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NorcalBob's Outdoor Adventure 2012


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ramblings of a madman

ramblings of a madman

Few more randow shots of the males, and some tomato love!

Hope everyone has a Save and Happy Holiday Weekend! Blaze one for Bobby!

Stay lifted~


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Dude if I could just sit down and pick your brain over a cup of coffee for an hour or two that would be awesome.....I like the GSC but never heard of the VTH Chem/Sour what is it's background?


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savage of salvation~

savage of salvation~

Had one hell of a night at my sister's house in Oakland last night, she knows how to get down. I'm getting to old and have far to much to do to act like that, but what da fck? Paying in spades today, wokeup at my usual unalarmed time of 6am only to find Mr Dryheave had come to pay a visit. After we said our How do's and what nots, I partook in a couple BR's of some Fine Chem/Sour, which quickly settled the old boiler and put me right back to sleep till 230pm.

Wifey got me up, I felt like I had wasted the whole day, so I got some shorts on and hit the dirt. Dug out 2 of my 3 plugs I need done, I'd say they ended up to be 3'x3'x3', amended with usual goodies and used fresh garden mix and perilte. I fcked up when I said I only found one Sour D ibl, I knew there were 2, but ones super pinner. I planted her anyway. peekaboo! First ingrounder~!

I have another Ventura Hwy Chem/Sourx2 thats tiny too, but they will catch up super quick and overcome the pots in time.

After I worked for hours diggin these mighty plugs I thought it was right about time to take my badass chopper out for a riproar~
lol fck yea!

LOL really I just hung out with my puppybear and reached a state of Zen, cant you see it on his face.(you should have seen mine) Followed by a nice massage for my Sweetheart of a Blueberry plant, eat your heart out Spearzy, lil hoe!

I'm going to get that last smart pot and the last plug in tomorrow.
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New member
you would do better going 6'x6'x18". roots go out, not that deep. check out FillthePotmore & my grows. We go 10'x10'x18".


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The area is only 4' wide, would have loved to go way wider. I've heard so many people say that cannabis roots only go 18"-24" deep, thats bullshit. I've dug up 3' deep rootballs, if there's lots of perlite they get plenty of air down deep. But thanks for your input, FillthePot is a great grower, he knows his shit, and gets down with the best of them, way better then I.

I'm gonna have to say these are really double the size because I just moved it over from last year, just skipping each spot year after year, so its all pretty much uber.

You guys are going 10x10 per plant? Fuck man I wish I had that kinda room I'd mound and pound, like a god. One day when Inreply buys me a farm I'll get down like you and the big boys do, till then I'm rolling CannabisSuburbia. Really though, 300 looks today and 1 post, gotta say wtf?


The blueberry has an exotic look. Good shoots on the top. Had to repost it again. :blowbubbles:


Was it a seed selection of yours?

Both LUI/OG has potential. What OG cut was used?

Your GDP is looking very solid as well.

SFV is looking like a monster already. :dance013:


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Thanks a ton ForestBud, the Blueberry is from seed, she is special, I love this plant, better then any of DJ's plants I've ever seen. This is a very old plant and she is showing it, I'll have this plant as long as I grow.

I havent a clue on which OG was used with the LUI cross, I've got to get with the man who made them and get the scoop, then I'll get back to you. It didnt matter to me, the buds were awesome run inside, I know they will be firey as Mount Vesuvius in 79ad!

Grandaddy is lookin good so far, I dont wanna say anything that will blow my karma, little ego, lots of love!

SFV, ohh I've got hopes for this plant outside, its been great to be indoors, but its a crapshoot really. I've lost a few branches from the wind already, we'll see when she's got a bunch of Kolas on her. /fingers are crossed!

Thanks for the Love ForestBuds!


Did the indoor LUI/OG run yield you OG style nuggets and the infamous smell?

My experience with GDP was not so good. Lots of fake clones of it floating around. If its a verified genetics then you should be fine. I run everything from seeds for now. Less hassle until I'm able to manage a stable. lol.

That sucks... I'm sure it was heartbreaking about the sfv branch breaking in the wind. It takes skill to transition a large plant from indoor to outdoor. I could tell that SFV would need some tying up already. I prefer maintenance free plants.... less hassle over the long run due to continuous battle against mother nature. Grow On :ying:


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The LUI/OG's were a mixed bag to say the least, every plant was super stoney and top notch. I wouldn't waste my time on anything other then something special, the winter is my time to test tons of seeds and find and make winners. I'm kinda coming off dickheadish here, but I have the trust of the titians behind this strain selection. I was looking for mostly LUI, Ortega leaning plants, cone shaped, death tap your ass stone type plants. I found them~
All these clone strains are forsures, the proofs in the pudding though, all are tested and true. Your right about the SFV, she's gonna need a viper cage on her soon. Next few days all of the bigger ones will get an enclosure, almost rets.
All the wind thats been pounding them is just making them stronger, its a test of wills and strength. I can baby them now or they can beef up and get ready to hold some weight, Brutus the barber they be! I'm excited about these plants, Freak off da leash for sure~! I find the more you do early the less you have to do later on, just like humans its all about preventive maintenance.
I haven't fed them once since they've been transplanted, just tap water, its all about soil environment and da rays!


