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NorCal HydroMeds

Hella Fella

We can only hope, yes!??!

I've seen that beast outside of the 'ole Hipster douchbag's circle though.... Unless his web of lies has even spread out side of where it started!


Crap, so what the hell the med farmers in the Bay growing that we call Urkle? I guess from what you described it is Urkle. The GDP cut I have sounds just like your Urple when compared to the Urkle.

Hella or Nspecta:
Have you grown GDP? How does it compare to Urple or Urkle?


Well-known member
Shmokin said:
Crap, so what the hell the med farmers in the Bay growing that we call Urkle? I guess from what you described it is Urkle. The GDP cut I have sounds just like your Urple when compared to the Urkle.

Hella or Nspecta:
Have you grown GDP? How does it compare to Urple or Urkle?

Hey Shmokin...there's a slight chance I could be mistaken (or was given tha wrong cut)...but...tha cut I was given as GrandDaddy Purple from tha Dragonfly is, I believe, the same cut I've had fer tha last 6 years as Humboldt Purple Urple/Urkle...I dunno fer sure what cut is going around as Urple/Urkle in tha Bay...are ya positive they're different cuts?

I have a 'hunch' that tha Bay Area "Urkle" could just be an S1 of Humboldt Purple Urple/Urkle, if they are indeed different...and...tha GrandDaddy Purple is just tha Original cut from Humboldt...<<<this is merely speculation/suspicion at this point though...my reasoning fer thinking this is, I've grown out 70+ Urple/Urkle S1's and I know what's contained therein...as well as quite a few Urple hybrids...I've never seen a single 'hybrid' of Urkle look identical to tha parent...which makes it hard to believe tha old Urkle x BigBud = GDP story.

On a side note...Grape Ape 'appears' ta be tha same cut as GrandDaddy & Urple as well...not to mention Nepalean Purple, Pakistani Purple Kush, Mendo Lavender, etc., etc....all tha same cut... :chin:

One more thang...tha other "Urkle" cut Hella is talkin' about doesn't look like any Urple/Urkle pic or plant I've ever seen...it's an entirely different beast...from tha looks of it.



you show us an amazing garden and what is noticed? hehe, on the other hand it's
good to see i'm not the only one who noticed, lol. i just wasn't rude enough to mention it, hehe :D i'm sure HellaFella knows all about it....:biglaugh:


A lot of purple Indica plants looks pretty damn similar, and there is really no point in trying to tell them apart.... GDP, Erkle, Ape, PI, etc. They all veg pretty damn slow, and yeild fairly low unless dialed in.. and the nugs look identical. The only clear difference between them all is the fan leaves, and smell of the cured nugs.

Plenty of Folks circulating their own GDP s1 and other knockoffs to boot, adding to the confusion. Just like the Kush craze in the South, we got the Purple craze in the North. Too damn hard to say who is who, what is what! Erkle/Urple... probably the same strain unless you guys know fosho... cuz environment will change a plant! I've seen folks get the GDP to look like a monster bigbud bush.... then I've grown it and got diddly squat for growth!...

Looks great HF!! that is a TRUE Sea of Green!

Hella Fella


PM is a way of LIFE up in these parts!

A little Safer 3-in-1 and everything is back to normal..... What do any of you use for spraying for, eiter mites OR PM.... I have found after all these years to be the absolute best product for the job..... Only one bottle covers all pests I might have!


Hey Hella I have a couple of questions for you. What is your average yield off each Urkl/urple if you don't mind?

I have an urkle/urple right now and it isn't much of a yielder for me? The buds look and smell great , but I just can't get her to yield?

I think I might have the meristem pheno? I topped my plant a couple of times and now all I have are really small buds?

Here are a couple of pics of my buds

Thanks for any advice

Hella Fella

Yeah, that TOTALLY dosent look like what im running... Way different looking fan leaves... Mine usually point up, reaching for the light, and the blades are so fat that they often overlap eachotehr on the same leaf.... Also on the Urple I have the sugar-leafs tend to point downwards... Kinda strange I just considered for the first time....

Yeah, that looks a bit more like the UrKle "pheno" that I had seen in NCR and the Douchanimal's gardens among others...

That's interesting how uniform your fan leaves curl under at the tips... It dosent looks like N overfert, but kinda does?
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Thanks Hella. I don't know why my fan leaves are curling like that either? It can't be too much N because I have been cutting way bak on my grow nutes the last few weeks. I use GH 3-part and the last feeding on Sat I used o grow so I don't know. Maybe it's because it's been cold and they aren't very thirsty? I have only been watering them twice a week. The only reason why I've been watering them twice a week is to flush the nutes before I water again.

Thanks for the help. Either way it is going to be some killa smoke.



I use sulfer burning for PM and Neem and bug bombs for mites. I have little to none of either. I burn one night a week for the first few weeks of flower and bomb 2 consecutive weeks and all is good for the cycle. I neem only when I see something and then again a week later. The key is hitting'em up again to kill the young ones that were in eggs for the first neeming before they can lay eggs.

I never had much luck with any of the PM sprays. Plus it's alot of work. I don't know how you spray all those Hella-.


Ok Hella I took a real good look at my urkles last night and you were right. It is a single cola plant. I topped it a couple of times before flower , but all the side branch buds are very small. I think by topping it I decreased my final yield?



Leave this place better then when i arrived
Very nice grow man. What strains do you recommend for migraines?? Thanks for sharing!! Peace.

Hella Fella

It is fairly daunting to have to spray so much down.... But I try and do an hour or two a noght. split it up so as to not be overwhelming...

Yep, you gotta break the life cycle.... just killing the adults [or whichever] is pointless!

YEah, that beast might be better suited for a SOG type thingy... dont go for a vegged out larger plant....just get one stick with a cola on top next to a bunch more clones of it.... It just sucks how long you gotta veg it to ATTAIN all those neccessary clones!

Migranes, hmmmm I have never actually covered that one... I would "educatedly" guess that a strong indica type, a kind of "coucklock" smoke would be good for releiving head "pressures". A really cereberal sativa I could see possibly WORSENING the problem....


I also use the Safer spray too. I try and get it done before i get too late in flower or it makes the bubble taste like shit.....no sulfur. Is sulfur bad for you?


Well-known member
Same, Same...or...Different???

Same, Same...or...Different???

Neptune said:
Too damn hard to say who is who, what is what! Erkle/Urple... probably the same strain unless you guys know fosho... cuz environment will change a plant!

Very True about tha phenotypic variations caused by tha environment...anutha thang I've realized is some of these cutz have become 'acclimated' to their micro-environments, so much so that it takes 'em awhile to re-acclimate to a new environment...which makes for a slightly different looking plant initially...

...here's a pic of Humboldt Purple Urple, Mendo Lavender, Grape Ape, GrandDaddy Purple, Nepalean Purple, Pakistani Purple Kush, & Tuity Fruity Purple...with tha control plant being Purple Indica...they all look & smell tha same...except fer tha control, of course...also, all of them have been fully acclimated to tha same environment now for at least 6 months...

Y'all be tha judge... :lurk:


Hella~ If this is hijackin' yer thread to much I can delete it. :wave: