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Nomaad's Outdoor Adventure 2009 v1.2


Active member
Thanks, TJO... good to see you. Have fun camping.

I have been doing some serious thought and research into precedent in my county and the state in order to make sure that I am as safe as possible during trim, when a perfectly legal amount of plants becomes potentially illegal amount of processed medicine.

Its my belief that the highest risk factors are possession of firearms and of a digital scale. While they can both be argued away in court, they are serious liabilities and will result in a raid becoming a bust.

I can live without firearms. I don't like it, but I can live with it. Its the scale that poses a problem. How does one process 60 lbs without a scale on hand? Certain aspects (like paying trimmers) would be a logistical nightmare. My solution is this: I am going to build a simple hanging scale that is made of common hardware store components... I'll make a bunch of water bottles that weigh 1/4, 1/2 and 1 lb to use as counterweights. When its not in use, its a couple of pieces of hardware scattered in various places in the garage.

Am I overthinking this?


i guess not if having a scale is really a huge liability. i got scales all over my house tho...one in the bathroom, one in the kitchen for cooking, and one digi for herb. i don't understand how they can trust you to legally grow all that pot, but god forbid you have a useful tool.


Active member
The way the cops make it happen is by throwing every charge they can at you. One of them is trafficking, or in cali "diversion to the black market" if you have a scale.

its retarded, of course, and won't stand up in court. why can't I have a scale in the kitchen?! i'm on a diet. but its a charge they can throw on you and make your life hell. just like the firearms possession.

its just about risk management.


yeah I try to weigh the options with estimated probabilities and how PITA the outcome is like:

home made covert scale: 1.8/10 on my made up PITA scale
getting busted w/ digi: 8.0 on the PITA
odds of getting raided: 1/50

divide getting busted PITA by 50 = .16
.16 < 1.8 = get a digi :)

try comb

Active member
Thanks, TJO... good to see you. Have fun camping.

I have been doing some serious thought and research into precedent in my county and the state in order to make sure that I am as safe as possible during trim, when a perfectly legal amount of plants becomes potentially illegal amount of processed medicine.

Its my belief that the highest risk factors are possession of firearms and of a digital scale. While they can both be argued away in court, they are serious liabilities and will result in a raid becoming a bust.

I can live without firearms. I don't like it, but I can live with it. Its the scale that poses a problem. How does one process 60 lbs without a scale on hand? Certain aspects (like paying trimmers) would be a logistical nightmare. My solution is this: I am going to build a simple hanging scale that is made of common hardware store components... I'll make a bunch of water bottles that weigh 1/4, 1/2 and 1 lb to use as counterweights. When its not in use, its a couple of pieces of hardware scattered in various places in the garage.

Am I overthinking this?

is burying it somewhere quite accessible an option.........only to be taken from an otherwise hidden location that the pigs wouldn't find if that was the situation.......when u needed it..........and then put back promptly.......


Active member
yeah... that's a pain inthe ass. i need a tool to measure things in the trim scene... in the moment. don't want to have to go on an expedition every time somebody is done for the day.


classy grass
You need to find that scale that looks exactly like a cd case, from the outside. A friend had one...let me do some searching

It was kinda small though

try comb

Active member
You need to find that scale that looks exactly like a cd case, from the outside. A friend had one...let me do some searching

It was kinda small though

yah those are small............

i was talking about buried in the backyard or something...........somewhere a cop would never look, but u could access within 30 seconds........i donno....thats what i do............just one of those mini firesafes buried in a place easily to get to, just under the top layer........always nice to have emergency cash buried too..........

beer batter

Some fish-scales are low-key, hang something on it and its shows in lb’s or oz's maybe. I say risk management means having a good digital scale or triple beam whatever gives you an idea how much weight you have so you’re in compliance. It sounds like they don’t want us having scales so that we don’t know how much we are over or under compliance, a good reason for a scale is to provide precise measure doses like any other medicine. If your eating your medicine you want to know how much your using, so you don’t use too much or whatnot. Its very important for medical marijuana patients and caregivers to have scales, this seems like a direct tactic for police to turn patients into criminals and shame on them. I weigh my moms meds into 14gram bags, she can better ration her meds when she knows how much she's using a week or rolling in each joint, its really a tool to help us stay in compliance and to measure dosages. ~Cops just don’t understand


