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Noob, Doin the damn thang

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Yeah they dry out some man. Thanks for lookin out for me. :joint:

As for plants, um all is still well. O ya my computer should be fixed in about 2 weeks. WOOT

pc :joint:


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
good deal sublime on the fee-fees!
so its like this mj dont need to stay wet,like soakng yo,sometimes some strains will act real shady if you try to give them too much,even strait water.
roots stretch and grow as they need to search for food/water.if you keep the roots too damp they realy have no reason to search for life,therefor they wont grow as vigorously if you keep them wet...like sativas,they dont like alot of water or nutes at all,some even seem to thrive in poor soil if ya can believe it or not.
are you doin the lift test before you water? i still do.
i have a plant in flower now thats a victim of too much water yo,it was in a spot that wasnt gettin enough light and she wasnt drinkin as fast as the rest were. :bashhead:
so be careful bro.
and also it sounds like you have a strain that loves some feedings ,all of them aint the same yo,so as you get different flavors.always start them light and work ur way up to see what they like.
hope you got a lil bit of useful info off my high ramblings;)

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Yoo bro thanks for clearing all that up, I was aware of most of the imformation but shit, never hurts to hear it again. My plants havent ever shown a sign of too much nutes, just the occasional dead leaf at the very very bottom of the plant. Like I said I just hit em up every other day and they seem to be doing good so far like that. Thanks for the knowledge bro till later :joint:


Prof Sublime said:
Snow White


Male Snow White

Hash from Mokum



1st Iso



Same hash from letter

Juicy Berry

Sour Jack



Grey Area's Kief

My Ride

Sticky Fingers

im loving the pics!!! mostly the kif and shrooms!! stay up man!!

oh btw, i use the same nutrients, including molasses, but no ph up/down. would you suggest i use it??

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Hey dungeon, thanks for the kind words on my pictures.

As for the nutes, I use ph up when I mix my FoxFarm Tigerbloom and Bigbloom together(2 teaspoons each to 1 gallon), as it drops my ph pretty well. I would reccomend it, cause if your ph is wack then plants arent gonna grow so well. I mean I am NO expert shit, im pretty much an idiot. Its up to you really I dont wanna steer you wrong and end up havin ur plants get messed up. You can read through the last few pages and learn alot of mixing nutes/ph'ing. Either way good luck an take it easy. :joint:

Sup my brotha T! I put my exhaust fan in today its a little noisey but, eh whateva.
Hey, T feel free to give dungeon some advice on the question he asked me about the ph up.

Also a few things I never mentioned, one of my plants I topped (FIM) awhile ago so I have two main top buds, and the other I LST'd so I have a little bit more of an even canopy. Youll see the pictures soon enough I hope.

Till then :joint:

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Wats up everyone out there.

Today I cut alot of shit off the plants I cleaned em up nicely and opened up the space for budsite for light to get in. They look nice.

For shit news, while I was ccuttin one out it looks to me like it went hermi and threw 3 bannanas, one popped. I really hope my shit isnt pollinized, ughhhhhh! I cut all the other nannas off and I will keep my eagle eye out on both of them.

Anotha day


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
damn yo thats messed up,keep an eye on them,and hope for the best.
sendin some + vibes ur way

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Thanks for the vibes my brother. Even if it is seeded, whatevaaa, aslong as its still some pretty good an smokable buddd.
Pics soon Im hoping.

Peace for now :joint:

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
I got my laptop back yalll! WOOT!
Soon as I get time Imma upload my pictures bbl with them.

Plants still loook knockin and are starting to get some nice resin on the leaves.

I moved my plants to a different location, they now are in a closet. I forsee an 150w Hps in thy future. :joint:


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
ok then bro,i'll be back to see the pics you drop on us.peace

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
PPP from seed, feminized, Nirvana seeds

PPP from seed, feminized, Nirvana seeds


Veg action 3.5 weeks.

And now off to flowering!! At about week 2.5 weeks at latest pictures.

I hope you all liked them, leave me plenty of comments!! :joint:


Looking great so far, Prof. Sub! Shine on, will be watching this one for sure.


sublime.. just dropping by to say those plants are looking awesome man!! love the tight node spacing... gonna have some DENSE buds!!


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
right on sublime,they look happy as hell yo,nice use of the oj containers bro.
tight nodes you should be a happy camper in a few short weeks yo.

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Yoooo my brothas.
Thanks alot for your comments on my grow. Ill post some new pictures soon, those pictures are a week old now, so you know the buds are bigger and have more trichs on em now. Ill be keeping this more up to date. Thanks again and see yall soon. Peace :joint:

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Yooo peeeps.

Going to Wildwood for the weekend so I wont be around. Expect a picture update probly monday Ill get some fresh shots up. Ill get up with yall after the weekend though. Peacee :joint:


Well noob, I geuss you are doin the damn thing, and doin it right to boot! Have fun on your weekend getaway!

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Yo Yo Yo wasss up broooooos.

Soon I will be a novice level,heh. But yea Y and you both helped me sooo much. I cant be anymore appreciative. You kno da deal :joint:

Hey B/R wats up man, thanks for stoppin by. PPP Yummmmmy, I cant wait to try it and see for myself what makes you like it so much. Was your PPP from Nirvana seed bank, any certian pheno, just curious. Later man :joint: