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Now I feel Old!!


Active member
ok, went for the old eye exam recently...

been wearing glasses for a looooong time (since i was eight-started with glass lenses!)

was told i need bifocals!!

i got the new specs over the weekend...wow...i got the progressive bifocals(no line in the lenses).

this is going to take some adjusting!!!

i feel old!:moon:


Trying to have a good day
You are old...lols..me too.

I know how you feel though..What a drag it is getting old............
I am up to trifocals now(really old), I tried the progressive lenses hen I went to bifocals, at the time I was riding a motorcycle and I needed the ability to see things with a sideways glance rather than pointing my nose at what I wanted to see. As a result I went to traditional lined lenses. My wife on the other hand loves her progressives. Good luck and you can get used to them.


I hold El Roacho's
Originally Posted by Phedrosbenny - That happens in bed

Ya but any time of the day or night would be A>OK for me to do my feeling & squeezing & their's never a better time then the present. when your getting old time is everything. :yes:


stone fool
New progressives? Look at a flat table surface, now move your head side to side like you were indicating a no response. Did the table look wavy? Happens for a while till your brain corrects the effect. I fucking hate em.


I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
yeah,, well the bad news is - the age train just keeps gainin speed and going down hill all the time!


I hold El Roacho's
I have a pair myself and what's worst is the dollar tree $1.00 reading glasses with the gold that turns the sides of your face tarnished green work better then my $200 pair of glasses I own.
Better just mosey on down to the hearing aid thread Sleepy....;> LOL. I'm in the "so you're just NOW getting bifocals?" group. Some people, geez........................hehehehe. I'm wondering about retirement villas.


Sleepy when you are going to look down to blink when you do it and your eyes will adjust to the bifocal part faster then just looking down without the blink (keeps me from having headaches) Its easier on your eyes to adjust this way believe me. Eye doctor said I have perfect eye sight at about 2 miles away (what the hell can you see at 2 miles lmao)
So I do know where you are coming fromand remember that you are only as old as you feel. In the morning I am 95 by noon I am 21 and at 7pm getting to be about 80 lmao.
Take care and remember it could be worse.
Any day above ground is a good day.
Signed kava


May your race always be in your favor
Growing old BLOWS!!!!! glasses, hearing aids, arthiritis, prostate shit, HELP I'm an 18 year old trapped in this old fucken body.......


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Listen bub....I don't wanna hear a peep out of you over bifocals....

If they were good enough for Ben Franklin.....they're fine for you. LMAO!


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
Listen bub....I don't wanna hear a peep out of you over bifocals....

If they were good enough for Ben Franklin.....they're fine for you. LMAO!

yah but wooden teeth were good enough for Lincoln :D (they didnt have a wooden toothed smiley)
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Active member
Wasn´t it Washington who had wooden teeth?

I´ve opted for two pairs of glasses, I just can´t seem to aim a rifle with progressives.


The Tri Guy
Im still on the single focals, so my biggest problem is finding them after I put them down, (I'm extremely short sighted), and considering the price of glasses these days, (last pair cost me £450, I've been weighing up the safety of that laser surgery. Did you consider that option sleepy, and if so what makes you buy glasses rather than having your eyeball cut open and shaved by a light sabre?