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Nomaad OD:2010


Yankee Grower

They are on my reading list for sure.
If Rolanterroy gets his books finished in time, the publishing deal was done long ago, for next season they'll be a must read IMO. The dude is 100% organic relying almost only on stuff you can buy in a big bag. He does use a few bottled products last time I chatted with him but seemed mainly like catalysts of sorts. The dude uses LOTS of worm castings also. One mix was like 40% castings...yikes. When running a large op hard to look at native plants and composting to supply your needs.

Nomaad...maybe you can turn the current place into a large worm farm...LOL. Supposedly there's one type of fungi or bacteria that is only present when worms are running about and worm castings/tea is great stuff in general ;)

A cool book IMO is The Biological Farmer. It goes against what some think is 'organic' farming but the focus is if it's microlife and worm friendly then that's what counts. I had an opportunity to spend a lot of time with a guy that manages 1,000's of acres of crops using this philosophy and good stuff!


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Sour D


That sour d (ECSD or IBL?) is lookin' swell, I sure love me some sour diesel..

Looks like you'll be a mighty happy guy this fall. Hope things treat you and your family well, nomaad.
Is that the same Sour D as last year, doesn't quite look like it chuncked out as good as last year, but it did turn out beautiful, I hope all is going well for ya Thank you a million ca billion times for everything you've done.


sheesh that could be indoor with the calyx to leaf ratio it has. talk about nice results. real good looking budage. that plant must be about ready no?



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In this location the light dep paradigm works really well for the Chem family stuff... it really likes intense, direct sun to finish in... which is not what I have post Nov 1st when they would finish outside (based on last year.) Having them covered for 12 hours for most of the run doesn't hurt either... they are basically shielded from the "outdoors" for half the time. I guess its a decent trade-off for the humidity and heat issues.

The SourD is NOT as big as it was last year, nor is anything else for that matter... I am not nearly as blown away by the size of the individual nugs this year. The quality is right where I want it, but the beds seemed to finish out more like indoor than outdoor. I was going for even canopy, so each plant has more moderately big colas in place of each plant having one or two huge ones. I'll know what I think about this when I have yield numbers to factor in.

Fusarium and Pythium also slowed everything down. The two plants closest to the one that died have the smallest nugs.

Another finding, though scientifically inconclusive is that at least one strain, grown side by side in Sonoma Compost+Perlite produced MUCH harder nugs than the same strain in Roots Greenfields + Perlite. I think it may have had something to do with the drainage of the soil. (my thought is:)The worse draining soil (Sonoma) gave access to nutrient solution for longer duration.... something to think about.
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I'm not sure I understand the question. What product are you asking about.

The only thing I have fed my full season plants is Brix Mix and Ca25 in foliar applications. Everything else was mixed into the soil before transplant. Age Old Dry Grow and alfalfa meal.

That is, until this morning. We gave them their first taste of Age Old Bloom... the Pineapple Cough seems to need a little encouragement to start blooming.

I have made my opening move, but I have not fully visualized my feed plan for bloom. I will probably add bulk humic and fulvic acid to my feeds.


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haha I'm sorry, I must have seen you saying age old, and my stony ass read ancient amber (the roots organic fulvic/humic supplement) my bad, those chem and sour d both look fantastic though!


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Today, the Sour D is at 63 days. I took it down in 59 last year and she was awesome. She looks like she needs 2-3 days more.