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Giant fan leaves in way of budsites...



i think topping a plant and then spreading out the branches indeed is a good method of increasing quality in general.

combining this with the pruning of lower branches and budsites gives outstanding results.



i'll never cut a plant unless im harvesting or taking clones, lst all the way


Well i'll agree as far as saying the easiest way is leaving it alone so it does it's own thing....but not all have that option. A guerilla grower do not have the options of tending plot everyday because of security reasons. Topping works fine in some cases, again not an option for a guerilla grower with high humidity and lots of shade....here you want them plants reaching for the sky for better drying and away from ground with lots of humidity.....so all depends on situation and not to forget strain. Take Sensi Star as an example...a real leafy mother, in humid areas this is a pain to mature without alot of mold and same can be said for alot of Indicas aswell, so strain selection is also a consideration to take into account ! but doing the same stain year after year is well boring, so one has to try and adapt new methods to try new strains.

Great discussion btw....we all learn something new everyday


Well-known member
how big are your plants? we are talking about massive OD trees.

Not that I saw, the thread was on "removing fan leaves" not growing trees. Don’t let your agenda get in the way of the original post.

Great info and as a Guerrilla grower not a back yard grower I agree removing lower bud sites and inner leaves makes good sense. If you don't have to drive an hr, bike an hr and then canoe 1 -1/2 hrs then I don’t not grow and or use the same methods as someone who can visit plants each day. I must therefore change my tactics to meet my environment. Yes, sometimes that means that my techniques are not going to give max yields or best bud or most organic plant but blanket statements are for those who do not live in glass houses.

Dont go to the shoe maker and demand that he make a pair of shoes in one hour if you havn't first walked in his shoes.



Active member
its in the outdoor forum. sorry if that carries certain implications. i added the part about massive trees. oops. but it is about OD.

your tone seems a bit butt-hurt. did I hurt your feelings by asking how big your plants were? the intention of the question was to elicit a response that included the size of your plants for the purpose of better understanding your technique. You still haven't answered that question, by the way. Why so defensive?


Well-known member
its in the outdoor forum. sorry if that carries certain implications. i added the part about massive trees. oops. but it is about OD.

your tone seems a bit butt-hurt. did I hurt your feelings by asking how big your plants were? the intention of the question was to elicit a response that included the size of your plants for the purpose of better understanding your technique. You still haven't answered that question, by the way. Why so defensive?

Hey brother look up a couple of replies it wasnt me you asked the question to. My butts fine thanks for asking though.


Active member
oops. my bad. dealing with lots of threads right now... you were responding to my response to someone else... so let me revise:

your tone seems a bit butt-hurt. did I hurt your feelings by asking how big his plants were? the intention of the question was to elicit a response that included the size of his plants for the purpose of better understanding his technique. In no way was i looking down my nose at small plants. Why start making up proverbs about glass shoes? I'm confused as to what you mean. I do admit to losing site of the OP and being stuck in my own paradigm, but I'm still not getting how the glass houses and other people's shoes thing comes into play.


Active member
Im from the 707 as well, buut for all you guys being such massive pot heads, you all seem pretty cranky


bagseed, there about 3 feet tall, nice litte bushes
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