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NorcalBob's Outdoor Adventure 2012


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guess whose back?

guess whose back?

Long time no post, I have a few more pics to show before I'm off. here's a couple of the clones with their lights all glorious like. They've been getting beat to shit by the wind, they weren't used to the 30 milers that gust all the time through here. Its only gonna make them stronger in the long run. I'm planning on pinching like a madman as soon as i get some new growth and I know we got good root growth.

The clones I've put out are, my keeper Chem/Sour, Ken's GDP, GSC, SFV, my badass Blueberry, and 2 keeper LUI/OG crosses. Granddaddy is keeping the seedlings company, tellin'm a bedtime story.

As for the Seedlings, I'm seeing growth everyday, and it makes my heart smile. I ended up killing one of the Sour D's, it just wasn't making as much progress. We're going for the best 11 plants here, no time for runts. 4 of Ganja's seeds have come up and are looking strong, /fist pump. Think that about shuts it down for now, when I have a little bit more time I'll go into what I've done with the soil this year. And hopefully We'll get some sexin of the seedlings in the next couple weeks aswell. Bye Ya'll!


The pix problem is to not overload the server. You can try to copy and paste the picture directly into writing box, I think it will help a lot. Good job with that tree, but they suffer less when you trimm them in autumn. All plants are looking good. Take care!


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ICMag Donor
It has nothing to do with overloading the server, you used to be able to load 9 pics at a time, now its 5. You could also link 24 pictures per post, now you can link 5. I stopped posting over the winter and look what happens!

The tree was lucky it's life was spared, if it were up to me it would be firewood, but the wifey wuvs it. I'm going to hopefully get the rest of the pots in this weekend, along with getting the in-ground plugs ready. Little bit of rain today so it looks like a good smoke session is in order, and relax.


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
Amen....I remember when I got the cassette...yes I go back that far.....cruising all over Santa Cruz blaring their album.....RIP!


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ICMag Donor
I had the tape too, I burned through 2 of them in 85, inspiration moves me brightly. Mega, your alllllllrightttttt!
Last edited:


breathe deep
Slow and Low that is the tempo

Slow and Low that is the tempo

Love the CFL! looks like BBQ time back there! I'll take some Veggie burgers please!

Looks like you are going after it this year! Trimming trees and shit.

Bobby i got some white lightning coming down and its the best i have done with her. Better than the last so next time i am passing through lets meet up and burn one. It actually smells really citrusy this time. weird...

MCA is and was the fing man. Always had the sickest rhymes and rhythms. Sad to see him go. Bless his journey.


Active member
Looks like a great start, diggin last years pics. Greatly looking forward to seeing those Chem cross trees this year!


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ICMag Donor
To who it may concern

To who it may concern

Inreply Mah Boy, mah Primo, mah Confidant. Sounds like your still turning up the dials on the White Lightning? Really hard to imagine, because its been 10/10 the last couple times IMO. I cant wait to try her, shiver me timbers mate! Gotta say her and my chem/sour would suite me forever, just them two, maybe a lil bluedream too, tiny lil pinch.

Your right, I am ramping it up a little bit this year, had to though. Everything was growing over and light was cut to a minimum, I really wish I had one of the Sun monitors, that shows you exactly how much and the intensity of the sun during the full day in your grow space. Nomaad or one of the Norcal boys has one, its fckin elite. Could show me which limbs would be most beneficial to axe, and which area's in the yard are the best spots. But I'm hoping this will be the last grow here, so it wont really matter.

You know I've always got a spot on my grill for a couple homemade Garden Burgers. I'd love to put an emote-con here but I gotta save up for pics! Shit's weak, still! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XDq0c35pd4

Nonphixion Thanks again, last year was alot of fun, I live for this. Kinda like ....this... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTEyp7YHSyM Glad your along for the trip brodah~

Mega You said it best Palomine, On with the show at Resin Ranch!


I've been lazy as possible this week, I really dont have an excuse, except for that it's still a little early to get the pots ready for the seedlings. Since they hadn't started showing....till 3 did today(2 confirmed SD ibl femes!). So I've really gotta buckle down on Sunday and go get a couple more loads of Mushroom and Hog compost along with a few more bags of castings and perlite. I've got tons of feather, alfalfa, fish, kelp meals left, along with the full range of guanos. I might have to get a few yards of garden mix too, last year's dirt is pretty much depleted aswell. I didnt have the 200's last year, cant wait to see what they do, I'm going to shoot for a 7er+, so worth all this extra labor. Cause mah backs been burning like sinny sin sin. We can never count our chickens thou.....not till the night we do the ritual killin....of the plant ofcourse. Nother emote-con would really put this shit over the top, no can do thou.

More tunes!

Here's a few shots of the little ones, lots are really striving to make the cut, others are falling behind. As soon as I get a better idea of the m/f ratio I'll be able to make my selection for the Race for the Resin.

Going to be a few post update, I have a few more pics of the clones I've got potted still.


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ICMag Donor


I briefly went over what clones I was running last week but here is a little bit more intimate meet and greet.


My Keeper Chem/Sour~ It was hands down the best plant from last years batch. She was really small but I've run here a few times inside and she owns, she's going to yield huge this run.

Girl Scout Cookies, great tasting purple, she'll be a beast. In a 200g

SFV, nother proven badass bitch. She wont be a huge yielder but the smoke is amazinery.

DJ's True Blueberry, red stemmed Beaut, nother one I've had for a long time. Great, soul uplifting smoke, should be called Soulshine. In a 200

LUI/OG#1 This is from Krizznap, if you have some, pop them, great plants to be found for sure. This Gal is a crazy tasting, super stoney peppery chem like plant. I've got 35 or 40 more of these seeds too, he slayed the dragon with these, they have winner all over them.

to be continued


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ICMag Donor
love me three times babe?

love me three times babe?


LUI/OG#5 This Lil lady tastes/smells more like Sweet Tooth then the True Tooth does, epitome kinda deal. Great yielder of big tight cone shaped Ortega buds.

Ken's GDP I've tried to run this plant outside for 5 or 6 years, its always fucked me in one way or another. This year I'm getting in it's ass, I've had great success inside with her and I know folks who've done grand outdoor grows, but not for me(doesn't help that i suck...but). Time to change all that! She's also in a 200g, she isnt getting any excuses this year!

I'll get some group shots of the Babies in this next week, I hope. TTFN!


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ICMag Donor
So many males......at least 75%, was like they all showed nutz over night. Ball check galor!

Han Grolo

oh hai

oh hai

Hood Cat approves of this thread


Just sticking my head in to say hi! :)


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
RESIN RANCH is off dah hook! I'm running the GSC also in my diminutive 45's....also going to try Kens GDP outside for the 1st time....if you ever need an extra back and give me a week notice, happy to help.....I am soo looking forward to seeing how you do and I'm going to school on you a bit also...sooooo different than indoor runs!

Peace brother!


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ICMag Donor
And thats one to grow on!

And thats one to grow on!

What a beautiful few days this has been, the Sun has been out, nice cool breeze sweeping through the delta, I've been enjoying every bit of it and so have the plants. I've had the last couple days off, which gave me the time I desperately needed to get the last few pots filled and transplanted. AS of today all but 1 smartpot is filled, and the 3 side plugs need to be dug but we are almost there folks! By the end of the weekend all the plants will be in their final summer home, ready to do my bidding......WAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA /rubs hands together like a mad scientist~:faint:

I want to thank everyone thats posted for all the awesome words, your a driving force behind this grow. I fought with the server to upload pics again today, really a fcking nightmare but you guys make it worthy of my time.

:thank you:

Out of this batch of seeds we've had a ton of males, I didnt get to make the selections I had wanted to. But with these fine genetics all of the plants should own up. Only 1 feme out of all the Sour Diesel ibl sprouts, crazy, I'll bring the lads in and collected some pollen for later usage.

Ventura Hwy Chem/Sour
She isn't the prettiest of the bunch, thats for sure. Her root ball was really weak and took a shit on the repot, thats why she's lookin a little shook up /Elvis Auhhoohoooaa!
This was a pic from last night right after the transplant, she already looks a bit better.

Next to her is the sweetest lil stinker you ever did meet. Chem 2, I've had some great plants in these packs, this one will be the same, NO doubt.

In the back of the Chem 2, the Lone Sour Diesel IBL lady stands proud, ready to strut her stuff!

to be continued...


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ICMag Donor
more more more!!!

more more more!!!

Rez Chem/Sour

Rez Diesel#1/HK

I have 1 more of Ventura Hwy's Chem/Sour's that I dont have a pic of and the camera battery is cashed so it will have to be another day. Here are a few shots of the Clones, I've been a pinching machine, they hate me for it too! lol

VTH Chem/Sour


God's Gift(just trasnplanted, might get yanked still)

turn the page~