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No Big Bang? Quantum equation predicts universe has no beginning

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Mad Lab

Should we let them be Med lab ??? lets see here who really fucked up the middle east and have things in place in infuence ???

The fact that the United States has a long and torrid history of backing terrorist groups will surprise only those who watch the news and ignore history.

During the 1970’s the CIA used the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt as a barrier, both to thwart Soviet expansion and prevent the spread of Marxist ideology among the Arab masses. The United States also openly supported Sarekat Islam against Sukarno in Indonesia, and supported the Jamaat-e-Islami terror group against Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto in Pakistan. Last but certainly not least, there is Al Qaeda.

Lest we forget, the CIA gave birth to Osama Bin Laden and breastfed his organization during the 1980’s. Former British Foreign Secretary, Robin Cook, told the House of Commons that Al Qaeda was unquestionably a product of Western intelligence agencies. Mr. Cook explained that Al Qaeda, which literally means an abbreviation of “the database” in Arabic, was originally the computer database of the thousands of Islamist extremists, who were trained by the CIA and funded by the Saudis, in order to defeat the Russians in Afghanistan.

America’s relationship with Al Qaeda has always been a love-hate affair. Depending on whether a particular Al Qaeda terrorist group in a given region furthers American interests or not, the U.S. State Department either funds or aggressively targets that terrorist group. Even as American foreign policy makers claim to oppose Muslim extremism, they knowingly foment it as a weapon of foreign policy.

The Islamic State is its latest weapon that, much like Al Qaeda, is certainly backfiring. ISIS recently rose to international prominence after its thugs began beheading American journalists. Now the terrorist group controls an area the size of the United Kingdom.

In order to understand why the Islamic State has grown and flourished so quickly, one has to take a look at the organization’s American-backed roots. The 2003 American invasion and occupation of Iraq created the pre-conditions for radical Sunni groups, like ISIS, to take root. America, rather unwisely, destroyed Saddam Hussein’s secular state machinery and replaced it with a predominantly Shiite administration. The U.S. occupation caused vast unemployment in Sunni areas, by rejecting socialism and closing down factories in the naive hope that the magical hand of the free market would create jobs. Under the new U.S.-backed Shiite regime, working class Sunni’s lost hundreds of thousands of jobs. Unlike the white Afrikaners in South Africa, who were allowed to keep their wealth after regime change, upper class Sunni’s were systematically dispossessed of their assets and lost their political influence. Rather than promoting religious integration and unity, American policy in Iraq exacerbated sectarian divisions and created a fertile breading ground for Sunni discontent, from which Al Qaeda in Iraq took root.

The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) used to have a different name: Al Qaeda in Iraq. After 2010 the group rebranded and refocused its efforts on Syria.

There are essentially three wars being waged in Syria: one between the government and the rebels, another between Iran and Saudi Arabia, and yet another between America and Russia

USA is absolutely, without a doubt, another "evil" in the world we must accept and deal with.

DOJ and DEA involvement with the arms deals done in Mexico, single handedly giving the cartels the means to kill thousands. They wouldn't have been able to do a qtr of the damage that occurred without the USA.

Countless things we could name, scandals everywhere.

So global regulation and aide to foreign allies shouldn't exist?

Mad Lab

In order to understand why the Islamic State has grown and flourished so quickly, one has to take a look at the organization’s American-backed roots. The 2003 American invasion and occupation of Iraq created the pre-conditions for radical Sunni groups, like ISIS, to take root. America, rather unwisely, destroyed Saddam Hussein’s secular state machinery and replaced it with a predominantly Shiite administration. The U.S. occupation caused vast unemployment in Sunni areas, by rejecting socialism and closing down factories in the naive hope that the magical hand of the free market would create jobs. Under the new U.S.-backed Shiite regime, working class Sunni’s lost hundreds of thousands of jobs. Unlike the white Afrikaners in South Africa, who were allowed to keep their wealth after regime change, upper class Sunni’s were systematically dispossessed of their assets and lost their political influence. Rather than promoting religious integration and unity, American policy in Iraq exacerbated sectarian divisions and created a fertile breading ground for Sunni discontent, from which Al Qaeda in Iraq took root.

The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) used to have a different name: Al Qaeda in Iraq. After 2010 the group rebranded and refocused its efforts on Syria.

There are essentially three wars being waged in Syria: one between the government and the rebels, another between Iran and Saudi Arabia, and yet another between America and Russia

Would the issues at hand be fixed if America just left?

