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Mr GreenJeans - Something old something new, something sour and something blue...


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
nice to see that you are feelin better and makin your ladies feel better to. props on ditchin the meds. if not necessary than why have em. glad they wont be makin you feel lousy anymore


Registered Medical Patient
:laughing: :muahaha: :rasta: :headbange

Fuckin L dude, thats some funny shit!!! No, but seriously...Bentonite clay for ulcers and such??I never wouldve thought that shit would work for that...The docs tell me its stress related, and all in my head!!!At least a few told me that...

Then I had a guy in Alaska tell me I have a problem with my Vegal Chord(sp?) in my brain...something that detects all types of vibrations in ur daily life?? Anyhow, he said that mine is super-sensitive and thats why I get the intense nausea and dry-heaving when I get stressed out or nervous??!!!He put me on blood-pressure meds!!!??????????

My fiance has used bentonite in the past for a health/body flush, but I had NO idea it had other benefits...Aside from the nausea, I get serious heartburn, as I mentioned...right now Im takin Prilosec OTC, and it seems to help, but not totally...

As far as my diet..I dont know if I can change that shit!!!Im a Chef and my life is tastin everything all the time...I love spicy food...killer spicy...I love tomatoes & all its products...But yea, my doc has told me to lay off the acidic & spicy foods for like 15 yrs now!!!I guess Im a glutton for punishment :muahaha:

MGJ, thanks SOOOO much for the great info..Im gonna get some clay & try that stuff ASAP!!!

By the way, if u need a good source for Bentonite Clay, PM me..I got a great place to get it.... :joint:

Thanks broseph...you tha man!!!Peace

- Z :wave:

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya joeshmoe :wave:
Thanks very much my friend. I'm overdue for a visit down your way, hopefully this month. :friends:

Hiya Major :wave:
Man - thanks so much - don't have an ulcer but I do have acid reflux - I'd love to give up the Prilosec, I'm gonna try the bentonite. I've had "irritable bowel syndrome" for many years - fairly easy to manage without prescription drugs - this is what was aggravated by on of the heavy duty arthritis meds, and everyone thought it just got worse by itself :spank: NOT!!! Luckily my instinct was to stop that drug back in Feb, and my belly is just now starting to settle down. The short version of the story. So thanks again for the bentonite reference - it can only help!

Hiya Core :wave:
Thanks for the concern and friendship buddy... means a lot to a geezer like me... The problem for me is time. Takes a lot of time to deal with my body between things I have to do to feel better plus family & business, the day goes fast and I'm asleep... You guys are always remembered when I go to the garden :yes:

Hiya ZOR :wave:
Thanks much my friend! The suggestion is fully from MajorPH :yes: I am in the same boat as you on this one - but I'm gonna try it! I know what the doc was telling you - it's the vagus nerve - sends branches to the stomach - can get oversensitized - but I betcha the clay will work for you... Let me know how it works for you, and I'll do the same!

Hiya SirSmokalot :wave:
Thanks very much my friend - it is good to be back. Unfortunately I have to take some prescription meds - but if I can replace with organics I will - already on my way - looking into native plants I can use also - grow harvest and heal... :yes:

Hiya buzzed day :wave:
Thanks much buddy! Good to be back! Hey lets corral everyone back to the table and pass the VaporCannon Wand around!

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Vegging update

Vegging update

Well - I spoke too soon - took the plants out to take some good photos - and there were 2 plants that had the mildew again - so I chopped those - sprayed more SM90 solution - now I'm left with 6 vegging larger plants - and here they are.

Here's a shot of the vegging ladies, and the 3 moms on the shelf.

Airbourne G13 / Bogglegum 1 and 2

Trimmed G13 and BG-1 after taking the pictures - put a few G13 cuts in the cloner.

CC x SP / GDP 1 & 2

A couple of these will need a transplant before flowering.

That's all for now - time to hit the hay - thanks for keepin me company!!! :wave:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Seems we're all in agreement with the med companies :confused: :no: Looks like we all prefer to do the all natural healing :ying:

Look at those trees! :yoinks: You gonna have room to flower those? :biglaugh:

Great to see you back in action :woohoo: Now we just gotta get rid of them pesky contractors :bashhead:



Hey bro, as soon as I get a camera, I will post some pics of my newest grow. Love those lil trees you got going there.


Registered Medical Patient
plants look great bro...trees for sure...ARE you gonna have room for those tall slender ladies???

Thanks again for the clay info...Ill go thank MajPH as well...keep it up man, Ill be seein ya..

- Z


Grower of fine herbs...
Good to see you back and blowing it out once again. U and I both have sets of large ladies this time around, hopefully it will translate nicely into a large yeild for us both. Again its good to see you back and hopefully I will be around this show a bit more soon.


Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey man, popping in to see how you've been. Got some trees on your hands man, sorry to hear about the mildew prob. hope it gets in check for you. Take care!!!



hey MGJ>>>>just sittin flippin thru the newHT>>>
and find a GREAT PIC of sawblade>>>in pix of the crop..page 84....
keep it commin;)


Registered Medical Patient
whats up MGJ???Just stoppin by...picked up some clay yesterday...liquid form..they just dilute it with water...Ive been mixin it with some juice & Psyllium...suppposed to be a good mix...it gets thick if u dont drink it fast!!!we'll see what happens. Ill PM u a link for the stuff...Peace bro..be well.

- Z


lives on planet 4:20
mr green jeans....first time seeing your nice grow :wave:

seems like you really like what you are doing :headbange

so far i only can take photos of what i'm smoking

hopefully in the future can show some plants....laters :rasta:


There is ALWAYS meaning to my madness ®
I see you have some CC/Sputnik as well, IDK if you have it from seed or possibly the same cutting I posses?

@6 Weeks:

Good to hear yer feelin better as well MGJ. See ya soon :joint:

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya TML :wave:
U betcha mate - natural healing - that's the ticket! Plant height is a good question - if I have to I'll snap 'em or plant 'em on a tilt. Hoping to get underway soon... Had to mod the veg area to keep prying eyes away before I can use it again - there's still workers in the house for at least another few weeks, and I canna wait any longer :muahaha: Thanks buddy!

Hiya rule :wave:
Hey, good to cya buddy! Yeah, definitely get some pics snapped, would love to see yer girlies! Thanks on the props - I hope to get more than my average yield, gotta stock up!

Hiya ZOR :wave:
Good question - hope to snap more pics by tomorrow to post up - the biggest, ABG13 and Bogglegum - have been trimmed down a foot and cuttings taken. Those two plants got placed in 7 gal pots, and both GDP taken from 3 > 5 gal pots. It's been a busy week or so - these trims and transplants were long overdue and the girls were bitchin at me. I hope to give them a week to stretch new roots then finally flip...

I started on the clay too - have to say, Major Props for Major PH - the sour stomach is on the way out. :woohoo: Hmmm, wonder what the market would be for Canna-Clay drinks! :rasta:

Hiya NK :wave:
Thanks for stopping by with fine comments! It sure is good to be back in the saddle - I missed fussin over the girlies - gotta take a peek at your Large Marges! Always welcome NK - good to cya!

Hiya Black Ra1n :wave:
Thanks for poppin in! Happy to say the mildew is gone again, hopefully for good. Part of the problem the girls were hungry and root bound, not in the best condition to resist the fuzzies.

Hiya joeshmoe :wave:
Gotta get a copy of that HT - I'll head out today and pick it up at the club - Thanks for the props - more suprises on the way - pics a-comin... Thanks for stoppin by! :biglaugh:

Hiya Ganja Smile :wave:
Welcome back my friend - I have to get over to your outdoor grow and take a pic! Cheers!

Hiya southflorida :wave:
Thanks for coming by! I seem to know what I'm doin, but I'm shootin from the hip... Nice smokables there - speaking of which, TML is at the back table now - head on over and have him load up the Vapor Cannon for you - guaranteed to put a smile on yoru face :rasta:

Hiya imnotcrazy :wave:
Heya homie - howzit? Yes, I believe we have the same cut of CCxSP - I got it from cutting too. Looking forward to growing her out as soon as I get some cuts rooted of her. Thanks for the look into the future - nice and frosty!!! And thanks for stoppin by to visit!

The plan later today is to transplant the last 2, have a couple loose ends to tie up in the veg area, then I'll snap some pics of the girls and the updated diggs... Be back l8r :wave:


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
ah maj has ZEUS on the betonite nice . ffrom what i hear it is a miracle clay. hope it works for ya and MGj... i would love to see you men healthy and happy. K+ maj


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
right on guys dont forget to drink min 1 gal water everyday esp while drinking the clay and you'll never have a problem. my good friend coyote woman has been drinking the clay that she digs up for over 35yrs now. she also attributes her great health to the public baths where she lives thier world renowned hot springs of tacopa cali !!. she clams 35 yrs ago when she arrived back home she needed a walker to get around now she runs circles around me out rock hounding lmao shes 73 yrs old. oh did i forget last yr she broke her hip 3 months later no crutches needed now she dosent even limp :). wonderful person my friend is

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya SirSmokalot :wave:
yessa - doing the clay thang - getting better - slowly - lovin da natural healin! Thanks for the good vibes man!

Hiya Major :wave:
Sounds good to me my friend - that is some testimonial! - next time you see coyote woman - give her my thanks - through you she has helped me - viva la vida loca :muahaha:

Hiya TML :wave:
The flower show will begin soon - thanks much my friend! Need to get on over to the igloo soon - gettin hot around here - need some of that blue ice - no I'll pass on the yello....

Comin up - picture update!

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