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Heya Blaze.. :)

good to see you still lurk these forums, checking on me :)

hope you doing good bro.. take care.... i said.. TAKE CARE ... lol!!
cya around bro :)

Leel: :wave:
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New member
Looking real good...
I`m working on a bunkbed myself.
Would work great for me because i have a really small flat.
Planning on using just 1/3 for growing (2/3 for my computer) and make it stealth.

You truly insipired me. :joint:

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
love the setup man, nice strains you have going too. I'll be watching this bunch finish up, take care man.


Don Cotyle

Sup NZ, Ya did a great job getting the a/c to the bunkbed! Ya made the mountain come to Mohammid, lol! I see you there burning one down and hogin up all the a/c ;) lol
You've really got the ladies trained and in shape, gonna be bud city in there soon with 1200w :O

You can still get some cheap Co2 in there! You got room for a 5 gal jug???If so put it right in the middle of your plants. Add 15 pounds of sugar and mix with hot water, add a pack of bread yeast. Take a large balloon and streach it over the opening on the jug, when it starts to fill put a piece of scotch tape around the balloon and take a pin and put a few holes thru the tape, and around...always in the tape! The tape keeps the balloon from poping, the holes will allow the Co2 to exit in the direction you want!!!
You'll have your Co2 and with the right ingredients you'll have good wine also!!!

Just a thought!!! Keep up the great work! Don


Narcoleptic: wow dude! i feel honored! lol.. i mean, im not sure this is the first Bunkbed to ever had Mary Jane growing inside her... but its the first ive seen, and im really happy with how shes treated me so far!
i hope to see you coming back often then.. and maybe we can bounce ideas off each other and get things really dialed in from a Bunkbed point of view. lol.
i wish you the very best, and if i can help, you know where i am!

best of luck!

Black Rain: a pleasure to have you on board sir! great strains coming from a guy like you??? heheheh! If im not mistaken, you are the Mumble maker himself... ive seen TML and Dr with that, and my oh my you must be a proud daddy!
an honor to have ya tagged in, mate. i hope i can show ya a good grow.

Everyone: well, the girls' bondage straps got a little tighter today. god LST is SO much fun!! being so interactive with your girls... feels so therapeudic! anyway!
it will likley be the last time they get re-tied. next step hopefully with be adding in stakes to support some Fat buds! hahah.
I took 10 new Urkle clones today (pics coming soon), again sticking with the direct into soil cloning method. i have clones out the wazooooo, and i still havnt used 1 bag of rapid rooters! i love it!

both the G13D clones, and 1 purple urkle clone from my previous clone rampage, had roots starting to come out the bottom of the cups. so they had to be put into 1gal containers.. boy they rooted quickly! i love it.

So, now i have a total of 18 x Purple Urkle clones, 2 x G13D, and 1 x Soylent Green either rooting, or rooted.

Outside, i have 1 x Soylent Green, and 1 x G13D (just put them outside today, coz i dont want them going into flower just yet. they are too small, and it would be a waste of time flowering them now)
I will likley take 1 or 2 NFU clones to put outside aswell. i do NOT wanna lose that pheno before i get to finish her properly, and see what shes truly about!
outside is the best place for them to stay and get big so i can clone then whenever i want!

will have pics for you all very soon... bare with me.

thanx again everyone for the support! ICmag fucking rocks my socks.


Don: sneaked a post in on me i see! hehehe
thanx for the kind words mate.
yeah the girls are all trained and in shape with tight little asses. If you listen carefully, you can hear me spanking their little bottoms :D :spank: :spank:

Yeah i know i could do all that if i really wanted co2, but i dont think i can be bothered doing it the budget way. i mean... c'mon. i cant even be bothered feeding them nutes everytime i water. lol.

its funny though, going from a large DWC room, to this just makes me a little lazy. DWC is alot of work, but i did it (and most of the time enjoyed it)... but now im in a little bunkbed, i just want things to be easy.. lol. im getting lazy i guess... only to a point though. we all know to be a sucessfull grower, you gotta be ON IT! it takes work!

im fine without Co2 this run.. thanx for the suggestion though man..
cya around bud.. :)

Everyone: ok, so i mentioned a few pics for yahs!
first up, heres the finished Bunkbed, after they got the last seassion of LST.
note the AC now, properly sealed into the bed.
she does great, as a test run, i sealed the bed up, and put the AC on 65F. within a minute, the room was 67F... test complete.
only the Fan is on right now (dont need the AC) and the room with 1200 burning is sitting perfect on 77F. doesnt even move. too good...

oh yeah... did i say pics??... i got rambling ! lol

the clones you see on the right are all purple Urkles... seeing if they are wanting to be hardened off.

heres the 10 new Purple Urkle clones i took about 3 hours ago:

when i was seeing if anyone was ready to be out of the dome, i noticed roots hanging out the bottom of both the G13D clones.
they were direct into soil clones... what ya reckon... they happy?? :)

now they are in 2L bottles, along with a Soylent Green on the right.

well, its 9am and the lights just went out in the bunkbed... my girls shall sleep... and so shall i!

Thanx for chiming in ya'll, be safe, and keep ya finger out of ya nose!! :nono:

[EDIT: Oh, it seems those shots of the bunkbed was BEFORE i did the last LST session. sorry! my bad.. :)
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cricinfo.com said:
1.35pm Bulldog Ash has some advice for the players: "As soon as they get back out in the middle, England have to stop poking about, start throwing the bat, and stop accepting the light. If they want to force a victory from this farce, they need a commanding lead by tomorrow lunchtime - let's see a spot of aggression, please gentlemen. Hit out, or get out." Well Bulldog, it will indeed be interesting to see if they keep taking the light, if it's offered.

lets hope its the latter. lol.
alot of rain coming, or mostly spots of drizzles???... damn tests... bring on the ODIs mate! :)


Med grower
ICMag Donor
It's just pretty overcast and cold here, but it keeps raining on and off. I doubt there will be anymore play today :( Bunkbed looks good though ;)


wattup nz,the bunks lookin real classy there pimpin.when you clone strait to dirt,whattya do just 45 it,dip it in the clone-x then just pop it in soil or is there somethin else you gotta do?just curious,they look real happy bro.later bro.-Y-


Sammet: yeah mate.. oh well.... im more into the ODIs anyway...
thanx man :)

Y: hey bro... yeah man its damn simple!
i cut the cutting off the plant, at least 2 nodes long (if i can help it.. i tried a few 1 noders this time... they seem slower to root, but have rooted).
cut at 45 degree angle, (although, i like a steeper cut.. i prolly cut at like a 60-70 degree angle.) and place the cutting directly into some water.
i leave them in there for 10 mins (usually while i find more cuts.. lol)

i have powered rooting hormone called "take root". cheap from lowes ($3?) instead of buying the $20 jar of gel the hydro store trys to suck you into.. the now wet cuttings get rolled around in the powder, and then excess powder gets tapped off the cutting.

i already have my cups filled with BLACK GOLD only... no extra perlite or anything.. straight from the bag, and i poke a pen hole in the center.
fill the dirt in and secure the cutting in the soil.

now! heres an experiment im working on ...
first time i did this, i watered the girls right away.
but some died (when i was first trying this method) and i think its coz i watered them, and the powder may have got washed off under the soil.
i had also tried not watering them at all until they showed me they wanted water.
it took 2 days before i needed to water them... but it seemed to have forced the plant to root quicker (maybe in search of water?)..

so now, i get my spray bottle... i give the soil 5 good squirts at the base of the cutting. this should give the plant some moisture, but not wash any powder off.
then once in the dome, i give them all a really good misting before i put the dome on.
it seems to work well...

the only downside ive found, is i can only fit a max of 14 cups in a dome at a time. i need to get another dome when i go to the hydrostore :)

but other than that, i find this method very easy for novice cloners, and pros alike. saves money on rapidrooters, and again... its simple for my apprentice to learn. :)

Vinny: thanx mate! ive been to the new thread already! im on board man.. best of luck dude! :D


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Great job with the roots :yes:
And with 18 Purple Urkles round 3 should be quite an amazing sight :lurk:

I'm sure you're going to have lots of veg time for bondage while you flower out these girls. I think you're going to have a jungle in that bunkbed :yoinks:

Best of luck for the outdoors plants too :ying:

Way to grow bro! :canabis:


Oooo shit this is dank mate! That purple urkle looks insane how did you get that strain way out there ;) ?? I lost my PU cut sadly but oh well. I think I will try to subscribe to your thread bro for my first haha! Take it easy I'll be back, PEACE


TML: sheesh... i still cant hit ya more rep.. lol. you truly are a rep whore! congrats! ahahahhaha! :D
yeah man i cant wait to see the bed chocka full of 18 purple urkles... gets me wet just thinking about it :D

10 weeks (9.5 left! lol) from now should be a good time for the clones to root and start to be good sized girls before they see the bed... i cant wait!
i like the look of this run, but number 3 is in the back of my mind for sure.

it might even be the last one i have to do in the bed. which, although i will miss the bed, im so so very ready to go home.
take care mate :)

Caligreen: well well well.... the infamous caligreen didnt even know how to subscribe to threads! damn stoners!
honored that... im your first cali! ;) pop that Cherry!!!!!! :D

i got PU "out here" by knowing the right people.
namely, my good friend Blazeoneup. ive had the strain for about.... 3 years now.. and even have collected a random viable seed here and there. (gifted 5 to Khaleel - go check his thread :) )
i found a very pretty and strawberry smelling pheno, which started purpling up at week 6, but i had to take her down at week 8 due to shitty emergency soil that had to be used!!
The regular PU starts purpling around 7-8, i like to take her 10 though.

im looking forward to seeing what the clones of that pheno do this time around with the full 10 weeks, thats for sure.

you have alot of work to do my friend... deleting all your bookmarks, and making then ICmag subscriptions instead! much easier though mate!
get crakin'!



what up g :D

been a long night at the bizbar, some vodka... playing mario kart and gettin my boys high off some grapefruit. yours is in the mail tomorrow. :smoke: ha

laters man, garden looking fantastic :canabis:

Smoking Gun

Active member
Heya NZ, the room looks great. Really clean and well organized. And all the girls look great.

So are all of the 18 PU clones from the strawberry pheno?


Leel: looking forward to it! :D i havnt smoked in 3 days, so its gonna rip me a new one im sure... and im soooooooooo looking forward to having that "woah im high" feeling that i havnt had in a long time :D

Smoking: nah mate, all 18 clones are from the original Purple Urkle.
i actually dont have ANY NFU clones right now, but i got plenty time to get some when the time comes. (within a week or 2 most likley...)
ill only take 2 clones though, and put them outside once they are hardened off. then the clones will be avaible whenever i need them. Mother nature grows good outdoor mommys :D

thanx for dropping in again. cya around mate :)

i really wanna have a bunkbed FULL of purple urkles... and i got a few friends who would like to see it too... heheh..


The Tri Guy
Hi Jay, sorry I'm late, got caught up. Nice to see how well your plants reacted to the lst, and I lolled to my self at your "Me in the sun" pictures, all ya needed was a deck chair and an ice cream. I noticed you went with the 2 lights are better than one theme this time, it'll be interesting to see whether twice the light means twice the yield. Anyway, thread tagged, chair reserved, sitting back watching.

Smoking Gun

Active member
NZjay said:
Leel: looking forward to it! :D i havnt smoked in 3 days, so its gonna rip me a new one im sure... and im soooooooooo looking forward to having that "woah im high" feeling that i havnt had in a long time :D

i really wanna have a bunkbed FULL of purple urkles... and i got a few friends who would like to see it too... heheh..

You haven't smoked in 3 days, DAMN!!!! That really blows. I hope you get your hands on some smoke soon. But I am sure you will enjoy it when you do.