If America left tomorrow, would the beheadings stop?


Active member
Also ask your self how can USA be allies with Saudi Arabia when in fact this is what there all about ..... are you not fighting against terrorism or is it just another angle tactic to changed laws and control the people of USA
give your head a shake
what do you call a so called friend that agrees with you then turns his back and stabs you in the back .. cause really if you really truly break it down USA is back stabbers and a untrustworthy friend remember Russia and USA were allies at one time , and look how USA stabbed them in the back

Saudi Arabia is said to be the world's largest source of funds and promoter of Salafist jihadism,[90] which forms the ideological basis of terrorist groups such as al-Qaeda, Taliban, ISIS and others. Donors in Saudi Arabia constitute the most significant source of funding to Sunni terrorist groups worldwide, according to Hillary Clinton.[91] According to a secret December 2009 paper signed by the US secretary of state, "Saudi Arabia remains a critical financial support base for al-Qaida, the Taliban, LeT and other terrorist groups."[92]

The violence in Afghanistan and Pakistan is partly bankrolled by wealthy, conservative donors across the Arabian Sea whose governments do little to stop them.[91] Three other Arab countries which are listed as sources of militant money are Qatar, Kuwait, and the United Arab Emirates, all neighbors of Saudi Arabia. Taliban and their militant partners the Haqqani network earn "significant funds" through UAE-based businesses. Kuwait is described as a "source of funds and a key transit point" for al-Qaida and other militant groups.[91][93] The Pakistani militant outfit Lashkar-e-Taiba, which carried out the 2008 Mumbai attacks, used a Saudi-based front company to fund its activities in 2005.[91][94] According to studies, most of suicide bombers in Iraq are Saudis.[95][96][97] 15 of the 19 hijackers of the four airliners who were responsible for 9/11 originated from Saudi Arabia, two from the United Arab Emirates, one from Egypt, and one from Lebanon.[98] Osama bin Laden was a Saudi by birth. His family is a wealthy one intimately connected with the innermost circles of the Saudi royal family.

Starting in the mid-1970s the Islamic resurgence was funded by an abundance of money from Saudi Arabian oil exports.[99] The tens of billions of dollars in "petro-Islam" largess obtained from the recently heightened price of oil funded an estimated "90% of the expenses of the entire faith."[100]

Throughout the Sunni Muslim world, religious institutions for people both young and old, from children's maddrassas to high-level scholarships received Saudi funding,[101] "books, scholarships, fellowships, and mosques" (for example, "more than 1500 mosques were built and paid for with money obtained from public Saudi funds over the last 50 years"),[102] along with training in the Kingdom for the preachers and teachers who went on to teach and work at these universities, schools, mosques, etc.[103] The funding was also used to reward journalists and academics who followed the Saudis' strict interpretation of Islam; and satellite campuses were built around Egypt for Al Azhar, the world's oldest and most influential Islamic university.[104]


Active member
Would the issues at hand be fixed if America just left?

If America left tomorrow, would the beheadings stop?

In all seriousness how can you stop something you created in the first place .. the damage is done the hate on america is in place trust is no longer there if you were to do a poll on every country on this planet what they thought of USA you think it would be good ..
you think all the turmoil and death USA caused?? is going to go away anytime soon .. maybe they should of thought of that long time ago .. you been told NATO even told you not to attack iraq


Active member
In all seriousness how can you stop something you created in the first place .. the damage is done the hate on america is in place trust is no longer there if you were to do a poll on every country on this planet what they thought of USA you think it would be good ..
you think all the turmoil and death USA caused?? is going to go away anytime soon .. maybe they should of thought of that long time ago .. you been told NATO even told you not to attack iraq

You don't need a poll. Look at what country people are trying to immigrate to. Hint: it ain't Russia. Allowing Iran to have nukes would be insanity. Iran is ruled with an iron fist by religious lunatics. You want muslim fanatics to have nukes? No way, Jose. I would nuke them before allowing them that capability. They have religious police. You will obey muslim sharia law, or they will kill you. People born there have no choice in what "religion" they want to belong to, and Islam is not even a religion. It's a fascist system of population and mind control, a step up from the evangelical christians here who are crazy enough. The leaders in Iran are muslim fanatics who should never be allowed to have nukes. Nuclear proliferation must be stopped, before suicide bombers can get their hands on them. It's bad enough Pakistan has them. We can't allow it to spread. Religious insanity should have no part in the governing process.


