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Active member
Sorry for the delay people! Life, you know… :wave:

Toker, thanks! and yeah, i think S60 will
perform will outside here in Norway..

Muddy, thanks for informative input - as you
always do.
So you think my "Sativa DR" might get fatter?
If so, it will be at least a 50 grammer . . . . :jump:


I didn't have quite as many as you do but they were fuller by the time I harvested. Not really all that fat but more filled in. No gaps, just solid, though fluffy buds.

I've got another interesting sativa pheno in the current batch. Fewer buds but fatter. Main kola and about 10 side branches. Getting seeds from it. I think it could develop into a good outdoor pheno. My goal is to find a sativa dominate pheno for outdoor and a bud on a stick pheno for indoor.


Active member
Good luck on yer Sour60's Norwegian, sounds like some really serious dope,was talking to dykster an all auto-girl now and she says that the sour60 is the best auto she vaped till now and I think she's practicle donr them all.I just got the Double diesel ryder from Sagarmatha to pop all 5,so lookin' forward to this,if it fits the description I'm in fer real treat.


Active member
So here they hang! :laughing:
A little unripe,but some clouding - good enough… AROMATIC AUTOMATIC!
Looks like they have some weight - in 4-5 days i´ll post the final result.

Need some advice here,folks - My Nr.2 the sativa pheno; has been outside for ten days or something,
but with little development ( crystals are growing though )
very very skinny "buds" …
Well it has been a cold type weather for her,the shock of being
moved outside and all that,but still!
So the question is: will i see better structure/fatter buds in a week or two!?
Hmm, wonder what she will end up like ; haze style "foxtails" or just...nothing?
(The weather is ok now, 10 C night & 18-20 C daytime)

Muddy,do you recognize this one? Sativa pheno Nr. 2 (old pix):

Did not bother with new pics of Nr.2, looks quite the same,exept taller&broader..

so here is nr.1&3 :


I think she will go into hypernation till the temperatures fit the regime she was under when she was indoors,she will have a hard time coping with temps like 10 c at night and the daytime temps are better but still there a long way up to when she was under lamps fer sure...std!:tiphat:


Good luck on yer Sour60's Norwegian, sounds like some really serious dope,was talking to dykster an all auto-girl now and she says that the sour60 is the best auto she vaped till now and I think she's practicle donr them all.I just got the Double diesel ryder from Sagarmatha to pop all 5,so lookin' forward to this,if it fits the description I'm in fer real treat.

I sure hope that Sag has done something about their so called autos. Ive grown out all but their DBL diesel and they were not autos. Started them under 20/4 and they didnt flowed so when down to 16/4 and still nothing. Had other True autos in the cabinet so i had to bin the Sag autos at they just vegged and got to big but no flowers... If your running just them you can always go down lower on the light regime as my specemins look nice and health and probably would be good if flowered lik regular strains.

Good luck and let us all know if Sag has done anything to sort their shit out.


Active member
Friday night final weight update: :tiphat:
(Dried,not cured)

Honestly, did really not expect this much . . . .

nr.3: 65Gr.

nr.1: 68Gr.

Sativa pheno: About 40 gr. ! (the strongest of them all...)

:dance013::dance013:133Gr. Total !:dance013::dance013:
Update: 173Gr.

AND: That sativa - type DR is still going strong outside,
One more week i guess, if i wait much longer i´m
afraid that the crystals will be 120% amber!

Quote Stdane:
"I think she will go into hypernation till the temperatures fit the regime she was under when she was indoors,she will have a hard time coping with temps like 10 c at night and the daytime temps are better but still there a long way up to when she was under lamps fer sure…std!"

Exactly! :tiphat:


Wonderful Harvest...Party at Norwegians Place...:smoke out:

Are you curing..?

Have you had a sneaky taste already..?

What you starting next..? :plant grow:

Have a great weekend m8...:joint:


Active member
Wonderful Harvest...Party at Norwegians Place...:smoke out:

Are you curing..?

Have you had a sneaky taste already..?

What you starting next..? :plant grow:

Have a great weekend m8...:joint:

Hi M !:wave:
Oh yeah i´m curing, day 2 now...
Yessir, smoked 5 gr. uncured already - very satisfied so far!
Ahhh.. just recived 24 Sour60 beans...swimming in a
glass o water right now - this is SOO fun!

Great weekend for you to!!

Quote ironlungs:
"Awesome Harvest Nor!!!! cant wait to see what the Nr2 throws out for weigh"
Might be a huge one.....stay tuned man!



Congrats on a fine harvest. That's double what I got off mine and I thought I was doing pretty good!!! Gives me hope that I can continue to improve my yields.


Yessir, smoked 5 gr. uncured already - very satisfied so far!
Brilliant..that is what I Love to hear...:good:
Curing is great..but if you can get a kick from slow dry..even better.

Ahhh.. just recived 24 Sour60 beans...swimming in a
glass o water right now - this is SOO fun!


We are just going to have THE BEST AF forum in the world this year.

Great Growers the Best Genetics..

Babylon here we come...:dance013:

I am sooo excited...keep up the Great Work man. :tiphat:


Active member
Thanks alot Muddy! :tiphat: Can not believe this…Must be very lucy
with the genes,that´s my guess, I got no special growing-skills whatsoever!
Checked the scale twice…

Thanks radric!:tiphat:

Thanks Mossy! :tiphat:

"We are just going to have THE BEST AF forum in the world this year.":dance013::dance013:

:wave:And big thanks to all of you!!!:wave:


Active member
That's incredible fer auto's 2,5 oz. frigging wild man, congratz Norwegian.
And thrilled to hear yer growing sour60,a grower of auto's I value very high is telling
me that the sour60-high is one of the best she's ever had experienced,so lookin' forward to see them grow.......kudos!!:tiphat:


Active member
And now,something snazzy to mix my herb with:

Golden Virginia Tobacco !
No additives whatsoever, guaranteed.

(To bad it´s legal to grow it,not so much fun then...) :dance013:

Nice man - I wanted to try to grow tobacco but now I'm off the nicotine hook so I don't want to start growing that one for sure... i could NOT grow tobacco and not smoke it too - this is also why I don't have any poppies.
Anyway if the legal part of growing tobacco is boring you then just cure it and sell it - that's illegal so problem solved:)

It's amazing to watch your ryders - they have really performed well for you. I would love to see them grown with optimal care in a greenhouse - could get 2 nice harvests in a season here.


Active member
He-he tobacco-growing in Norway.......yea why not,with these Dieselryders anything should be possible fer you lol!!:)


awesome tobacco project m8 :yes:

actually during the war, tobacco was limited so alot of farms around the country used to grow their own tobacco. There used to be loads of strains that was acclimatized to the Norwegian outdoors :D

I was reading about it in some newspaper article some time ago, a lady found a box in the attic with some plants etc..

hf with the bacco's, and the rest of the grow, atleast you get bacco without additives, ive heard its supposed to taste better. cant wait for a smokereport on it, ive been thinking about growing my own bacco for a while myself.. let me know how it grows along :D

best of wishes


Active member
Homegrown all the way lol!:smokeit:
Read that the tobacco,we smoke have up to 70 different additives sprayed on,before they make cigarettes of the tobacco some of these additives you think;what the h... is it doing in tobacco....it's a cloudy business!!:D