How about a bathroom scale? I weigh my cat on it, first me, then the cat and me. Dam cats a fatazz, he's about 16 pounds.

beer batter

Its a pain giving up constitutional rights because we want to choose our own therapy and pursue different healthcare options, they should tell us when we see the specialist doctor each year that we also should wave our 2nd amendment rights and forget about 4th amendment. I really don’t know the implications of compliance checks and 4th amendment rights issues only that they can come and announce a compliance check (heard of this is another county, fear of it happening in mine) then when you ask for a warrant they leave and come back hours later with one -like the denial of a compliance check is the probable cause for the warrant, suspicious activity. It wasn’t in my county, but worrying be cause they 'mendo where set back to state limits since measure B and I don’t know what local policy is just that they don’t allow dispensaries. Our city had been sued by ASA a while back along with a few others that had set prohibition on safe access, id blame any dirt that goes down squarely on the supervisors and their ignorance with public safety, healthcare, and tax revenue opportunity. Our backs are against the wall; it turns out that’s when we shine our brightest.

Its more then just having a digit scale on the property or rifle or firearm cause where Americans, theirs nothing more American then owning a firearm IMO. Just a thought that we should wave our respective rights to bow to compliance checks is worrying.

I regard security as protection from arrest being as close to compliance as we can reasonably get and from any rippers, I use a baby monitor a good one from target and keep that on hand. I stay out and sleep all John Wayne style with my tools in a duffle bag including zip ties for restraints and to protect both the rippers and myself, I get the tool-bag idea from watching jack bower in the 24 box set this summer with my mom. The baby monitor was an idea my buddy had, a metal bat and extra toys are my idea but I play security guard from September till November working the 11-7 shift and I was thinking about getting a giant mace bottle like dog the bounty hunter's team. I live in the suburbs and lots of people live close by so no gun shots if I can help it -that’s a public safety thing, but I believe in keeping the 38 and hollow tips in the bedroom. Ill look more into this cause we shouldn’t be afraid of these things, I don’t know if a bullet proof vest is legal or not but that wouldn’t be a bad investment in the times were in. even a military style helmet (or anything bulletproof) would be a good investment. I was laughing the other day when I was reminded of leather face of taxes chainsaw massacre -to scare the shit outa those rippers waving a chainsaw above my head, just hope they aren’t strapped.

I like the night cam set up nomaad, that’s another deterrent if it's visible otherwise just great security. Unless they are dressed up like ninjas. My crazy neighbors have a cam on their front porch, my other neighbors have bright ass floodlights that light up their backyard and ours and the surrounding neighbors. Security is cool but I had to block their light to protect our photoperiod. With fencing like yours it doesn’t look like a problem you'd have.


Active member
I am about to roder an ashtray scale... perfect find fisher. it occurred to me at some point tonight to look for stealth scales... they just have to exist, right?! Thanks for doing the legwork bro.

Beer Batter: well said. i'm with you one hundred percent. the most disturbing thing about this whole paradigm is the waiving of one civil right in order to practice another.

diamondmine: 1lb differences are hard to determine on a bathroom scale. I do, however, weigh my traveling luggage in this exact manner.


Active member

how did i miss this thread?, its AWESOME outdoor grow.
I´ve just read all and mummy... ouhgh what trees...

best luck till the end Nomaad

3rd I

hhhhhmmmm...discreet scales...you have an iphone?...iScale...i don't have an iphone myself but if it works...ya can't beat that for discreet...what a stupid loophole
I hope I didn't miss something, I was just scanning through. But about the weight limits. I'm allowed to have like 3.5 pounds in my possesion. Your doctor can specify an amount higher then what's allowed. My doctor would have written it for even more.
Let your doctor know you grow outdoors and therefore need an annual amount on hand. (whatever that may be). The patients you grow for can also do this.