately, in this hobby, the previous decades atmosphere fostered a great environment for unsavory businessmen.


Active member
I would venture to say that anything you will learn in their classes, you can learn for free on ICmag. I started off knowing nothing a year ago and I learned everything on here. As far as the law is concerned, stay within your limits, keep the smell under wraps and don't say shit if it comes to that.

word, if you do enough digging you can learn pretty much all the same stuff here on ICmag, just gotta weed out the wrong advice though.




My good friend payed his fee's..and goes 1 time a week.

he says its almost cllage level.

theres alot to learn...getting paperwork to open a collective to running a collective and growing !

so far he's loving it but the 50 minute drive is bad.

anyone like oaksderdams white widow cut??


Active member
My good friend payed his fee's..and goes 1 time a week.

he says its almost cllage level.

theres alot to learn...getting paperwork to open a collective to running a collective and growing !

so far he's loving it but the 50 minute drive is bad.

anyone like oaksderdams white widow cut??

It's spelled College. Your friend could have learned all of that here on ICMAG for free w/o the 50 minute drive and the drain on his wallet while in his underwear.


Active member
Wow, what caused your sudden change of perspective? Did he come over to your house and take a crap in your cereal bowl or what? :dueling:

Because he is going to spend millions of dollars to get a proposition on the ballot which would give local governments in California carte blanche power to do what ever they want in regards to cannabis. And further more he is encouraging taxation without representation by giving government carte blance to set what ever taxes they want on cannabis. Thats called Taxation without representation, the original pot farmers and freedom fighters of this country made that a key reason for telling King George to go fuck a goat. Furthermore he is doing this to prevent/eliminate competition. It goes against the very nature of free market cannabis.

The money and power is going to his fucking head.


Active member
Because he is going to spend millions of dollars to get a proposition on the ballot which would give local governments in California carte blanche power to do what ever they want in regards to cannabis. And further more he is encouraging taxation without representation by giving government carte blance to set what ever taxes they want on cannabis. Thats called Taxation without representation, the original pot farmers and freedom fighters of this country made that a key reason for telling King George to go fuck a goat. Furthermore he is doing this to prevent/eliminate competition. It goes against the very nature of free market cannabis.

The money and power is going to his fucking head.

that's not exactly what measure F does.

funny thing about local government, there are some members of local government that actually do work for the people.

do you actually even live in Oakland and are going to vote? or just spewing, which is cool i guess, but why not take the time and really input, as opposed to just spewing garbage...:joint:


Active member
Wow, kind of harsh there karmical...Regardless of what measure F does in actuality if Freedomfighter interprets its a certain way and is wrong( i also see it as a way to eliminate a competitive cannabis market) then someone with another view should come out here and try to correct him, not accuse him of 'spewing garbage'... Do you see any good points to the measure? i want to hear another view on this myself because the sacramento area is heading down that same limited access path.


Active member
My words are harsh yet I don't include Fuck this or that, I don't understand that one bit.

If the State of California is in a financial mess, imagine where Oakland checks in, She's hurting really bad.

If you read all the measures you can see they're trying to raise $$, and they need too.

Do I like it, yes and no, but I do believe that Oakland is in a crisis point right now and needs just about any support possible...


Active member
that's not exactly what measure F does.

funny thing about local government, there are some members of local government that actually do work for the people.

do you actually even live in Oakland and are going to vote? or just spewing, which is cool i guess, but why not take the time and really input, as opposed to just spewing garbage...:joint:

This isn't about measure F cause I couldn't care that much about Oakland to be honest. This is about the proposition that Richard Lee is trying to get on the statewide ballot. It's a state issue. And yes I vote.


Active member
im ignorant of the bills purpose. How do they raise more funds by decreasing their sales tax base? im naturally going to go against anything limiting personal freedoms( such as starting/running a business of your own choosing)...saying someone voicing a concern or opinion is spewing garbage is kinda harsh. ++ to the no profanity tho cuz that made it only borderline. FreedomFighter was harsh as well (cuss words included) but he didn't personally attack someone elses posting... Richard Lee has done a lot more positive for our scene than bad and if he wants to make a little money im okay with that. I think he's reaching too deep in the cookie jar tho.


Active member
Guess what... I've had yet another change of opinion.

Fuck it lets tax the weed. The person who had me convinced that taxing cannabis believes that indoor grown herb is bad and that its not good to grow indoors. If he really believed in the sanctity of the herb then he would know that he is wrong. You don't believe in the plant as much as you would claim or you would understand that it supposed to be cultivated anywhere and everywhere. Indoors and Out.

That is a big thing with me. I won't take the beliefs of someone and adopt them as my own when they are against the form of cultivation that hands down gives the cleanest safest strongest weed.

Guess I'm a traitor now.

So about Oakstersam U. While I was waiting for a class to begin that the professor invited me to (who no longer works there) I sat in on another half of a class. While I can't give out the details of the class. I can say the the information provided was spot on accurate and would be helpful for someone who really wants to learn.

To Richard Lee (karmical if you could fwd to him I'd appreciate it)

I apologize for the rude, undeserving remarks I have made towards you. After seeing the way you conducted yourself during the lil protest last Friday I have gained tons of respect for you. Also I apologize for trying to directly take business away from you at your doorstep. While I disagree with many of the particulars of your initiative (and you have seen what I think is ideal) I will sign your petition simply because you have never said there is a wrong place to cultivate. Since I have an important meeting with city management and a city attorney tomorrow to discuss the draft ordinace that I proposed for the implementation of prop 215/SB 420 in the city I will add an additional provision that will make the ordinace applicable to changes in state law that allow communities to regulate cannabis for "recreational" purposes.

Blue Dot

Put down the joint and switch strains, this one's a lil too wacky for you FF.
Guess what... I've had yet another change of opinion.

Fuck it lets tax the weed. The person who had me convinced that taxing cannabis believes that indoor grown herb is bad and that its not good to grow indoors. If he really believed in the sanctity of the herb then he would know that he is wrong. You don't believe in the plant as much as you would claim or you would understand that it supposed to be cultivated anywhere and everywhere. Indoors and Out.

That is a big thing with me. I won't take the beliefs of someone and adopt them as my own when they are against the form of cultivation that hands down gives the cleanest safest strongest weed.

Guess I'm a traitor now.

So about Oakstersam U. While I was waiting for a class to begin that the professor invited me to (who no longer works there) I sat in on another half of a class. While I can't give out the details of the class. I can say the the information provided was spot on accurate and would be helpful for someone who really wants to learn.

To Richard Lee (karmical if you could fwd to him I'd appreciate it)

I apologize for the rude, undeserving remarks I have made towards you. After seeing the way you conducted yourself during the lil protest last Friday I have gained tons of respect for you. Also I apologize for trying to directly take business away from you at your doorstep. While I disagree with many of the particulars of your initiative (and you have seen what I think is ideal) I will sign your petition simply because you have never said there is a wrong place to cultivate. Since I have an important meeting with city management and a city attorney tomorrow to discuss the draft ordinace that I proposed for the implementation of prop 215/SB 420 in the city I will add an additional provision that will make the ordinace applicable to changes in state law that allow communities to regulate cannabis for "recreational" purposes.

Holy crap:confused: