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Nomaad's Outdoor Adventure 2009 v1.2


Active member
I use Doc Hoppkins in Upper Lake. He puts 25 plants (to coincide with mendo guidelines) and 5 lbs. That will hold up in court, but possibly NOT to the cop at your house. Your Dr's recommendation will probably get that amount of ganja returned to you and any charges dropped. but I'd like to avoid that hassle.

We have 6 members of our collective with scripts that will all be present for trim... I am considering not using any trimmers that do not have scripts or whose scripts are being used elsewhere... If you get caught double dipping a script...that is, using it to grow in more than one place and, because you have the worst fucking luck on the planet, get busted at both places (or they trace one bust to the other location and find your script at the second place) you can be charged with conspiracy... and then... you're fucked.

The discussion is just about having a scale around and cops have been known (in case ofter case) to use the presence of a scale in the same place where there is marijuana to charge you with intent to distribute. I have close friends who this has happened to, so I'm not just going on rumors or posts. I will be talking to a lawyer about it in the next 2 weeks and will post what I learn (for a $1000 retainer) once I learn it.

Firearms have been used by police in much the same manner. Loaded gun? You're under arrest. If you're just growing personal medsa, why do you need a gun?

As time goes on and these cases are being beat more and more in court, I feel like they will eventually stop wasting the court costs and the local DA's will change the local enforcement guidelines to be in line with reality.

Like I said... i will have a blueprint for a safe trim scene within the next two weeks and I will share what I learn with you guys.


Active member
hhhhhmmmm...discreet scales...you have an iphone?...iScale...i don't have an iphone myself but if it works...ya can't beat that for discreet...what a stupid loophole


I wish I had an Iphone... they have an ap that would let me mix on traktor with nothing but my laptop and iphone as mixer. But at&t SUCKS monkey ass out here.

I wonder 1) if the ap works in the first place 2) it will run on an i-touch.

Fisher? Put the huge, more-phallic-that-even-a-regular bong down and do some R&D for us.


I was hoping it used the pressure sensitivity on the screen, but it just uses the balancing feature. From the video, he just balances the iphone on his finger, and then by determining what angle a nickel will produce, he calculates it at 5 gms...amusing, but not really usable.


Active member
Nice one rubio. Thanks for stopping by. Things should be getting pretty ridiculous here soon.


how did i miss this thread?, its AWESOME outdoor grow.
I´ve just read all and mummy... ouhgh what trees...

best luck till the end Nomaad

beer batter

Id bring up the story of the old lady who held a burglar at bay in her home with her pistol and had him call the cops for his own arrest. Its a home security deal, sure they will build cases and that should be dodged at all costs -part of security for use is not getting arrested but also to exorcize our 2nd amendment rights and protect our self, family and property if we confront a thief in the night. I wouldn’t want to be on the wrong side of the law if I'm defending my family and put a few holes in some folks that broke into my house, they could say 'oh your growing personal meds, why did you have a 38 w/hollows id say because I live in the bay and theirs a lot of crime and dirt going, been going on so I'm just putting safety first. Id have it indoors only, if they break in and I'm confronted with lethal force -not the best thing to have outdoors to protect the garden, or with the trim seen but its totally 2nd amendment/security. I mean if you’re timing inside on your couch and have crooks break in, id rather call it self-defense. They might come in for the 1000's of $$$ worth of my personal meds hanging or curing in our gun safe, maybe try for the indoor equipment -I had shady friends that would rob, no longer friends. I just know what’s going down and would rather meet fire with fire if it means my life. That’s me though, maybe paranoid but theirs folks that'd pistol whip folks for QP's and I don’t wuna think about what they'd do for 3-4lb's

I feel the need not to give the police a reason why they should build a case, but if they asked me id talk about 2nd amendment rights and how its for 'home security, not protecting my meds but protecting my family as they would' go on talking about stories in the paper about robbers coming for medical marijuana and how some police treat our 'dispensaries' as upscale jewelry stores with regard to security and ramble more about the prohibitions were sandwiched between so we must supply our own and it creates risk -which I was talking to my doctor about, that risk is mitigated threw security. My primary doc told me to still go threw the medical marijuana specialists; the ones I’m with give only state limits. He didn’t want to recommend and my specialists are strict w/state law

I think about how much they will look at, is it just a look at plants or are we talking about a search of the entire property like turning beds over and looking threw our sock drawers like where criminals. I could understand a felon-ex con not owning a firearm but theirs thousands of medical marijuana patients in Cali, are we all to give up our arms and bow to this? I would think they might stop at turning over couch cushions but it might depend on them finding my big ass digital scale I keep in the bedroom, we gota stay in compliance some how. I would be polite and lead them to where the meds are and to observe our cultivation but it’s their call on suspicious activity -I get more paranoid when I’m thinking about hashing the popcorn and trim for concentrates and edibles, I have heard police don’t like concentrated cannabis and would see it as a narcotic in Mendocino -see the refining posses the equivalent to a meth lab whether its dry sift or hash oil, they might see it as narcotic or judge all of this trim on hand as useable medicine and where on our way to the pokey cause where out of compliance. I also thought it was in the language of the law and in the resent interpretations by judges or jerry brown that concentrated cannabis is allowed, its something that I think about often cause I find concentrates more effective and less harsh on the body then crude cannabis. It’s also much easier to cook with and measure exact doses. It's hard to tell what policy is county to county, sheriff dep. to sheriff dep. but I do know we have a lot more sex offenders that need check up's that hold priority over 215 opperations.


Active member
I would be polite and lead them to where the meds are and to observe our cultivation but it’s their call on suspicious activity -I get more paranoid when I’m thinking about hashing the popcorn and trim for concentrates and edibles, I have heard police don’t like concentrated cannabis and would see it as a narcotic -see the refining posses the equivalent to a meth lab whether its dry sift or hash oil, they might see it as narcotic or judge all of this trim on hand as useable medicine and where on our way to the pokey cause where out of compliance.

Be polite and respectful but don't talk to them or let them in. Hand them your lawyer's business card. If they are there to serve a warrant, dial your lawyer and hand them the phone. I have done different in the past, but I am going to change my ways. Watch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8z7NC5sgik -Posted in the last few days in another thread. Can't remember by whom, but I will look it up and edit with credit.

Changed the way I look at things in the first 20 minutes. Its an hour long law school lecture... I will write more about it when I have fully digested. I assume that a good conversation with a good criminal defense lawyer would do the same thing.

In our county, its wise to stay away from butane extraction to avoid the meth-lab comparison. In this area, ice-water extraction is rumored to be safe. That said, i'll admit that it still makes me nervous. I am sending hashables off-site to be made into the kind of oldskool Maroc I am used to from my days living in spain. The process is totally different, but this kid comes up with a very nice quality and smoke reminiscent to what lives in my memory. He keeps a share, I'll donate most of mine to hospice patients.

beer batter

Things should be getting pretty ridiculous here soon.

things have been rediculous from the get go, very informative and all the insperational pics. im planing a black box of my own, need some green-house frames. i was thinking about light deprivation tents but now ive got great footsteps to walk in, keep it rock'n nomaad


hey big up nomaad, still doing the damn thing proper!

didn't realize you had to be so paranoid about scales down there, that suprised me. you should get one of those CD scales like someone said, my friend has one and in a stack of CD's they are damn near impossible to spot. they go up to a lb too.

that iphone scale was a joke though... after it had me excited for a minute. from the youtube comments it no longer works with the current operating systems, and if the finger balancing 5g of weed at a time wasn't dumb enough, who wants to put your iphone up to your face after you just weighed a bunch of sticky weed on it?

3rd I

lol...i didn't even watch the video...heard some people talking about a few months back...finger balancing? lmfao...sorry bro sounded like a good option...i'd go for the cd before the ash tray though...cops look in ashtrays for "evidence"


Active member
yeah fisher... harvest started for me about 3 weeks ago.... its already retarded... the ashtray on my desk (lalique crystal from the wife's dead grandma) has more green than black in it from my bongloads... if myself at 20 were to meet myself now, at 35, he'd kick him in the balls for wasting so much weed. while today-me is on the ground, writhing in pain, 20-me is rolling dozens of spliffs of black/green chunkiness.

Oregonic: wish you would post the White Berry info from your PM here... I am expecting to take her down in 4 weeks... and she is exactly what you mention... the perfect BW phenotype... getting lots of hype as one of the "hot new strains" of the season.

Gotta get back outside... our work is never done out there these days. I am covered in resin, though... that's a bonus. My wife will give me a full body lick-down when I come in from the garden. TMI? sorry.


haha - I hear that about wasted herb. It's not an age thing for me...my broke self this week would kick my last week self in the nuts! when I got it, I burn it like I always have it. You could say I live in the moment, but more realistically I like instant gratification :)

white berry = berry white? what's BWE? I was sold on your pics alone.

glad to hear you're wife is appreciative of all the hard work. :pimp3:


Active member
no way... first off, my bong holds very little water, so if you pull it thru every time, the water becomes gnarly real fast... i pull about 30 small loads a day. when abundance allows (now more than ever) I usually put a small load in the bong, get a nice roast on the top and then dump it into the ash tray. no need to be smoking it to dust or even nasty black rocks. You vaporize most of the THC with the first hit, without reducing the nug to nothing... the bad part of smoking anything is the end of it... all the carcinogens... the tar... the carbon...

Weed Santa has an ashtray with a spike in the center for cleaning out bong slides. its brilliant. you can make one by twisting a wire hanger into a cone, at its fat part about the inside width of the ashtray and tyhen, at the top, when it gets pointy, leave the wire standing straight up.

I dunno... seems like splitting the difference between a bing and vape... which I recognize as the healthiest way to "smoke" the doje... but I also don't think you get the full representation of the smell and taste when vaporizing. I will buy a volcano when I have some extra $, but The bizzong will probably remain my delivery device of choice.


Volcano changed my life. I like to throw virgins into it. It makes the harvest more bountiful.


Active member
Ok... first, I should say that I smoke UP TO 30 bongrips a day. There are some 5 and 10 bongrip days in there too...

Photos... For the time being, the Berry White and Flystery are the stars as they have the most advanced flowers... The Flystery finished in 50 in the Black Box, so it'll probably come down around the same time as the Berry White.

If crystal production was insane a couple of days ago, I don't know exactly how to classify it today...


Flystery...god I wish I had a name for this... Since 3rdI seems to have the most experience with the DJ genetix, I'm looking to him for an opinion.


macro of same shot.


Berry White


BW macro




classy grass
Ehh, see what yer sayin...something about that sound and feel when it snaps through, I like it. And you're killing me...I don't know if I could hit the bong 30 times a day if I tried. Jesus, man.

I used to own a volcano, it sat on the shelf a lot. Maybe I just love my bong too much. Felt like it always gave a heady high, little stone.