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YwouldntI said:
oh yeah,hows a playa get on ur mailing list...lol peace dawg.

Uhhhhhh....I didn't wanna be the first to ask.... :laughing:

Glad I make my rent payments to a mortgage company. One of the ONLY worthwhile aspects (in this economy at least) is there's no landlord/property manager hanky-panky.

Hope y'all are well!! I'm back in the mix, bitches!!! :jump:

:joint: :joint: :joint:


sorry to hear about the take down man
hopefully you will be up and running sometime soon
Last edited:


Active member
SHIT!! 5 pages before I even noticed this.:bashhead: I guess I need to pay attention better.

Anyways u know I'm in. :lurk:

Sorry to hear about the BS but I'm SURE you'll still put on a good show for us. :joint:

peace, mid


Active member
It seems like everywhere i go around here, someone's having to move plants, tear down and set back up.
been there and done that and it's no fun.
At least you didn't have to tear the bunk bed down.
I'll be glad when you get things back to normal, so we can see how they've fared.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
MID TOWN said:
SHIT!! 5 pages before I even noticed this.:bashhead: I guess I need to pay attention better.

Anyways u know I'm in. :lurk:

Sorry to hear about the BS but I'm SURE you'll still put on a good show for us. :joint:

peace, mid

Shit dude I have been here since the beginning, and I am thinking the same thing, too much back reading everytime i notice a new post


You gotta love the crazee inventiveness of the canna connoisseur :rasta:

Looking forward to seeing how it turns out Jay *wink*


mid town made me realise that this IS page 5.......... and this thread has a SERIOUS lack of pics!!!!!!
so after this post, ill get some pics for yas. i bought the girls back indoors yesterday.. they seemed to have kinda liked it. (damn freaks).

but anyway... let me get back to you all, and then ill be back in 10 mins with some pics for yas!

YwouldntI said:
good shit nz,dam i know ur roomate was trippin had to think on his toes right quick.are you still gonna redo the bunk of funk?or just make ur upgrades.sounds like a good deal with ur landlord bro,if he hates the house that much you should see can you get it off his hands for cheap.always good to flip a house here and there.im glad you came outta ur lil ordeal without too much hassle man peace-Y-

yeah he did well thinking quick. but he had it all under control. :)
well, some more news popped up, and now i might not even have to break it down afterall. (well... this week anyway)
ive thought about getting this house man... but the fucker is old and falling apart. not worth it if you ask me. needs ALOT of work.
peace yo!

khaleel said:
damn my friend, your thread is like a john grisham novel. hahaha great to hear your digs should be safe. i bet the girls loved the camping trip.

btw, the postman is getting tired of me waiting by the mailbox. hahaha (*khaleel sending vibes of love and muchos gratitude to NZJay)

they DID like the camping trip! damn freaky bitches!
the first day they were out, it was beatiful and sunny. the next 2 days it did nothing but rain, and i had to bring them in at 2am in the damn rain to pretect my investments from overwatering... it wouldnt stop raining!
they are indoors now, and probably happy to be out of the rain :D

Hope the postie come today mate. cant see what you can do with some urkles. best of luck my friend.

EatShitake said:
(In my VERY best James Brown--->) Awww....GOOD god! HEH! Aww yeah! WHEEEE! Hit meh!!
Jeez...I'm off the net for a week, and you've got a new thread, a new bed, a tear-down, a no-tear-down...my head spins! Glad I made it to the new digs, mate!
I didn't know there were others out there who's grannies taught them how to press leaves or flowers! Rock on cool grammas! You know you're an MJ geek when you're making coasters outta fan leaves!
Soooper stoked for ya mate! Double the bulb-age and I'll bet MORE than double the budz!
I'm looking forward to yet another stellar performance from ya, bro!

i know right! i swear ive been on the rinse cycle for a whole week now.... my eyes are still going round and round in my sockets!
your granny taught you how to press properly too???... awesome! grannys SO rock! :)
my grandma did all kind of arts.. pretty sure i got those genes in me too.

SirSmokalot said:
what a roller coaster. good thing they are in veg i tell ya. mine were in beginning of flower and 20 at end of flower. the ones deeper in , some got nanners from all the enviro changes and bad light and stuff, but not many. i got them all and the flush starts next water. they are on day 40 now. i may take them in the 50s, early for me but if they make me worry they are gone. the younger ones, six lavenders and 2 erkels threw some ballz with they buds but i got them and i dont think they will come back. i will watch diligentally neway. but tomorrow i finally hook up a 1k for better light(under 400mh for 3 days). as soon as i figure out power situation i can hook up all equipment. oh damn sorry for the rant i type so fast i dont notice. haha just was trying to get across- count your blessings not your sorrows haha and all that came out lol

nailed it Sir! i am SO happy they are in veg while all this goes on. i had 1 Soylent green (my first test of her too) who was doing really well until i lost my 600watt. now she stopped packing on the bud, and the hairs turned brown right quick. i spotted a nanner on her yesterday, so screw it. i cut her down. (pics in my next post).
its a shame coz she was REALLY looking good! but i had already stole some clones from her, so next run will be able to finish one properly!
rant away my friend! i read it all... :D

Khaleel: something in the air indeed mate! this is crazy timing for everyone it seems. lol. weird. btw..... any parcels yet???

Raistlin Majere: thanx for dropping in! glad you like the bunkbed idea! heheh
hope you liked the Version 1.1 too.. was a good sucessfull first run i feel. :)take care, and drop back! peace..

YwouldntI: monkey wrenches fo' sho' bro! lol.
the NZjay mailing list huh?... lol. well... it helps when im already sending other things... the bud was an extra suprise for Khaleel, that i just couldnt keep secret - specially when he said he was out. lol. had to get the boy something to smile about.
honesty hate sending buds in the mail though... i would hate for the person not to get it... then they dont get to smoke it, and neither do i! lol.

Shitake: glad you are back my man :)

Bpb: hi and welcome. thanx for the comments mate. c'mon back man.
friendly thread here, lots of good people to chat with :)

Midtown: lol. better late than never mate!
actually, you are really not late... 3 pages with no pics... girls inside...then outside....then inside again... its been a crazy week! i guess i shoulda waited a week to start this new thread... things woulda looked smoother! lol.
ill try to put on a good show for sure. take care Mid. :)

Hazy: im still not used to your new pic! lol. everyone is trying to confuse me.
when i first saw the pic change.. i thought "wow.. they let 2 members with the name Hazy................ maybe one of them as a _ in it or something.
then i read the post and realised it was you! lol.
thanx for poppin in bud. :joint:

Doc: :muahaha: :muahaha:
less talky more picy?.... lol. ok ok ok!! dammit!

Nipples: yeah man.. weed can inspire to build the most inventive things sometimes.
thanx for the kinda words! hope to see ya back here! peace!

ok, let me submit this, and upload some pics for you guys!
be right back!

Raistlin Majere

only page 2 for me
you can change your page options to show more posts per page
think mine is @ 40

bummer aboot the grow mate :badday:
here is a pic for ya hope you dont mind broseph :joint:



yeah i know i can turn post count/per page up... but sometimes theres alot of pics on the same page, and i got other computers on my network that i was wanna slow down too much. so i keep it at default :)
nice bud.. very frosty!

so anyway, heres those pics!

So!, Soylent Green was taken down, as she had started to hemie from the stress of indoors/outdoors/2 days without light at all/ accidently left in 24 hour light... then got battered (and broke the best top off!) with some heavy rain and strong winds when she was left outside one night. :(
sad, but really its ok. she was gonna be personal smoke anyway, and i have 2 clones of her to finish properly! :D

Chopped trimmed and hung.

and then all my girls back inside, under 1200 watts. (lights off for the pics)
i swear i hate the excuse "they look yellow, but they are not" coz when i first started hanging on these forums, i saw that alot but i didnt get it.
but.....er... i swear looking at these plants ... they are NOT yellowing .. lol. weird, but even the clones in the later pics came out like that. who knows... but everyone is looking quite healthy.

NFU #1(Nine Finger Urkle)

Purple Urkle #1 (she used to be the mom in the veg room. shes going for the ride this time :) )

Purple Urkle #2

Purple Urkle #3

Soylent Green #1. (not been in the bag long - but i wanted to get her every oppurtunity to get larger under the 1200 watts as quick as she can.

so these 3 were 3 weeks in flower when the light went out.
i didnt want them falling to the same early fate as the Soylent green, so i put them outside until i had light back. they went back into veg, and started some nice new growth. im not too sure what will happen in the long run to these, but time will tell. they are coming for the flowering ride.
G13 x ECSD #1:

G13 x ECSD #2

G13 x ECSD #3

you dont know how tempted i was to cut to tops right off and dry them though. lol.

it seems im missing a pic of another Urkle.. and the other 9 finger...who knows what i did... i musta deleted them :)
so heres the bed:

and the veg room:
2 nice G13xECSD clones have joined the dome:

and here, i have 1 Soylent Green, and a G13xECSD. they have both been in veg a long time, and are just not showing me growth. they both dont look the best, so i threw them both into 1 3gal bag, and will see what happens.

hope that covers it all, and i hope i didnt typo too many words, but i gotta click submit and run!
got people waiting for me. i made them wait till i got these pics up! HAH!


Don Cotyle

Hi NZ, I shoulda stoped by sooner but was bummed out by my Meltdown! Props on your 600w bunkbed grow!!! That was sure a Fat Sack ;)!!! Can't wait to see what kinda yeild you get with 1200w...the Double Trouble Bunkbed Show!


Don Cotyle said:
Can't wait to see what kinda yeild you get with 1200w...the Double Trouble Bunkbed Show!

It's a Classic thread already, and we haven't seen shit :muahaha:


*Stoned User*
Lovely~!!!!! :D:yes:
The Soylent Green looks pretty good considering what she went through. Should hold ya over for a little while anyways. :wink:

Great to see the grow back in full swing. Always love your threads. :wave:


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Busy place man...the pages seem to fly by :lurk:

Great to see more pics up!...flowers in bondage :yummy:

The herm doesn't look so bad at all...I'm sure it will still make some enjoyable smoke or hash :yummy:

Watch out for that rep coming around eh :nanana:


had something in my post box today... some sort of parcel i can pick up tomorrow at 800am. you know anything about that? :canabis: :muahaha: :muahaha: :muahaha:

i'll be posting at 806am celebrating with some urkle my friend. can't wait


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
khaleel said:
had something in my post box today... some sort of parcel i can pick up tomorrow at 800am. you know anything about that? :canabis: :muahaha: :muahaha: :muahaha:

i'll be posting at 806am celebrating with some urkle my friend. can't wait
hell ya that tight.


Awww man, sorry 'bout that SG...I'll definitely rate her as a sensitive little girl! I kept my light-poisoned hermie out back and let her finish for the seeds. I popped a few recently so Ima gonna see if I get natural fems or just bunko. Smoke tastes nice after a cure and does a number on my cranium, so I'm still optimistic!

I like the yellow LST string you've got going...like racing stripes or something!:biglaugh:

And I dunno how you didn't take a little bit off one of those G13 X's...yumm-o! You did, didn'tcha? Come on, you can tell us! :laughing:

Keep 'er green, brudduh!

:joint: :joint: :joint:


Don: thanx mate..
Double trouble... hehe... hopefully at least double the weight.. thats the goal at least :)

Nipple: hahahah! :D thanx

Trich: yeah i was suprised it took her this long to even show some nanners.
i stressed her the hell out. lol. i could tell she had stopping packing on buds though... that was the only reason i pulled her really.
right now i got no smoke, so that will be something in a few days time to puff on. and i already know it will be better than the brown shit everyone is wanting me to buy. pfft... go away. come back when you have Marijuana, not grass!

thanx for the comments mate. mean alot coming from talents like yourself. take care.

TML: hey dude, yeah this place is flying along indeed! page 6 ... what the hell!
i feel like ive only updated this twice... lol
btw, where DO you get all that rep! lol.... take care mate. :)

Khaleel: excellent! i just realised they may not have put in right in your mail box coz it has a fragile stamp on it?.... who knows.. but i hope you enjoy, and cant wait to see what you do with those Urkle seeds. best of luck with em.

Sirsmokestoomuch: :wave: hey bud :)

Shitake: my fault on the SG, not genetics mate!
i anticipated this (my lazyness to make sure hes in light 12 hours/dark 12 hours) which is why i took the 2 SG clones. so everything is cool :)
ill get to try some spicey in a few days :) looking forward to it.. and thanx again!

i love the new string actually! its made of PVC and sticks really well usuing the ductape!... the brown twine i had before that, would slip right out of the ducttape... very anoyying after i spent an hour tying em down!
i didnt touch those G13 X's! i promise! lol..

G13xECSD #3 is looking very sassy. im looking forward to seeing her back into flower. coz shes looking strong! thats where both of the new G13 clones i took came from.
peace man :)


wattuper damn nz page 6 already yo,its jumpin off in here dawg.and for good reason.i cant wait to see how you rock it with all the upgrades bruh.im glad i didnt sleep(pun intended) on ur first show in the "skunk bunk o funk" im privvy to see the sequel now.
and i have a cool ass talanted kat like urself hangin out at my spot.win/win...peace bro-Y-

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