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"NYH" New York Haze(Piff)



PhillyPride said:
swampdank-I agree %100 it really was a craze that lived up to the Hype, just like the Kush craze of today this had everyone tripping. Flashback Story I remember back in like 2001 when Flex went crazy on the Radio screaming about Miami Memorial Day and seriously half of NYC was down in Miami, man that Krippy was truly incredible had cats with pounds of Haze seriously thirst for that Krippy. The Krippy is not better than Piff Haze but a different end of the spectrum a true INDICA, not psychodelic like Piff Haze (Sativa) but extremely Potent actually just as potent as any Bubba Kush or OG Kush.

Man those Florida I 95 days man we really had gorilla nuts back in those dayz :monkeyeat lol I remember those sweat beads :puppydoge :crazy: forming when 95 squeezes to two lanes for like 200 miles after leaving Miami lol and to think that we thought we were getting it :bashhead: lol we were/are truly blessed to still be here, shit South Carolina, North Carolina rough police states along I95, shit around south of the border whew!! been flipped around their and lets just say after we got let go we didnt speak for another 2 hrs lol we seriously knew how close we were to the end of the road never forget those first words out of the troopers mouth "We are having a real problem with Cocaine and Marijuana trafficking, do you mind if I search the car, and if you dont comply the dogs will be here in about 5 min" By the graces of god I tell you, he didnt do his job thorough enough and we breezed, the smoke session after we got where we were going was the most orgasmic in my life truly I tasted freedom in the nugs.
boy does age do wonders, still a guapaholic but a whole lot more resourceful :rasta:.


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wow! racial slurs in the breeders forum o_O thats a first

black folks may be 'allowed' to say it to eachother but no respectable black peep would write that way online. its just bad looking and offensive.

also,i know no real G's who could drysnitch over the internet like this. if you clam to be G then go back to the block and stop snitchin.
this is the internet. if you want to speak like an idiot then do it in private. learn some manners/internet etiquitte at least, if not. this isnt broadway and dyko. its icmag. an international growers forum. grow up.
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Well yes there are people in Bloomington that still grow what is suppose to be the original bubblegum, as for seed or clones you would have to know people in order to get it, the growers in Bloomington are almost all older and very secretive.
bigherb said:
i love to hear more about som church who's growing any church who got som pics

is ur uptown seeds u were gifted any church incense type do u got any pics lov to see som

big willy
just wonder y u say u think most haze hybrids r more purple haze
ur from the around the way u got any pics lov to see som.also do u get that p.haze



ethereal said:
wow! racial slurs in the breeders forum o_O thats a first

black folks may be 'allowed' to say it to eachother but no respectable black peep would write that way online. its just bad looking and offensive.

also,i know no real G's who could drysnitch over the internet like this. if you clam to be G then go back to the block and stop snitchin.
this is the internet. if you want to speak like an idiot then do it in private. learn some manners/internet etiquitte at least, if not. this isnt broadway and dyko. its icmag. an international growers forum. grow up.



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Active member
hey hey.

chill out with the fighting yeah, there's a lot of good information in this thread, and it's a pretty fun read, don't want it to get deleted because of silly arguments.
to me that's just ghetto talk, some people talk like that 24/7 and live the life for real, yeah, maybe it's an act, the intelligent can turn it on and off when they want to for sure, and in certain situations ex. put on the suit, go to work or play golf, the G stays at home. lol.

he is a little right though, this is an international forum, and some have problems translating to/from english, and they try their best to communicate in a universal language to share the love of the plant that brings us all together.

most likely, it's hard for them to understand the ghetto slang, so they won't even bother reading it, so you have a loss of audience. even i had to look up dry snitch cause i never really thought about an actual definition of it. i get it now. lol

back to subject ..

nice pic mr.tristate!

she looks a little familiar. i see similarities in the initial bud structure, even the claw blades. sort of like a long lost sister who was separated at birth, but just a little bit thinner on the hips, lol.

how does it smell? the stinkier the better, right?

if it holds that appearance all the way to the end, then it will probably look the same as finished buds, but i've seen pictures of young plants that look similar but then at the end of the flower its chunky elite looking bud? not the airy whispy all unkempt scraggly kind. hmm?

keep updating!



Well-known member
big up keep it goin.very nice pic hazy lookin keep us posted cant wait to see her drippin n coated. lov to hear a detailed smoke report soon as possible


Active member
right on dutch!

i had some more sampler last night, man. 1 nice packed hitter full. smokes like sweet fruity/mentholated air, absolutely no burn or cough. it has that classic 1970s mj aftertaste on your tongue, yeahh this tastes like pot. i did get a little cottonmouth, and scratchy dry red eyes this time though. seems to last about 1.5 hours start to let up from the 1 hit. with peak approx. half hour in. cure makes it a little bit longer lasting.

standing outside in the dark. few minutes pass. the cool breeze was blowing on my face, was looking around at the tree tops, my mind starts to wander. felt like i was floating over the trees, flying up to the clouds, tree to tree like a squirrel. felt that jumping out of my face feeling. am i really on the ground? am i up there? very theraputic, relaxing. you know you feel like your 6 years old, because you aren't thinking of all the shit in your life that gives you stress, you have that "FREE AND ALIVE" feeling running through your body. you can remember feeling like this in the past for sure when you're feeling it, when your were very little, but you just don't remember it, unless you go back to this state of mind with her assistance. i think it somehow blocks your most recent memories. amnesia. whatever time in your life you drift off too, there you are, and theres no memory of forward->present for a few seconds, or even a minute. so you can reexperience the state you were in at that time of your life.

a plane flies over above. instantly i feel like i'm on that plane, same sensations as if i was taking a plane trip, can hear every sound of the engines adjusting course, the feelings of cabin pressure, all memories of plane trips fly past the third eye.

then on to the next thought, or maybe the next observation? current or past? unsure how this happens. the connections of memories and thoughts jump in unpredictable ways.

the fresher buds seem to jack your altertness level though. longer cure = more stoney, i hear every sound going on outside, how there's a gust of wind 100 ft to my right in the tree tops, but no breeze on my face right now. pockets of air moving in random patterns, but i'm able to lock onto them. sleeping birds in the bushes making russling noises, neighbors opening or closing doors, car horns in the distance, etc. a little jumpy and super alert like 10 cups of coffee but at the same time a little but off balance and tipsy drunk. standing there, in like a caveman state of readyness for attack. don't know what else to say, i love this shit!

before you know it half hour has passed, just standing there dreaming away. back inside to finish the buzz because it's just getting a little too tiresome to remain standing so off to the couch and watch some tv till she lets go enough to sleep.

now it's morning, and i feel great. that's the medicine!

i don't know how you guys can pound blunts of this man. tolerance just isn't happening for me. 1-2 hits everytime?

Dry Snitching? Please you have no idea, funny thing is on this thread it is "dry snitching" on other threads it classified as "Stories" or "Close Calls" Hmmmm very curious, now it is etiquette; man please, you speak in a clown language. And Yes some may be more eloquent than others while typing or speaking, but as long as the people they are speaking/typing to understand that is all that is relevant, you dont have to read it, as long as those it pertains to are comfortable.

Be straight out with your comments, slick talk is for chumps clown, "Go back to the block" lol that is what you want isnt it? lol truly makes me laugh, does it make you uncomfortable because we have more than a few people on here that can relate but you cant :bashhead: hmmmm understand Buddy we have an expression "Real recognize Real" if you cant relate Fall Way Back

What PIFFDADDY speaks of I can relate to %100, what about you? If you know nothing about Miami Memorial Days 97-03 then you know nothing of what I speak about in general, I am certified by those who know and love I and that is all that truly matters this is the Internet our stories make up the characters that we are and who we are and trust me I have been in way too many real life situations to be nervous about a few old stories and frankly I dont care if you dont take kindly to it buddy, to me I notice jealousy in your tone.

This is a thread on NYC Piff and who do you think can relate to it the best, could it be those who work with it and live around it? HMMMMMM and you happen to be on the outside looking in, curious Read what you said in your earlier post pages back, I read you like a book pal we can take it to psych 101 if you like? you throw impotent jabs at the ocean want some come get some ese?

And no this is not a fight just as said earlier a heated arguement or better yet a debate. Some people are just used taking shots and others not responding or feeling inadequate to respond, NOT I. To me I see deep seeded jealousy mixed with age old fears.
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xOOx said:
i think it somehow blocks your most recent memories. amnesia. whatever time in your life you drift off too, there you are, and theres no memory of forward->present for a few seconds, or even a minute. so you can reexperience the state you were in at that time of your life.

thats the piff experience, except longer lasting.


me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
damn the piff, i wanna know where the hell were all these NY growers and this "secret community" when i was just starten out?!?!?

oh well im in NJ now so with my SSH beans i would love to have been able to trade


Active member
it's reading time people!

are there any others who smoke for spiritual experience?

lol, tristate. dood, it's way longer lasting for sure, if you do more then just a 1 hitter at a time ;)

lets just say i wanted to go all out. let's go for it. 2-3 packed ones right after the other, i would be sitting there half hour later looking like a zombie, w/some drool coming out of the corners of my mouth, and my mind completely somewhere else, maybe even experiencing a past life. with eyes half open, drifting in between partially falling asleep and seeing the room i'm in, w/the dreaming floating feeling bursting all over my body. can't really feel your body at all, very much like a total body numbing anesthesia, for some reason it concentres on the face, teeth, and gums, and you just feel like something pulsing , or something lying right behind and above your eyes between forehead/eyes. some sort of pushing out pressure maybe. it always reminds me of a dentist visit. you could probably operate on my face, yank a tooth, no problem, lol. just to make it clear, it's not uber paralyzing, you can move if you want, and it's not an uncomfortable frozen, as some things i've smoked have caused my legs and arms to feel shooting pains, and i had to move them. that kinda high sucks, and i always think they sprayed it with some kind of chemical, hairspray who the hell knows. if it's uncomfortable, it ain't pif.

maybe this shit will sound crazy, but beleive me, i only experience it during the over indulgence of this type bud, and this is why i won't smoke a joint, or even half of one at a sitting. once i was so out of it (yeah, did too much, who me?! it happens), all i could hear in my ears/head was 4 distinct tones over and over, 2 high, 2 low. constantly repeating. and was frozen to the couch. minds dreaming eye flew way back, visions of people i did not know, flying up and down my past time line, unearthing memories i haven't thought about or felt in decades. i'm convinced these tones were a release of the memory of the sounds from within the womb before i understood language or anything. like a heart beating, swooshing, who knows.

seeing myself birth to current, in reverse back to birth and then to before. it's a weird experience to not remember language, its like a void or darkness, and then a burst of light and meaning. the journey from birth to a state of being lucid and conscious and understanding lets say language, or how to do a simple task. and then comparing it to your own life experience. it was like those tones, and then the burst, and then the forward movement where everything starts to make sense again, and then on to the journey of learning, and my own personal memories are there again to experience. the burst though, what a weird sensation. almost like you were waiting to be born, with the tones occuring, the wait seems like an eternity, but it was just a few seconds, because when your in that waiting state, time is really meaningless. and hour, two thousand years, ten thousand years, whatever, and then bam, here you are. your individual turn to experience this part of the journey. while riding back up to current time, your mind stops along the way, and no memory of future from that point. and then the reverse and beyond. unknown faces, distant looking times. 1950s, 40s, 30s, 20s, knights, kingdoms, who the hell knows wtf. who were those people? most would probably call that, a whitey (if you could remember what happened, then there it is). lol. watching tv is pretty much impossible if you are at that state of a buzz. would probably take 45m to an hour, before your sort of in real time again, with your current memories activated, and you can focus on a show. but it will linger with you as you watch that's for sure.

so your frozen in this state for a while, until you snap out of it and take a little walk to shake it off, walking isn't easy as it's almost angel dust like, floor and your legs seem flat. depth is off. have to take some serious steps to stay on balance, some deep breaths, slap yourself in the face. i call this more of a disorienting effect of it. whatever you need to do. and then only to sit back down and go back there in the next wave that comes over your body.

so who were those faces? she let's up a little to let you think. i had a strange sense those were also people who smoked the exact same plant, like the plant was showing to me people who have used it throughout time. all kinds of scenarios flash back and forth and pop into the pondering mind. hmm, maybe the plant was riding DNA throughout generations to protect and ensure its survival. yeah that must be it! that we weren't the sentient beings, it's the DNA code that is being past on and on it is the only immortal entity using the body shell as a host and riding generations. yeah that must be it! trippy thoughts for sure. and this is what it brings out, you always have these "ah-ha" moments. i get it! and then its gone. i can see how a shaman may think he has seen and understands everything now. it really leaves you with that kind of wtf just happened experience.

that's all i can remember from experiences like that. and no, this isn't laced herb, this is just dried and cured bud, plain old fluffy fluro bud. and i know it's real because the commercial verison of it gives you an almost exact experience. although paranoia will vary, sometimes more racey in the beginning, or more disorienting, etc.

i only get this kind of experience from this particular type of bud, with the piffy hazey sweet soury fruity chemical smells. crazy yeah? it's like tripping i guess. sometimes it's scary. maybe others don't get this f'd up on it as i do, maybe i'm super sensitive to it, but if you smoke the good shit from uptown nyc, you will know what i'm talking about, it is WAY above what you think weed is. you just have to have it and you will be like holy shit wtf was that stuff. lol. definately some secret heirloom that nobody is sharing.

i'm really not this crazy when i'm clear and not smoking it. trust me, lol ;) although i do have a fascination with shamanistic rituals and those types of cultures for some reason. it may just bring about that type of a high in me.

just to compare it to commercial, got some new bud the other day. figured give it a go, it was a more a pine/skunky smelling one, fluffy big calyxs, trich covered, and tight bud w/a gritty feel. when broken it had a weird skunky and musty smell. i took a nice hit. had that same weird taste/smell along with the weed taste, i don't think i liked that taste at all, it was a very earthy i guess you would say, like eating dirt/wet mud on your sneaker odor, almost reminded me of a musty basement after a rain storm (but no mold or anything on the bud, i'm sure of it) taste was mixed in with the classic weed taste. that's just what it tasted/smoked like. it was also much darker green in color, like a dark cammo green.

yeah I caught a buzz, but wasn't no where near the above one. my head was still kinda clear, i could still feel my hands, and they felt normal, still had full feeling. just had a sensation of downward gravity and relaxation being pushed down into the chair. could snap out of it in a second if i had to get up and do something. could feel my legs heavy with this pushing down feeling, but that was kinda the extent of it. pleasurable tingles rushing from my back outward. yeah. lasted a while. yeah. but i dunno just wasn't captivating or sent me into the dream world, just couldn't push through like the pif buzz. it was, just, different. i guess that's probably more of an indica, there was no racy heart beating or quick breathing at all. just a super chill out w/a 3 beer and a shot feeling of good and somewhat euphoric sensations. probably would be real great for a BBQ and hanging out bullshitting on a nice day, because that's the thoughts that were running through my mind on it. it was a good buzz, but i could see how people may say they get bored of that. lacking the intense outer space zone. i'm sure it won't be as strong the next time either, that's the way it always with with that kind of bud for me.

if i had a choice of both on the table, i would grab for the pif 100% just for the more pleasurable experience.

and this pif, i would not really want to smoke socially, only in tiny small amounts. i probably wouldn't feel comfortable on it, especially around strangers. it's more of a personal inner spiritual thing for me.

so yeah, it's that good. and it's always the spanish dudes who have it, and smoke it. some cross with an old country heirloom for sure. columbian? dominican? salvadoran? puerto rican? mexican? maybe a mix.

so that's the extream pif high for me, maybe others have a different experience on a higher dose, but no matter what, you know when you've got it. it ain't a kush, that's for sure. i still don't get how some medical patients can claim "hey i don't get high anymore! it just fixes me" man i'm calling inner BS on that. i am toasted, everytime, and every hit.

what a mouthful, yeah i'm bored. hope your not.



Well-known member
cannabis affects everyone one different .but it sounds like u were trippin or candy flippin . i dont like bongs or bowls i feel crackerish .i hate the way papers burn but occasionally enjoy a j . i smoke blunts on the regular like som smoke cigaretes.but damn i anint neva got high like that not even off schrooms blue caps.
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sounds like a bunch of shit spiff sounds like a bunch of jig stuff made up .keep your piff
and stick it up your niff


Well-known member
som people will smoke anything. som people will smoke anything n get high. but if u ever smoked ''[piff]'' uptown haze you'll be in a daze .im sure if u ever had the pleasure you would agree its som of the best haze around.


Active member
haha, yeah i've tripped before, but not in verry long time.

and yes it does sound like tripping thoughts but the visuals aren't there in the same way. it has it's own kind of off color cartoon like zone. as if someone snapped a pic w/flash in your eyes, and your just coming back to being able to see normal, but you can still see the flash blinking a little. that's more like weed visuals for me. some types of bud may make that experience brighter, or darker, faster blinking ratio (the brighter and slower the better for me), etc. it's a nice place to be at, most good commercial herbs (non-piffs) will bring me there, but may not bring on the distant dreaming episodes where you just zone out of it for a bit. it's just beyond that. can't get there with the amount that i like to smoke at a time, which as you know is very small, lol. i'm sure any herb can do it, if you smoked enough of it +/-your tolerance, etc. but this is just the visual/head state of mind/ aspect to the buzz, the body is seperate to me. numbing, tingles, downward pressure, relaxation, odd sesations, pain=not a good buzz, i'm sure we all feel something similar? the perfect combo of them with the dreaming+floating sensation = the piff for me.

trippin visuals are more geometric and honeycomb like. many spinning images, wavy ocean looking floor,walls etc. it's very close to this state, and it may remind you nuances of it. i've been there many times, but its not it.

possibly people who haven't tripped have nothing to compare a true hallucinogentic experience too, so they don't identify or relate to it when they are stoned or high. your high is made up of your experiences and probably the first sensation you got from herb, and it blinks/mangles with your memory area when your under the influence to make it very interesting to say the least. maybe certain combinations of thc are more spiritual feeling then others. only way is to sample them all, and find which one brings on what you like. some people may never feel the things i describe, not sure?, but i'm sure it's somewhat similar, it can't be that different, can it?

i've never done hash, so i assume that must be the next level, lol.


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