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Noisy Neighbor help fast!

jump /injack

Shoot crazy glue in their locks 5 or 10 times, do the same to their cars. If you have friends, take em down and glue them to the sidewalk; wear a mask.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
just start playing the heavy stuff bro ,,thay might end up thinking you some kinda nutt job...

what eva you do dont play house of pain, jump around, because thay might just do that lol....take it easy and stay safe bro

keep it green

Play church music. It is way annoying. Also have a base ball ready.


Active member
leave billy mays cranked all night every night


h^2 O

tag their door when they aren't home... something like "punk bitch" will piss off a gangster...
when I lived underneath those haitian people my boy lived a few places down, and we got in a fight and I wrote "Hi I'm gay" on his door in pen. He realized it like a month later and drew a swastika and like "i hate black people" on my door.
Shoot crazy glue in their locks 5 or 10 times, do the same to their cars. If you have friends, take em down and glue them to the sidewalk; wear a mask.

the glue them to the sidewalk is absolutely brilliant!

Though that would up it from a maximum of vandalism to an assault. If he gets a good lawyer with prosecutor connections, possibly negligent manslaughter(ie, they "assume" that should no one have found him, he would have died of dehydration/starvation), not to mention the civil lawsuit!

But i could see doing it to a friend. I could DEFINITELY see doing it to a friend... With his pants down... In the ladies bathroom... Well, actually, that could turn out to be more fun than humiliating...


Active member
well u must know his address?

time to start ordering tons and tons of free porn catalogs and shit to his place...if he has a GF...she'll get pissed. (me and a cpl friends did this before...it was hilarious).

....he'll get put on more mailing lists than he knows what to do with.

spend a cpl bucks and order him a "tom Cruise" buttplug...and send it w/ an anonymous note saying u love his music and wanna hook up or something.



ok, find a pill bottle, some black powder, a cannon fuse (or a firecracker with a green wick), and some electrical tape. Drill a hole in the middle of the lid, just big enough for the wick to fit through; a pocket knife will do the trick. Fill the bottle with powder, put the cap on (firecracker on the inside) and wrap that sucker with the whole roll of electrical tape.

Now you figure out which window is his bedroom and, well... you know the rest. It won't really be dangerous unless you add shrapnel; which in your case I don't recommend. oh, and make sure you wear latex gloves when putting everything together.

If this seems a little extreme, try sitting down with the kid and calmly explain that he's being a dick. You might be surprised at the outcome.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
well u must know his address?

time to start ordering tons and tons of free porn catalogs and shit to his place...if he has a GF...she'll get pissed. (me and a cpl friends did this before...it was hilarious).

....he'll get put on more mailing lists than he knows what to do with.

spend a cpl bucks and order him a "tom Cruise" buttplug...and send it w/ an anonymous note saying u love his music and wanna hook up or something.


dude start ordering everything you can, by phone and internet, to his house. Even male strippers, and escorts. Order a fucking donkey show. Order an exersim at the same time. Do a background check on him, and find his parents. then prank call them, and tell them your from the hospital and her son is totally dead. hahhaaa


Stop being a fucking pussy

go fuckin confront the guy and just ask him if he can tone it down, atleast at night or something.. if you go ask him nicely and he dosnt comply either go to your apartment manager or mess with the noisy neighbor somehow


yeah i think the crack head thing is pretty good.whatever you do man good luck,and as was said DONT throw the first punch.

Lord Doobie

Don't do anything...Lie low
Let others complain
You've already seen their reaction by hitting the ceiling and they know someone is under them
Now they're looking out for you...and your car

All that speaker is doing is annoying your other neighbors
Drunks pass out stone cold...nothing wakes them...they don't even hear it

34 days to go...:joint:

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I say you find his car, and smear shit under his door handle randomly once a month, just for making you have to worry about it. That is the nice route.

You are all nicer than me though. I would go fucking sick house on this dude after 2 days. And by sick house I mean.... have you ever seen the show dexter? ya, just think dexter


believe me bro i can come up with some fucked up stuff to do to this guy his apartment and car.


wait... i just had a thought... if your primary concern is him seeing your face or whatever, why don't you just send a friend up there to ask him to turn the shit down first? if that doesn't work, then do some crazy shit.. at least then it would be justified lol


you should have picked some annoying dance music.... the kind that has some woman singing ten minutes into some 20 minute song with the same damn beat over and over again...

you can have a rave from whenever you wake up till midday every day until they stop

or maybe some old people music - afternoon delight by the starlight vocal band comes to mind...

fuck, just leave the music on while youre at work.... then you wont even have to listen to it while they suffer


New member
gangstas pull a gun out on you and shoot you if you try to jump one of their boys...

if they did not do that, they were not gangstas but just kids who think they are bad because someone gave them a tupac cd lol...

best way to deal with a noisy neighbor is non-violent, if you confront them in a violent way, shit will always get uglier until someone is seriously hurt or worste.

after I spray painted a few front doors in my neighborhood, no one else wants to go through the shame of having to stand out there and paint over the grafitti...

if they are real assholes, just get a marker with inferno ink and tag the shit out of their rides lol...

lol...one thing about being a gangsta you have to have some chuckem skills man...if you get whooped on and pull a gun your not a gangsta your a bitch trynna find a quick way out...but why pull a gun out on someone that has a bigger gun than you? i grew up around all that shit..guns is no problem to me ive been shot 7 times had a crow bar to the head a knife to the face so you really think i care about that...ill fuck a person up and buy them a beer and roll a blunt with them...they wanna pull a gun im not scared to die... been there done that... but if a person was to really fuck you up...than pull up a chair and offer you a beer and smoke you out...would you pull a gun out on him? think about it... men are men and a man thats a bitch is just a bitch...point blank... thats why i smoke weed to elevate my mind and to make my spirt rome free... past reality to another zone where nobody can touch me...consider me an untouchable...


"...guns is no problem to me ive been shot 7 times..."

Dude...If somebody shot ME with that gun, and I found out about it....I would be pissed off too.