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NorCal HydroMeds

Hella Fella

It's already all done... :(

Didn't take a whole lotta pics with all the helpers around, they dont enjoy the publicity yah know?

It was alread out the door before my batteries could charge!

Hella Fella

Next up is 1/2 'n 1/2, Urple and BDSSH... Their still little, but growing fast!

I tried a nex substrate mix and AM TOTALLY PISSED OFF ABOUT IT! FUCK SUNSHINE MIX #3!


so you're telling us you harvested without takin' any pics? eh? honestly the youth of today, lol. just kidding man. you grow some mean ass bud :yes:

all the best :wave:


sure bro, that makes a lot of sense. forgot about that escapade. would have done the same thing.

anyway, i suppose you're all done and rearing to go again, eh?

do you know anything about victory and/or b52?

peace and good growings :wave:

Hella Fella

The Purple Urple has been vegging for like 2 weeks sooner then the BDSSH, hopefully to make up for its total lack of stretch when flipped. They have been transplanted for like 4 days now.... I now see I need to move my clone taking schedule up 1-2 weeks, so that I have fully vegged plants to transplant in hopefully the day AFTER they old ones are chopped down...


lessons in perpetuality ;) hows it going hella? you best get the cam rollin~ bd

Hella Fella

Millionth ubiquitous "veg shot" ...But I could never turn down a direct request!
BDSSH on th eleft and Purple Urple on the right..... Gotta start it veggin sooner to make up for its lack of stretch when flipped!




Just love your grow room. Very nice for sure. Can't wait to see more.
Take care,


HF, what medium are you growing in? Im sure you mentioned, but I'm braindead and need to get back to sleep. Do you run this like E&F? or hand water?

Hella Fella

Ebb & Flo 4 evah!

SC1 from Sunshine usually..... I tried a new mix this time and was hella dissappointed... Sunshine Mix #3 SUCKS!!

I'm actually like 15 plants short....but there just gonna get a touch longer veg instead...


Hey Hella Fella

hows it going old chap? i see you are ready for the next run ?

it's looking very rganized and efficient as ever man. keep on keeping on...


Hey HF,
nice show you got here as usual sir, im getting ready to start running ebb & flow myself as im tired of my back hurting every time i return from the garden.

I was just wandering how often you flooded your trays at the various stages of growth, as i dont want to over water my ladies of course. also, i assume your water simply diffuses up through the bottom of your pots since they are taller than your trays? trying to make sure i got things on lock before i flood my ladies and/or room hehe

take it easy and keep up the good work man :smoker:

Hella Fella

every other hour seems to do fine by me! Air-exchange!

It floods as deep as the res can make it and the rest wicks up decently.... These new 3 gallon mesh-bottom pots are a bit taller then I've used before and the very top layer actually stays dry.... I dont mind as it will help keep down the fungus gnat population and the [slightly icky] fungus's that have well populated the surface of my medium by the end of a round... They dont seem to be detrimental at any point, just the fruiting phase of the various stuff that lives in there via the HUMTEA and Organic's Alive!