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Nosy neighbor kid being a Peeping Tom

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Rare Dankness
Wait till a really cold day and let him come up for a knock or a peep and douse his ass in ice water. He will stop. I had a neighbor kid who used to knock on our door and run. I waited till it was 10 degrees outside and I soaked his stupid ass.


To Have More ... Desire Less
agreed.............physical harm to the little bastard retard...will only cause more trouble for U..........

U could just contact U local child protective services....and file a complaint about this kind and hes problems .....running loose and unattended out in the neighborhood and on the streets......

the local......Human services dept...will have schitt fit and have to investigate the entire.......deal........
and after that.......those parents will be afraid of that kid even going outside.....let alone down the road...........


ICMag Donor
I feel for you bro. Not an easy situation to deal with imo.
I don't think you mentioned whether there is a grow in the house or not. This greatly changes your options and how you can go about solving this issue.
If there is a grow in the house, obviously I wouldn't want cops, or CPS involved or even mentioned as a threat. Neighbors like to be vengeful, and will soon look to do the same to you. Next thing you know you have cops coming to your house asking questions about your vicious dog that's harassing their child.

Curtains, or new blinds will solve the peeping issue, but you need something/someone to stop him from knocking on your door, or even being on your property.

I agree another serious talk with the parents is necessary. Someone mentioned saying he was in the window while you were nailing the wife, or getting dressed. If his parents are normal,(which they don't seem to be) they'll fix it.

Good luck


el dub

Baba Ku is right on. Child Protective Services would prolly be an ally in this case.

Tell them the kid has been sneaking peeks at your naked manhood, the parents have been notified and have no plans on guiding the kid toward healthier pursuits such as peeping the female neighbor on the other side. j/k



How has anyone not suggested this yet:


Boom, problem solved. If the fucker has the balls to scale a 6-7 foot fence and break into your yard then he deserves to play with your dog :biglaugh:

Whatever you do, you need to stay on good terms with his parents (assuming you are growing at this location). Crazy kids usually come from crazy parents, and you don't want them pissed and scrutinizing you.


Active member
Ball , chain & padlock come to mind .

You need to politely tell the parents that if this disturbing proplem is`nt sorted it leaves you no choice but to contact CPS . Imagine this kid in 10yrs time if he`s creeping round peoples private property peering through the windows . By then he will be commiting a criminal offence possibly leading to more very serious issues .


ICMag Donor
There's a good chance that the child's mental age will never progress beyond it's present state of mind.

The fact that one of your neighbours has 'advanced needs' is your problem to deal with,, not the kids.

Peace n love

P.s. The people suggesting mace,, simply need a good ****** kicking!!


New member
Sorry about your situation wish I could come up with something for ya.

As for all these retards who suggest hurting a child maybe they would all like to get together with the little neighbor tard and eat some fn paste. Idiots.

Sorry for the bad Karma I just hate stupid people. Best of luck to you


"easy growing type"
So the other day I'm sitting in the house , on my bed, just relaxing and smoking and I look up and see this face looking through the blinds. He is trying to hide but I caught him looking. I don't say anything and pretend I didn't notice. I wanted to see what he was gonna do. He just stared and stared. That's when I said " Who is there". I hear the pitter patter of feet outside and he is gone. This has happened at least 10 times this week.
The kid is about 6 maybe 7. And I think he might have some mental health issues. We think he is mildly retarded, er.. challenged.
I told him that I didn't want to see him looking in my window or even around my house, but he, being a kid put up a big fight. " I wanna play with your dog he says" Starts yelling and screaming and whining. I was ready to kill this kid. But I love kids and cooler head prevailed.
Then he starts knocking on our door starting at 7 am about 12-15 times a day, EVERY DAY, asking to play with our dog. At the same time I would look up randomly and there he was, in the window, just staring. I had had enough. We cut him off from playing with the dog, telling him "not today cause your in the window again", NO LUCK. He started knocking and yelling, demanding to see the dog. At this point I had really had it, this had to stop.
SO i went to talk to his dad. I told him in front of his parents that peeping in our windows and knocking on our door had to stop. So, he proceeds to throw a temper tantrum and yell and run away. His parents tell me sorry and that i should go because I upset them.
WTF? I upset them/him. What world do these people live in? They didn't even tell him in front of me not to do this anymore.
Worse part is, he is still doing it.
What do I do? I told him, I told his parents and nothing, it still happens. I look up randomly and there he is, looking through the cracks in the blinds. What can I do? I hate the cops and wanna solve this one myself, in a positive way. Any ideas on what to do next? What would you guys n gals do?

