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No Big Bang? Quantum equation predicts universe has no beginning

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"Intelligent Design"=Oxymoron
There is no such thing as intelligent design, unless you assume a designer, which is an absurd assumption, based purely on ignorance based superstition.
Evolution is trial & error. Survival of the fittest over eons of time, with the "fittest" surviving, and the others falling by the wayside.
There is not a shred of evidence to support the "designer" superstition.
we are not the fittest though far from it. we are the worst species on the planet.cant you see that if we are the product of evolution then we are fucked.look at what humans do to each other and the earth.its crazy you dont see it and i can tell by your attitude you really dont care about alot thats going on.at least religion tries to offer hope.its hard for me to see why you have such a problem with that.if you are so great and happy and stable with your evolutionistic scientific view and its improving your life to be enlightened like you have by science why dont you get a better attitude about it and spread a happy message about what you know,instead of telling me im uneducated because i can feel a higher power.fuckin a you are a mindfuck retro. no offenses intended but you fuck with my head.


Active member
intelligent design imo creationist liked them to words and use it for there God..
I also think the intelligent Design was really meant to be Dna sequence or hereditary traits

for instance a dog licking his nuts ,, how many dogs you see that do not ?
or here is a better one



Active member
The problem lies in the cacophony of maligned environmentals that diminish the genetic capacity to realize it.

"will the real god please sit down?"
- todd rundgren

"white people are always talking so you can never think"
- waveguide's now famous navajo associate

"well there's enough of that sentiment let's move on straight ahead to posting more loads and loads of crap onto the internet"
- weird and his pals from the tavistock play crew

you must make them dance the same dance!
(storm the studio, i got the fear part 1-4, strap down parts 1-3)

epistemology supercedes knowledge. except, it pissed em all off so they couldn't handle it. just stick with knowledge, science boys :dance013:


Kiss My Ring
..and if you see that as the problem instead of what's actually going on, catch yourself up bro.

your mastery of the protocols is becoming apparent, and I doubt you ever were in position of some inherent maligning power other than your own egotistical contrivance.

your wisdom of 'knowledge' is decadent and illusory as well as blindly irrelevant.

sure, we should stick to 'science', so that great plan realized catapults you above. snark....


...in his stillness was the ground shaken...

there can be no right or wrong without two sides of an argument.

my father told me once; "it takes all kinds" referring to those who oppose for the sake of opposition and of elevation above others.

but that is just my belief, dismiss it with irreverence, bro..


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Russia Orders US: Tell The World About Aliens, Or We Will

Russia Orders US: Tell The World About Aliens, Or We Will

A stunning Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) report on Prime Minister Medvedev’s agenda at the World Economic Forum (WEF) this week states that Russia will warn US that the “time has come” for the world to know the truth about aliens, and if the United States won’t participate in the announcement, the Kremlin will do so on its own.

The WEF (The Forum) is a Swiss non-profit foundation, based in Cologny, Geneva and describes itself as an independent international organization committed to improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas.

The Forum is best known for its annual meeting in Davos, a mountain resort in Graubünden, in the eastern Alps region of Switzerland. The meeting brings together some 2,500 top business leaders, international political leaders, selected intellectuals and journalists to discuss the most pressing issues facing the world, including health and the environment.

Critical to note about this years Forum is that the WEF, in their 2013 Executive Summary, scheduled for debate and discussion a number of items under their X Factors from Nature category, and which includes the “discovery of alien life” of which they state: “Proof of life elsewhere in the universe could have profound psychological implications for human belief systems.”

Equally critical to note is that Medvedev, after completing a 7 December 2012 on-camera interview with reporters in Moscow, continued to respond to reporters and made some off-air comments without realizing that his microphone was still on. He was then asked by one reporter if “the president is handed secret files on aliens when he receives the briefcase needed to activate Russia’s nuclear arsenal,” Medvedev responded:

“Along with the briefcase with nuclear codes, the president of the country is given a special ‘top secret’ folder. This folder in its entirety contains information about aliens who visited our planet… Along with this, you are given a report of the absolutely secret special service that exercises control over aliens on the territory of our country… More detailed information on this topic you can get from a well-known movie called Men In Black… I will not tell you how many of them are among us because it may cause panic.”

Western news sources reporting on Medvedev’s shocking reply about aliens stated that he was “joking” as he mentioned the movie Men In Black, which they wrongly assumed was a reference to the 1997 American sci-fi adventure comedy about two top secret agents battling aliens in the US.

Medvedev, however, wasn’t referring to the American movie but was, instead, talking about the famous Russian movie documentary Men In Black which details many UFO and alien anomalies.

Where Western news sources quoted Medvedev as saying “More detailed information on this topic you can get from a well-known movie called ‘Men In Black,’” his actual answer was, “You can receive more detailed information having watched the documentary film of the same name.”

The reason(s) for Western propaganda news outlets deliberately distorting Medvedev’s words become apparent after his shocking statement, and as evidenced in just one example of their so called reporting on this disclosure of alien life already being on our planet where the title of one such article was “Russian Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev makes a crack about aliens, and conspiracists promptly lose their minds.”

If anyone is “losing their minds” about aliens, it must be pointed out, it is certainly not Russia, but the Vatican, which in November 2009 announced it was “preparing for extraterrestrial disclosure”.

Equally, and apparently, “losing their minds” are US government officials themselves, such as former Pentagon consultant Timothy Good, and author of Above Top Secret: The Worldwide U.F.O. Cover-Up, who in February 2012 stated that former President Dwight Eisenhower had three secret meetings with aliens who were ‘Nordic’ in appearance and wherein a ‘Pact’ was signed to keep their agenda on Earth secret.

With the recent discovery in the Russian city of Vladivostok of a 300-million-year-old UFO tooth-wheel, and scientists, astronauts and YouTube users reporting increasingly strange happenings on the moon, the European Space agency reporting their discovery of a 1,000 ancient river on Mars, and UK and Sri Lanka scientists saying they now have “rock solid proof of alien life” after finding fossilized algae inside meteorite, the only ones who seem to be truly “losing their minds” are the Western, especially American, propagandists who for decades have covered up one of the most important stories in all of human history that “we are not alone.”

To if Medvedev will be able to convince the Obama regime to tell the truth about UFO and aliens at the WEF this week it is not in our knowing. What is in our knowing, though, is that with or without the US, the Kremlin will surely begin the process of telling the truth about that which we already know to be true.


Genghis Kush

Active member
genedigger you should take trip to Africa. Spend sometime there and you will learn the importance of vaccinations. You sound ignorant.


Kiss My Ring
I believe generally, on Ground both of Theory and Experience, so little as I have, that a Man must first be Initiate, and established in Our Law, before he may use this Method. For in it is an Implication of our Secret Enlightenment, concerning the Universe, how its Nature is utterly Perfection. Now every Thought is a Separation, and the Medicine of that is to marry Each One with its Contradiction, as I have shewed formerly in many Writings. And thou shalt clap the one to the other with Vehemence of Spirit, swiftly as Light itself, that the Ecstasy be Spontaneous. So therefore it is expedient that thou have travelled already in this Path of Antithesis, knowing perfectly the Answer to every Griph or Problem, and thy Mind ready there with. For by the Property of this Grass all passeth with Speed incalculable of Wit, and an Hesitation should confound thee, breaking down thy Ladder, and throwing back thy Mind to receive Impression from Environment, as at thy first Beginning. Verily, the Nature of this Method is Solution, and the Destruction of every Complexity by Explosion of Ecstasy, as every Element thereof is fulfilled by its Correlative, and is annihilated (since it loseth separate Existence) in the Orgasm that is consummated within the Bed of thy Mind.

book of Thoth...


