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ICMag Donor
I think religion is a farce too. When the president says that the invisible man told him what to do, it makes me nervous. What other people do is no concern as long as they don't push their beliefs on others. Much like politics, religion seems to be more about money and power. They prey on ignorance and take full advantage. When someone states one religion is bad it really implies the theirs is better and off you go. Next thing happening is that people are dying.


We are all products of our environments.

Gypsy got to spend time in an environment that was pretty 'special', where norms get shredded.

It can take years for some to reconcile themselves to such an experience.

You would think that experience would make him more compassionate to others plights. You know after being unfairly treated by those in power. Instead he is a bitter Islamophobic man who for some strange reason has a vendetta against Islam. All the while using the coded language of white nationalist and nazis. We are being invaded, our culture is being changed etc etc. All the while ignoring the plight of these people and the reasons they are fleeing their countries. A lot of his rhetoric and a few others on here is the same stuff that was going on in Germany during WW2 era. You know when the German Christians carried out a genocide. But I know I know those darn immigrants are dangerous.


OK so I am being labelled as a 'white nationalist'....does that mean that I am white and have some love for the country I was born in?

If so.....then why would you or anyone have a problem with that?

I can't help being white because I was born that way, and I can't help being British, since I was born here.

I don't have any political affiliations, don't belong to any club/group/team/gang etc, and have never voted in this false democracy since I have never seen anyone up for election worth voting for as a politician in all my life.

You cannot silence one side in a political debate, so those with what you would consider to be right wing'ish views are welcome to post in any debate, just the same as those with centrist/populist, socialist or hard-left or anarchist views are welcome too also. You cannot stop one side in favour of another, just because you don't share their views....and as long as what they post is not full of personal attacks towards other members, then I'm happy about it and can see a discussion/debate progress as it should with both sides bringing their arguments sensibly, factually and constructively to the forum...

What I have posted about islam is the truth, if it is not then counter it and tell me where it is not true, and we can have a discussion around that.

If people get upset about me posting what is known to be true and is provable then that is their problem.......they can't face the truth or the facts that I have come to understand that comprise that TRUTH.

I have no love for any Abrahamic religions, and that includes Judaism, Christianity or Islam, and if making that apparent and explaining why I feel that way upsets some believers in those ideologies/religions then tough luck because I have a right to free speech particularly on my own site and believe that the truth can set you free.....

No being white does not make you a white nationalist. Spreading their propaganda does plain and simple. Shouldn't be that hard to comprehend. I know thought it is better to play the victim and pretend it is because of your race and not your actions


Active member
You would think that experience would make him more compassionate to others plights. You know after being unfairly treated by those in power. Instead he is a bitter Islamophobic man who for some strange reason has a vendetta against Islam. All the while using the coded language of white nationalist and nazis. We are being invaded, our culture is being changed etc etc. All the while ignoring the plight of these people and the reasons they are fleeing their countries. A lot of his rhetoric and a few others on here is the same stuff that was going on in Germany during WW2 era. You know when the German Christians carried out a genocide. But I know I know those darn immigrants are dangerous.

Again you are wrong on so many levels. NAZI party was not even a bit Christian. Being honest about the affect of mass Muslim immigration, is not white nationalist. It's reality. For you to compare Trump, his supporters, Gypsy, or people in Europe dealing with the brutality of the Muslim immigrants to NAZIS. This is completely insane. 17 million people died in world war 2. Your assertions are a stain on their memory.

I am impressed Gypsy hasn't outright banned you. To Gypsys credit he has allowed you to spout your hateful rhetoric, and provided a place for dissenting opinions. What have you done? You have called anyone who disagrees with you a white supremacist, white nationalist, racist, homophobic, xenophobic. Grow up and try debating ideas and not stooping to the level of a child. If your ideas are so great let them stand on their merits. STOP CALLING PEOPLE NAZIS AND WHITE SUPREMICIST.


Again you are wrong on so many levels. NAZI party was not even a bit Christian. Being honest about the affect of mass Muslim immigration, is not white nationalist. It's reality. For you to compare Trump, his supporters, Gypsy, or people in Europe dealing with the brutality of the Muslim immigrants to NAZIS. This is completely insane. 17 million people died in world war 2. Your assertions are a stain on their memory.

I am impressed Gypsy hasn't outright banned you. To Gypsys credit he has allowed you to spout your hateful rhetoric, and provided a place for dissenting opinions. What have you done? You have called anyone who disagrees with you a white supremacist, white nationalist, racist, homophobic, xenophobic. Grow up and try debating ideas and not stooping to the level of a child. If your ideas are so great let them stand on their merits. STOP CALLING PEOPLE NAZIS AND WHITE SUPREMICIST.

Stop being a Nazi and I wont call you one. If Gypsy can spread Islamophobia I can call it out. If he doesn't like it he can ban me no skin off my teeth. Every time I have provided facts and asked you to do so you run to your standard Obama or Hillary argument. Then you run to some radical right wing talking points or channel Sean Hannity. STOP BEING AFRAID OF BROWN PEOPLE

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Well, I have seen it often packerfan79, when some people look to be loosing a debate, they most often resort to name-calling and labeling people as if they need to put them in some sort of box with a label on it to feel comfortable, and you are right what you say about cooter...