If you are a grower like myself I would just say bite the bullet and let things be. Apologize to the parents and say that you had a bad day. Hell offer them a dog if he really wants one. I mean thats what he wants right? Worst thing is for him to start a ruckus and have the parents go over to your home and smell weed. Then again you may be a licensed grower in which case tell them to STOP because you are being disturbed! Life is life bro but at least it's only a 7 year old knocking on your door and not the DEA. Good luck brother.

PS. Buy him a dog. I know it's NOT your responsibility but it'll score you neighbor points and you WILL FEEL GOOD doing something nice for someone else on the free! If money's an issue then go to the pound and save one. It's a win/win.

His parents may just be stressed the hell out. It's hard raising tard bro.


The title of this thread is misleading. A Peeping Tom is a pervert and this is just a curious little kid. Still a hassle because things can evolve from the situation as emotions flare. It should not be too hard to safely outsmart a child his age. Like doc said, increase your privacy protection. You can put,those motion activated sprinklers around as well. One time getting sprayed should be enough to teach him and it is safe. You can deny using it on purpose on the child and if they call the police they are calling them on their son. Good luck.


Active member
Really?I swear to god this place is makin me sicker and sicker,nothin but retarded assholes!!
If you need to ask advice on how to handle anything in your life on a pot forumn,then either your parents didnt do a good enuf job or your a total ass wipe!!
who do you stupid fuckers think shows up with cps???Any ideas?FUCKING SHERRIF!!Retards,so if your against calling the cops,suck it up!!!
Number two,are you a GROWN MAN?Then stand in front of his parents and tell them the shit STOPS NOW!!!If you catch him again,grab him by his little fucking retarded ear and drag him home....if the parents fail to discipline him,Call the fuckin cops!!!
Some retard starin in my window got NOTHING to do with what your doing in your house!!!
ULTIMATELY,wether you want it or not COPS are comin,fool!!!
CALL FIRST.....AFTER youve told Dad,that the SHIT BETTER STOP!!!
Sounds like Doc WAS that kid!!!
Ya buncha fuckin juvenille fuck ups,ya's are all makin me sick lately!!!!:moon:


Active member
Next time he peeps, drop your pants and throw your dick up on the glass, if he's still there, turn around, pull the cheeks, and give him the browneye.
Kid wants to see something?
Show it to him.


May your race always be in your favor
I figure that if you aren't growing, and the kid parents aren't willing to deal with the kid, then you have no other recourse than to call the police. In this case thats what the cops are for, keeping the peace. If after talking to the kid parents, as you did and they blow you off again, then tell them you'll call the cops if they say so what then call. Let them explain to the cops why it's OK for their kid to look in your windows. IMHO, I'd still call the cops just be clean when you do it.


to me it all boils down to one thing, do you grow on that property or do you not?

either way will require a different strategy.

but i agree that calling cops will probably result in them doing the same at the next possible opportunity to you. while calling cps if a child is not actually in danger is really low, those people have taken so many children from parents that did nothing wrong that it's not funny. i wouldn't wish those birkenstock wearing cps freaks on anyone. save that for real child abuse not just a hard to control kid.


Wtf is the matter with the people who suggested that. Just speak with his parents and explain yourself and the situation in a confident and respectful way. Be friendly and polite but firm and blunt. Communicating properly with people,even difficult or semi retarded parents will go a long way.
Good luck.

And if they still won't do anything to resolve the issue? Talk to them again? and again? and again????
Don't assume everyone is rational and reasonable.


Kick the father's ass in front of the mother and the child. Maybe he'll be so embarassed that he keeps everyones ass in line the next time.

Joking... I had this issue and cops weren't an option for me. Bought huge tarps to lay all along the side of my house to block out the windows and even my yard from the neighbors. Kid wasn't knocking on my door early in the morning but you can bet if he was he would have gotten a roar from hell that woulda shook any retardation of him and scared his little ass straight.
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