Active member
interesting thing about africa, mate,

is what people from other places do or cause to happen there,

to create profitable circumstances.

it takes civilised western people, americans.. to think that the problems living elsewhere have no connection to the glorious american lifestyle.

now get your butt down to harbour freight and buy up some more $1.99 piece of shit pliers and screwdrivers made with african blood steel, all so some fat cat can rip off unsuspecting, desperate poor americans.

nestle, bro. "water is not a human right" and you wonder why they have fucking epidemics?

like, haven't you noticed that the entire animal world is disease ridden until civilisation? all the birds and deer in the fields, great big sores all over their faces with pus cripping out their ears, because medical science hasn't saved their dumb animal asses from not being civilised yet.

no, bro, you don't fucking know shit except dumb propaganda.

Genghis Kush

Active member
is that directed at me?
What I was stating is that it's ignorant for someone to think that people living in third world don't need vaccinations to survive the unsanitary conditions they live in.
Obviously everything is interconnected.

Do you really think all Virus's come from Human domestication?

Do you have a point or are you just ranting?

By the way I was born in the UK, so you can point the finger at America all you want.


Active member
genedigger you should take trip to Africa. Spend sometime there and you will learn the importance of vaccinations. You sound ignorant.

He's an evangelical Christian. He's anti-science and anti-evolution, as it conflicts with his creationist mindset.
He wants creationism and "intelligent design" taught in schools as an alternative to evolution, which he considers ''dangerous". To call him ignorant is an insult to the ignorant. He redefines the concept of ignorant, as he is willfully obtuse, while at the same time being ignorant. He a militant ignoramus, as it were. People of his ilk want stem cell research squelched, at our expense and detriment.


Active member
nonsequitur brainfart style addition to the thread - for people who are "science, no spirit"

because surely

you ever do hand work outside, maybe whittlin, or carving something or building something, or doing something focused with your hands..

..and a fly comes and sits right on your hand, or right on the spot you're focusing on.

indeed, that must have happened to you.

sometimes they get all demonic like, and dance around quick like "no matter how fast you are i'm gonna stick right on this spot, nyah nyah" until you grab something big.

and you know, you know.. it's not like flies are just landing on spots all over the place statistically to make that happen... there's something about the act of focusing manually while crafting or constructing that makes flies drop into your field of focus like that.

and you know, they are apparently, keenly aware of your focus. tiny brain house flies.

deny that you've ever had that happen or try and assert some bullshit that it's like a pheromonal reaction to your palm or something.

Skinny Leaf

Well-known member
The fact of the matter is that houseflies are scavengers and land on us because, well, they like us: The human body, like some of their favorite food sources -- feces, food and rotting flesh -- radiates a sense of warmth and nourishment. And while not interested in biting (they don’t have the equipment for that), the common housefly, or musca domestica, does want to suck up the salt, dead skin, oil and whatever they find edible on the exposed epidermis with their straw-like tongues.

Thanks to hearty appetites aided by an excellent sense of smell and a pair of complex eyes that cover half of their heads, houseflies also land on us and everything else in sight because they’re constantly on the hunt for a nice warm place to poop, vomit (they vomit on solid foods to liquefy it and make it edible) and lay eggs. This charming land-and-defecate-everywhere routine has made flies vectors of communicable diseases, ranging from typhoid to tuberculosis. The pathogens transmitted by houseflies, picked up after feasting on things like dung heaps and dead animals, are carried on their legs and around their mouths. Think about it: Each time a fly lands on your arm or takes a stroll around the rim of your mug of morning coffee, it could be shaking a whole lot of germs off of its hairy little legs.

You don't want the little guy below flying around you. Swat it dead if seen.


  • mosquito drone.jpg
    mosquito drone.jpg
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Genghis Kush

Active member
again, whats your point?
Recognizing patterns in nature, does not disqualify the Spirit.

Maybe flies are attracted to your concentration energy. Maybe they are nothing more than the manifestation of your thought energy.
But they also tend to be attracted to animals that are being still, like a cow or a horse or a person concentrating. Flies are looking for somewhere to lay eggs, find food and rest.

RetroGrow, I read back through his posts and you're right.
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