You have many artillery for outdoors and have a great sunny home , best vibes with your grow my friend, a hug.


The area is only 4' wide, would have loved to go way wider. I've heard so many people say that cannabis roots only go 18"-24" deep, thats bullshit. I've dug up 3' deep rootballs, if there's lots of perlite they get plenty of air down deep. But thanks for your input, FillthePot is a great grower, he knows his shit, and gets down with the best of them, way better then I.

I'm gonna have to say these are really double the size because I just moved it over from last year, just skipping each spot year after year, so its all pretty much uber.

You guys are going 10x10 per plant? Fuck man I wish I had that kinda room I'd mound and pound, like a god. One day when Inreply buys me a farm I'll get down like you and the big boys do, till then I'm rolling CannabisSuburbia. Really though, 300 looks today and 1 post, gotta say wtf?

How deep the roots go depends how good aerated the soil is, with a 10% perlite mix the roots should get enough air till 20''. You were probably growing them in smart pots. With smart pots roots get air through the sides of the container so the roots can theoretically go unlimited deep.


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No, this was way before smart pots were invented, like a said before its all about the perlite, esp in plug grows.

For the last Smartie I did on Tuesday, I filled it with almost half recycled coco. I've never tried that high of a ratio before, I'm interested in how it goes, I put a Chem 4 reveg I really like in there. I'll get some pics up either tomorrow or on Sat, so much happening.

Stay lifted!


Active member
interested in how that reveg does...i have one reveg in my garden right now. shes lookin real healthy though....but not expecting too much on yield.


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
RESIN RANCH is looking good Bob! Just sitting here enjoying the show and going to school!

OK I'm going to ask a stupid question so please don't flame me to hard....."What is a "reveg"? Is that a plant that went completely into flower cycle then forced back into vegetative cycle?


Well-known member
Thanks a ton ForestBud, the Blueberry is from seed, she is special, I love this plant, better then any of DJ's plants I've ever seen. This is a very old plant and she is showing it, I'll have this plant as long as I grow.

I havent a clue on which OG was used with the LUI cross, I've got to get with the man who made them and get the scoop, then I'll get back to you. It didnt matter to me, the buds were awesome run inside, I know they will be firey as Mount Vesuvius in 79ad!

Grandaddy is lookin good so far, I dont wanna say anything that will blow my karma, little ego, lots of love!

SFV, ohh I've got hopes for this plant outside, its been great to be indoors, but its a crapshoot really. I've lost a few branches from the wind already, we'll see when she's got a bunch of Kolas on her. /fingers are crossed!

Thanks for the Love ForestBuds!
blueberry is my most favorit kind of flower ever. she looks badass. u should put a big screen around her so no more branches fall off her.

what I wouldn't do to get some BB school seeds.
Ill def be watching this one. :)


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Chem reveg aka RErun

Chem reveg aka RErun

Bocil /big Hug right back at ya bro! Gald you finally found the Ranch, welcome and make yourself at home Senor!

Prop215 I'm not expecting a super yield from her either, esp where she is in contrast to her amount of light. BUT I thinks she will be on par, tidliddy-bit less, maybe 3/4 of the clonezerg. It's gonna be fun to see, Ive had them go either way, its all in the plant and its desire to live again. I've got my fingers crossed for her to explode real quick, such nice buds.

Mega You got it sir, just the lazy guys way of trying to save a great plant from the compost. It almost always works well enough for a full recovery of the plant or at least a fair shot to get a clone from. I try to clone the plants I think I'm going to like, and want to keep in early flower, some slip by. This Chem 2 didn't empress me till she was finished, pepper sour skunk foreva!

A percentage of revegs will get stuck in a limbo where they cant fully kick out of flower and are just spitting out one bladed leafs. AS soon as you see your first 3 blade you know the plant is going to be fine and start putting the beef on. /sizzle~ /flex

Here are a few shots of the lil Chem that will! First one is of some of the leftover calyxes, best to pull these off but i wanted to show you what kinda swollen glands we're talkin bout'.

Shot of the leaf roll growth, this is typical reveg foliage, from the old bud sites.

She's working her way back to me babe! 3 leafin'



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ICMag Donor
Blueberry goodness!

Blueberry goodness!

blueberry is my most favorit kind of flower ever. she looks badass. u should put a big screen around her so no more branches fall off her.

Your right #1, she did need some structure. Check her out.

Most got their first cages today, I still need to do the cookies but I think all the other clones are done. It's been so fcking hot these last few days, that and the last batch of soil I got from our nursery was to damn hot and some of the seedlings are suffering. I'm hurting for them, deep inside /tear lol. They are going to be fine though, we got a lonnnnnnnng wayyyy toooo gooooo!!!!

Shots of the yard today, busting mah ass, sweating like a savage. We got tons of vegi plants in the ground and lots more potted up to give to friends.



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