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NorCal HydroMeds

Hella Fella

"Sunshine" brand SC1 Big blue stripe on an all-black bag, it's about 40% Sphagnum 60% coco, with pH'ers, wetting agent, and pearlite. Straight out the bag seems to work great for me!

I just switched to coco husk chunks for pot-bottoms/drainage instead of hydroton. It's more "sustainable" and they are more natural in a discarded manner in flower-beds then OBVIOUS-ass hydroton... ;) Plus, you ever step on a Hydroton barefoot? FUCK THAT! And the little bitches ROLL all over the place.... Coco husk just sweeps right up!

Hella Fella

Finally got some new ballasts! Big push of work need's to be done in there tonight....

Hopefully I'll have some freshie pic's late tonight!

Hella Fella

Cheese is the squat stuff on the back left... UltraSkunk on the back right...

UltraSkunk again, relocated Hashplant is in the foreground....


Only about 1/2 way through.... gettin there!


Voluptuous Trichomes
Lookin' good bro...I thought I saw you using bags on the tables in another pic...do you ever use grow bags in that table?

I gotta try the cheese someday...never smoked it



Looking great HF, I like your style brother... It appears we have the same Hashplant clone. Very thin branches and stretchy... massive trichome production... thick buds in the end, but by looking at it at week 3 you would never guess it could yeild.

peace, i'm lovin it!


Active member
Looking good Hella! Gotta love lights, just wish i could always add more..........And hydroton to the bare foot, makes me curse that shit........I sometime vow never to use it again.........try spillin one of the big boy bags all over a wood floor.......have fun with that...................moz


hella, sup buster? love the dog pics,,,endearing! man, you are one consistent growing mofo,,,im impressed as hell w you everytime like clockwork.
i wish i could hire you to tutor some classes locally;)


Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat

Hiya HF :wave:
Whoa - hey, can you bring one of these trays over for Thanksgiving :laughing: Quite a sight to see, many full trays of tasty treats to come. hieagle420 called it a forest and I have to agree! Congrats on the new ballasts too!

Hella Fella

I now had 2 of those NEW ballasts conk out on me??!!? My electrician is just shining me on about the circut being fine??!? I'm just gonna be 2 down till the end I guess?!!

I pray to the botanicare god's every few night's, They do have an awesome product line!

Lather, rinse, repeat.... This is one of the eaisiest thing's to do....["grow 'erb that it...] I have decided that people put way to much thought and not enought patientce into their scenes. Don't get wild and over analyze things, ppl are NUTS that check their pH and PPM 2-3 times a day. Just relax and LET IT GROW! It always seems to turn out fine!

I had some issues with my co2 regulator, I *think* I fixed it.. I'll see when the lights come on tonight, the tank will be empty cause I diddn't fix it, Or it will still be full!

Hella Fella

So sad..... I went in there tonight, and one of the Big Mac's that I had relocated MUCH closer to one of the fans has fallen over! Not because the stem wasn't strong enough....but because the soggy-ass hydroponic perfectpot [prolly about 10-12 lbs soggy] wasnt heavy enough to support the massive nug's forming up on her!!! :p


Active member
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to GroNut again.

damm. lmao with that one bro. with cheese though dood. definately with cheese.
nice one.

Hella Fella

LOL, atleast!! [MikadoxBigBud, Federation Seeds -KEEPER-]

You ever have a plant tip over? You know that top layer of soil that usually falls out cause theres no roots in the very top? Not a grain of coco plopped out, theres roots like 2mm below that surface, good 'ole hydro!

NOW that you mention it, the Big Mac is right next to the Table fulla CHEESE...!

The Budfather

Active member
hey is this whole thing coco? im just switching over to coco now, can i use smaller pots, now? like 1 gallon to big bush or should i go higher with root space ? or is it exactly like soil and 1 gallon = 1 ounce?

Hella Fella

What is your version of BIG BUSH?

I would say 3 gal mebbe for bigguns?

I'm doing a table in 1gal mesh bottoms, but its sitting on a coco mat so the roots just grow all crazy under it...

Like the post above, big plants get really tippy in "smaller" pots, that big mac fell over in a 2.5 gallon pot so.........

The Budfather

Active member
bushes to me are about 3 large colas with a cunh of lil ones< sorry i cant do any better then that! but what would you say would be a maximum veg when doing 3 gallon pots? also just outta the blue do you kno how many times you are supposed to use a catalysta month? like earth juice catalyst. and in the past im pretty sure you have used some fox farm? how did that fare with the coco? sorry for all the questions but with results like yours might aswell ask, always on the quest for knowledge :yoinks: