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Nomaad OD:2010


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
The last picture still looks like sunburn to me. Especially if you are foliar feeding.
Yup I agree I think it's called "sun bleaching". I don't have a spot to harden my plants off so I just stick em out and it always happens to em. Another week and there off to the races. Nomaad keep up the great work!


Active member
thanks for the input. Guyute. I agree... sunburn. There has been no more of it. All is well in the garden of nomaad.

As of tomorrow, Accuweather.com will, for the first time, be featuring a 15 day forecast with all daytime temps above 80 and night temps above 50. Seems like its been a long spring, but it looks like summer is finally here. I hope I don't have to east my words.

Something Tom Hill mentioned on the big plant thread has rocked my world. He told me he plans on only pulling tarp till the end of July on his light dep and letting things finish with natural light cycles. Far as I am concerned, that's the idea of the week. Its those couple of weeks in August at the end of the process where nighttime temps and humidity start getting problematic. Last year the thrips got bad and there was some loss to botrytis. Not this year, baby. He also says this will result in frostier nug. Win/win's are awesome. Thanks Tom.


Yeah that little insight is making me regret not putting in the light dep. Next year fo sho.


Active member
The garden has hit a stride. One of the black boxes is ready to rock and roll... I'll start pulling tarp in 3-5 days.... we'll see how they like the warm weather:


Second black box is somewhat behind the first, but it was planted later and with smaller plants:

Are they getting bigger?:


classy grass
Nomaad OD:2010

Well, the tops of the plants sure look great. Pics are only loading halfway, at best, for me. Will check em in town..

One of the boxes has a bunch of your sourD cut you've said? I have the one you gave me, totally rocking, next to another sourD cut I picked up. Thinking yours grows more like the chems, less of that lanky sour growth I've seen with others? You were also chopping at


Looking sweet nomaad,

the smarts beds are pretty damn cool but is the aeration on such a big bed of soil really going to help that much more than a wood sided bed like you got your veggies going in?

i guess a big advantage is being able to pack the bed up with you and take it with you all folded up like a tarp, but i would think the smart pot idea is only going to help up to a certain size, or am i missing something?


toyot4 i think theyre cheaper than building out of wood too, if im not mistaken. cedar and redwood is expensive.

Nomaad: hot dog hot dog hot diggity dog. damn youre set up looks clean man, i like the mix of light dep, greenhouse, and standard issue big norcal outdoor.

id like to hear some pros and cons on pumice from some of the pros.


Nice work Nomaad, looks like things are moving along! I want to see some pics of your full sun ladies in full light! I may have to explore a blackbox for 2011 too....

See ya man-


Active member
Damn..I just spent 15 minutes typing a long response and then my son clicked off the page whilke I was in the bathroom. i will try to recreate.

Fisher: When that cut came to me it was super lanky, long and looked like it would never produce anything...even in that form it killed. When I had that terrible mite problem in the winter, I got rid of most of my cuts, but a kid who worked for me took a bunch of them and mistreated them horribly... the one I got back from him to use as mom a few month later had been flowering in the cold on his porch and was very unhappy. I brought it inside and revegged it, taking cuts about 2 weeks later after she started to throw 3-bladed leaves again. The resulting cuts are super-bushy. So perfect for the black box...whereas it takes 8-12 OG taller, lankier OG plants to fill a 6x9 bed, 6 sours do the trick.

Our mutual friend whose number I gave you afew months gave me a Tahoe OG cut that is bushier than any OG cuts I have ever worked with... he tells me that he takes cuts about 2 weeks into 12/12 anmd gets much bushier plants from it. I will be taking cuts from SD, OG and ChemD two weeks into 12/12 in the Black Box to see if it hold true across the Chem genetic spectrum.

Dunno if I kicked you any down last year, but its excellent SD smoke, very nice high and done in 62 days... I took mine down after 59 days in the black box. Outside, it needs really good late season sun or it goes a little lighter than you'd like on nug density. Absolutely top notch BB strain. With the bushy config, I am betting it just simply kills. I don;t think I am running any full season at home this year. Perhaps at another project with better sun at the end of the season.

Toyot4: You are right. the purpose of those smartbeds is portable, reusable gopher protection. The idea of lining wooden beds with metal that is going to rust and be impossible to move/reuse does not sit right with me. I am a nomaad after all. If I can;'t strap it to my camel and move on, it just doesn't feel right to me. Next time I set these beds up, i will be building a 2x4 frame to support them perfectly... they are messy and unruly with just the stakes as deployed this season.

Localhero: yes...a pro to weigh in on the pumice idea would be awesome.

Rootwise: I'll get some better pics soon. So swamped durinbg the day... the two minutes it tales to grab the camera and get to it always eludes me. Glad to see you feeling better, bro.

onetime64: You asked about how I plan to support big plants in a PM. I suggest you read Butte's trelissing tutorial in the big plant thread... its way back in the first 20 pages or so. Before Butte quit on us. I, however, am not going that route because...well... I don;t like using all that metal. This year I am going to be using very large bamboo and hortinova netting around the circumference of my pots when the pkanst get there. In the meantime, I am using bamboo to spread plants out a bit. They were too big when they went into their pots to use the Texas Tomato Cages, which I like and may use next year, but I will have to get em in their pots earlier and smaller to make that work. Next year, I'll probably do temporary hoop rows like HL does.
And your curing process for short-term-out-the-door largescale OD buds Maad? Do you try and cure in large containers for at least a week before it goes to the collective? or no cure? If so, what kind of containers?


Active member
I don't know what I am going to do yet. I'm making it up as I go along this year. Thank you for ICMag. You guys do half my thinking for me, and for that, I feel blessed.


I didn't think about gopher protection, thats a pretty big benefit in using the smart bed.

This is a way funner solution, not too sure the neighbors would like this:

i have used a "gopher gun" similar to this and its quite the show at 5am. Only issue we have had was almost lighting a barn on fire because of burrows that went under it.


Active member
i love that thing. my homies flooded some tunnels last year...same concept, cruder tools.. i was not there for it, but I saw the video.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
And your curing process for short-term-out-the-door largescale OD buds Maad? Do you try and cure in large containers for at least a week before it goes to the collective? or no cure? If so, what kind of containers?

What about storage tubs? I would think they would work good just when you burp em I would lay everything flat again on some screens till they stop "sweeting". The ones that stores shoes would be a good size IMO.


Active member
yeah... there will be lots of drying racks involved. I'll give a little run-down on my current thinking when I get a chance to sit down and think.


I am going to build a room under some trees with poly and 2x4and 1x2s.... and either rent a portable a/c for computer server rooms.. you can get them for like 200 a week.. or use a fans if the temp permitss.... i have some bros that have been doing this for years and its amazing