Well-known member
Israel is lead by fanatics with Nukes. what's the difference

difference? depends where you sit, it's always the 'other' side that are the fanatics
but nukes do add some sobriety to the situation
if the guys that pull the trigger are going to die in the retaliation, then they think real careful about pulling the trigger


Active member
Israel is lead by fanatics with Nukes. what's the difference

The difference is: Israeli religious fanatics are not suicidal. Suicide bombers is a distinction reserved for muslim fanatics. They teach their children to be bombs. Not to mention that a fundamental principle of Islam and the quoran is to kill "infidels", or "non-believers".
"Convert or die" is their mantra, started by the barbarian Muhammad, and continuing to the present. Not many other "religions" have a mass murderer, misogynist, and child rapist as their so called "prophet". Big difference. No other religion tries to force others to convert at the point of a gun/sword.


Active member
Again who is anyone to decide in reality ??? we can easily point the finger at USA being the worst evil to man kind ask your self who is the only country to use it ???? on people ...
Yup double standard its ok,,, for isreal to have nukes least for now as a US Allie but again who knows as history has shown it can change over night specially if USA gets upset lol ..
Retro whats the chances if lets say russia dictated what US can do.. Russia invades your country kills innocent civilians in the process ,, including your kids and whole family ,, Do you resort to just leaving it be ???
or do you resort to suicidal bombing as a last resort ...
Japan used Kamakazze were they lunatics or fighting for a cause when you corner a wild animal do you not think it will attack you in any means necessary ??
I believe it would ..
you and your kids are walking on a trail you come across a grizzly and her cubs she is pissed you are in there country now does it give you a right to shoot it after it attacks n kills your kids ??? for protecting its own again on her turf in many cases that is exactly what would happen ..
same thing really applies...
It really comes down to greed See USA plays everyone stupid thinking there superior and what they say goes they stole oil n gas from these people for years until they woke up and said FUCK that but owe no
Rather then being civil about it all they right away went to forcing countries to submit or they get either invaded or the typical embargo BS

Mad Lab

personally, i don't think anyone should have nukes, but thats a pipe dream. i don't even like the idea that the United States has them.

and although all of these institutions are corrupt, i believe that being a part of what little global government we might have (UN) and playing ball to the rules set forth between the parties is a start.

Saudi Arabi does that, Iran does not. This isn't a perfect marriage here, but it's all we have currently.

Mad Lab

Again who is anyone to decide in reality ???

we can easily point the finger at USA being the worst evil to man kind ask your self who is the only country to use it ???? on people ...
Yup double standard its ok,,, for isreal to have nukes least for now as a US Allie but again who knows as history has shown it can change over night specially if USA gets upset lol ..

Good question.

In a secular world the answer is noone. Or everyone.

But i think you and i could agree on one universal truth, that all mentally healthy cultures would also agree: violating someones free-agency is wrong. senseless murder, forced slavery, etc.

and thanks to an abundance of studies we have today, we can say what produces positive or negative results. basically the best decision that can be made for optimal mental and physical health for the person and the people around that person.

So although muslims believe in oppressing the women, that isn't necessarily the best choice physically or mentally for the majority of those women.

So if theres a philosophy out there, that a country or group stands by, that violates free agency, especially to the unwilling or innocent and also results in genocide, I'm not sure ignoring this culture is the right thing to do. setting aside right or wrong, is it the smartest thing to do?

Personally i don't want a philosophy like that spread unwilling out there in the world, breeding more and more of these ideals.

Maybe the USA isn't doing it the right way, maybe they ant trying to do it at all. But, i think that leaving country like this be isn't the answer. Other countries are worried as well here, or have an interest in this.


Active member
Again who is anyone to decide in reality ??? we can easily point the finger at USA being the worst evil to man kind ask your self who is the only country to use it ???? on people ...
Yup double standard its ok,,, for isreal to have nukes least for now as a US Allie but again who knows as history has shown it can change over night specially if USA gets upset lol ..
Retro whats the chances if lets say russia dictated what US can do.. Russia invades your country kills innocent civilians in the process ,, including your kids and whole family ,, Do you resort to just leaving it be ???
or do you resort to suicidal bombing as a last resort ...
Japan used Kamakazze were they lunatics or fighting for a cause when you corner a wild animal do you not think it will attack you in any means necessary ??
I believe it would ..
you and your kids are walking on a trail you come across a grizzly and her cubs she is pissed you are in there country now does it give you a right to shoot it after it attacks n kills your kids ??? for protecting its own again on her turf in many cases that is exactly what would happen ..
same thing really applies...
It really comes down to greed See USA plays everyone stupid thinking there superior and what they say goes they stole oil n gas from these people for years until they woke up and said FUCK that but owe no
Rather then being civil about it all they right away went to forcing countries to submit or they get either invaded or the typical embargo BS

That's some pretty convoluted thinking. If we wanted to, we could have wiped out all of those countries and taken the oil, and paid nothing for it. But, we don't play like that. In days gone by, when one country conquered another, ie., beat them at war, they plundered and took anything they wanted. We don't do that. The Japaneses kamikaze pilots were fanatics, pumped up on methamphetamines. They were only given enough fuel for a one way trip. And using nukes on Japan saved many more lives than it took, by ending the war immediately. Israel is not a country of lunatic suicide bombers. Iran is. There is no correlation. If you saw 60 minutes tonight, you saw how muslim children are taught to become suicide bombs. They teach their children to kill themselves while murdering others. Think about it. That is insanity.
People from all over the world are trying to get into the U.S. Why? Because it's the richest country with the most opportunity. Because it's safe. Because we have education. Things they don't necessarily get in their countries. Are people lining up to immigrate to Russia? No! Are Americans trying to immigrate to muslim countries? No! They are trying to come here, because we are #1. When disasters/tragedies happen in other parts of the world, which country is the first to respond with aid? The U.S. Not Iran, not Russia. The U.S. We help the weak. We don't try to conquer them. If not for our nuclear arsenal, China/Russia would rule the world. Do you think you would be growing Cannabis and having nice cars under their rule? No! You'd be lined up in front of a firing squad and shot. The U.S. isn't perfect by a long shot, BUT, if not for us, think who would be ruling the world. Nazis!!!!!! Or communist China, or Russia. You would not be posting on a Cannabis message board. You probably wouldn't have been born, as your ancestors would have been wiped out. Relatively speaking, the U.S. has been benevolent compared to other past empires.


Active member
No you couldn't you would of had Russia ,, China , india. pakistan and also half of nato would go against you in a heart beat
to force change into someone elses beliefs is wrong to believe americans way is the right way you just have to look at your economy is it working ??? obviously not
sometimes its best to let other nations , revolutions go there own route . Rather then sticking your nose into someone elses problems / issues
Now invading another country to make change is wrong
At the End of the day ask your self who really created the issues in the middle east to what it is today Who Retro
you mention lunatics , what just transpired in usa where national guard was called
what do you think will happen when the dollar crashes and real riots break lose ???
you think amercian will not turn into savages ?? think again when your own start killing your own for survival..And its not if its when it will happen .
why has USA really tightened up and surveillance and monitoring there own people ??? Could it be in preperation for the revolt

Midwest sticky

Resident Smartass & midget connoisseur
The world can hate us Americans all it wants bottom line is we got chuck sooo...
If I was president I'd turn the middle east into one big sheet of glass and be done with it once and for all.

Again who is anyone to decide in reality ??? we can easily point the finger at USA being the worst evil to man kind ask your self who is the only country to use it ???? on people ...
Yup double standard its ok,,, for isreal to have nukes least for now as a US Allie but again who knows as history has shown it can change over night specially if USA gets upset lol ..
Imagine if the Nazis would of got the A-bomb first. Albert Einstein warned the U.S about the Germans nuclear program and its potential. Einstein made his choice by being involved in the Manhattan project. A Nazi world or an American world, I choose USA all day. In WW2 Human warfare went to the next level, every country committed atrocities. The U.S ended WW2 with a bang. History has tought us how evil the world can be, just don't:tiphat: put all the blame on the U.S.
The world can hate us Americans all it wants bottom line is we got chuck sooo...
If I was president I'd turn the middle east into one big sheet of glass and be done with it once and for all.

Ended WW2 with bang...


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Active member
Awe so Americans took most of hitlers ideas BLUE PRINTS and put them to good use lol for instance the stealth... Which germany already back in 42 lol via the HORTON JET


That bomb didnt end the world war 2 it ended the war with USA and Japan some of you have to realize it was only when Russia and UK had germany on the run did USA land any troops on the ground but they sure were parading around like they won it lol actually USA stood by as tere allues got hammered and did nothing they even stopped sending Freight to Russia as the german u boats were dropping them like flys
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