If he were to actually read the 'holy' books I referenced earlier and get his mind off the ridiculous name calling we might see a more rounded and educated cooter on the subject at hand, the problem is that many of these rude types have got themselves so far down their own little rabbit hole that their minds are closed to logic, reason and knowledge, and all they can do is spout hate and bile using their weaponized trigger words to try and stir up a negative reaction, just because someone see's the world in a different light than themselves....

I see that cooters latest label for me is calling me an 'Islamaphobe' which is par for the course for his modus operandi. I have no phobia's towards anything that I can fathom, and have spent quite a chunk of the past 5 years or so actually studying islamic scriptures, being guided and taught about the text of the Koran and its hadith to come to the conclusion that yes indeed it promotes a totalitarian 'nazi' like ideology that looks to take over the Western world with Sharia Law that would take most all of the civil liberties and freedoms that have been hard won by women, the LBGQXYZ community and us men away from us..

My Grandfather came back from the 2nd World War in late 1944 full of Nazi shrapnel, but did recover somewhat, and spent the rest of his life growing flowers and vegetables, and would only speak of the horrors he had seen and went thru towards the very end of his life to me, because I was so curious, and after 30+ years of trying to forget about it all he actually found it somewhat of a relief to share his painful memories with me, and he would tell me to try and not let what happened again, if I had any sway on the matter...

Well, it does look to be happening again with an army of islamists infiltrating into Europe disguised as refugee's. I have no qualms about helping genuine refugees from war-torn nations, but mostly we are not getting many of those that really need our help, we are getting grown men pretending to be boys/children, and hundreds of thousands of benefit shopping economic migrants, mostly from countries that are not at war, most of whom refuse to integrate and be a positive part of British culture, because they are looking to install their own beliefs and nazi-like ideology upon us, and I think that it is my duty as an Englishman to at least inform others about it, in memory of my Grandfather, and because I have grave concerns on how I see this whole mess ending up....


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

right on Gypsy.......

cooter, shut the fuck up, just in case you
don't know or care as to stfu's meaning!

Gypsy's being all too gracious to allow your persona to continue on here; imo, you're probably on something like 'double secret probation' now :dunno:



Well-known member


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Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
FYI its not me disagreeing its people echoing specific talking points.


Not my opinion but a fact .

I will not STFU stoner as I said if they can spew propaganda I will point it out. If you don't like it ban me I don't care.

How appropriate that you would follow the SPLC.




Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor


Active member
Stop being a Nazi and I wont call you one. If Gypsy can spread Islamophobia I can call it out. If he doesn't like it he can ban me no skin off my teeth. Every time I have provided facts and asked you to do so you run to your standard Obama or Hillary argument. Then you run to some radical right wing talking points or channel Sean Hannity. STOP BEING AFRAID OF BROWN PEOPLE

Again you resort to the shameless name calling. I have posted nothing even remotely extreme. As I have said before, what you call extremist views, are mainstream conservative/ libertarian ideaology.

I AM NOT A NAZI, OR AFRAID OF BROWN PEOPLE. You calling me a NAZI , is completely uncalled for. You claim some connection to Hanity(none exist), meanwhile you rant about racism where none exist. You have some nerve, again you state no facts. Just a twisted opinion that anyone who disagrees with you a white supremacist, or a NAZI. That's your problem. I judge people on the content of their character, not the color of their skin. Their is trash from every race, religion,and country . You are demonstrating this clearly.


Well-known member
You would think that experience would make him more compassionate to others plights. You know after being unfairly treated by those in power. Instead he is a bitter Islamophobic man who for some strange reason has a vendetta against Islam. All the while using the coded language of white nationalist and nazis. We are being invaded, our culture is being changed etc etc. All the while ignoring the plight of these people and the reasons they are fleeing their countries. A lot of his rhetoric and a few others on here is the same stuff that was going on in Germany during WW2 era. You know when the German Christians carried out a genocide. But I know I know those darn immigrants are dangerous.

I find it helpful to recall WWII vets.
Some never were able to drive German or Japanese cars.
Most were, but it took a while.
I do not know how a while is, but I do know that
I will always wish Gypsy and his family the very best..

My enemy are the forces that incarcerated Gypsy.
It is their chosen values I contest.
I see Gypsy as a victim of fascism and as such, feel he is due the
latitude and affection that should properly be accorded to a man who did not fold up when many before had.

I have no qualms at all making accommodations for a while, and longer if need be.


Active member
FYI its not me disagreeing its people echoing specific talking points.


Not my opinion but a fact .

I will not STFU stoner as I said if they can spew propaganda I will point it out. If you don't like it ban me I don't care.

Explain where the fact is. Souther poverty law center is a leftist propaganda institution. White nationalist want a homogenous white population. They also want to get rid of the bill of rights. No free speech, I have already recognized you have a right to speak, even if i don't agree, hardly an extreme position.

You are only moving things backwards.the fact that you are still here clearly shows, we really don't want people banned. We just want to be able to discuss things without you calling everyone a NAZI or white supremacist.

Again stop calling people NAZI'S, I 100% support Isreal and Jewish people around the world , not exactly a NAZI PLATFORM. Please for the love of good turn off the TV and pick up a book. Philosophy would be a good place to start.


Well-known member
Confounded by basic punctuation, suggesting philosophy .
A genuine faux conundrum.